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The Problem

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Technology has become extremely popular with everyone.

People are utilizing gadgets to have a convenient life.

With the use of technology, people can still stay in touch

or build a bond with people around the world. However,

mishandling of technology or gadgets might lead to

cybercrime. Cybercrime is a crime that involves cellphones,

computers, any gadgets that can be used as the subject of a

crime, or a device that can keep the evidence of the crime.

Cybercrime also refers to wrongdoings or criminal

activities that can be committed on the internet for

personal gain. (Sharma & Kaur, 2019). In addition,

cybercrime is a major global problem that requires

responses both technically and legally. Information needs

to be protected and used decently to stand up for its value

creation as a significant asset (Stanciu & Tinca, 2017).

Criminals have discovered the benefits of using

computers, which make it feasible to gather information

from financial institutions and other firms. Due to the

important role of computers, it is necessary to protect the

The Problem
information on our computers from tampering, unauthorized

distribution, and deletion (Arpana et al,2012).

According to Dolliver, D. Poorman, and K. (2018), being

aware of cybercrime offenses is critical because it allows

individuals and businesses to protect themselves from

developing cyber dangers. It lets people detect unusual

online activity, prevent falling victim to fraud or

phishing attempts, and protect the security and integrity

of their personal information. Furthermore, awareness of

cybercrime offenses promotes responsible online behavior,

stimulates the use of good security techniques, and makes

it easier to report cyber events to authorities, making an

individual less likely to be victimized.

According to Li (2021), computer use is rising.

Cybercrime has become increasingly prominent in today's

culture, enabling the occurrence of a wide range of

cybercrime that can be experienced over the internet.

Assault by Threat, Child Pornography, Cyber Contraband,

Cyber Theft,

Cyber Trespass, Cyber Vandalism, Cyber Stalking, and Cyber

Terrorism are examples of cybercrimes that involve

electronic fraud, device misuse, identity theft, and data

theft, as well as system interferen ce and the tools used

The Problem
for their respective purposes. discussion by Samonas, S.

and Coss, D. (2014) states that cybercrime includes a

variety of crimes that pose serious threats to the

confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer

systems and data. Masu. A breach of confidentiality

involves unauthorized access to or disclosure of

confidential information, putting privacy and

confidentiality at risk. Computer-related crimes include

acts such as hacking, malware attacks, and identity theft,

while content-related crimes involve illegal or harmful

content online, such as cyberbullying and distributing

explicit content.

Zakaria (2020), this study they disseminate awareness

about cyber defamation among youth and adolescents. The

exponential rise in the information and communication

technology has brought about significant changes to their

daily life. They focus in diverging practically from early

adult perspective in order to encourage constructive and

scholarly shared writing behaviors. So that it results to

being aware of the individual.

The media plays an important role in the community by

closely monitoring the government and ensuring that people

are aware of the decisions that directly affect their daily

The Problem
lives. By acting as a powerful amplifier of public

messages, it emphasizes the importance of implementing

strong cybersecurity policies. Working with the media helps

society at large become more aware of the dangers posed by

the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and

IT systems, which promotes understanding general awareness

and response to cybercrimes (European Union Cyber Security

Agency, 2021).

Furthermore, in Nigeria, the media plays a vital role

in disseminating public information about violations of the

availability, security and integrity of data and IT

systems. The media effectively highlights the dangers and

impacts of cyber threats with actionable advice, creating

an informed audience. Media organizations enable the public

to proactively protect their digital lives by providing

them with actionable information.This increases community

resilience to evolving cybersecurity issues (Umeugo, 2023).

Additionally, co-worker’s awareness of illegal activities

such as unauthorized access, interception, and misuse of

equipment can be enhanced through personal encounters such

as witnessing or witness crimes, exchange information with

others and discuss how to protect against these types of

crimes (Babanina et al., 2013).

