Chapter 3orig

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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the data collected and the

corresponding results derived from the analysis and

interpretation of the data to address the specific problems

identified in the problem statement.

The first part of this chapter analyzes and interprets

the data obtained through descriptive statistics, including

weighted averages, in order to determine the respondents'

ratings on the idea of preventive measures R.A.10175 among

the residents of Calauan, Laguna. The second part, for

crimes against privacy, availability and reliability of data

and computer systems, computer crimes and content-related

crimes, there is a difference in the assessment of

respondents for their understanding of what is prohibited

work under R.A. 10175 residents of Calauan, Laguna. The

third section is the factors that influence the residents'

perception of the activities prohibited by R.A. 10175.

Part I. Level of Awareness of the Prohibited Acts of R.A.

10175 among the residents of Calauan Laguna, in terms of:

A. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity,

availability of computer data and systems,

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

B. computer-related offenses, and

C. Content-related offenses.

A. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of computer data and systems

Table 2 represents that the weighted average for crimes

against confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data

and computer systems was 3.53, which was evaluated as

"Highly Aware". It means that community in Calauan was

mindful about the awareness regarding confidentiality,

integrity and availability of computer data and system. The

community was sharply aware about different illegal acts

associated with data and computer systems like data

breaches, cyber-attacks and unauthorized access to sensitive

information. It implied that high profile incidents and

media coverage of such events have raised public awareness

and emphasized the importance of data and systems


In corroboration, this study focused on examining the

threats and awareness of cybercrime that are present in

specific places today. In Elrasheed & Nadir's study from

2021, 132 undergraduate students with an IT background were

interviewed to gauge the level of cybersecurity knowledge in

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

the Alnamas neighborhood in southern Saudi Arabia. They

found that 69.6% of cybercrimes occurred on social media,

with 57% of them having a sexual theme, that 15% of

participants had experienced a cybercrime, and that 80.7%

would be interested in training to expand their knowledge.

Additionally, a number of awareness-related variables

were assessed in the Dodge et al. (2021) study, which

investigated the three email attack methods—attachments,

embedded links, and social engineering—to determine the

level of phishing awareness. Distribution by classes,

distribution by email type, and failure percentage were the

metrics used for evaluation. They found that 80% of embedded

link failures and 40% of requests for sensitive information

happened during their analysis. They discovered that

embedded links, attachments, and sensitive content failed

38%, 50%, and 46% of the time, respectively, when it came to

the distribution of emails by type. Finally, a range of

undergraduate students from different academic years—

freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors—were

investigated. They came to the conclusion that between 10%

and 70% of the students have experienced phishing attacks.

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to them

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

respondents, News and reports about cybercrime incidents was

a best tool for them why they are acutely aware in the said

acts associated with data and computer system (Personal

Communication, March 2023).

Table 2. Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts of R.A

10175 among the residents of Calauan, Laguna in terms of
Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of computer data and systems.

Sub-Indicators Overall
Weighte DI
1.Illegal Access or the access to the whole or any part of a 3.62 HA
computer system without right.
2.Illegal Interception or the interception made by technical 3.57 HA
means without right of any non-public transmission of computer
data to, from, or within a computer system.
3.Data Interference or the intentional or reckless alteration,
damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic
document or electronic data message, without right, 3.48 HA
including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
4. System Interference or the intentional alteration or reckless
hindering or interference with the functioning of a computer or
computer network without right or authority, 3.52 HA
including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
5.Misuse of device or the use of a device, including a computer
program, designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of 3.43 HA
committing any of the offenses under the Cybercrime Prevention
Act of 2012.
6.Misuse of device or the sale of a device including a computer 3.52 HA
program designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of
committing any of the offenses under the Cybercrime Prevention
Act of 2012.
7.Misuse of device or the use of a computer password, access
code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a 3.37 HA
computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that it
be used for the purpose of committing any of the offenses
under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
8.Misuse of device or the sale of a computer password, access
code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a
computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that it 3.70 HA
be used for the purpose of committing any of the offenses
under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
9.Misuse of device or the possession of a device, including a 3.38 HA
computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the purpose
of committing any of the offenses under the Cybercrime
Prevention Act of 2012.
10.Misuse of device or the possession of a computer password,
access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a
computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that 3.63 HA
it be used for the purpose of committing any of the
offenses under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.53 HA
Legend: HA-Highly Aware A-Aware SA-Slightly Aware NA-Not Aware
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

