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Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)

Let’s talk about your electricity consumption:

1. What are some appliances in your household that consume much electricity?
In my house, there are several appliances that use a lot of electricity. The refrigerator is one,
because it runs all the time to keep food cold. The washing machine also uses quite a bit of
electricity, especially when it heats water. The air conditioner is another big one, especially
during the summer when it's hot and it works harder to cool down the house. These appliances
help us a lot, but they definitely use a lot of electricity.
2. How do you manage your daily electricity usage in your home?
To manage my daily electricity usage at home, I try to do a few simple things. First, I always
turn off lights when I leave a room. I also use energy-saving light bulbs which use less
electricity. I make sure that appliances like the TV or computer are turned off and not just left on
standby. Additionally, I use appliances like the washing machine during off-peak hours when
electricity is cheaper. These small changes help me save electricity every day.

3. Are you actively involved in any renewable energy programs?

No, I'm not currently involved in any renewable energy programs, but I'm really interested in
learning more about them and maybe participating in the future. I think using renewable energy
is very important for protecting our environment.

Let’s talk about recycling:

1. Do you prefer recycling or throwing things away?
I prefer recycling because it helps protect the environment. When we recycle, we reduce waste
and save natural resources. Throwing things away can harm our planet because it creates more
garbage in landfills. Recycling is a good way to take care of our environment for future
2. What items do you usually recycle at home, like paper, plastic, or glass?
At home, we usually recycle things like paper, plastic, and glass. I make sure to separate these
items from other trash. We put them in different bins so they can be recycled properly. It's
important for helping the environment.
3. Are there any recycling programs and collection schedules in your area?
Yes, we have recycling programs in our area. People can recycle things like paper, plastic, and
glass. We have special bins for recycling that are blue. The collection for recycling happens
every two weeks. People need to put their recycling bins outside their houses on the right day so
the recycling truck can pick them up. It's a good system that helps keep our environment clean.

Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)

Situation: You're determined to reduce your energy consumption and make a positive impact on the
environment. Here are three options you're considering: investing in energy-saving appliances,
unplugging devices when you’re not using them, or reducing the need for artificial lighting. Which
one do you think is the best option you will do first? What are the reasons for your choice?

I'm really focused on cutting down my energy use to help the environment. I'm looking at three
ways to do this: getting energy-saving appliances, unplugging devices when I'm not using them,
or using less artificial light.
I think the best option to start with is unplugging devices when they're not in use. It's a simple
step that can make a big difference. Many devices use power even when they're turned off, so
unplugging them can save a lot of energy. It's also an easy habit to get into without needing to
buy anything new.
As for the other options, while energy-saving appliances are great, they can be expensive to buy
at first. And reducing the need for artificial lighting is good, but it depends a lot on the time of
year and the weather, so it's not always possible. That's why I think unplugging devices is the
most practical first step.
Part 3: Topic Development (5’)
Topic: Effective ways to save natural resources

There are a number of ways to save natural resources effectively. First, let's talk about resource
conservation. This means using less natural resources in our daily life. For example, we can save water
by fixing leaks and using less water when we brush our teeth or shower. We can also turn off lights
when we're not in the room to save electricity.

Next, transitioning to renewable energy is really important. Renewable energy comes from sources like
the sun, wind, and water, which don't run out like oil and gas. By using solar panels or wind turbines,
we can produce energy without harming the environment. This also reduces our dependence on non-
renewable resources, which helps preserve them for future generations.

Finally, recycling is a great way to save natural resources. When we recycle things like paper, plastic,
and metal, we reduce the need to use new raw materials. This means fewer trees are cut down and less
mining is needed, which is really good for the planet. Plus, recycling helps reduce waste in land

Follow-up questions:
1. Can you discuss the concept of "reduce, reuse, and recycle"?
Sure, the idea of "reduce, reuse, and recycle" is a way to help our environment. It's like a guide on how
to deal with the things we use every day to make less trash and pollution.

Firstly, "reduce" means to use less. For example, if you use less water while brushing your teeth, you
are reducing water waste. This helps because less resources are used, which is good for the Earth.

Next, "reuse" is when you use things more than once instead of throwing them away. An example is
using a shopping bag many times instead of getting a new one each time you shop. This cuts down on
waste and saves you money too.

Lastly, "recycle" means taking things that could become trash and turning them into new products. For
example, when you recycle paper, it can be made into new notebooks or other paper products. This is
great because it means we don't need to cut down as many trees.

So, when we follow these three steps—reduce, reuse, and recycle—we help take care of our planet by
creating less trash and using resources wisely. It’s something everyone can help with, and it makes a
big difference.

2. How does our energy consumption affect future generations and the planet?
Our energy use today is important because it affects future generations and our planet. When we use a
lot of energy from sources like coal, oil, and gas, it releases harmful gases into the air. These gases can
cause global warming, which changes our climate. This means more extreme weather, like hotter
summers and more severe storms, which can be bad for people, animals, and plants.

Also, using these energy sources can lead to them running out in the future. This is a problem because
future generations might not have enough resources. By using renewable energy, like wind or solar
power, we can help protect the environment and make sure there is enough energy for everyone in the

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