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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari,Tanggal : .........................

Kelas : IX (SEMBILAN) . . . . Waktu : 60 menit


A. Choose the best answer!

See the picture!
Sita : Look at the giraffes. They have curly eyelashes.
Dini : Yes, they do. Their eyelashes are adorable.
Sita : And look at the zebras. They have black and white stripes on their bodies.

Andri : Guys, do you know that each zebra has different pattern?
Sita : They do? That’s very interesting!
1. What do they say about the animals?
a. Andri remarks on the distinctive individual patterns of each zebra, highlighting their u
nique markings.
b. Sita observes the visual characteristic of giraffes, emphasizing their distinctive fe
c. Sita points out a specific physical trait of giraffes, drawing attention to their distinct e
d. Dini appreciates a specific feature of zebras, acknowledging the uniqueness of their e

Read the text!

For no. 2 to 4
French Press coffee

1. Preheat the coffee press & Coffee mug.

2. Grind your coffee beans.
Tip: Grind your coffee beans to a coarse or medium - coarse grind.
3. Measure ground coffee.
Tip: Start with 8 grams (1 tbsp.) of coarse ground coffee per 4 oz. (118 ml.) of water.
4. Boil water.
Tip: If you do not have a thermometer just allow the water to sit for a 30 - 45 seconds after
it has come to a full boil.
5. Empty the warming water from the carafe.
6. Add your measured coffee grounds.
7. Pour hot water and stir.
8. Place the lid on the French Press, wait for minutes.
9. Press slowly.
10. Pour and enjoy.
2. What is the purpose of writing the text above?
a. To provide detailed instructions on the artisanal process of crafting French press
coffee, fostering an understanding of the method's nuances and intricacies.
b. To elucidate the procedural intricacies involved in the preparation of French press
coffee, aiming to enhance readers' comprehension of the brewing technique.
c. To analyze the sensory aspects and flavor profile of French press coffee, exploring its
distinct characteristics and appeal to aficionados of gourmet beverages..
d. To engage readers through a narrative journey of the French press coffee-making
process, intertwining entertainment with informative elements to captivate and
educate simultaneously.

3. What is the main ingredient of the bregedel tempe?

Bregedel Tempe is a delightful Indonesian dish that boasts a rich cultural

heritage and a tantalizing blend of flavors. Tempe, a traditional soy product
made from fermented soybeans, takes center stage in this dish, showcasing
its versatility and savory appeal.

To craft bregedel tempe, the process typically begins with tempe that has
been finely diced or mashed. This is then combined with an array of aromatic
ingredients such as shallots, garlic, and a medley of spices like coriander,
cumin, and turmeric. These spices not only lend depth to the flavor profile but
also contribute to the vibrant golden hue that characterizes bregedel tempe.

Once the mixture is well-seasoned, it's carefully shaped into small patties or
balls before being gently fried to golden perfection. The result is a crispy
exterior that gives way to a tender and flavorful interior, bursting with the
umami goodness of tempe and the aromatic notes of the spices.

Bregedel tempe is often served as a snack or appetizer, accompanied by a

dipping sauce or enjoyed alongside a spread of other Indonesian dishes. Its
versatility also makes it a popular addition to rice dishes or as a filling in
sandwiches and wraps.

a. Bregedel Tempe Beyond its delectable taste, bregedel tempe holds cultural significance in
Indonesian cuisine, reflecting the ingenuity of utilizing tempe in various
culinary creations. It embodies the essence of Indonesian cooking, which
b. Tempe
c. Egg
d. Celery

4. First .... the potatoes

a. break
b. put
c. fry
d. pour
5. Doctors play a pivotal role in society, extending beyond their clinical practice. They are o
ften regarded as pillars of health and well-being, influencing not just individual patients b
ut also communities and public health policies. What is the main idea of the text?

a. Providing direct patient care and medical treatment in hospitals or clinics.

b. Conducting research to advance medical knowledge and develop new treatments or th
c. Advocating for public health initiatives, disease prevention, and healthcare policy refo
d. Collaborating with other healthcare professionals to deliver comprehensive and coord
inated patient care.