As shown in the table above, all indicators received

descriptive interpretation of “highly aware”. This means

that the respondents were profoundly conscious that illegal

access, illegal interception, data and system interference,

misuse of computer and device and other illegal acts

regarding to confidentiality, integrity and availability of

computer data and systems. This implies that aside from

self-awareness, different campaign of authority in their

areas was helps a lot for them to receives high awareness in

term of the said offenses. This also implies that the

reliance on technology also made the residents of Calauan,

Laguna intensely aware.

In corroboration, European Union Cyber Security Agency

(2021). The media plays an important role in communities by

keeping a close eye on governments and ensuring people are

aware of decisions that directly impact their daily lives.

By acting as a powerful amplifier of public messaging, it

emphasizes the importance of implementing strong awareness

cybersecurity policies. Cooperation with the media

contributes to raising society- wide awareness of the

threats posed by the confidentiality, integrity and

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

availability of data and IT systems, thereby promoting

public understanding and response to cybercrime.

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to the

respondents, their barangay conducted seminars and other

campaign to spread awareness in their areas, their barangay

gives importance to this matter because all the transaction

relied on the internet world. (Personal Communication, March


B. Computer-related Offenses

This part presents the obtained mean and interpretation

of the awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 Among

the Residents of Laguna in terms of Computer-Related


Table 3 represents that the computer-related crime has

an overall mean of 3.46, which means “highly aware”. This

means that residents of Calauan was very mindful about

offenses in terms of computer-related such as forgery,

alteration, fraud, and identity theft. The results implied

that reliance on the internet world had increased the

awareness and importance of protecting personal information

and digital assets, raising public apprehension with the

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

help of authority during pandemic season by spreading

awareness and conducting program that contributed for being

very conscious of the community. It also implied that during

pandemic season where the fraud and identity theft was

prevalent the community became very perceptive because of

the reported cases from the news and other respective

resources .

To further support the result, Poster and flyers became

effective tools for disseminating information about content-

related crimes, they can reach a wide audience and help

people easily received and remember cybersecurity

information. These educational efforts help and result to

raise awareness and give the community the confidence to

have preventive measures to protect themselves against

computer-related crimes (Okon et al., 2019).

Moreover, in the study by Balilo Jr, B. B.,

Lavina(2016). When Reonel Ramones and Onel de Guzman created

a destructive virus called “Love Bug” where the effect

reached not only in the Philippines but also worldwide. The

nation passed the first law regarding penalized computer

crime in 2012. In light of this event it gives the

importance of being appraised on the crime related to

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to them,

during pandemic season where the computer-related crimes was

very rampant reported news and different notice from

trusted news made us cognizant in terms of computer-related

crimes (Personal Communication, March 2023).

Table 3. Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts of R.A

10175 among the residents of Calauan, Laguna in terms of
Computer- related Offenses.
Sub- Overal
Indicators l
Weighte DI
1.Computer-related forgery or the input of any computer data 3.40 HA
without right resulting in authentic data with the intent that it
be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were

2.Computer-related forgery or the alteration of any computer data 3.50 HA

without right resulting in inauthentic data with the intent that
it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were

3.Computer-related forgery or the deletion of any computer data 3.45 HA

without right resulting in inauthentic data with the intent that
it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were

4. Computer-related Forgery or the act of knowingly using computer 3.42 HA

data which is the product of computer-related forgery.

