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Internship Report

Language Center of West Sumatera Province


Shintaki Yuhana


Program Studi D-III Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan Bahasa Inggris



Letter of Internship Program


Approval Page of Internship Report

Language Center of West Sumatra Province


Approval Page of Internship Report

Language Center of West Sumatra Province


Scoring Criteria of Internship Program



The internship program is a work simulation activity by the authors

as one of the requirements to finish their education at the Politeknik

Negeri Padang. This internship report describes the internship

activities that have been carried out by the authors. The internship

activities began on 1st November 2023 until 31st January 2024 at the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province and located on Jalan

Alai, Cupak Tangah, Pauh, Padang City. The Language Center of

West Sumatra Province is a company that helps deal with problems

in language and literature. During the internship program, the

authors are placed in technical sections such as creating content,

designing posters, and translate. This internship program is a

challenge and opportunity for the authors to socialize, apply the

knowledge they have learned in campus, and train themselves to be

better so they are used to world of work.

Keywords: Internship program, Language Center of West

Sumatra Province, linguistics, literature



Program magang merupakan kegiatan simulasi yang dilakukan oleh

mahasiswa sebagai salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan

pendidikan di Politeknik Negeri Padang. Laporan magang ini

menjelaskan tentang kegiatan magang yang telah dilakukan oleh

mahasiswa. Kegiatan magang yang dilakukan dimulai pada tanggal 1

November 2023 dan berakhir pada tanggal 31 Januari 2024 di Balai

Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat dan berlokasi di Jalan Alai, Cupak

Tangah, Pauh, Kota Padang. Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat

merupakan sebuah instansi yang membantu menangani

permasalahan pada kebahasaan dan kesastraan. Selama menjalani

program magang, mahasiswa ditempatkan pada bagian teknis

contohnya membuat konten, mendesign poster, dan menerjemahkan

cerita. Program magang ini merupakan suatu tantangan dan

kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk bersosialisasi, menerapkan ilmu

yang sudah dipelajari selama berkuliah, dan melatih diri jadi lebih

baik lagi agar tidak canggung dengan dunia pekerjaan.

Kata Kunci: program magang, balai bahasa provinsi

sumatera barat, kebahasaan, kesastraan



I would like to express my appreciation to those who are

giving me support and guide me to make this report. First, special

thanks to Allah S.W.T for giving me healthiness and blessings, so I

can finish my report. Second, I say thanks to my family, my dad, my

mom, my brothers, and my sisters in law for supporting me to make

my report.

Third, I say thanks to Ms. Novi Fitria, S.S., M.Pd as my

advisor, Ms. Dr. Martini, M.Pd as the head of English Department

and Ms. Arryanti, S.S as my industrial supervisor for guide me,

support me, and teaching me during I finish my internship.

Moreover, I say thanks to my friends for supporting me and guide

me to make this report. Last, I say thanks to staffs Language Center

of West Sumatra Province for teaching me during I finish my

internship program.

Padang, 27th February 2024

Shintaki Yuhana

Table of Content

Letter of Internship Program........................................................................... i

Approval Page of Internship Report........................................................................ii

Language Center of West Sumatra Province...........................................................ii

Approval Page of Internship Report.......................................................................iii

Language Center of West Sumatra Province..........................................................iii

Scoring Criteria of Internship Program...................................................................iv



Table of Content....................................................................................................viii

List of Figures..........................................................................................................x

List of Chart............................................................................................................xi

List of Tables..........................................................................................................xii

List of Appendices................................................................................................xiii





Company’s Profile....................................................................................................5

The History of Language Center of West Sumatra Province.......................5

The Activities of Language Center of West Sumatra Province....................9

The Working System of Language Center of West Sumatra Province.......11


The Organizational Structure of Language Center of West Sumatra Province 13

The Implementation of Internship..........................................................................16

Internship Time and Schedule.....................................................................16

The Description of Internship Activities.....................................................16

Problem and Solution..................................................................................24

Conclusions and Suggestions.................................................................................26





List of Figures

Figure 1. Language Center of West Sumatra Province Office......................................................

Figure 2. The Logo of Language Center of West Sumatra Province.............................................

