Ultraprocessed Food M

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BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below

Ultra-processed food True / False

linked to cancer risk 1) New research proves all ultra-processed food
causes cancer. T / F
12th September, 2022 2) Frozen pizza can increase the risk of heart
disease. T / F
Further light has
been shed on the 3) The ingredients of ultra-processed food are
possible dangers of mostly made in a laboratory. T / F
eating ultra-processed
4) Researchers looked at data from more than
food. A new study has
200,000 people. T / F
revealed that
consuming food such 5) Two-thirds of U.S. teens get their calories
as sausages, frozen from ultra-processed food. T / F
pizza, ready-to-eat 6) The article says South Americans eat a lot of
meals, sodas and cakes ultra-processed food. T / F
can increase the risk of
cancer, heart disease or an earlier death. Ultra- 7) A doctor said everyone should go on a diet. T
processed food includes products made in factories /F
from ingredients that are largely or entirely made in 8) The doctor said we should totally cut out
a laboratory. They are added with things like minimally processed foods. T / F
preservatives, flavour enhancers, colourings, sugar
and fats. The research was conducted on over
200,000 people in the USA over a 28-year period. Synonym Match
Researcher Dr Zhang said men who ate (The words in bold are from the news article.)
a lot of ultra-processed food had a 29 per cent 1. shed a. replacing
higher risk of developing bowel cancer.
2. consuming b. totally
Ultra-processed foods make up a growing 3. risk c. make up
proportion of the food we eat. The WHO says they
4. entirely d. eating
account for around two-thirds of calories in the
diets of American children and teenagers. Dr Zhang 5. period e. wholesome
said children who ate ultra-processed food gained
6. proportion f. time
weight more quickly than those who ate a more
nutritious and well balanced diet. She said: 7. account for g. think about
"Americans consume a large percentage of their 8. nutritious h. cast
daily calories from ultra-processed foods." She gave
advice on how people can look after their bodies 9. consider i. part
better through their diets. She said: "We should 10. substituting j. possibility
consider substituting ultra-processed foods with
unprocessed or minimally processed foods in our
diet for cancer prevention and for the prevention of Discussion – Student A
obesity and cardiovascular diseases."
a) Why do we eat so much processed food?
Sources: cnn.com / scitechdaily.com / medicalnewstoday.com b) What are some examples of ultra-processed
Writing c) What could you do to eat more healthily?
Ultra-processed food should be banned. Discuss. d) How healthy is the food you have eaten
Chat e) How can you look after your body better?
Talk about these words from the article. f) How can we reduce obesity levels in society?
light / dangers / ultra-processed food / sausages g) Could you give up eating and drinking things
like cakes
/ factories / ingredients / cancer / calories / diets / teenagers andweight
/ gain soda? / balanced diet / advice / obesit

LOTS MORE at https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2209/220912-ultraprocessed-food.html COPYRIGHT Sean Banville 2022

BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below
Phrase Match
1. Further light has been shed
a. made in a laboratory
2. ready-to-
b. diseases
3. ingredients that are largely or entirely
c. of the food we eat
4. flavour
d. eat meals
5. The research was conducted
e. weight more quickly
6. make up a growing proportion
f. on over 200,000 people
7. they account for around
g. obesity
8. gained
h. on the possible dangers
9. the prevention of
i. enhancers
10. cardiovascular
j. two-thirds of calories

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) What do you think of processed food?
Role A – Sausages
b) What kind of unhealthy food do you eat? You think sausages are the worst processed food. Tell the o
c) What do you think of ready-to-eat meals? Role B – Frozen Pizza
You think frozen pizzas is the worst processed food. Tell the
d) Do you worry about additives in food?
e) Should we all eat food that is made only from
fresh ingredients?
f) Could you give up eating and drinking things
like cakes and soda?
g) What could you do to eat more healthily?
h) Do you ever worry that the food you eat isn't
good for you?
Role C – Ice Cream
You think ice cream is the worst processed food. Tell the o
1. A new study has evealred that

2. consuming food such as usasages

Role D – Cookies
3. made in factories from nreidiegtns
You think cookies are the worst processed food.
4. added with things like svpereitavres Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
why their food isn't as bad. Also, tell the others
5. research was undcctoed on over 200,000 which is the most nutritious of these (and why):
people frozen pizzas, ice cream or sausages.
6. developing wobel cancer

7. a growing ooprritpon
Speaking – Processed Foods
8. they account for around two-thirds of
aocirles Rank these with your partner. Put the worst ultra-
processed food at the top. Change partners often and
9. a more urnitiotus and well balanced diet
share your rankings.

10. nmamilily processed foods • Sausages • Sweetened yoghurt

11. the prevention of besotiy • Frozen pizza • Cookies

• Ice cream • Margarine (butter)
12. uiardoacsrvcal diseases • Sodas • Breakfast cereals
Answers – Synonym Match Answers – True False
1. h 2. d 3. j 4. b 5. f 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 F
6. toi Phrase 7.
Answers c and Spelling
Match 8. e are in 9. g
the text. 10. a

LOTS MORE at https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2209/220912-ultraprocessed-food.html COPYRIGHT Sean Banville 2022

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