The Problem
As mentioned in Dragan's (2019) study titled Illegal

Access to Computer Systems from the Perspective of the

Current Penal Code, Journal of Legal Studies, sharing

personal experiences between friends helps draw attention

to Romanian cybercrime committed through unauthorized

access to computer systems.Even with the use of modern

methods, the report emphasizes that Romanians are still

aware of the traditional nature of these crimes. People

learn about the many ways hackers steal money or access


information through conversations and arguments with

friends. Even with the use of modern methods, the report

emphasizes that Romanians are still aware of the

traditional nature of these crimes. People learn about the

many ways hackers steal money or access sensitive

information through conversations and arguments with


The United States, United Kingdom and Qatar have

specific regulations to combat all forms of cybercrime,

including illegal access. However, the US and UK have

different interpretations. Hacking is one of many forms of

cybercrime. This involves illegally accessing a person's

computer system. A hacker tries to find out all the secret

The Problem
information about a person. There are several reasons why a

hacking attack occurs, such as insufficient and inadequate

protection of computer systems and the development of

software tools. In 1980, a penalty was introduced for

misuse of equipment and computers. It can be called device

abuse if it involves a threat to society through computers

or gadgets (Al-Rawashde, 2018).

In the Czech Republic, there were cases of attacks on

the security, integrity and availability of data and IT

systems. We have provided analysis of a number of criminal

cases involving the specific offense of unauthorized access

to and interference with data and systems. Only 229 of the

total cases reviewed between 2008 and 2016 resulted in

convictions. In addition, the results show that Czech

citizens are aware of online crimes related to misuse of

passwords and access to social networking sites and email

accounts (Grivna, T. and Drapal, J., 2019).

In his study of the modern cybercrime ecosystem,

Broadhead (2018) found that data and system tampering are

cyber threats that require prompt attention. People also

need to be aware of these dangers when they arise. Some

people experience interference from hacking, while others

are affected by eavesdropping, something the older

The Problem
generation did not experience. Computer crime, including

counterfeiting, fraud and identity theft, has wide-ranging

consequences. They can cause financial devastation for

individuals, damage business reputations, and erode trust

in online interactions. These crimes highlight the urgent

need for enhanced cybersecurity measures, increased

awareness and effective law enforcement to mitigate the

impact and protect individuals and organizations from

impact devastation of cybercrime (Das, Nayak, T.,


According to research conducted in Austria, a criminal

mechanism used social engineering techniques to send fake

emails to consumers over the Internet and acted as a

legitimate company sending emails to consumers only to

directly access their personal computer, it will then

obtain information such as username and password. They also

create links to redirect consumers to fake websites and

steal their credentials (Broadhurst, 2021).

According to Malik and Choudhury (2019), India has a

cybercrime law in place to manage communication tracing,

unlawful access, and data misuse violations, which are

typically identified based on the identity and intelligence

The Problem
of the perpetrator.More research is required to improve and

profile those who are not aware of these scams.

Computer-related offenses, including forgery, fraud,

and identity theft, have wide-ranging consequences. They

can lead to financial devastation for individuals, cause

reputational harm to businesses, and erode trust in online

interactions. These offenses highlight the urgent need for

enhanced cybersecurity measures, increased awareness, and

effective law enforcement to mitigate the impacts and

protect individuals and organizations from the devastating

effects of cybercrime (Das, S., & Nayak, T., 2013).

Public awareness of computer-related crimes has

improved significantly thanks to government education

programs, including the dissemination of posters and

leaflet distribution. These ads effectively capture

people's attention and provide important information about

cyber threats using real-world elements.

Posters and flyers are effective tools for

disseminating information because they can reach a wide

audience and help people easily absorb and remember

important cybersecurity tips. These educational efforts

help raise awareness and give the public the confidence to

The Problem
take preventative measures to protect themselves against

computer crime (Okon et al., 2019).

