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Chinnu you have tailor make each application formats differently for each job, emphasizing how

your skills and experience align with the specific requirements of the position. Regularly update
your profiles and stay proactive in your job search efforts.

After identifying area of interest – find which tools are required to be learned relevant to
maximum vacancies in the market.

1. Business Analyst:
 Analyze business processes, identify areas for improvement, and
propose technology solutions.
 Collaborate with stakeholders to gather requirements and translate
them into technical specifications. – Ruled out as it requires functional
experience of business operations.
3. Systems Analyst:
 Evaluate and design information systems solutions to meet business
 Analyze existing systems and recommend enhancements or
modifications. – Rules out as you do not have hardware working
knowledge and what application are required for each department in
an organization.
4. Database Administrator:
 Manage and maintain databases, ensuring data security, integrity, and
 Optimize database performance and troubleshoot issues. – Area is
relevant if you learn tools related to data security etc. and error
management using SQL etc.,- they support development teams to
design data workflow to integrate different work flows to present the
data in different formats required by the Clients.
5. Network Administrator:
 Design, implement, and manage an organization's computer networks.
 Ensure network security, troubleshoot issues, and implement
upgrades.- Ruled out as it is related to network management and
hardware configuration and installation and you should be a certified
guy CCNA certified.
6. Cybersecurity Analyst:
 Focus on securing an organization's information systems and networks.
 Monitor for security breaches, conduct risk assessments, and
implement security measures- Ruled out as this also requires Network
management knowledge and skills
7. Data Analyst/Scientist:
 Analyze large sets of data to identify trends, create visualizations, and
make data-driven recommendations.
 Develop algorithms and models to extract insights from data.- Relevent
area with tools to be identified and skills should be developed.
ERP Consultant:
 Specialize in implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
 Work with organizations to integrate and optimize ERP solutions. – Ruled our
as you do not functional experience.
 Data Privacy Officer/Compliance Analyst:
 Ensure that organizations adhere to data protection laws and
 Develop and implement privacy policies and procedures. – Ruled out as
one should be knowing about company compliance policies in different
companies of US.
 Cloud Solutions Architect:
 Design and implement cloud-based solutions for organizations.
 Work with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.-
Relevant as the above platforms are great demand all over the world –
possibility of getting job are high.
Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst:
 Focus on gathering, analyzing, and visualizing business data to support
 Work with BI tools and technologies.- Relevant area with the tools to be
identified which mostly used in US companies.

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