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Suurlemoen! Notes

Opsomming van Hoofstukke in Suurlemoen!

Chapter 1: Mozart met Lipstick

• Ms Pienaar asks Tiaan and Zane to deliver a letter to Mr Marx

• Mr Marx is not there so Tiaan puts the letter on his desk
• Meanwhile, Zane “decorates” the statue of Mozart with the lipstick that he picked up
before school
• MM catches Zane messing with the statuette but is not upsethe asks them to meet him
in his class after school
• Lipstick that Zane found = Revlon Passion Fruit
• Mr Marx is a music teacher
• Mr Marx and Ms Pienaar apparently kissed one night at a school dance
• when they were supposed to supervise

• Mr Marx bought the Mozart statuette in Austria and it was expensive

• Mozart is originally from Austria

Chapter 2: Orkesoefening / Band practise

• When Tiaan and Zane arrives at Mr Marx’s class after shool, the school band is setting up
for their practise session
• MM talks to the band about postmodernism and uses the Mozart statuette as an
example of this

• Frik calls out that Tiaan and Zane is in a band

• Mr Marx takes out information sheets about the competition, Rumoer, and asks if they
would be interested in entering
• Zane and Tiaan have been friends since grade 3
• Liezl makes her first appearance in this chapter
• Tiaan describes her as “sweerlik die mooiste meisie in graad tien” - He later adds that
she is also the smartest girl in the class

Chapter 3: Pause. Rewind.

• Tiaan and Zane have been playing music together for more than a year
• They only play once a week in the garage and have never performed in front of other people
• nieThey haven’t decided on a band name yet

Chapter 4: Play

• Zane tells Mr Marx that they need a drummer and a singer to start a band
• After Mr Marx makes the suggestion, Zane decides to hold auditions on Thursday
afternoon after school 1/10
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Chapter 5: Selfportret / Self portrait

• Tiaan tries to take pictures of himself with his camera

• He says that he needs something to amuse himself with, as he’s not leaving the house
due to the embarassing incident at the band practice
• Zane is excited because Liezl smiled at him)
• Tiaan thinks that she was laughing at him rather than smiling

Chapter 6: Kennisgewings / Notices

• Zane makes posters to advertise the auditions

Chapter 7: Zane se verdiende loon / Zane gets what he deserves

• No one shows up for the auditions

• Zane and Tiaan goes to the school-band practice and convinces Mr Marx to have them
hold the auditions there amongst the school-band members

Chapter 8: Auditions

• Nirvana
• Upon Liezl’s request, Tiaan and Zane play something

• Frik van Tonder wants to be the first to audition - as a joke

• The auditions don’t go well until Liezl comes to sing
• Sibongile does a drum audition which also goes well

Chapter 9: Casanova op sy knieë / Casanova on his knees

• Liezl says that she can’t be in the band because she doesn’t have the time
• Bongi makes the suggestion that they meet at Milky Lane the next day to discuss
• the band
• Zane declares that he is in love with Liezl

Chapter 10: Die Gids / The Guide

• Tiaan tells the reader of his and Zane’s guide to girls

• They’ve been recording everything they’ve learnt about girls since grade 8
• The guide originated when Zane had his heart broken
• Tiaan thinks that Zane is eager to start a band because he believes girls like
guys in rock bands 2/10
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Chapter 11: Wat’s in ‘n naam? / What’s in a name?

• They decide to give the band a chance for a month to see if it

• works or not
• Bongi reads a saying on her sugar packet (make lemonade), which leads to the idea for
the name of the band.
• Zane suggests that they practise in Tiaan’s garage
• They need to write the group’s name and a short biography of each member on the
application form for the competition (called Rumoer)
• Tiaan uses lemon slices in the band’s pictures

Chapter 12: Suur...! / Sour

• Biographies on the members of Suurlemoen!

Chapter 13: Lawaai (Noise)

• They are officially entered into the Rumoer competition

• They need to write and perform three original Afrikaans songs at the
 competition
• Zane offers to walk Liezl home because he wants to ask
 her to a movie

Chapter 14: Song

• Tiaan writes his ideas on Post-it sticky notes

Chapter 15: Senuweebrakke /Nervous dogs

• Tiaan tells the other members of Suurlemoen! that their neighbour’s poodles had a
nervous breakdown from their music

• Suurlemoen! is forbidden from practising in Tiaan’s garage again

• Zane asked Liezl out but she said she had to practise for the music exam
• Tiaan tries to write a song 3/10
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Chapter 16: Klankdig / Sound proof

• Central High School, SL’s school, has a radiostation that’s manned by

• Psycho Bob and Willem.)
• Bongi arranges the open classroom next to Mr Marx’s class as practice space
• They have to paint and clean the class before they can use it

Chapter 17: Operasie Orkeskamer (Operation Orchestra Room)

• While SL cleans the class, they discover a box with records and an old record
• They get theplayer to work and sing along to golden oldies
• Mr Van Schalkwyk is the principal

Chapter 18: Mal (Crazy)

• Liezl still hasn’t agreed to go out with Zane

• Tiaan says that he should be himself. Zane writes this advice in their Guide to Girls

Chapter 19: Lemonade

• Bongi brings lemonade and sandwiches to their first practise session.