5.Computer-related fraud or the unauthorized input of computer 3.35 HA

data or program or interference in the functioning of a computer
system, causing damage there by with fraudulent intent.

6. Computer-related fraud or the unauthorized alteration of 3.57 HA

computer data or program or interference in the functioning of a
computer system, causing damage there by with fraudulent intent.

7. Computer-related fraud or the unauthorized deletion of 3.32 HA

computer data or program or interference in the functioning of a
computer system, causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent.

8.Computer-related Identity Theft or the 3.60 HA

intentional acquisition of identifying information belonging to

another, whether natural or juridical, without right.
9.Computer-related Identity Theft or the use of identifying 3.43 HA
information belonging to another, whether natural or juridical,
without right.
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

10.Computer-related Identity Theft tor the misuse of identifying 3.45 HA

information belonging to another, whether natural or juridical,
without right.

Overall Weighted Mean 3.46 HA

Legend: HA-Highly Aware A-Aware SA=Slightly Aware NA-Not Aware

As shown in the table above, all indicators received a

descriptive interpretation of "highly aware" towards the

computer-related crimes. This means that the community was

highly sensible in crime such as cybercriminal crimes,

especially in computer-related crimes such as fraud,

identity theft and computer-related forgery for being

exposed from the said acts. It implied that this type of

illegal activities related to computer crime was not new in

their minds. Because of the modern generation, all the

information regarding to combating the computer crimes, the

preventive measures how to prevent victimization and all

information regarding on how to increase awareness about the

offenses of computer-related crimes was available in the


In corroboration to the result, since many people are

using the Internet as COVID-19 lockdown measures take

effect, many incidents occur as the rapid growth of Online

Platforms and emerging of the Digital Gadgets. The study

implies to raise awareness about cybercrime, identity theft

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

and fraud. Due to the increase in the number of victims as

activities and opportunities arise, everyone is now aware of

cybercrime, fraud, and identity theft (Kemp et al., 2021).

The findings also qualified by informal interview

conducted with the respondents. The said respondents, in

their own volition, news and other internet resources assist

individuals in being aware of the aforementioned offenses

(Personal Communication, March 2023).

C. Content-related Offenses

This part presents the obtained mean and interpretation

of the awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 Among

the Residents of Laguna in terms of Content-Related

Offenses. It can be gleaned from Table 4 that Content-

related Offenses have gained an overall weighted mean of

3.08 with the descriptive interpretation of "Aware". It

means that the community was conscious of the offenses such

as cybersex, child pornography, cyber libel and other

content-related crimes. It implied that the community was

already aware about content- related crimes for reason that

this said acts was wrongful and against to the norms of

society and if we are not careful from what we are doing ,

adopting and posting to social media it may harmful for us

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

and to others; the offenses under R.A 10175 strengthened it

even more.

Supporting evidence is the research by Lapuh et al.

(2014). People and businesses are more vulnerable to

criminal activity as a result of the growing use of mobile

devices with Internet access. With a focus on the measures

that can be taken to protect children and teenagers against

cybercrime, this article addresses the strategic prevention

of cybercrime. Without a question, the primary tool for this

kind of prevention is education. Its objective is to raise

the understanding and awareness of parents, educators, and

kids regarding cybercrime and illegal Internet content. Kids

are accustomed to using smartphones; therefore, it is

important to exercise additional caution when using them and

other mobile devices. The only way to effectively raise

awareness is for key players to collaborate, which is what

our interactive educational modules aim to achieve.

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to the

respondents, they are aware that content-related crimes like

child pornography, libel and cybersex was against in the

norms of society and very sensitive to public (Personal

Communication, March 2023).

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Table 4. Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts of R.A 10175

among the residents of Calauan, Laguna in terms of Content-

related Offenses.