Based on the Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Public

Awareness Study: National Survey Results, the study

surveyed 1,240 participants across the United States to

assess their awareness of Cybercrime. The results showed

that participants were clearly aware of the offenses and

risks associated with cybercrime and took steps to protect

themselves online.

Meanwhile, according to the results of a 2016 survey

on public awareness of cybercrime, 62% of respondents knew

that computer tampering is a type of cybercrime,

demonstrating a significant level of awareness. Research

also shows that people with first-hand knowledge of

cybercrime, such as computer tampering, are more likely to

know about others.

This implies that law enforcement initiatives, including

the organization of seminars or awareness campaigns, may

have contributed to the dissemination of public knowledge

and awareness of different types of cybercrime, including

computer tampering (Dupuis, M. and Holtfreter, 2019).

Since many people are using the Internet as COVID-19

lockdown measures take effect, the researcher decided to

The Problem
raise awareness about cybercrime, identity theft and fraud.

Due to the increase in the number of victims as activities

and opportunities arise, everyone is now aware of

cybercrime, fraud, and identity theft (Kemp et al., 2021).

In the National Cybersecurity Policy Study (2013),

pre- and post-test survey results were compared and

analyzed using statistical techniques and the resulting

public perception of CIA principles was increased

significantly after the awareness campaign.

Dinga (2021) made a comment about cybercrimes and

computer-related offenses, where criminals utilize hacking,

viruses, phishing, and other tactics to misuse other

people's personal information as a result of technological

advancements.He described the tools available to

investigate these cybercrimes and the necessity for people

to exercise caution due to the worldwide and online

exploitation of criminals who create possibilities for such


According to Ishrad and Soomro (2018), social media

and identity theft coexist with some cybercrimes in Dubai.

Therefore, social media enhances networking capabilities

across multiple platforms to attract users. However, a

growing number of fake accounts, businesses and scammers

The Problem
have taken advantage of this opportunity to collect

personal data to commit identity theft. Their research has

raised awareness among social media users of how social

media is used as a tool for identity theft, forcing them to

be more cautious and vigilant when behaving online than

compared to the past when such events rarely occurred.

For example, according to the 2017 “American Awareness

of Identity Theft and Data Privacy” survey, the majority of

respondents are very aware of computer identity theft, with

85% saying they knew or knew about it previously (Rainie,

L., Perrin, A.and Anderson, M., 2017).

In Ukraine, large-scale fraud is carried out through

illegal transactions using electronic computers. Criminals

controlled the transfer of money to bank customers'

accounts, but the transferred funds were transferred to

their accounts. This transaction has not yet been detected

by customers or bank management because the amount of money

stolen was very small (Andrushchenko et al., 2021)

According to research on cybercrime in Brunei

Darussalam, the country is still not free from cybercrime

activities. Credit card fraud, defamation and cyberbullying

were among the forms of cybercrime discovered in the study.

Survey results show that awareness is essential for people

The Problem
to have understanding and know how to handle cybercrime

activities. The government must act to get formal education

in the country about cybercrime (Chuchu & Gafur, 2020).

Content-related crimes are increasing day by day.

Cybercriminals exploit and victimize individuals, leaving

lasting emotional scars and psychological damage. These

offenses damage reputations, destroy careers and disrupt

personal lives. They destroy trust in online platforms,

hinder freedom of expression, and harm the safety and

wellbeing of individuals (Goni, O., 2022).

Regarding possible harm to viewers' mental health,

Chatterjee and Kar (2023) examined youth pornography in

India for content-related violations. In Delhi, researchers

studied the psychological impact of online pornography on

young people who engage in sexual activities on websites

that benefit these groups.

According to a previous study, girls are at risk of

being exploited for entertainment on pornographic websites

and have the opportunity to make money online in countries

such as Ecuador, Belgium and China. While international

standards are still being developed, it is known that every

country face censorship issue regarding the use of these

The Problem
online sites, as their content is less reported widespread

reporting and access on the Internet.

