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3 The longer read

The mystery of
raining animals
There’s a famous expression in English to refer
to heavy rain – something the English know
all about. People say ‘it’s raining cats and
dogs’ – you might know it. The origin of the
expression is a mystery. It might have come
from the fact that long ago, there were lots
of cats and dogs living in the streets of towns
and cities without owners. When there was
heavy rain, many of these poor animals died
and their bodies were left in the streets, so it
looked like they had fallen from the sky. We
understand that when we use this expression, in the state. Temperatures had dropped to 4°C,
cats and dogs are not really falling from the and it had even snowed in some areas. Iguanas,
sky. However, there are plenty of examples who are more used to warmer weather, spend
throughout history of animals (and other most of their time holding on to branches or
things) falling from the sky. the side of a tree. When they found themselves
Possibly the most common weird weather in these near-freezing conditions, their bodies
event is when it rains small fish. It’s so common must have shut down and they couldn’t hang
in some places, such as coastal towns in on. So, in this case, they must have fallen to the
Mexico and Honduras, that it can happen ground from trees. Fortunately, the animals
every year. In the Mexican town of Tampico in weren’t dead, and once the temperature had
2017, it rained small fish. In the 1970s, National risen they would move back to the trees again.
Geographic reported the same curious scenes If you suffer from arachnophobia (fear of
in the small town of Yoro, Honduras. The most spiders), this might be your worst nightmare.
likely scientific explanation is that a weather No, you say, it can’t have rained spiders. Very
event called ‘waterspouts’ – similar to a few types of spiders are social, usually preferring
tornado but of water vapour and caused by to live on their own, but there are some species
a storm – must have sucked up tiny fish and that move around together, like bees or ants.
other animals and then carried them in the Together they build enormous webs to catch
wind, dropping them somewhere else later. insects. Usually, these huge structures are close
The same explanation applies to reports of to the ground in the form of terrifying sheets
raining frogs. of thick webs. But sometimes they’re higher
Not all animal rain is caused by rain, however. up, and if it’s windy, some of the spiders might
In 2018, residents in Florida believed it must fall – it might actually rain spiders. This is
have rained iguanas when they found these what might have happened in 2013, near Sao
lizards lying around their gardens. Could these Paolo in Brazil. With a strong enough wind, the
animals have been picked up by a rainstorm? spiders could have dropped from their webs
Again, this puzzling event is a bit of a mystery, and rained down on the locals below.
but one possible explanation is that the ‘lizard So even if it’s not raining, you might want to
rain’ happened during an especially cold period take an umbrella.

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3 The longer read

1 Read the article. Match the animals with 2 It only rains fish in towns near the sea. T/F
the places.
Animals: spiders; iguanas; fish 3 Some people thought that the iguanas
Places: Mexico; Brazil; Honduras; Florida might have come with the rain. T/F

2 Read the article again. Choose the correct

4 When the weather was warmer, the
option a–c.
iguanas moved to another area. T/F
1 Where does the expression ‘it’s raining
cats and dogs’ come from?
5 The spiders in Brazil probably fell out
a Nobody really knows. of their webs because of the wind. T/F
b It rained cats and dogs once.
c The animals were killed in heavy rain. 6 These types of spiders work with
2 How do we know that raining fish bees and ants to build webs. T/F
happens frequently?
a T he weather that causes it is
very common. Subskill: Guessing meaning
b It’s an annual event in some places.
There are different ways of guessing
c T here are many reports of it around the meaning of a word you don’t know.
the world. What part of speech is it? Do you
3 Which two animal rain events might be recognise any part of the word? Can
caused by the wind? the word/sentences before/after the
a fish and iguanas word help you? Can the topic help you?
b fish and spiders
c iguanas and spiders 4 Word work Match the definitions to the
4 Why did the iguanas in Florida fall to underlined words in the text.
the ground? 1 very small drops of water in the air
a I t rained so hard that they fell out of
the trees. 2 extremely frightening
b T hey fell from the trees because it 3 the place or moment when something
was snowing. begins
c T heir bodies stopped working because 4 the people who live in a particular
of the low temperature. place
5 What is unusual about the account of the 5 very strange and unusual
raining spiders? 6 on land near the sea
aS  piders don’t normally form
large groups. 5 Of these three mysterious weather events,
b It doesn’t often rain in Sao Paolo. which one would you be most frightened
of? Why? Which one do you think is the
c The spiders were very large. most dangerous? Why?
3 Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?
Correct the false sentences.
1 One possible explanation of the
expression ‘it’s raining cats and dogs’ is
that the animals fell off roofs onto the
streets when it rained heavily. T/F

Influence 4 · © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 · Your Influence B1+

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