Table 4. Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts of

R.A 10175 among the residents of Calauan, Laguna in
terms of Content- related Offenses.
Sub- Weighte D
Indicator d I
1. Cybersex or the willful engagement to any
lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual 3.27 HA
activity, with the aid of
a computer system, for favor or consideration.
2.Cybersex or the maintenance of computer system with 3.20 A
any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual
activity for favor or consideration.
3.Cybersex or the operation of any lascivious 3.12 A
exhibition of
sexual organs or sexual activity for favor or
4.Hiring a child to perform in the creation or production 3.28 HA
of any form of child pornography committed through a
computer system.
5. Child pornography or the transmission of
commercial 3.20 A
electronic communication with the use of computer system
which seek to advertise products and services are
6. Unsolicited Commercial Communications or the
transmission of commercial electronic communication with 3.20 A
the use of computer
system which seek to sell products and services are
7.Cyber libel or the unlawful writing committed through 3.35 HA
a computer system or any other similar means which may be
in the future.
8.Cyber libel or the unlawful printing committed 3.17 A
through a computer system or any other similar means
which may be devised
in the future.
9.Cyber libel or the unlawful use of radio committed 3.32 HA
through a computer system or any similar mean which may
be devised in the
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

10.Cyber libel or the unlawful cinematographic exhibition 3.20 A

committed through a computer system or any similar mean
which may be devised in the future.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.08 A
Legend: HA-Highly Aware A-Aware SA=Slightly Aware NA-Not

Table 4 posits that sub-indicator 7 or "Cyber libel or

the unlawful writing committed through a computer system or

any other similar means which may be devised in the future"

got the highest weighted mean of 3.35 with an interpretation

of “Highly Aware”. It means that resident of Calauan was

appraised in terms of cyber libel because the community had

a freedom to expressed their emotions and opinion with the

used of internet so that they need to have self awareness to

the possible offenses when they make a mistake. It implied

that the community specifically youth and adolescents are

more likely to express thoughts in the internet because it

easier to do . With the reminders that can be found in

the internet about this, they are better taught on how to

share opinions, arguments and feelings without harming


To further support the result, based on the study of

Zakaria & Harun (2020), The purpose of this research is to

promote helpful and academic shared writing behaviors by

raising awareness of cyber defamation cases among

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

adolescents, which can differ practically from early adult

perspectives. These results ought to serve as the basis for

the first steps in raising awareness of cyber defamation

among our pupils. Our daily lives have altered substantially

as a result of the remarkable growth of information and

communication technology (ICT), including social media

platforms, online forums, chat groups, web diaries (blogs),

email, and many more. Thanks to this fantastic feature,

anyone with access to the Internet may publish and share

content freely with the wider world.

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to the

respondent, “cyber libel was very popular specially to the

youth, because of many reported case about cyber bullying

that almost similar to cyber libel. (Personal Communication,

March 2023).

Furthermore, sub-indicator 9 or "Cyber libel or the

unlawful use of radio committed through a computer system or

any similar mean which may be devised in the future" it

gained the second highest weighted mean of 3.32 which

equivalent to an interpretation of “highly aware”. It means

that respondents are well informed that libelous statements

on radio and television broadcasts is accompanied by

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

punishment and it is prohibited in our law. It also implied

having guidance from our guardian, schools, authorities that

spreading false information are extremely prohibited, from

that the residents of Calauan was acutely aware.

To further support the result, Bailey & Hsieh-Yee

(2020) In this study, they sought to improve our

understanding of the phenomena of information sharing,

especially when it comes to disinformation, and to show that

information literacy is the best line of defense against

disinformation. After a historical overview of how

librarians have dealt with propaganda and misinformation,

they present a conceptual framework for understanding why

people share information, especially misinformation, using

examples from social media and other digital communication

channels. The consequences of sharing false information are

also discussed. These lead to literacy strategies that equip

information users with the knowledge and skills to evaluate,

process and respond effectively to shared information.

Therefore, it raises the awareness of the community about

the false information about how they dealt with it.