According to the study Adolescents and Parents'

Responses to Cybersex in Two U.S. Samples, this study found

that adolescents and parents were aware of cybersex and

considered it a dangerous behavior. Additionally,

adolescents and parents reported feeling uncomfortable

discussing cybersex, which highlights the need for more

open communication and education on this topic (Ybarra et, 2011).

Asanan, Z. et al., (2017). Cyberbullying is more common

among youth, according to a study. Despite research showing

that the majority of young people have either witnessed

cyberbullying or admitted to being the bully themselves,

this issue still affects adolescents. Then, we must go back

to the basics, where awareness is essential. Individual

selfconcepts, on the otherhand, evaluate a person's

viewpoint, moral principles, physical attributes, family

life, and social features, all of which can be considerably

influenced by the opinions of others.

In the study titled Public Perception of Child

Pornography and Its Factors: Focusing on the differences

between the public and parents, this study examines the

The Problem
factors that influence Child pornography and public

perception of it.

Researchers conducted a survey of 1,000 people in

South Korea, including parents and non-parents. Results

indicated that parents were more aware of child pornography

than nonparents. Research also shows that awareness of

child pornography is positively correlated with higher

levels of education, money, and media exposure (Wie, Q.,


According to Mokha (2017), the popularity of Internet use

has significantly increased society's awareness of online

fraud and cybercrime. Side note: According to his research,

age and education level are the two main factors that

influence higher cognitive levels. She believes these

elements will complement each other to raise awareness on

how to deal with cybercrime.

However, according to Cybersecurity Awareness: Study of

4,444 College Students in the United States, respondents

are very aware of breaches and the importance of protecting

personal information online, At the same time, they are

also aware of the potential risk of cyber threats related

to data breaches, Cyber threats. attacks and illegal access

The Problem
to sensitive information as they increasingly rely on


(Lant, 2020).
Thailand has created a new framework to raise

awareness about privacy. There is still much research to be

done on how to manage online privacy issues in public and

private contexts. Their awareness-raising and advocacy work

in Thailand looks at the issue more deeply by

characterizing online usage, identifying demographics, and

taking into account cultural attitudes and beliefs to gauge

perceptions social awareness of online privacy. While many

people want more private notifications and knowledge about

policies, as researchers have observed, it may also be a

good idea to include private notifications and knowledge

about activities and initiatives of the government. They

conclude that there is a lack of fair information

practices, the dominance of national security discourse,

cyberattacks, inspection of private data of individuals not

covered by cybercrime laws, and taking into account

political dissemination (Ramasoota and Panichpapiboon.,


Sex offenders may use the Internet to distribute

photographs for personal and/or commercial purposes, engage

in inappropriate sexual communications with minors, and/or

The Problem
Locating children for abuse. Before or during an incident,

images of abuse obtained on the Internet can be used to

soothe and/or reduce inhibitions in the offender or victim.

Although there is a lack of data on the reach of the

Internet child pornography, all available information

indicates that it is a big and expanding problem. There

have been an estimated one million pornographic photos of

children on the Internet at any given moment, with 200 new

images posted every day. Much of the child pornography

trade takes place in the depths of the Internet (Chawki,


An article by Vashist (2020), which cites the alarming

prevalence of child pornography in India as a contemporary

issue. He concluded that the source of the problem must be

investigated, as well as the cause of the problem, and

focus on healthy parenting, controlled prevention measures

and child protection by law enforcement agencies. For

reference the article Public Perceptions of Child

Pornography and Related Factors: Focusing on the

differences between the public and parents, the Journal of

Child Sexual Abuse examines perceptions of the public about

child pornography and the factors that influence it. One

The Problem
thousand Korean adults, parents and non-parents,

participated in the researchers' survey.