Figure 3. The Logo of Limpapeh Dictionary Application.............................................................

Figure 4. The author as A Talent.................................................................................................

Figure 5. Sadah Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra...................................

Figure 6. Bicara Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra...................................

Figure 7. Sabda Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra...................................

Figure 8. Kasih Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra....................................

Figure 9. Salimbar Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra...............................

Figure 10. The author Work on Infographics..............................................................................

Figure 11. The author Work on Translation................................................................................

Figure 12. The author Use Smartcat to Translation.....................................................................


List of Chart

Chart 1. The Organizational Structure of Language Center of West Sumatera


List of Tables

Table 1. Schedule at Language Center of West Sumatra Province.............................................

Table 2. The Internship Activity at Language Center of West Sumatra Province......................


List of Appendices

Appendix 1. Certificate from Language Center of West Sumatra Province................................

Appendix 2. Questionnaire for Industrial Supervisor..................................................................




The internship program is a work simulation activity carried out by the

author as one of the requirements for completing education at Padang State

Polytechnic. This program aims to provide provisions for the author in facing the

world of work, with this experience it can make the author develop their abilities.

While studying at Politeknik Negeri Padang, especially English majors, the author

are required to be able to apply things that have been learned during lectures such

as public speaking skills, translation skills, writing skills, and broadcasting skills.

English Department, which is one of the majors at Politeknik Negeri

Padang, equips the author with a variety of communication and digital media

skills, especially Translation and Broadcasting. In the Translation course, the

author learns how to be a good translator and can intern as an interpreter,

translator, editor, and others. In Broadcasting, the author learns about the world of

broadcasting such as Radio Broadcasting, TV Broadcasting, publication content,

make a content, and others.

The author can choose what they want to do in the internship program, according

to their talents and interests. As the author who will do an internship, the the

author very interested in Broadcasting and Translation. This interest is due to the

interest and talent the the author has in writing, and the the author want to develop

it even better where the author can learn about Translation, such as how to

translate and use good and correct language, not only that the author also wants to

learn a lot of applications in the broadcasting section which teaches about how

to take good picture, make interesting videos, and so on. Therefore, the

author chose Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat as the place to do the the

author internship.


This internship program has its own objectives, including for the author, campus,

and for Language Center of West Sumatra Province. First, for the author, this

internship aims to provide more knowledge in the field of Translation and can

certainly apply things about Broadcasting. The author can apply the knowledge

they have learned in college and can also utilize the knowledge gained from

internships, such as writing scripts, broadcasting processes, editing, make a

content and others.

The second goal is for the campus, at Politeknik Negeri Padang, especially the

English department. In connection with the author who intern at the Language

Center of West Sumatra Province and run the program, this makes the author

promote the department indirectly. The author is a representation of the campus

so that the good and bad are on the author who carry out the internship program.

If the authors who are interns cannot carry out internships properly, it can make

the good name of the campus bad. It is likely that later the Language Center of

West Sumatra Province will no longer want to accept internship the author from

Politeknik Negeri Padang, especially from the English Department. Meanwhile, if

internship the author can carry out internship tasks well, it will also have a good

impact on the campus and English department. It is because the author are

qualified people and help a lot in carry out the task from Language. So that it can

provide an opportunity for the author to be recruited by the Language Center of

West Sumatra Province.


The second goal is for the campus, at Politeknik Negeri Padang, especially the English

department. In connection with the author who intern at the Language Center of West Sumatra

Province and run the program, this makes the author promote the department indirectly. The

author is a representation of the campus so that the good and bad are on the author who carry

out the internship program. If the authors who are interns cannot carry out internships properly,

it can make the good name of the campus bad. It is likely that later the Language Center of

West Sumatra Province will no longer want to accept internship the author from Politeknik

Negeri Padang, especially from the English Department. Meanwhile, if internship the author

can carry out internship tasks well, it will also have a good impact on the campus and English

department. It is because the author are qualified people and help a lot in carry out the task

from Language. So that it can provide an opportunity for the author to be recruited by the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province.


The last objective is for Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera

Barat. The author who are interns are required to carry out all

activities carried out during their internship. This can help Balai

Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat operate with the abilities possessed

by the the author themselves. The author interns can assist in content

creation operations such as, creating content, publishing creative

content for the Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat, and others.