Text is for number 6 to 7.

Read the text!

My bedroom is a place for me to rest, hid relax, and sleep. It is not too big. There is a
brown door of my photos and two windows with blue curtains. The floor is black. The w
alls are white-painted because I like that colour. You can find a comfortable yellow bed
with two pillows, one bolster, and one blanket. There is also a desk for my study. Inside
of the desk there is a bookshelf.

6. The following are activities that the writer does in his room, except for .....
a. Resting
b. Sleeping
c. Relaxing
d. Watching movie

7. The sentences below are true about the writer's bedroom:

a. It has a window
b. There are three blue curtains
c. The floor is black
d. There are two desks
8. Look at the picture!
Ghania : What time is it?
Aisyah : It is . . .

a. half-past eight
b. eight past half
c. half past seven
d. seven past half

9. Angga : What time do you get up?

Ari : At . . .

a. four o’clock
b. half past four
c. five o’clock
d. half past five

10. Teacher : Excuse me. May I have your..., please?

Students : Yes, Ma’am.

a. Permission
b. Understanding
c. Opinion
d. Attention

11. Teacher: ...

Beni : Certainly, sir
A. Beni, can you speak English?
B. Beni, will you close the window, please?
C. Beni, can you sing a song?
D. Beni, will you make fried rice?

The following text is for question no. 12-13

We will use more English now. You
should greet me and your friends in
English. You should ask questions in
English. You should answer questions
in English. And you should not be
ashamed to use English.

12. What should we do?

A. Ask questions in English C. Only greet teacher in English
B. Use less English D. Be ashamed to use English
13. What should not we do?
A. Use more English C. Be ashamed to use English
B. Greet teacher in English D. Ask questions in English

The following text is for question no. 14-15.

14. Kiki gives the greeting card for….

A. Football player
B. Aunty Melvin
C. new baby
D. his Nephew
15. The greeting cards is given because his aunty
Has a …
A. baby C. nephew
B. football D. new baby
16. Which one of the following pictures is called formal invitation letter?



d. .
See the picture! For no. 16-17

16. Is there a girl with a scarf?

A. No, there isn’t C. Yes, there is
B. No, she isn’t D. Yes, she is

17. Which one is the correct statement based on the text?

A. There is not a straight hair C. There are six girls
B. There is a boy with curly hair D. There are three students

18. What does her skin look like?

a. Her skin is pale

b. She has olive skin
c. The girl’s skin is white
d. Her skin is tanned

19. Which is the best description to describe the man?

a. He is a ugly man. He has flat nose and short hair.

b. He is a handsome man. His hair is short. He has prominent nose.
c. He is a well_built man. He is a bald man. He has sharp nose.
d. He is a white man. His nose is sharp and large. He has long and black hair
Read the text! For no. 20-21

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at th
e thought of a fine goat dinner.
“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice, “aren’t you afraid you will fall do
wn from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level
“No, thank you,” said the goat.
“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up there in the wind? You would be warme
r grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area.”
“No, Thank you,” said the goat.
“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf,”Why dine alone?”
“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is My dinner you are w
orrying about and not your own?”

20. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?
a. To be his friend
b. To graze on the level ground
c. To climb up higher
d. To be his dinner

21. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind?”

The word ‘there’ refers to ….
a. A high cliff
b. Sheltered area
c. Grass
d. Ground

22. The reorientation of the text is ...

a. Last Week I went to Mount Bromo
b. In the morning, my friend and I saw Mount Batok
c. I think it was really fun to have a holiday like this
d. We went home in the afternoon

23. What is the topic of the text above?

a. Vacation
b. Vacation to Surabaya
c. Vacation to foreign country
d. Vacation with my family

24. We . . . to the library yesterday.

a. study
b. studied
c. studying
d. studies

Read the text! For no.25-26

A storm is a disturbance of the ordinary conditions of the atmosphere accompanied by
wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail (frozen rain), or thunder and lighting. Types of storms include
the extra tropical cyclone, the common, large-scale storm of temperate latitudes; the tropi
cal cyclone, or hurricane, which is somewhat smaller in area than the former and accompa
nied by high winds and heavy rains; the tornado, or “twister,” a small but intense storm w
ith very high winds, usually of limited duration; and the thunderstorm, local in nature and
accompanied by brief but heavy rain showers and often by hail. The term storm is also ap
plied to blizzard, sandstorms, and dust storms, in which high wind is the dominant meteor
ological element.
25. What is the small storm with high winds happening in short time called?
a. A cyclone
b. A twister
c. A hurricane
d. A blizzard

26. “A storm is a disturbance of the ordinary conditions of the atmosphere …”.

