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SWOT Analysis Rumaika Minal 2019 30060

Marketing (GIFT University)

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SWOT analysis helps any organization to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats related to business competition or project planning. Before advertising any organization
we do this analysis so that we can further improve our brand and correct our mistakes.

Shan Foods (Pvt.) Ltd

Shan Foods is a Pakistani brand. It was founded in 1981 by Mr. Sikandar Sultan. The reason
Shan Foods was founded was to bring traditional spices to people in an easy and mess-free way.
Shan Foods sells its products in 70 countries of the world apart from Pakistan.


"jo bhi karo, karo shan se"

Shan Foods (Pvt.) Ltd Competitor

Shan Foods' competitor is National Foods. National Foods Limited was founded in 1970 by
Waqar Hasan and Abdul Majeed. National Foods Limited came into existence before Shan
Foods. National Foods manufactures traditional spices and other spice products. National Foods
is also a multinational brand that distributes its products in many countries of the world.

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National Foods Tagline

<Creating Food that Enriches the Lives of People Everywhere=

Shan Foods SWOT Analysis

The following are the components to conduct a SWOT analysis of any company.

1. Strength:

Analyzing between your brand and competing company to see who is stronger in the
market and who is building and earning more assets.
2. Weakness:

Analyzing your brand's weaknesses to see how weak we are compared to our competitor's
brand and what are the key factors that make us weak.
3. Opportunities:

In this we had to analyze what facilities we can provide to more people than our
competitor brand. For example in distribution, rates etc.
4. Threats:

In this we had to analyze what are the threats we face from our competitor brand like
branding, price reduction, and whether our competitor brand has not gone in the area we
had to cover etc.

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Now I will do SWOT analysis of this brand Shan Foods along with its competitor brand National
Foods. So that I can understand that if I want to improve my brand more, I must know the
shortcomings and mistakes of my brand so that I can understand the reasons why my brand is
lagging behind the competitor's brand.

1. Strength:

● Quality and Taste

For any brand, maintaining quality and taste is considered its real success. Shan Foods has been
operating for the last 41 years without changing its traditional spices. Shan Foods is considered
better than National Foods based on its distinct taste. For example, National Foods Biryani
Masala has less chili in its masala, while Shaan Foods biryani masala has more chili, which
people like more. Packaging is also seen in quality. Shan Foods keeps its packaging in such a
way that the spices do not spoil. National Foods is considered better in terms of its packing
quality. The Design and quality of the box is better than Shan Foods National Foods. Shaun
Foods should update the design on their box. Because design attracts people to look.

● Financial Backup

The reputation of any company is its finance. Finance acts as the backbone of business. Shaan
Foods has huge market shares and money to run its business.

Revenue: $490 Million (Google Reports)

Shan foods have enough finance to survive in the Pakistan market.

● Brand Loyalty

Any brand works hard to strengthen its structure in the market. Shan Foods has worked hard on
its brand for 41 years to make people trust its brand in the market. It has created a lot of brand
loyalty within and outside Pakistan.

● Strong relationship with farmers and customers

Shawn Foods sources raw materials from local markets and farmers and maintains strong
relationships with farmers.

Shan Foods Limited has a regular management team to build relationships with its customers
who strengthen the relationship between its customers and the company.

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2. Weakness:

● Weak distribution in Punjab

Shan Foods Limited has a strong distribution hold in Sindh. But the network of Shan Foods
looks weak towards Punjab. For example, in Punjab, Shan Foods is keeping its marketing and
placement marketing weak, while National Foods Limited is seen as very strong.

● Online Marketing

Shan Foods Limited has not a very strong marketing strategy in Online platforms. In the digital
marketing era every brand used this platform because a lot of audience present in Digital media.
This platform is very cheap and we can access more people. While National Foods Limited
keeps its social media marketing very weak. National Foods Limited uses its Facebook and
YouTube platforms a lot and has engaged a lot of people. And every day they do new programs
regarding food spices, in which they are able to sell their products in large numbers.

● Products

Shan is not presenting jams and ketchup products. So, Shan lost our customers because they
were going to buy national products.

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3. Opportunity:

● Trends of Women Empowerment

Shan foods limited is creating a trend for women empowerment. Pakistan is a country where
women are forbidden to earn alongside men. Educated women are kept at home after marriage.
When the man is earning, then what is the need of a woman's wife? Shan Foods Masala provides
employment to women in various sectors of its company. Shan Foods gave practical recognition
to this trend in Pakistan and provided maximum opportunities to women.

● Expand Globally

National Foods Limited is present in 40 countries of the world while National Foods Limited is
trying to strengthen its business in Pakistan. Shaan Foods Limited is strengthening the business
in Pakistan, but Shaan expanded his business more and established his branch in 70 countries of
the world. Shawn Foods saw that if the business was not being built in one place, he opened a
business in another place with the same investment and thus provided an opportunity to his

4. Threats:

● New Competitor

Shan Foods feels threatened by the new brand. When a new brand comes, they try to sell the
product in the market by pricing their product lower than other old brands. When a new
competitor comes in, it takes into account all the features of its alternative brand.

● Unbranded Species

Any local food product found in the open shopper is a threat to brands. For example, open chaat
masala is available in the market for 10 rupees, but Shaan Foods chaat masala is available in a
packet of 50 rupees. The only market threat to Shan Foods is that they provide spices in
packaging according to people's economy.

● High rate of inflammation of Pakistan

Pakistan's economy is not very strong. Inflation rate is increasing day by day due to increasing
inflation in Pakistan. Shan Foods Masala uses transport to move its products from one place to
another which consumes petrol and other resources. When the

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government increases the petrol prices, the rates of all commodities go up and the middle class
gets worse. Shan Foods has this threat to maintain the rate of its products keeping in view the
rising inflation rate in Pakistan.

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