Todo - 10-04-2024

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Client - Client program should not be inactivated as it is , it should popup error

message when it is mapped to order - not solved as the error was in network not
displayed in front end , in network also client need to replace with program
Program - In an program if an item is inactive then it should not list in item
dropdown in program client mapping
Fulfillment - In fulfillment if the orders in new state and out of stock is
acknowledged it is acknowledging but it should not, acknowledge
Fulfillment - Acknowledge and cancel pop-up is appearing in right side top if
continous function is gone through
Fulfillment - In order list if the last page data is acknowledged then the list
became empty
Document - Remove the sequence number in document
Fulfillment - Table sorting issue
Fulfillment - I have placed 29 shipments the tracking number is null before
shipment booked, that need to remove
Fulfillment - If the all 29 shipments are booked it is giving the response of
cannot find properties, and one shipment is not booked, then the status is shipment
booked then the shipment yet to booked is not able to book
Fulfillment - Vendor number spelling issue, item not exist in db validation issue
Fulfillment - BillTo, ShipTo fields without street, deliver to also order is
processing, need to validate
Inventory - In inventory client custom field is enabled and disabled when clicked
in the side of the client custom field
Client - Program name is not in same place when any action is happened the name
alignement is changing
Fulfillment - UI while clicking the new shipping the required is not same for all
Inventory - If the stock is updated then the availble stock will be the entered
stock in item view screen, if the item is updated then the available stock on item
view screen also came to 0 again
Warehouse - Product delete if the item is deleted then it is displaying the pop-up
in that instead of warehouse there is client provided
Fulfillment - Payload missing then there should not be the payload length error in
that and also the payload length should be after that 3 is missing when the paylaod
is there
Fulfillment - Customer PO number missing is undefined in rejected order
Warehouse - Internal server error wording instead of no records found in product
tab for stock limit, reorder level
Fulfillment and inventory - If the order is placed with the qty then the available
stock qty is not reduced
Warehouse - If the warehouse associated with the order then it should display the
warehouse associated with items and order now the order word is missing if the
order is in backorder then the order word is missing
Warehouse - If the user created an item, then with the item placed an order that is
working fine, when an warehouse of the item is changed then also it is taking from
the previous warehouse
Shipment - After shipment package list, the shipment table need to remove the
status column
Inventory - Variant details list page per rows should start from 5, 10,25, 100
Client - Switching back to basic details need to fetch the details entered
Warehouse - default email column is not needed
Fulfillment - In fulfillment remove client of client column in table and table
Fulfillment - In this the cancellation count is issue, if i cancel one qty then the
backorder become 43 and available is increasing
Fulfillment - If an order is packed and clicked on book shipment the yet to book is
not working in preprod
Program - Program active or inactive error
Inventory - In table headers action column is unchecked it should be checked
Warehouse - In warehouse remove the email column
Fulfillment - Item unit price is not same in program
Fulfillment - Gross weight unit required error message is wrong while displaying so
change it to required, gross weight number is also not passing in payload, gross
weight is not backspaced
Fulfillment - Mobile number should be 10 if entered
Fulfillment - Invoice not downloading in OMP
Fulfillment - Invoice is based on order not item, eliminate invoice type column
Fulfillment - Client name is not updating - Solved
Fulfillment - Pack single item in that item sku is not displayed in the package
Fulfillment - PO number in rejected order tab is not yet changed to order id
Fulfillment - One order is having the invoiced then the item backordered is not
able to cancel - SO_1065
Warehouse - Warehouse delete in item is need to delete the POC from database
Fulfillment - Sorting issue in fulfillment
Fulfillment - In shipping gross weight is not correctly fetched, if shipment is
entered and then if the shipment is entered and submitted it is not giving the
weight for second shipmment, and alsothe shipment is getting the same gross weight
even if it is changed
Inventory - Draft the attribute is not listed and if the attribute is removed while
updating then also it is not removing
Inventory - Add delete to the first warehouse field in update
Inventory - Dimension must be empty
Inventory - SKU must be unique when entered
Inventory - If an variant save is clicked then user should disable the save because
of that duplication is created
Inventory, warehouse poduct - Price should have dollars sign
Program - In view page gray out the status toggle
Program - Delete should be there, while clicking the add SKU mandatory error
message should be there
Program in client - If the caracaluser login maps the program admin access req
error is displaying
Program in client - All the items are removing if one is removed
Fulfillment - Payload Length should be, PO number undefined - Error
Fulfillment - Item unit price error while secret key, suplier part id missing is
not needed
Fulfillment - Action dropdown place need to be changed, cancel pop-up item name
collapsing with the qty
Fulfillment - Invoice page in that dollar sign need to be added in amount column
Fulfillment - If an order stock is updated then the cancel option is disabled -
Fulfillment - In package list after shipping the arrow if i click it something went
wrong is displaying
User login - In client contact info + symbol should not present for department
Settings - For admin login basic info fields should be editable

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