According to the results, parents were more aware of

child pornography than non-parents. The study also found a

significant correlation between awareness of child

pornography and higher levels of education, money, and


The authors suggest that public awareness of child

pornography through education and communication efforts can

help prevent and address the problem (Shin and Ryu, 2016).

Since the implementation of RA 10175, or the

Cybercrime Act of the Philippines, several activities

related to the expansion or boosting of awareness of the

law have been done in cooperation with the government as

well as some institutions. Regardless of the activities,

there are still people who became victims of the said

crime, which is why awareness of the law must not be

disregarded for safety. The study discloses that most of

the respondents do not know the consequences of social

networking malpractice due to the fact that they are not so

aware of the cybercrime offenses under the said law


The Philippine National Police's Anti-Cybercrime

Group has directed all of its regional anti-cybercrime

The Problem
units and district offices in the National Capital Region

to take part in this initiative simultaneously by posting

infographic stickers with QR codes at strategic

locations.These stickers will direct people to the ACG's

Facebook page and website, which will provide information

on how to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.

Additionally, small company owners and a variety of force

multipliers received seminars on cybercrime awareness.

Inaddition, flyer sand brochures were distributed to

spectators in shopping centers, bus stops, and other places

(De Leon, 2022).

The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Bunch

uncovered that the shapes of cybercrime that have a tall

rate are online tricks, online slander, computer-related

burglaries, anti-photo and video voyeurism, and illicit get

to to one's account. Villarin, who is the representative,

expressed that a web trick was committed through online

shopping, wherein the criminal would fair get the money of

the casualty (buyer) and not send the thing. Online slander

is connected to giving untruthful data that will devastate

your notoriety. Villarin moreover expressed that,interms of

illicit access,having get to to one's account can be

The Problem
utilized in tricks and sexual abuse (CNN Philippines Staff,


Around thought process, the reason why there's a

cyberattack is due to money related and political


The government site is one of the cybercriminals targets.

There was an assault in which the cybercriminals attempted

to have unlawful get to and get the passwords and usernames

of the web clients in DNS.GOV.PH.where the names are

recorded. Moreover, it is said that the Mysterious Taiwan

gather committed the acts. On national security, the fear

based oppressors are moreover overhauled on the web and

making utilize of it for enlistment, financing,and other

terrorist exercises. The foremost efficient technique for

battling cybercrime is to make mindfulness programs,

fortify the law, and have great participation locally and

globally (Anti-Cybercrime Gather, 2013).

The most noteworthy recorded cybercrime cases within

the Philippines in 2019 were recorded in Locale 7, which

had 1.4 million casualties of false SMS or writings cams.

It has 652.2 thousand individuals who have not been

casualties of any kind of cybercrime in that locale

(Measurements Inquire about Office, 2021).

The Problem
Agreeing to the information assembled from Territorial

Hostile to- Cybercrime Unit 4A (RACU 4A), In 2018 and 2019,

there were 1008 detailed cybercrime cases in Calabarzon and

430 cases that were detailed in Laguna. In 2020 and 2021,

cybercrime cases developed. There are 2,579 detailed

cybercrime cases in Calabarzon and 997 detailed cases in

Laguna. The foremost as often as possible detailed cases

are swindling (Estafa), which is a web trick, computer-

related character robbery, and online criticism.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the awareness of the

prohibited acts as stipulated in R.A. 10175 among the

residents of Laguna in terms of Offenses against

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer

data and systems, Computer-related offenses, and Content-

related offenses. Specifically, to assess if there is any

significant difference in the level of awareness of

Prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among the residents of

Laguna; and to find out what factors could be affecting

resident’s awareness. To this end, the study also wants to

discover different ways of expanding the level of awareness

on Prohibited Acts of R.A.

10175 in the locale of Calauan, Laguna.

The Problem
Significance of the Study

The study was conducted meaningfully to serve and give

benefits to the following:

Online Users. This study will provide awareness among

online users from the crimes that might happen to them. It

will also contribute to their safety and what their limits

are when using the internet.