The internship program has benefits for the author, campus,

and Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat. The benefits for the

authors are gaining knowledge, experience, skills, and good

communication. In this internship program, the author will get all of

that and can apply it for the benefit of the world of work. Later, the

author will also apply what they have learned in the broadcasting

section during lectures, such as how to create scripts, video editing,

make interesting videos, and all things related to operational

activities at the Language Center of West Sumatra Province. Not

only that, the author can also apply how to translate what they have

learned during lectures. The author must also adapt to the

environment of the internship program, so that the author can be

more professional later. Therefore, the author must choose a good

internship place.

The next benefit is for the campus, especially the English

department. This internship program will greatly help the department

in evaluating a good learning process. Where later the author will

provide experience during the internship to the campus, this will be

an evaluation for the campus.


The last benefit is for Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat. In the

internship program carried out at Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat, the

authors will later assist in carrying out daily activities. Where later the authors

will help in providing ideas, finding information, contributing in the field, and

others. In addition, the author will be given the opportunity to work at Balai

Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat if they work well and have the skills needed by

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sumatera Barat.


Company’s Profile

The History of Language Center of West Sumatra Province

Due to the importance of solving language and literary problems in

Indonesia, the Language Center felt the need to create technical implementation

units (UPT) in all provinces in Indonesia. Therefore, Decree No.226/0/1999 on

the establishment of language centers and offices was issued by the minister of

education and culture, Dr. Juwono Sudarsono, MA. Therefore, authorization was

granted to 10 language centers and language offices, including:

1. Padang Language Center

2. Medan Language Center

3. Pekanbaru Language Center

4. Bandung Language Center

5. Semarang Language Center

6. Banjarmasin Language Center

7. Aceh Language Center

8. Palembang Language Center

9. Surabaya Language Center

10. Jayapura Language Center

Previously there were three language centers established including

Yogyakarta Language Center, Denpasar Language Center, and Ujung Pandang

Language Center.

Padang Language Center is the first name of the Language Center of West

Sumatra Province. At the beginning of its establishment three staffs were

recruited, including Kartika Sari, S.S (1997), Dra. Eva Krisna (1998), and Yenny

Puspita Sari,

S.S (1998). As time goes by the language center staff continues to grow from year

to year and even within a year several Local Government in city or provincial

employees have joined Padang Language Center.

On September 6, 2000, exactly one year after the decree was issued, the

Padang Language Center building was inaugurated. At the time of the

inauguration the building had a rumah bagonjong architecture, as shown in Figure

1. The inauguration of the building was carried out by the governor of West

Sumatra, H. Zainal Bakar, S.H. and was attended by Dr. Hasan Alwi who at that

time served as head of the language center and was also witnessed by the former

head of the language center, Drs. H. Lukman Ali.

Figure 1

Language Center of West Sumatra Province Office


The Language Center of West Sumatra Province from its establishment

until now has changed the head of the language center seven times. The following

is the Head of the Language Center of West Sumatra Province from 1999 until


1. Drs. Amris Nura (Plt. 1999--2000)

2. Dra. Erwina Burhanuddin, M.Hum. (2000--

2009) 3. Drs. Syamsarul, M.M. (2009--2016)

4. Drs. Agus Sri Danardana, M.Hum. (2016--2018)

5. Drs. Dwi Sutana, M.Hum. (2018--

2020) 6. Aminulatif, S.E., M.Pd. (2020--


7. Dr. Eva Krisna (2022)

The Figure below (Figure 2) is the logo of Language Center of West

Sumatra Province which has three gonjong, the colors of the gonjong are yellow,

red, and black, symbolizing the marawa (traditional flag) of Minangkabau, and the

blue one is the symbol of Mentawai.

Figure 2

The Logo of Language Center of West Sumatra Province


The Vision of Language Center of West Sumatra Province is “The

realization of Balai Bahasa as a superior research institution and center for

information and services in the field of language and literature (Indonesian and

regional) in West Sumatra in an effort to make language and literature a vehicle

for cooperation and as an adhesive in building a life that is fueled by a sense of

solidarity and equality in a pluralistic society”.