• Tiaan has an idea for a song about lemons and lemonade.

• The words “my heart is a lemon” is written on one of his Post-its and the band becomes
excited about this
• Liezl smiles and Tiaan says he feels “weird, but in a nice way”.
• This shows that he is busy falling for her, even though he doesn’t necessarily realise it.
• Zane asks for advice from Tiaan about Liezl

Chapter 20: Maak Lemonade (Make Lemonade)

Read through the lyrics of Suurlemoen’s first song thoroughly.

Word clarifications:

Suurlemoendag - Lemon day

Niksdoendag - Doing nothing day
Siek & sat - sick and tired
Gehang aan my tak - hanging around
Klop - to beat (like a heart)
Suurlemoentee - Lemon-flavoured tea
Vreemde - strange
Uiteindelik - finally
Giggelende - giggling
Goudgeel - intensive form of yellow
Uitgelate - elated/uninhibited

Tong in die- kies
summer sun in cheek
- tongue 4/10
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Soetsuur - sweet and sour

Chapter 21: Just before our hero becomes a zombie...

• Tiaan is depressed and doesn’t know why

• He doesn’t think that it has anything to do with Zane and Liezl’s movie date the
following day
• He thinks he might be going crazy
• Tiaan’s feelings for Liezl are becoming stronger, although he still doesn’t want to realise
that there are feelings.

Chapter 22: Snuffelgids (Classifieds)

• Tiaan has a nightmare that he’s advertised himself in the Classifieds as Sixteen,

Desperate and in need of true love

Chapter 23: Chrome Bunny

• Zane comes to visit Tiaan with the news that Mr Marx was in a famous band called
Chrome Bunny
• They released a record with two songs:
• Queen Shirley
• Breakfast at the Blue Moon

Chapter 24: Fast Forward

• Tiaan refers to a book that he read about how to begin a band.
• The first chapter’s title: Beware: Being in a rock band can be dead boring.
• Tiaan did not read further than this chapter because he decided the authors did not
know what they were talking about.
• After the first week of Suurlemoen’s existence, Tiaan realises these words are true.

Chapter 25: The language of garden gnomes

• In this chapter, the relationship between Liezl and Tiaan progresses further when they
spend time alone for the first time.

• Tiaan visits Liezl at her house so they can work on ideas for a song
• They talk about his love for photography
• They talk about the garden gnome. It was there when Liezl’s parents bought the house
and Liezl
• fought with her mom to keep it, because it was there before them 5/10
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Chapter 26: Girls Only

• The band has been together for three weeks.

• After practise Liezl doesn’t walk home with Zane because she’s going to drink coffee
• Bongi – alone.

Chapter 27: First gig

• In this chapter, the conflict with Frik van Tonder continues.

• Frik mocks the band at break

• Frik plays the cello
• Mr Marx calls them in after school. The school received confirmation of their entry into
• the Rumoer competition. The first round will be held on 4 September at Dr Viljoen High
School’s hall
• Mr Marx suggests they perform at the drama club’s performance of Romeo & Juliet to
get a bit of exposure before the competition.

Chapter 28: Electricity

• Liezl wants to visit Tiaan to work on a poster to advertise their first performance.

• She and Zane shows up

• In this scene, Liezl visits Tiaan voluntarily, even though she has time alone with Zane.
This shows that there is progression in her and Tiaan’s relationship and conflict becomes
• Liezl has the idea to take a picture of a lemon and change it so that it looks like it’s
plugged into the wall
• Tiaan uses Photoshop to do this.
• They phone Bongi to come join them

Chapter 29: Plugged in

• SL almost got into trouble for putting up posters without permission, but Mr Marx said
that he had given permission
• Mr Marx suggests that they record themselves

Chapter 30: On tape

• They listen to the recording and each member reacts differently

• Zane takes his guitar home to practise
• Tiaan gives him the practise room’s key so he can put his guitar back the next day before

• Liezl is scared that she’s going to get stage fright during their first performance 6/10
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• Bongi spoke to Magdel Meyer, the drama club’s chairperson, who said that not a lot of
school kids come to their shows

Chapter 31: Psycho Bob en Willem

 Psycho Bob and Willem announce during first break that they have a
 Frik comes to speak to the members of SL to hear if they know what the surprise is
 Psycho Bob and Willem announce during second break that they received a demo tape
of the bands song and they play the song on air.
 Zane had forgotten to lock the practise room
 Frik had stolen their tape

Chapter 32: Damage control

• Bongi suggests that they get Frik back at a later stage

• Bongi is relieved that he left their instruments alone
• Bongi decides to keep the keys because she doesn’t trust Tiaan or Zane

Chapter 33: Toilet hit

 Tiaan tells Zane that someone hummed their song in the toilet
 Their song is voted number one on Psycho Bob and Willem’s top three

The kids in their school voted for them

Chapter 34: Maths and a jackpot question

 Tiaan is battling with his maths homework and tries to spell Liezl and the other members
of SL’s names on his calculator
 This shows progression as he comes closer to realising his true feelings for Liezl.
 Tiaan tells her about the t-shirts that he wants to make
 He invites her to come over and she agrees

Chapter 35: Great

 In this chapter, Tiaan’s feelings for Liezl develops.

