Registration Form

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Requirements for registration of Clubs, Societies & Organizations (CSO) at

UNAM Hage Geingob Campus 2023:

1. Must have at least a minimum of ten (10) registered members to qualify.

2. Complete the attached application form and pay N$300 non-refundable
(cash only) registration fee.
3. Attach a well formulated final constitution that will clearly stipulate the
meeting times, governance & operational structures of the CSO.
4. Attach an action plan/strategic year plan that will outline your objectives,
mission, vision, mandates etc.
5. Attach a list of member’s names (2023 HGC registered students with student
6. Attach a list of names of the CSO leadership structure e.g. President, Vice,
Secretary, Treasurer etc.
7. All CSO at HGC mandates lapses at the end of every academic year and
membership renewal must be done on a yearly basis.
8. It takes seven (7) working days to get a response on your application
whether approved, approved with amendments or disapproved.

Name: __________________________________________________________
Student number: __________________________________________________
E-mail address: ___________________________________________________
Cellphone number: ________________________________________________
Course and year of study: ___________________________________________

Name of CSO: ____________________________________________________

Purpose and Activities of CSO:

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