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Operating Instructions Manual Cloud Chamber (Cold Plate Type) KK-01, KK-02 Cat No. B10-7764-01,-02 Safety Precautions 7, WARNING: Statement that may result in death or serious injury ry ene he ots Neglecting tt waning may esa in elope of robe ee ‘Do not disassemble, re « Ceun:Law Tepertre; Te temperate ofthe Foren cold plas 3s ow a 10°C (14°F) o below. Do not tueh it wth bare hands. Caution: High Temperature; Boling waters vod fr experiments, Pay crf tenon to bur injures, tone wih Car: Whom hanling a radiant sour, the eacherisirtor must explain precautions to students For handing the sadiant source, the teacher/instructor shall be assigned to the person responsible for handling and pay careful atuention to handling ofthe radiant source n sbnormality/iilure, do not use the apparatus ment, the teacher/insiructor must explain the operating procedures, ee. fo student. ehily injured or result in property damage von pace. nian donot allow the apparatus tobe used only by students der the unstable condition. 11 be done secording tothe specified SDS. Jong period of time and, if any abnormality is detected, immediately ‘old plate that is capable of reta served for about 20 minutes (until [Items that you should k {Cold Plate] A liguidaype efigerantis sealed inside, Low temperatures cannot is lly oven, Use the apparatus under the fully frozen condition after reftizeratin ering compartment of refigerator whose temperatre ean be st 10-20°C (68°F) or below. For checking the frozen condition, visually check the hole provided atthe ba ‘When the pats frozen, the color will be stak white. not, you wil sea ‘Should the contents teak, immediately stop using the apparats. There wil 1 contents here to the skin or gtin the mouth because al fhe contents are food aitves, Whe unity was ther avy, Iie goin the mou, ink water, milk oF he ke and subatth 201805 [tems other than the apparatus required for experiment] [Mandatory item) = Fihanol (99.5%), CAS No, 64-17-5 [Convenicnt items ifavailable] Iron stand (for fixing the light souree) Alternative radiation source [-> Reference: Monazite (Mineral sumple containing radioactive substanes)] Specification: (6) PVC rod 21805 (1) Cold plate The cold late irredan te ayogen fering Foren nie oer. The appara isassenbledon the eo pate by moaning ‘other components on the plate Specifications} Size: 150 x 150. Thickness 35 mm © Exterior: Resin (PVC) Inside of upper recess: Aluminum (Black alumite-treated) NCAUTION: Low Temperature! The temperature ofthe frozen cold plate is as low as -10°C (- Do not touch it with bare hands ranspareat PVC ents, inch old plate, observation dome, and hot water tub that are tached on the underside of the tub and ethanol (99.5%) is to be #) is applied from the tp side and a certain differen 1 plate and the hot water tub, Alumina Sact| 4 ht omta the tracks of p surface ofthe eold Ispecitications} D lig Light source: Super-uminous white Power supply: 3 pieces of AAA batt * Batteries come withthe produet are for operation 5) Alternative radiation sou z nce it features low dase ‘This is a tungsten rod containing thorium, I ean aaa and is solidified [specifications) Size of tungsten rod containing thorium: Resin board: PVC: Thickness | 201805 (ia ()_PVC rod “The rod le wed to apply a hgh vollgo wo dhe cborvation aye. Application of a High voltage cabs the remaval of tnisettenenus Ions inthe observation layer and geeraes the super-sturation layer of ethanol trough which the Wecks of radioactive rays can be observed. The rd is charged by robbing it with a lock paper tise pape, etc, andi then ribbed on the screw atthe side of hot water tu, thereby charging the internal aluminum of the hot wate tb, {Specifications} Size: 913 x24 mm osting plate 80 x 80 mim; Thickness 1 mm o Material: Resin (PVC) to Use the Apparatus u the freezer for 24 hours from the room-temperature the hole provided atthe back center ofthe cold plate. ter of the cold plate white. Ino, you will 201805 2. Operations during ¢*1 yeriment mara [Knack of Experiment] (On the surface of old pl periment may not rest i SUCCESS © y that comes with the apparat appears inthe form of frost. fan ie layer exits on the cold plat, the moisture inthe Execute the exper yent after removing the surface ice robustly by using the defrosting plate € Frost on the cold plate surface is bei [CAUTION Ls For defrosting, be sure to use the plate comes with the apparatus ora resin pate or the like Use of a metal plate result in damage tothe cold plate surface. ud chamber on the cold plate There is no problem if sources substance, ee.) are used. Even if no radiation source is itis possible to background, he observation dom is 1c observation dome so that it will alien with the recess of the cold plate arsenate the fl he hot water tub with [Knack of Experiment] The adequate cane qian i abou Sm When the quanti 10 ao ve, ethanol wllsep fom he Fk i, | this isthe ease, the eth felt fabric with issue paper o te lik. I'he quantity is excessive, it will ake time until he supersaturation layer of not is formed, oF more specifically, until the condition thatthe observati nis stable and tracks of ol quantity is too much, Wipe off the excessive ethanol in a manner of slightly dabbing the radioactive rays ean be observed is establish Observation dome Cold plate anol (99.5%), Ethanol ed thatthe protruded