Community. This study will provide awareness &

knowledge to the community regarding the prohibited acts of

Republic Act 10175 through the distribution off flyers. It

can use them to prevent such offenses and report cases such

as cybercrimes to the authorities.

Policymakers. This study will serve as one of the

basis on which they will receive information about the

level of awareness on prohibited acts of R.A10175 which

will be useful for determining what needs to be changed

about it.

Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP

ACG). The study would help the PNP-ACG better understand

the factors that influence the level of awareness of

cybercrime among the residents of Laguna. It will also

benefit them providing insights to improve their

educational and awareness campaigns, better target their

The Problem
efforts, and develop effective strategies to combat


Security analysts. This research will be beneficial

for them because it will provide them with a deeper

understanding of the community's knowledge and

misconceptions regarding cybercrime. This valuable insight

will empower analysts to develop targeted educational

programs and initiatives that effectively address the

specific areas where the community may be more vulnerable

to cyber threats, ultimately enhancing overall

cybersecurity measures.

Students. This study will benefit the students by

expanding their awareness of the prohibited acts of

R.A10175. It will broaden by conducting seminars on


Future Researchers. This research will be beneficial

for them by building upon its finding sand expanding

knowledge in the field, contributing to the development of

more effective strategies for raising awareness and

combating cybercrime.
The Problem
Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored in the 3 theories that supports

the entire study; these theories also focuses on the

awareness of Prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among the

residents of Laguna. This study is anchored in three (3)

theories, namely: Lifestyle Theory, Self-Awareness Theory,

and Rational Choice theory.

Lifestyle Theory

The life style theory seeks to explain that certain

people may become victims of crimes because of their

lifestyles and choices. Many of the alternatives available

to victims expose them to criminal offenders and settings

where crime is likely to occur. Lifestyle theory holds that

crime is a developmental process led by a continuing

connection between three variables such as incentive,

opportunity, and choice. In each stage of the criminal

lifestyle (initiation, transition, maintenance, burnout,

and maturity), the values and its meanings of incentive,

opportunity, and choice change (Walters,2014).

This theory was related to the study, which

illustrates that everyone has their own lifestyle. People

nowadays are more reliant on the internet, that they

conduct online transactions, converse, and publicly post

The Problem
information on social media. As a result, they are the most

common victims of cybercrime.

Self-Awareness Theory

Self-awareness theory proposes that individuals have

the ability to aware of their own thoughts, feelings, and

behaviors. It suggests that self-awareness can lead to

self-evaluation and comparison between personal standards

and actual behavior, resulting in changes aimed at aligning

one's actions with internal standards. This theory posits

that self-awareness plays a crucial role in shaping

individuals' behavior, attitudes, and self-perception

(Eurich, 2018).

Self-awareness theory can be related to the study by

highlighting the role of self-reflection and introspection

in fostering awareness. Individuals who are self-aware are

more likely to recognize their own potential involvement in

cybercrime and the consequences associated with such acts.

This awareness may lead to a greater sense of personal

responsibility and adherence to legal and ethical norms,

ultimately contributing to a higher level of awareness and

a reduced likelihood of engaging in cybercrime offenses.

Rational Choice Theory

The Problem
According to Lockert (2022), rational choice theory is

an approach used in the social sciences that posits that

individuals are rational actors who make decisions by

weighing the costs and benefits associated with various

options. This theory states that individuals aim to

maximize their self-interest and make choices based on

rational calculations of expected outcomes. It assumes that

individuals have complete information, consistent

preferences, and the ability to accurately assess the

consequences of their choices.

Regarding the study, this hypothesis proposes that

people weigh the benefits and hazards of participating in

cybercrime even while they are aware of the potential

repercussions. It suggests that people are more inclined to

commit cybercrime if they believe the advantages exceed the

possible drawbacks. Furthermore, rational choice theory can

support initiatives to raise community awareness by

stressing the value of clearly outlining the dangers and

consequences of cybercrime and drawing attention to the

possible drawbacks in order to discourage people from

partaking in such activities.