The missions of Language Center of West Sumatra Province are as follows:

1. Improving the quality of language & literature.

2. Improving people's positive attitude towards language & literature.

3. Developing information materials on language & literature.

4. Developing language & literature personnel.

5. Enhancing cooperation.

The Activities of Language Center of West Sumatra Province

There are six activities carried out about language and literacy at the

language center are follows:


Development is a research activity to improve the role, function, and

position of language and literature in West Sumatra. In the field of language

studied are the fields of morphology, syntax, sociolinguistics, semantic, and

discourse. While in the field of literature studied are the fields of history, genre,

poetry, short stories, novels, drama, author system, publisher system, reader

system, criticism system, and others. Some of the activities carried out include

standardization and terminology that can be accessed in the Limpapeh application

as shown in Figure 3, standardization and condification, and publication


Figure 3

The Logo of Limpapeh Dictionary Application



Coaching is an activity that aims to improve people's positive attitude

towards language and literature. Some of the activities carried out are

popularization, teaching, and quality improvement.

Community Extension

Community Extension is an extension activity that aims to improve the

knowledge and skills of the community, such as language skills development and

literary appreciation.


Teaching is an activity to provide teaching to improve the quality of

teaching by providing policy materials to improve the quality of language and

literature teaching from the results of research on language and literature.

Language and Literature Workshop

Language and literature workshop ia a training activity that teaches

techniques to explore ideas, capture events and clarify, generalize, and pour ideas

and ideas in the form of writing, and also focuses on literary practices ranging

from how to capture poetic moments, develop imagination, process, express ideas

or ideas into the form of works of poetry, short stories, drama scripts, and others.

All of this aims to improve the quality of Sumatran writing, language and


Conference of Language and Literature, Competition, and Awards

Conference of language and literature, competition and awards, is an

activity that is realized in seminars, workshops, competitions about language and

literature, as well as giving awards to writers and authors in West Sumatra. One

example of an activity is Badaso (Bahasa dan Sastra dalam Obrolan) where this

activity invites experts as speakers and discusses issues around Language and


The Working System of Language Center of West Sumatra Province

The Language Center of West Sumatra Province has a work schedule on

Monday until Friday. Every Monday this company conducts a ceremony, Tuesday

until Thursday conducts joint gymnastics activities, and on Friday the staffs doing

work together to clean the backyard. To carry out their main task, the Language

Center of West Sumatra Province has 7 groups of expertise and professional

services (KKLP), below is an explanation of the seven KKLP.

BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing)

BIPA is a Program that teaches Indonesian to foreign speakers who are

interested in learning Indonesian both orally and in writing, not only that, in this

activity will be given to foreign speakers various information about Indonesian

language and culture. This activity conducted online.


UKBI (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia)

UKBI is a program to test a person’s proficiency in Indonesia, not only

that, later the certificate given will be useful for someone to apply for a job if the

workplace requires a certificate of proficiency in Indonesia.

Pembahu (Pembinaan Bahasa dan Hukum)

Pembahu is a program that serves to increase public interest in Indonesian,

besides that this program also serves to improve the quality of the use of

Indonesian in various domains, including the realm of legal language.

KKLP Translation

The KKLP (Kelompok Kepakaran Layanan Profesional) translation is a

program that provides quality translation and interpretation, such as translations

for Indonesian to Minang books, or Minang to Indonesians books, moreover there

are also translations from the old Indonesian language to the current Indonesian


KKLP Literacy

The KKLP Literacy is a program develops, fosters, and reaserches all

things related to literacy, such as reaserching literacy carried out by the


KKLP Dictionary and Terminology

The KKLP is a program that collects vocabulary and terminology that will

later be made into a dictionary to help the general public enrich their knowledge.

KKLP Perlindungan dan Pemodernan

The KKLP is a program that works to preserve and re-cultivate oral

traditions that have begun to become extinct.

The Organizational Structure of Language Center of West Sumatra Province

Having an organizational structure is essential for any company, as it can

effectively manage, research and develop the company. The organizational

structure is very functional to know the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of

each division and member in the company. The following Chart 1 to see illustrates

the organizational structure of the Language Center of West Sumatra Province.

