Success Stories

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Name: Soliman, Jeruel R.

Course: Understanding the Self

Section: BPAOUS 1-B
Professor: Jennifer Christina, Tui

Success Stories

Think about and write two or three of your success stories.

1. During the pandemic, most people are thinking about new things to do in their past time
and as one of them, I begin to be interested in Crocheting. I saw some videos of how to
crochet and it was relaxing for me so I tried and learned some techniques on how to do
crochet. It was September of 2020 when I start my first project in crochet and it was a shawl
a yellow shawl that leads me to be more focused on this kind of craft. After a week or two, I
purchased a bunch of yarn that I used for my next project and after making a lot of crochet
projects my sister and my mom, and some of my friends told me to post it on Instagram but
I refused their suggestion so I waited for several months until the new years come 2021.
January 3, 2021, was the day where I created my official account for my crochet works and I
called it JuanCrochetMnl which I refer the word Juan to my late brother named John
Michael he used to call himself Juan Mikael in his artworks because he is also a portrait
artist but sadly he left us. But now he is my inspiration to strive and to make more crochet
projects that I post on my Instagram account. Being interested in this kind of craft was the
beginning of all. I received some personalized orders from my friend of mine and they are
very supportive of this small business that I created.
2. To Finish High School was one of the success stories of everyone. 2020 was the most
unpredictable year for all of us and being students stuck inside in our house was the most
difficult situation that we experienced. We study but we are unable to go to school
personally but we survived. My personal experience during those times was incredible in
terms of participation in class and having some time to discover the setup that was
presented to me. I doubted myself if I can do it all my own since I was not able to see my
friends and ask for help personally. I’m doubting because I wasn’t sure if I can survive but I
graduated with honors that I didn’t expect at all. I feel that I am successful because many of
my fellow students were not been able to pursue to graduate in that year because of lack of
instruments and the pressure from the school works. These success stories are just one
perspective from many stories out there in the same situation that I had. Being able to live
and have an opportunity to attend class was a big blessing that I cherish especially this kind
of time that we facing some worldwide problems the pandemic. This year has had a lot of
ups and downs in my life I thought I will not pass in the Polytechnic University of the
Philippines and actually, I totally abandon this school and I went to another University to
take my bachelor degree but God always makes ways to realign of the wrong path that your
taking. I received an email from the University (PUP) and they said that I have a slot and
they welcomed me as their new student it was surprising to have the opportunity to be a
student of PUP and I will value this opportunity and I will make the school proud.

What does this say about who you are and what’s important to you?
- Those stories have a big contribution to who I am now and how I present myself to
other people and how they remember me as who I am.

Share with your group “why” these success stories are important to you.

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