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to the

respondent, subject from school regarding proper etiquette

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

on how to use cyberspace properly gives them a initial

awareness regarding to the offenses content-related

(Personal Communication, March 2023).

On the other hand, sub-indicator 3 or “Cybersex or the

operation received the lowest weighted mean of 3.12 with an

interpretation of “aware”. It means that the respondents

were conscious about cybersex or having sexual activity with

the use of computer. It implied that a rampant reported

cases in the news with the help and guidance of the

authority and family members results to being cognizant of

the community. It also implied that despite of sensitivity

the authority and guardians give some efforts to discuss

awareness in their relatives and in the community.

To further support the result, based on the study of

Ybarra et, al., (2011). Adolescents and parents reported

feeling uncomfortable discussing cybersex, but it has been a

corresponding increase in awareness regarding cybersex and

pornography, mainly through the growing popularity of social

networking sites and online chat rooms among youth. These

concerns are related to the issue of child pornography and

cybersex on the Internet. Both academic research and police

investigations seem to show that children are particularly

susceptible to this kind of predation.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

In corroboration to the statement of one of our

respondents, according to them they are aware because they

always received news from television about case regarding

cybersex and additionally cybersex was rampant in the

Philippines (Personal Communication, March 2023).

Whereas, sub-indicator 8 or "Cyber libel or the

unlawful printing committed through a computer system or any

other similar means be devised in the future gained the

second to lowest gained weighted mean of 3.17 with a

descriptive interpretation of “aware”. It means that

residents in Calauan, Laguna was regardful in posting

defamatory statements another person in social media. It

implied that aside from some reminders from authority

reported case in their barangay gives them awareness

regarding to this illegal act. It implied also that

defamatory statements posting in the social media was very

popular in the community because it was very easy do. In

that situation the respondents become aware in the said


In corroborated by Z Zakaria (2020), this study they

disseminate awareness about cyber defamation among youth and

adolescents. The exponential rise in the information and

communication technology has brought about significant

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

changes to their daily life. They focus in diverging

practically from early adult perspective in order to

encourage constructive and scholarly shared writing

behaviors. So that it results to being aware of the


To support further result, based on the informal

interview from one of our respondents. According to them,

they are aware to cyber libel or posting defamatory

statements because before there’s a lot of reported dispute

in their barangay regarding to this matter (Personal

Communication, March 2023).

Part II. Significant difference in the level of

awareness of prohibited acts of R.A. 10175 among the

residents of Calauan, Laguna

The F-test result of the analysis of variance (ANOVA)

on the significant differences in the degree of recognition

of prohibited acts in RA 10175 is generally shown in this

table. The null hypothesis was accepted based on the

indicator Offenses against confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of computer data and system and Offenses

related to computers. Conversely, the null hypothesis was

rejected by the indicator Computer-related offenses, which

was based on the f-test.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Table 5: Significant difference in the level of awareness

of Prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 in Calauan, Laguna.

Sum of df Mean

Square Square f Sig. Decision interpretation

Offense Between 0.166 2 0.083 o.858 0.429 HO Significant

Against Groups
Integrity and Within 5.524 57 0.097
Availability of Groups
computer data
and system Total 5.690 59
Computer-related Between 0.261 2 0.131 1.184 0.313 HO Significant
offenses Groups

Within 6.284 57 0.110


Total 6.545 59

Content-related Between 1.984 2 0.992 12.816 0.000 HO Significant

offenses Groups

Within 4.412 57 0.077


Total 6.396 59

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Legend: Sig. < 0.05 Significant

Table 5 shows the obtained statistical results,

interpretation, and analysis of the significant difference

in the level of awareness of the prohibited acts of R.A.

10175 among the residents of Rizal, Laguna. The null

hypothesis obtained in this study concerning the level of

awareness of the prohibited acts of R.A. 10175 among the

residents of Calauan, Laguna, was Rejected. The result

implies that there is no significant difference in the

awareness of residents of Brgy. Pinza, Brgy. Mabacan and

Brgy. Perez, Calauan, Laguna in terms of Confidentiality,

integrity, and Availability of computer data and systems,

Computer-related offenses, and content-related Offenses.