Chart 1

The Organizational Structure of Language Center of West Sumatera Province

Head of Balai Bahasa

Provinsi Sumatera Barat

Head of Administration

Technician Staff Staff Administration


Structure of Language Center of West Sumatera Province has four parts


Head of Language Center of West Sumatera Province

Dr. Eva Krisna is the head of Language Center of West Sumatera Province

in carrying out his duties. The head of the language center has responsibility to all

staff in carrying out the tasks carried out during the term of office. A leader of

Language Center of West Sumatera Province must also conduct research and

disseminate language and literature in west Sumatra province.

Head of Administration

Wahyudi, M.Hum is the head of the administrative field has the task of

handling the cooperation section and also the correspondence section that goes to

the language center of West Sumatra province. The head of the administrative

field must be responsible for his duties based on the Decree of the Minister of

Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 257/O/2022

concerning Details of Duties of the Balai Bahasa and Kantor Bahasa Culture of

the Republic of Indonesia Number 257 / O / 2022 concerning Details of Duties for

Balai Bahasa and Kantor Bahasa.

Technician Staff

Technicians of the Language Center of West Sumatra Province have duties

in the language section which carries out the development, guidance, and

protection of language and literature and literature such as the seven MPAs that

have been

described in the Working System, which is the responsibility of the technicians of

the Language Center of West Sumatra Province.

Staff Administrative

Administrative staff are responsible for office-related matters, such as

planning for the next year, managing finances for the next year, assessing the

quality of staffing, public relations, archiving for the next year, and housekeeping

for office cleanliness and needs.


The Implementation of Internship

Internship Time and Schedule

The internship program took place at the Language Center of West

Sumatra Province for three months, from November 1 to January 31, 2024.

Internship activities are carried out from Monday to Friday. During the internship,

the author was assigned to the content production section for the Language Center

of West Sumatra Province before the job desk for translation was given.

Internship the author work on Monday to Thursday from 07.30-16.00 WIB, and

on Friday from 07.30-16.30 WIB.

The Description of Internship Activities

On the first day of the internship, intern the author were introduced to all

staff and leaders of the Language Center of West Sumatra Province. The author

was welcomed very friendly, after which it was explained what work would be

done by the author during the internship program. The work given to the author is

to produce content and translation. Producing content is a task of which there are

two content productions, namely infographics and videographics. Infographics is

the task of making creative posters, and videographics is the task of making

creative videos. Translation is a task that given of Language Center of West

Sumatra Province to translate the text from Indonesia language to English. The

following is a detailed description of these three activities:


Producing Videographic Content

Videographic is a creative video processed by the author. Language Center

of West Sumatra Province staffs will provide scripts to the author and the author

will think of video concepts that are interesting to watch. In making videographic,

what the author do is taking videos, talent, cameramen, editors, and subtitling.

In producing videographic content, the writer was given a script. They

read the script and determined who would be the talent for the videographics.

After that, the author started preparing the equipment to took some videos footage.

Next, the video has been taken and the author started editing the videos using the

Capcut application and added subtitles. The final video was sent to the staff of the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province for review. If there were errors in the

video, the author revised according to the suggestion from the staffs. After

completed the revisions, the video was ready to be broadcasted on the social

media platforms of the Language Center of West Sumatra Province. One of the

examples can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4

The author as A Talent


There are some video themes that have been made by the author.

Sadah (Selami Kaidah). Sadah is a video that contains an explanation of

linguistic rules, for example the use of good and correct language. The video

already uploaded on the Instagram page of the Language Center of West Sumatra

Province and can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5

Sadah Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra.

Bicara (Bincang Karya Sastra). Sadah is a video that contains an

explanation of literary works originating from West Sumatra Province, for

example, the literary works in the book Tenggelamnya Kapal Vander Wijck. The

video already uploaded on the Instagram page of the Language Center of West

Sumatra Province and can be seen in Figure 6.


Figure 6

Bicara Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra.

Sadah (Kosakata Bahasa dan Daerah). Sadah is a video that contains an

explanation of the language and regional vocabulary in West Sumatra Province,

for example, misunderstandings that often occur because of the same word but

have different meanings. The video already uploaded on the Instagram page of the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province and can be seen in Figure 7.