The underlined word means ….
a. Unusual
b. Normal
c. Great
d. Horrible

Read the text!

For number 27 and 28
Holiday classes at learning centre for Nursery. Kindergarten and primary scho
ol children
Supervised reading programme
Creative writing
Poetry appreciation
Art in action
Speech training
Grooming and etiquette
- Qualified teachers
- Friendly atmosphere
- Two-hour class twice a week
Call 03-23860505

27. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT according to the announcement ab
a. Classes are held twice a week
b. Each session will last for two hours
c. Only kindergarten students can attend the class
d. There are six programmes for the holiday

28. “Friendly” atmosphere. What does the underlined word mean?

a. Easy
b. Helpful
c. Pleasant
d. Dull
Read the txt for number 29-30
The Ambhara Hotel

Featuring well-designed guestrooms, this high-rise hotel is ideally located in the heart of
South Jakarta at Kebayoran. The Ambhara Hotel is situated close to the central business distri
ct. It is within walking distance to the Blok M shopping area, where guests can find many sho
ps and restaurants. It is adjacent to the Pasaraya Grande shopping center, which has the larges
t handicraft display in Indonesia. There are several on-site restaurants that serve a variety of i
nternational cuisine. Guests of the hotel will enjoy the hotel for its modern facilities and conv
enient location in the commercial district.
29. People can find . . . in Pasaraya Grande.
a. A variety of international dishes
b. Many kinds of handicraft
c. Many kinds of shops
d. A lot of guests

30. "There are several on-site restaurants that serve a variety of international cuisine."
The underlined word means ....
a. Food
b. Cloth
c. Furniture
d. Appliance
Read the text for number 31-33

My Holiday at home

Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in my home.
In the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with my cat. In the afterno
on, I had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening. I watched untill I felt boring. My
daily activities were like that during the holiday. So, I was sure last holiday was my worst hol
31. Where did the writer spend his holiday?
a. in the morning
b. in the afternoon
c. in his area
d. in his room

32. What did the writer do before taking a nap?

a. He had lunch
b. He watched a movie
c. He played with his cat
d. He had a meal

33. Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe.

- 1 can of full-cream milk.
- 2 cups of heavy cream.
- 1 dark chocolate bar.
- semi-sweet chocolate chips (around 10 grams).
1. Break the dark chocolate bar into chunks.
2. Melt the chocolate bar in the microwave or in a double boiler.
3. As it melts, stir the chocolate.
4. Remove the chocolate from the heat.
5. Pour the can of full-cream milk into the melted chocolate slowly while stirring the
6. When the mixture mixed throughly, set aside.
7. In a separate bowl, mix the heavy cream with manual or electric mixer
until stiffpeaks form.
8. Combine the whipped cream and chocolate mixture.
9. Sprinkle the semi-sweet chocolate chips into the mixture.
10. Fold together until all of them completely mixed.
11. Store in a closed container and freeze for around 2-3 hours.
The underlined word “thoroughly” most nearly means …
a. rigorously
b. through
c. exhaustively
d. perfectly

The text for number 34


On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel

which is not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Br
ahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and
Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We we
re lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey t
o Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borob
udur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

34. The text above mainly discusses about……..

a. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
b. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
c. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
d. the writer’s impression about Borobudur
See the picture!

35. The advertisement of SHOPEE in television can be called ...

a. audio
b. audio and visual
c. visual
d. written

See the picture!