Part III. Factors affecting the level of awareness of the

prohibited acts of R.A. 10175 among the residents of

Calauan, Laguna

Table 6 shows the obtained mean and interpretation of

the elements influencing the community's level of awareness

regarding cybercrime offenses.

The table shows that the elements influencing awareness of

the Prohibited Acts of RA 10175 have an overall weighted

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

mean of 3.95, with the descriptive interpretation of

“strongly agree”. This means that the respondents give

importance to the factors that can affect the awareness of

the community. It also implied that this factor contributed

to the respondents in receiving high awareness regarding

cybercrime offenses stipulated in R.A 10175.

In accordance with the findings of Panichpapiboon and

Ramashoota (2014), they discovered that there are elements

that influence the degree of awareness. The key solution is

to educate and promote awareness with the consideration of

such factors.

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to the

respondents. They are agreed to the factors that affecting

awareness of the community indicated in the survey. Because

aside from our own initiatives to be aware it can result to

a big impact to raise the awareness of the community

members” (Personal Communication, March 2023).

Table 6: Factors affecting the level of awareness of

the community regarding Prohibited Acts of RA 10175
Weighte DI
1. Lack of information dissemination programs. 3.40 SA

2. Inability to comprehend with the prohibited acts

provided under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 3.60 SA
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

3. Lack of personnel for the implementation of the
prohibited acts of Cybercrime Prevention Act of 3.30 SA
2012 in the community.
4. Unclear mode of communication to the community by
3.45 SA
the authorities.

5. Lack of efforts among the authorities to keep the 3.45 SA

community aware.

Overall Weighted Mean 3.44 SA

Legend: SA-Strongly Agree A-Agree D-Disagree SD-Strongly

Table 6 shown that all sub-indicators got the weighted

average mean of 3.95 with a descriptive interpretation of

“Strongly agree”. It means that residents in Calauan, Laguna

was strongly matching in the different factors that affect

the awareness in the offenses in cybercrime. It implied that

in considering the importance of the authority to this

factor it results to the high awareness of the community.

In corroborated by Odumesi John Olayemi, (2014), a

socio-technological analysis of cybercrime and cyber

security in Nigeria highlights awareness and technicalities

as well as duplication of duties and responsibilities among

Nigerians, Organizations also lack institutional memory, as

cyber practitioners are placed in places where their

knowledge is insufficient and vague explanations can be

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

The findings were also qualified by the informal

interview conducted with the respondents. According to the

respondents, most of the factors stipulated above was made

them aware because the authority considered those factors to

make way to spread awareness. (Personal Communication, March


In summary, the most important conclusions of the study

are as follows:

The respondents are "Highly Aware" Acts prohibited by

RA 10175 include violations of the confidentiality,

integrity and availability of computer data and systems,

computer crimes. The respondents had a strong understanding

of the different actions that are considered illegal.

Respondents awareness of breaches of data confidentiality,

integrity and availability was high. They had information

about, among other things, unauthorized computer systems,

data failures, system failures, and misuse of equipment.

This demonstrates that they understand the importance of

protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability

of computer data and systems.

In addition, the respondents showed a high level of

awareness of computer crimes. They appear to be well-versed

in prohibited activities, including computer fraud, forgery,

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

identity theft, and unauthorized interception of computer

data. This means that they are aware of the risks and

consequences associated with participating in these


On the other hand, the findings about content-related

offenses, respondents are “aware” it means that there was a

significant difference in content-related offenses among the

presented variables. Furthermore, the study discusses the

factors affecting the level of awareness of prohibited act

in RA 10175 had a descriptive interpretation of “Strongly

Agree”. Based on the result the respondents fully agree that

those factors can affect the awareness of the member of


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