Figure 7

Sabda Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra.


Kasih (Kenali Istilah). Sadah is a video that contains an explanation of

the terms in West Sumatra Province, for example the word "Erupsi" which is a

term in geology which means "letusan gunung api" in KBBI, As can be seen in

Figure 8, this content, uploaded by the author, is already available on the

Instagram page of the Language Center of West Sumatra Province

Figure 8

Kasih Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra.

Salimbar (Sastra Lisan Sumatra Barat). Sadah is a video that contains

an explanation of the oral literature in West Sumatra Province, for example the

song kenan-kenan from the Mentawai islands that talk about the children who live

outside their hometown. The video already uploaded on the Instagram page of the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province and can be seen in Figure 9.


Figure 9

Salimbar Video on Instagram Language Center of West Sumatra.

Producing Infographics Contents

Infographics is an activity to create posters that contain information about

the Indonesian language and regional languages in West Sumatra Province. In

making this infographic task, the authors design as creatively as possible and in

accordance with the predetermined theme, as seen in Figure 10. The theme in

videographics is the same as infographics, the difference is that videographics are

made in the form of videos, while infographics are in writing and placed on

posters with creative designs so that the information conveyed is easily

understood by readers.

In creating infographics content, the author was given a script by the staff

of the Language Center of West Sumatra Province. After that, the authors read it

and adjusted it to the existing theme. The author then started designing posters

using the Canva application and made the designs as attractive as possible.

Subsequently, the authors sent the posters to the staff of the Language Center

of West Sumatra

Province for review. If there were errors in the posters, the author revised

according to the suggestion from the staffs. After completed the revisions, the

posters were ready to be broadcasted on the social media platforms of the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province.

Figure 10

The author Work on Infographics


Translation is the task of translating text from Indonesian to English. The

author was given a folklore by the Language Center of West Sumatra Province,

and the author translated the story into English. The the author read the story,

understood who the text was addressed to, separated words that had cultural

meanings, translated the story, and re-read the translation in order to obtain good

translation results., as seen in Figure 11.


In the translation project, the author was given a folklore by the Language

Center of West Sumatra Province. First, the authors read the given text to

understand its context. After that, the author separated the parts of the text that

contained cultural meaning. Then, the author translated the text with the assistance

of Smartcat, as shown in Figure 12. Next, the author read the translation results

and searched for suitable word equivalents for certain words that had cultural

meaning. The author had to find the appropriate word equivalence in order to

produce a good translation to read.

Figure 11

The author Work on Translation


Figure 12

The author Use Smartcat to Translation

Problem and Solution

During the internship program, two problems slowed down the work of the

author. The first problem was that there were only two computers that could be

used properly, and even then, one of the computers often lagged. This problem

made it a little difficult for the authors when all internship the author worked at

the same time and both needed a computer to work. In response to this problem,

the author solved it by bringing their laptops to the office so that work could run


The next problem was the slow Wi-Fi network. After the few computers,

the slow network also greatly slowed down the work of the authors during the

internship. The author had difficulty with this problem, especially when they had

to complete their work quickly and the Wi-Fi network was slow. In response to

this problem, the author overcame it by using mobile data from smartphones and

sharing hotspots with computers so that urgent work could be completed quickly.

Conclusions and Suggestions


There are so many things that the author learns during their internship at the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province. During the internship, the author can

gain experience, insight, discipline, good teamwork, and of course can socialize

well. Not only that the author can apply what has been learned during lectures to

the tasks carried out during the internship. The author learns to use cameras, learn

to make poster designs in the Canva application, and use good and correct

Indonesian language in subtitles. The author also increases their insight by being

told about various dialects, cultures, and languages that exist in West Sumatra

Province and the author are enriched with vocabulary that the author has never

known before. The author can apply what has been learned during lectures to the

tasks carried out during the internship. All the skills acquired by the author are

very helpful for the authors before entering the world of work after graduating

from the English Department.


There are several suggestions that the author give to the English Department,

the Company, and the English Department the authors who will conduct the

internship program next year.