36. from the text, the job vacancy is ..............,

a. Human resources Manager c. Web Programmer
b. Web designer d. Java Programmer

37. You can see this advertisement in the.................

a. Restaurant
b. Theater
c. Social Media
d. School
Read the text!

Do you know Isyana Sarasvati? She is a very famous singer from Indonesia. She is pretty
and very talented. Her fulname is Isyana Sarasvati. She is usually called Isyana. This beautifu
l lady was born in Bandung, West Java, on May 2, 1993. Her parents are Sapta Dwi Kardana
and Luana Marpanda. Isyana, the Taurus girl, is slim. She is only 50 kg and 165 tall. She has
a long smooth beautiful hair. By glimpsing, she looks like a korean star. Talking about her pe
rsonality, Isyana is kind of introvert girl. She seems very quiet. But actually she is friendly en
ough to people. Talking about her passion in music. Isyana likes jazz, RnB, pop, and soul. Sh
e also can play piano, saxophone, and violin. That's fantastic. What do you know about her so
ng? Isyana is being famous because of a very romantic song entitled "Keep Being You" and
"Tetap dalam Jiwa”.
38. From the text above we know that,....
a. She is a famous and talented singer
b. She can play musical instruments
c. She likes jazz and RnB
d. Isyana is an extrovert girl

39. “She is a very famous singer from Indonesia”. The underlined word means ....
a. Strange
b. Clumsy
c. Well-known
d. Popular

40. She also can play ………………

a. Piano
b. Saxophone
c. Violin
d. Guitar

Read the text and match the statement in the left column with the most suitable
responses in the right column.
Dear Esther,
Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of a singing contest. I know ho
w long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish you all the
best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer someday.
Chairperson of class 9A
FOR NO. 41-45
41. The text above shows that................ (B) A. The best student
42. The text is for ...... in class 9A (A) B. Esther is the best singer
43. Who sent that greeting card…………. C. Esther
44. Who received that greeting card D. Singing contest
…………. (C)
45. What is the contest that he E. Rudy
won………… (D)
F. Chairperson

Read the text and answer the questions correctly! For no. 46-48
My Uncle

Hi, I want to tell you about my uncle. His name is Sandi Riyadi. He is a very kind man. H
e is an engineer. Now he works in a steel company in Jakarta. He has a long angular face
and pointed nose. He has a small moustache and short black hair. His eyes are small and h
e wears glasses. He has a faint scar on his left cheek. He looks like a serious person but ac
tually humorous.
46. What is the character of Sandi Riyadi? (Kind man)
47. What is the profession of his uncle? (Engineer)
48. Where does he work? He works at (STEEL) company

Read the text and answer the questions correctly! For no.49-50

Some upon times ago, there was a family which lived in the palace of Priangan Land. They w
ere happy family although a father was a dog”Tumang”, a mother was Dayang Sumbi and a s
on was Sangkuriang. One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to hunt a deer at the deer. He we
nt the jungle but the fortune was not at him, He did not get a deer. He felt so bored so he deci
ded to kill Tumang.
After getting at home, he gave Tumang’s liver but he told that it was a deer’s liver. But Daya
ng Sumbing did not believe that it was deer’s liver but Tumang’s Liver, because she did not
see Tumang at home.She was so angry so asked him to go out…

After some years later, Sangkuriang became a handsome teen. He like travelling many places,
and finally he met a beautiful woman in a village. He felt in love with her, They loved each ot
her and discussed bout their wedding plan. But Dayang Sumbi was shocked after looking at h
is wound on his head, she was sure that he was her son, Sangkuriang.

She tried to make him not to get marry her, she gave a wish that Sangkuriang could make a h
uge ship and large lake for a night. Sangkuriang was not afraid , he tried as fast and strong a
s he could. In almost the ending of the finishing, Dayang Sumbi woke up the chicken to crow.
Sangkurinag was so angry , he kicked the ship onto the lake, it became tobe a mount. It was c
alled Tangkuban perahu mount.

49. “Sangkuriang" is story from ....... (West Java)

50. They were happy family although a father was a dog”Tumang”, a mother was Dayang Su
mbi and a son was Sangkuriang. They refers to ………… (Sangkuriang’s Family)

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