The Problem
Conceptual Framework

The study focuses on determining the awareness of

Prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among the residents of

Laguna. This study is confined to an explanation that

discusses the main concept of the Prohibited Acts of R.A.


Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of computer data and systems.

These different malicious activities were designed to

jeopardized the security and reliability of digital

information. Confidentiality offenses involve unauthorized

access to or disclosure of sensitive data. This can include

hacking into systems, stealing personal information, or

intercepting confidential communications. Such offenses

violate privacy rights and can lead to identity theft,

financial fraud, or the exposure of sensitive information

(Balilo& Lavia, 2016

The Problem

Integrity offenses focus on tampering with or

altering computer data to deceive or manipulate users or

systems. This can involve activities like unauthorized

modifications of files, injecting malicious code, or

spreading malware that disrupts the functioning of systems

or manipulates data. Integrity offenses can undermine the

reliability and accuracy of information, compromise the

trustworthiness of systems, and potentially cause financial

or reputational harm (Bande, 2018).

Availability offenses seek to disrupt or deny access

to computer systems or data. These offenses can be carried

out through Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks,

which overwhelm a system with traffic or ender it

unavailable to legitimate users. By impeding access to

critical resources or services, availability offenses can

disrupt business operations, cause financial losses, and

impact the functionality of vital systems (UNODC, 2019).

Computer-related offenses

Computer-related offenses are often committed for

personal interest or to obtain funds, bank notes, or

anything that involves money (United Nations Office on

Drugs and Crime, 2019). Computer-related fraud includes

computer related forgery, computer-related identity theft,

and computer- related fraud. Computer-related forgery

The Problem

pertains to the changing of a document without the owner's

permission and making it appear legitimate. Computer-

related identity theft, which pertains to acquiring

someone's identity and the possession of fake accounts, is

under the said offense (P&L, 2012). Maras implied that

computer-related fraud refers to the usual victims of it

private individuals, online sellers, and those who own

businesses. The criminals will manipulate you until they

gain your trust and you reveal your confidential

information. Once they have your trust, they will now get

all your money and properties (UNODC, 2019).

Content-related offenses

Content-related crimes include cybersex, child

pornography, Unsolicited Commercial Communication, libel,

and other offenses. First, cybersex is the act of using a

computer system for favor or consideration to directly or

indirectly intentionally participate in a lascivious

display of genital or sexual activity.

According to John Bancroft (2013), sex is a habitual

pleasure. The most common factor is masturbation; they

imagine a fantasy or even watch pornography for them to

perform it well, which is why cybersex is a very high-rate

crime these days. This is a kind of illicit activity in

exchange for money. Next is child pornography, which is an

The Problem

act that is punishable under Republic Act No. 9775 and

involves the illegal engaging of children in sexual

activity using computer systems in exchange for money.

Additionally, in the study of Tarannum Vashisht

(2020), the main reason why child pornography is present is

because of a person's pedophilia. To have pleasure coming

from a child sex performer in cyberspace. Then, Unsolicited

Commercial Communications is the transmission of business

digital conversations with the usage of a PC machine that

are searching for to advertise, sell, or provide on the

market services and products that are prohibited without

consent; it is obviously illegal.

Moreover, in the study of Ha et, al. The majority of

internet users' ignorance of how content removal functions

is another major issue. Terms of service and community

guidelines are frequently loaded with legalese that is

difficult for users to grasp, as West (2018) pointed out.

This means that even while Google modifies its terms of

service to comply with government orders for material

removal, users might not be able to see it, and worse, it

might contain what West (2018) called

"Legalese": jargon that is frequently too complex or legal

for the average individual to understand. This indicates

The Problem

that a large number of internet users are unaware of the

procedures associated with government demands for the

removal of content and Google's corresponding cooperation.

