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Form 8. Listening. The Second Semester.

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Form 8. Listening. The Second Semester.

Контроль рівня знань.

? Запитання №1 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the text. Write the correct answer. (write letter)

0:00 / 0:21

1) What’s the speaker’s main point?

a) She is not fit enough to go cycling right now.

b) She is in the best shape for cycling.

c) She would like to go skiing at a place where there are rugged mountains

and beautiful scenery.

2) The speaker needs more time…

a) to plan the route.

b) to exercise.

c) to choose a bicycle.

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Form 8. Listening. The Second Semester.

? Запитання №2 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the text. Write the correct answer.

3) What does the speaker think about Tom Clancy?

0:00 / 0:37

3) What does the speaker think about Tom Clancy?

a) He gives bright descriptions of events.

b) His books are boring.

c) He is an ordinary writer.

? Запитання №3 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the text. Write the correct answer.

0:00 / 0:32

4) What is the purpose of the announcement?

a) To tell about the performers taking part in the programme.

b) To tell about the prices of the tickets.

c) To inform about the time and place of the classical music concert.

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Form 8. Listening. The Second Semester.

? Запитання №4 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the text. Write the correct answer.

0:00 / 0:22

5) Listen to the speaker talking about London. The speaker…

a) thinks that Houses of Parliament are magnificent.

b) says that his favourite place is Houses of Parliament.

c) has never visited the Tower of London.

? Запитання №5 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the text. Write the correct answer.

0:00 / 0:36

6) What will the weather be like in the East tomorrow afternoon?

a) Rainy and cloudy.

b) Sunny and warm.

c) Much colder than in the West.

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Form 8. Listening. The Second Semester.

? Запитання №6 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the text and write one- word answers to the questions.

0:00 / 1:31

1) Where does Mr Barton borrow books from? From the .

2) Has he stolen any of the books?

3) What do books mean to Mr Barton? They are a for him.

4) Why was Mr Barton afraid to return them? Because kids or could

chew them up, throw them around and tear the pages.

5) What did he do so they could breathe and get some fresh air? He turned

their .

6) What does Mr Barton say about how his books feel? He says that his books

are books.

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Form 8. Listening. The Second Semester.

? Запитання №7 (із заповненням пропусків у тексті)

Listen to the text. Choose the correct answer.

0:00 / 1:20

1) Daisy Allen is…

a) a radio presenter.

b) a weather forecaster.

c) a celebrity.

2) Daisy is speaking about the weather…

a) in England and Wales.

b) in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

c) in all the parts of the UK.

3) What season is that?

a) Late autumn.

b) Winter.

c) Summer.

4) On Friday evening, there is a possibility of showers...

a) across north-west Wales and north-west England.

b) across south-west Wales and north-west England.

c) across north-west Wales and south-west England.

5) When is «fine sunny weather», «not as hot» is expected?

a) After Saturday.

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Form 8. Listening. The Second Semester.

b) After the weekend.

c) Next weekend.

6) The weather expected that weekend is…

a) boiling hot.

b) wet.

c) changeable.

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