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Introduction (5 minutes):

 Welcome and greet the cadets.

 Briefly introduce the topic of happiness and its importance.

 Share a relevant quote or anecdote about happiness to set the tone.

Icebreaker Activity (10 minutes):

 Conduct a quick icebreaker activity to create a positive and interactive atmosphere.

 Example: Have each cadet share one thing that makes them happy or a recent joyful

Definition and Perspectives on Happiness (15 minutes):

 Present different definitions and perspectives on happiness.

 Discuss the role of mindset, external factors, and personal choices in achieving happiness.

 Encourage cadets to share their thoughts and perspectives on what happiness means to them.

Scientific Insights on Happiness (10 minutes):

 Share some scientific insights on happiness, such as the role of neurotransmitters and
positive psychology.

 Discuss practical tips for boosting happiness based on scientific research.

Interactive Discussion (15 minutes):

 Divide the cadets into small groups for a discussion session.

 Provide discussion prompts related to happiness, such as the impact of relationships,

gratitude, and personal goals on well-being.

 Encourage each group to share their insights and experiences.

Real-Life Examples (5 minutes):

 Share real-life examples of individuals who have overcome challenges and found happiness.

 Discuss the lessons that can be learned from these examples.

Personal Action Plans (5 minutes):

 Ask cadets to reflect on what they've learned and develop personal action plans for
increasing their happiness.

 Encourage setting realistic goals and adopting positive habits.

Closing and Reflection (5 minutes):

 Summarize key points discussed during the session.

 Allow cadets to share any final thoughts or reflections on the topic.

 Express gratitude for their participation and engagement.

Optional: Assignment for the Next Session (if applicable)

 Provide an optional assignment related to happiness, such as keeping a gratitude journal or

trying a new positive habit, and discuss it in the next session.

Remember to adapt the plan based on the specific needs and dynamics of the cadet group.
Encourage an open and supportive environment for sharing thoughts and experiences.
Welcome and Greetings:

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] cadets!

I hope this [morning/afternoon/evening] finds each of you in good spirits and ready for an engaging and
insightful discussion. As we gather here today, I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you.

Before we delve into our topic for today, I want to express my gratitude for your presence and
participation. It's through these meaningful conversations that we enhance our understanding and grow as
a community.

So, welcome once again, and let's make this session a space for open dialogue and shared insights. Are you
all ready? Let's get started!

"Good [morning/afternoon/evening], cadets! I hope you're all doing well today. Welcome to our
speaking club session on the topic of happiness. I'm excited to have each and every one of you here.
Happiness is a fundamental aspect of our lives, and exploring it together can be both insightful and

Before we dive into our discussion, let's take a moment to go around and briefly introduce ourselves.
Please share your name, and if you're comfortable, tell us about something that brings you joy or a
recent positive experience. This will not only help us get to know each other a bit better but also set a
positive and engaging tone for our session.

I'll start. I'm [Your Name], and one thing that always brings a smile to my face is spending time outdoors,
especially on a sunny day. Now, let's go around the virtual room, and each of you can take a moment to
share. Feel free to keep it light and uplifting. Who would like to go first?"

Today, we're delving into the crucial topic of happiness. Beyond being a fleeting emotion,
happiness holds significant importance in our overall well-being. It's not just about experiencing
joy; it contributes to resilience, strengthens relationships, and enhances the quality of our lives. In
our session, we'll explore what happiness means to each of us and discuss its relevance in our
personal and professional development. Ready to dive into this important conversation? Let's get

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will
be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

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