The first suggestion is for the English Department. The author hope that the

English department provides learning about design and more insight into the use

of cameras.

The second suggestion is for the Company, Language Center of West Sumatra

Province. The author hope that more socialization will be expanded for the

library, so that in the future many visitors will come. The authors also hope that

the Language Center of West Sumatra Province can upgrade computers for

internship the author to make them better to use.

The last suggestion for English Department the authors who will intern at the

Language Center of West Sumatra Province. The author highly recommends

Language Center of West Sumatra Province as an internship place, because in this

company, the author will learn many things, in form of language, broadcasting,

translation, and culture in West Sumatra Province. For those of the author who are

interested in broadcasting, translation, and Indonesian language, this company is

great for the author.



Language Center of West Sumatra Province. (2023, March). Lingkup kerja.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. https://balaibahasa-

English Department. (2023). Buku panduan praktik kerja lapangan. Politeknik

Negeri Padang

Language Center of West Sumatra Province. (2022). Lakin Language Center of

West Sumatra Province


Table 1

Schedule at Language Center of West Sumatra Province

No Workdays Time Uniform

1 Monday 07.30 AM – 04.00 PM Black and White

2 Tuesday 07.30 AM – 04.00 PM Free but polite

3 Wednesday 07.30 AM – 04.00 PM Free but polite

4 Thursday 07.30 AM – 04.00 PM Free but polite

5 Friday 07.30 AM – 04.30 PM Free but polite


Table 2

The Internship Activity at Language Center of West Sumatra Province

No Date Description of Activities

1 Wednesday, 1st Orientation session with the industrial

November 2023 supervisor, Ms. Arriyanti.

2 Thursday, 2nd November Meeting with all the staff Language Center of

2023 West Sumatra Province to review a

content video created by seven KKLP

3 rd
Friday, 3 November
Meeting with all the staff Language Center of
West Sumatra Province to discuss about a

project to create a content.

4 Monday, 6th November

Taking video footage for intro video
conten with handphone camera.

The author be a talent for video content

Sadah (Selami Kaidah)


5 Tuesday, 7th November

Edit Sadah video content using CapCut App.

6 Wednesday, 8th Reshot the video scene for Sadah video

November 2023 content. Then, I choose the good video to


7 Thursday, 9th November Continue to editing Sadah video content.


8 Friday, 10th November Attending to Ceremony for National Hero’s

2023 Day, take video, and make poster about

National Hero’s Day.

9 Monday, 13th November

Attending morning ceremonial activity
and add the subtitle of the video.

10 Tuesday, 14th November Making infographics for Bicara content

2023 using canva application and review the


11 Wednesday, 15th Take video Sadah content and be the talent

November 2023 for the video.

12 Thursday, 16th November Editing Sadah content, review video from

2023 staffs Language Center of West Sumatra

Province, and continue to editing based on

review from the staffs.

13 Friday, 17th November The authors be a talent for Bicara (Bincang

2023 Karya Sastra) content and shoot some

footage to video.

14 Monday, 20th November Morning ceremony staffs of Language

2023 Center of West Sumatra Province.


15 Tuesday, 21st November .

2023 Retake the video of Bicara content.

16 Wednesday, 22nd Morning ceremony with staffs of Language

November 2023 Center of West Sumatra Province, and make

Infographics Sabda (Kosakata Bahasa dan

Daerah) using canva application

17. rd
Thursday, 23 November Take video Sabda content (Kosakata Bahasa

2023 Indonesia dan Daerah) and the author be a


18 Friday, 24th November Continue the edit sabda content, review the

2023 sabda content from staffs Language Center of

West Sumatra Province, and create flayer for

event Language Center of West Sumatra

Province and Padang TV.


19 Monday, 27th November Morning ceremony, make infographics fir

2023 UKBI content, review the infographics and

continue to edit base on the review.

20 Tuesday, 28th November Continue to edit Sabda content video using

2023 capcut aplication.

21 Wednesday, 29th Continue to edit Sabda content based on

November 2023 the Review from creative team.

22 Thursday, 30th November Make infograpchis Kasih (Kenali Istilah)

2023 content using canva application.