Research Paradigm

The paradigm of the study focuses on the level of

awareness on the Prohibited Acts of R.A 10175. There

searcher used the independent variable and dependent

variable approach for its paradigm, as shown in the figure,

to illustrate the flow of the investigation process in

determining the awareness of the Prohibited acts of R.A.

10175 among the residents of Laguna.

The independent variable contains the level of

awareness of the Prohibited acts of R.A.10175 among the

residents of Laguna, as well as the factors that affect the

residents’ awareness.

The dependent variable was the enhancement of

community awareness of Prohibited acts under R.A.10175

among the residents of Laguna.

The study also takes into account moderator variable

which is the residents of Calauan, Laguna. This variable is

likely to have an impact on the level of awareness and can

provide valuable insights in to the dynamics of Prohibited

Acts of R.A 10175.

The Problem

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. The level of awareness High Level of

of the residents on the Awareness
Awareness on
on the
Prohibited acts of RA
Acts of RA 10175
10175 in terms of: Among the Residents
a. Offenses against Of Calauan,Laguna
the confidentiality, ,

integrity and
availability of computer
data and systems;
b. Computer related
offenses; and
c. Content related

2. The factors affecting

the level of awareness of
the community regarding
Prohibited acts of RA

Moderator Variable

Residents of Calauan, Laguna

Figure1.Paradigm of the Study

The Problem

Statement of the Problem

This study assessed the awareness of the Prohibited

acts of RA 10175. Specifically, it seeks to answer the

following sub- questions:

1. What is the level of awareness of the residents

on cybercrime offenses in terms of:

1.1Offenses against the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of

computer data and systems;

1.2 computer-related offenses; and

1.3 Content-related offenses?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of

awareness of the residents on the Prohibited acts

of RA10175 in terms of:

2.1Offenses against the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of

computer data and systems; 2.2

computer-related offenses; and

2.3 Content-related offenses?


There is no significant difference between the level

of awareness on the Prohibited acts of RA 10175 among the

residents of Laguna in terms of Offenses against the

The Problem

confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer

data and system, computer-related offenses, and content-

related offenses.

3. What are the factors affecting the level of

awareness of the community regarding the

Prohibited acts of RA 10175?

4. What action plan may be proposed to increase the

awareness of the community on the Prohibited act

of RA 10175?

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, the following

definitions are operationally defined:

Computer-related offenses. This refers to the wrongful

activity that is being done with computers or making

illegal acts through a computer system.

Content-related offenses. These refers as the

cybercrimes related to any illegal content; the major


of illegal content is sexual child abuse materials.

Fraud. It refers to an act where in a person will try

to imitate someone, declare that he or she accomplishes

something, and deceive the victim to get the money.

The Problem

Hacking. It refers to secretly breaking into a

computer system and stealing valuable data from it without


Identity theft. It is done when someone makes use of

one's identity.

Offenses. These are against the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of computer data refer to the

crimes in which the perpetrators interfere with the data or

the system without the authorization of the owner.

Awareness. Having or showing realization, perception,

or knowledge.

Assessment. The process of determining something's

quantity, worth, quality, or significance; furthermore, the

judgment or choice that is made.

Cybercrime. A crime committed through the use of computer,

device and other gadgets in the cyberspace.

Cybersecurity. The process of defending programs, networks,

and systems from online threats.

Anti-cybercrime group. A National Operational Support Unit

that is principally in charge of promoting the PNP's anti-

cybercrime campaign and putting relevant Philippine laws on

cybercrimes into practice.

Confidentiality. Indicates that information, materials, and

resources are shielded from prying eyes and other access.

The Problem

Integrity. implies that information is total,

dependable and has not been altered or inadvertently

modified by an unapproved client or perpetrator.

Availability. the assertion that a computer system is

available or accessible by an authorized user whenever it

is needed.

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