 Liezl and Tiaan works on their t-shirt

 Zane finds them huddling over the computer and storms off
 Zane is jealous and made his own assumptions
 Liezl says that it’s all her fault and also storms off
 She was supposed to go out with Zane but chose to go to Tiaan instead
 The T-shirt shows a picture of a heart, made up of two lemons, with a bent straw in one
 At the top - My hart is ‘n suurlemoen / my heart is a lemon
 Below it - en jy is die suiker / and you are the sugar 7/10
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Chapter 36: Stilstuipe / The silent treatment

There are only three days left until their first performance and they still have to choose
songs to play
 Both Liezl and Zane ignore Tiaan
 Bongi suggests that they cancel their rehearsal
 Tiaan makes a list of reasons why he could/couldn’t be in love with Liezl
 This situation shows further progression of his feelings for Liezl.

Chapter 37: Vuishou /Sucker punch

The conflict between Zane and Tiaan worsens when Zane makes a sarcastic comment
about a song.
 Tiaan is in a dilemma - he thinks that he has lost both Liezl and Zane’s friendship

Chapter 38: Uitgeplug /Plugged out

 Bongi phones Tiaan to say that Liezl has quit the band.
 She is allowed to, as their trial month is over
 They can’t perform on Monday
 The electric cable of their poster has been metaphorically plugged out

Chapter 39: Bands wat hulle alie gesien het omdat hulle gefight het / Bands that broke up
because of a fight

 Tiaan makes a list of the bands that split because they fought.

Chapter 40: Mr Marx

 Mr Marx says that it’s okay that they broke up

 SL is surprised because they expected a lecture
 Mr Marx says they have to notify the organisers of Rumoer and give back the practise room

Chapter 41: Psycho

 Tiaan gets out of class a few minutes before break and locks himself in the toilet
 He forces entry into the media centre where Psycho Bob and Willem broadcast from
 He asks Psycho Bob and Willem to help him 8/10
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Chapter 42: Gyselaarsdrama / Hostage drama

 Tiaan hold them hostage until the other members of Suurlemoen agree to perform that
 They have to put their answers in the voting slot

Psycho Bob and Willem will miss their maths test but they don’t care because they hadn’t
 studied
 The principal reprimands Tiaan
 Mr Marx talks to Tiaan
 Mr Marx hadconvinced the principal to not punish him if he came out immediately
 He gives Tiaan letters from the other members of SL saying they will play

Chapter 43: Suurlemoen! en Shakespeare

Psycho Bob and Willem are MC’s at the drama club’s performance
SL performs and it goes well

Chapter 44: Romeo and Juliet

 Bongi tells Tiaan that Liezl likes him

 Liezl didn’t want to come between him and Zane
 Tiaan decides to go buy paint

Chapter 45: Verf /Paint

 Tiaan arrives at Liezl’s house with paint, brushes and a flashlight

 He was there to paint the garden gnome
 Tiaan sands down the gnome and begins to paint
 Liezl apologises about the whole thing with Zane
 Tiaan admits that he’s crazy about Liezl
 This part shows that he has finally accepted his feelings. The unraveling of the
conflict/plot starts
 here.
 Liezl kisses Tiaan

Chapter 46: Zane

 Tiaan goes to Zane’s house to apologise

 He apologises for the way everything happened with Liezl and that Zane got hurt
• Flenters = Zane’s dog

Chapter 47: #241

• In this chapter, the conflict between Zane and Tiaan is halted when

• Zane
He hadforgives
two new rules in their Guide to Girls that shows that
he’d forgiven Tiaan 9/10
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• Tiaan is relieved and feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders

Chapter 48: Frik

• Zane meets Tiaan before school
• Bongi tells the radio station that Frik is their biggest fan - he isn’t
• He is given the first Suurlemoen t-shirt to thank him for all his loyal “support”.

Chapter 49: Koerantknipsel (Newspaper article)

• Suurlemoen makes it through to the Rumoer final

• It is advertised in the school newspaper
• Mr Van Schalkwyk says that he’s proud of SL, even though they caused a lot of
• The final will be held in Johannesburg

Chapter 50: Rumoer

• The Rumoer competition

• Mr Marx comes to wish them good luck
• Psycho Bob and Willem set up a petition to get the school to drive SL’s supporters
down to JHB with the school bus
• Five bands are in the final
• The group from the Cape is strong competition - They’ve been together for two

• Mr Marx invites Suurlemoen to Chrome Bunny’s show in a pub in Kirsten street – the
band reunited.

Chapter 51: Magic

• Tiaan describes his feelings and what he sees in the crowd (TV camera and a fan wearing
their Suurlemoen shirt)
• They start on a false note
• One of Tiaan’s guitar strings break in the middle of his guitar solo

Chapter 52: Suurlemoen!

• Suurlemoen wins the competition

• Prizes:
o R20 000 for their school
o A contract to record their first CD 10/10

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