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Notes on Tropical rainforest and Monsoon forest

The monsoon forests are found in tropical areas with a distinct dry season. Such areas may
experience the tropical monsoon climate. Examples of these areas include parts of India,
Bangladesh, Southeast Asia, China, South central Africa, the West Indies, central and South
America, and Australia.
Features of Tropical Rainforests:
1. Four to five different layers of vegetation.
2. Greatest mass of vegetation filling in spaces between the trees.
3. High temperature and heavy precipitation occurs throughout the year.
4. Branches and trees grow until the height of 50 meters.
5. Buttress like roots at ground level.
6. Provider of hard wood, which is ideal for construction of buildings, boats and furniture.
7. Biggest source of oxygen for the world.
8. Found in tropical latitudes and grow throughout the year.

Features of Coniferous forests:

1. Single layer of vegetation with similar shape, height and size.
2. Only two or three types of tree grow in here.
3. No hanging creepers and lianas, clearing the base of the tree.
4. Found in cold climates with thick barks.
5. Branches and trees grow till the height of 25 meters.
6. No undergrowth and have shallow roots.
7. Provider of soft wood which is used in making paper, gates, fences and furniture.
8. Found in temperate latitudes with growing season only in summers.
9. Evergreen trees, which have tough and usually dark green needles instead of leaves,
which do not decompose easily.

1. Both are natural habitats for wildlife.
2. Dark and gloomy at the forest floor because of thick and close foliage.
3. Both are used in various helpful ways.

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