23 Friday, 1st December Working together to clean backyard of

Language Center of West Sumatra


24 Monday, 4th December Classifying books in the library using module

2023 books given by staffs of Language Center of

West Sumatra Province.

25 Tuesday, 5th December Continue to classifying books.


26 Wednesday, 6th The authors be a videographer for Kasih

December 2023

27 Thursday, 7th December Editing KASIH video content using

2023 Capcut aplication.


28 Friday, 8th December Edit the subtitle of Kasih using capcut

2023 application.

29 Monday, 11th December Retake the videographic content for KASIH

2023 because there are some changes to the script,

concept, and talent.

30 Monday, 18th December

Morning ceremony and Input new book
data library inventory book.

31 Tuesday, 19th December Make infographics Bicara content using

2023 capcut aplication.


32 Wednesday, 20th Input new book data into inventory books.

December 2023 Discussing the idea for SALIMBAR (Sastra

Lisan Sumbar) video graphics with the

publication team of Language Center of

West Sumatera Province.

33 Thursday, 21st December The author be a videographer for Salimbar

2023 videographics using a cameras, tripod, and

clip-on sound.

34 Friday, 22nd December Editing the Salimbar videographics content.


35 Wednesday, 27th Retake Salimbar videographics based on the

December 2023 revision from the staffs language center of

west Sumatra province.

36 Thursday, 28th December Continue editing the Salimbar (Sastra Lisan


2023 Sumbar) video graphics content using the

Cap Cut application and make subtitle for the


37 Friday, 29th December Working together to clean the backyard

2023 of Language Center of West Sumatra


Continue revising SALIMBAR video content

using capcut application.

38 Tuesday, 2nd January Input new book data into library inventory

2024 book.

39 Wednesday, 3rd January Input new book data include title, authors,

2024 release date, etc into Microsoft words.

40 Thursday, 4th January The author be a videographer for Sadah

2024 videographics content and edit rhe footage of

sadah videographics.

41 Friday, 5th January 2024 Input new book data include title, authors,

release date, etc into the West Sumatera

Provincial Language Center library inventory



42 Monday, 8th January 2024 Editing Sadah (Selami Kaidah) videographic


43 Tuesday, 9th January The author be a talent for video content of

2024 Bicara (Bincang Karya Sastra) and do the

shooting process with the creative team. This

time the content is talking about the story of


44 Wednesday, 10 January Editing the footage of BICARA video

2024 content using CapCut app.

45 Thursday, 11th January Making an infographic for Sayembara

2024 Penulisan Karya Berbahasa Daerah 2024.

46 Friday, 12th January 2024 Continue revising infographics for

Sayembara Penulisan Karya

Berbahasa Daerah 2024

47 Monday, 15th January The author be a videographer for Bicara

2024 videographics content using a cameras, tripod,

and clip-on sound.

48 Tuesday, 16th January Make an infographic of Bicara (Bincang

2024 Karya Sastra) using canva application.


49 Thursday, 18th January The author be a videographer for Sadah

2024 video graphic content using cameras,

tripod, and clip-on sound.

50 Friday, 19th January 2024 Edit the video footage for Sadah video

graphics content using CapCut application.

51 Monday, 22nd January Revision Sadah video content based on

20224 review from staffs Language Center of West

Sumatra Province.

52 Tuesday, 23rd January Revision Sayembara Penulisan Karya

2024 Berbahasa Daerah 2024 and

edit the poster using Canva app.

53 Wednesday, 24th January Get folklore scripts in Indonesia and the

2024 author analyze that to understanding the


55 Thursday, 25th January Understanding the context from folklore.

2024 Then, continued by underlining local

word that are difficult to translate to


56 Friday, 26th January 2024 Start translating the story using SmartCat

translation assistance tools.


57 Monday, 29th January Making illustration cover book for the story

2024 of “Legenda Tuanku Taram”. Then, continue


editing for the folklore translation.

58 Tuesday, 30th January Continue to editing for the folklore
and edit the word that not suitable.
59 st
Wednesday, 31 January Re-read the translation and ask my friend to

2024 proofreading my translation. Then, making

biographical data to completeness the



Appendix 1.

Certificate from Language Center of West Sumatra Province


Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for Industrial Supervisor

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