part at the back of the hot water tub will be positioned just 201805 26 Pour hot water into the hot water tub. 4 [Knack of Experiment] ‘Quantity of hot water: 300 mI. or over * Note: Ifthe quantity is excessively smal, the experiment will not result in success ‘Temperature of hot water: $0 t0 80°C (122 to 176°F) The temperature 80°C can be achieved when boiled water Jinan electric pot is poured into a beaker or the like or the setting ofthe light source Fix the light source by using a stand provided with a flexible Adjust the height and the angle ofthe light source by referring to the tiangle 1 should be stranged so that the upper- co side of the beam illuminates the rca around the top surface of cold plate. Be careful dhat visibility will be impaired when the entire observation ane, impaired “ 201805 eb ight source is installed] [Knack of Experiment] itches each time hn time the power switch is ‘ation in tis experimer 201808 28a Ti {Removal of miscellaneous ions with PVC red] [Electrically charge the PVC rod by rubbing it with tissue paper or the like, Serape the side part oft lectrically charged PVC rod from end to end on the serew at the side ‘The serew is connected to the aluminum attached inside the hot water tb, of the hot water tub. ‘Contact the pat of electrically charved PV rove and serape | the rod as shown in the figure with the 1od unin inside the hot water tub. [Knack of Experiment] Itisnot necessary todo the procedures frequently. Observation oft is possible just by executing Sections up to 2-7 and finally executing this procedure one time 0 to se tracks, execute this procedure again. Frequent application of high vo rand to see because the condition in the observation layer vaties. Even jibe again when a given 201805 Tits 2-8-b [Removal of miscellaneous ions wth high voltage by using the band-he yore 02 (wi ecco higk-volgs Geneon) ac ee 4 electrostatic generator (hereinafter referred to as Stati Genecon), not by using the PVC rod. aaa eet etree ween ttre ner and nme heir bout a halftum. Connecting the cable from the minus terminal of ‘Static Genecon tothe screw of the hot water tub. [Knack of Experiment] “About a half wu ofthe handle i uficient, Note tha rotating the handle several mes result in moresthan essary which may make the observation layer condition unstable 201805 Ci [3.Knack of Experiment z 3:1_Time required before observation of tracks becomes possible Approx. 5 minutes from the completion of reparation When the observation ofradtion isnot posible even afer fve mina lapses apply te high ola gan by refering Section 248 3-2_Brightness of the surrounding environment Tracks of radiation ae easier to 2 when the brightness of the surounding environment is as dark as possible Under the environment where the blackout curtain is applied and the illumination is reduced, the observation will be easier only the brightness ofthe light source set in Section 2-7 nd angle for looking into the observation laver ‘of the tracks ean be ensured. ily fing with the light source willbe the location at which good visibil nelow forthe angle for looking into the layer. The angle for looking down of the cold plate from the obliquely’ upward. position will censure easier visibility. In addition, the angle the light source from direct 0% for prevent entering the eye will also ensure visibility The observation direction that ensures the maximum visibility isthe direction directly facing with the ligt source. ly the top surface of the cold plate. Ifyou Observation of tacks is possible for 20 0 30 minutes after the ‘Te time petiod will be the time that the ethan (Knack of Experiment] f ei possible again by refilling The cold plate ean retain the low temperature for about one hour, Observation becom ethanol and replacing the hot water. AL ths time, wipe of the ethanol accumulated om the cold plate with tisue Paper or the like to remove it. Accumulation of ethanol results in uns 2 201805 (4. Operation after experiment and cleanup/storage 4-1 Discard the hot water inthe bor water tb 2 Clean off ethanol and moisture that remain on the entire appara 4-3. Storage ofthe apparatus should be done after checking tha it was dried completely in shade fran adequate time pio [Knack of Experiment] Ainough its possible to execute the next experiment quickly again when the cold plate is pt inthe reigeator right afer finishing an experiment, pay attention tothe following items when you do so ~The cold plate willbe frozen unless moisture is cleaned up sufficiently Note that the experiment willbe unsuccessful when ice exists on the cold plate Be careful ethanol may drip into the freezer if itis not fully cleaned wp. Phenomen Action to be Taken refilled, | Chisek that ethanol is refilled in the fel fabric. The temperaton | Cheek thatthe cold plate is frozen and the temperature f thin the | and the quantity of hot water are adequate . | Rofo Ssotion | “Preparation before experiment and ‘Check thatthe height ofthe ight souresis near the top surface ofthe cold plate (the light isnot emitted froma ition), andthe angle ofthe light source i. 1, adjust the angle and check ifa position for the illumination angle sing in the hot wate tb. hat the temperature has not The te °F) forthe reason thatthe freezer has The cold plate cannot be frozen. | freezer has notre ete othe lke 201808

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