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On laptop/pc Install LPR port monitor

1) Open control panel

2) Open Programs and Features
3) Click the ‘turn windows features on or off’ option
4) Scroll down to the ‘Print and Document Services’ option and expand it
5) Put a tick next to the LPR Port Monitor option and press OK

This will install the LPR port monitor which is necessary to run push the button

On laptop/pc create two PRN files

1) Create the PRN files for the printers you are trying to compare
2) These will require printing the imagine file to be used
3) Print to each device using the device’s driver, but print to file and save with a PRN extension
4) Place these two PRN files in a folder named PTEST in the C drive
5) C:\PTEST (create this folder if not available)

Create a batch file

Next Create a batch file (we use the name P.bat in the UK as that’s what programmed into the USB button interface
software) and enter the below contents and save as c:\P.bat

Note: Please change the IP address and .prn file name as necessary on the below to match the set up you will be
using ie Printer IP addresses and name of prn files created

START/MIN LPR -S -P PASSTHRU -o l C:\ptest\epson.prn

START/MIN LPR -S -P PASSTHRU -o l C:\ptest\hp.prn

Example batch file:

USB Button

Download and install the following application: http://www.usbbutton.com/driver/USBButton.exe

Connect the USB button to your laptop and open the below file using the USB Button software and press the
‘Program Button’ button within the application.

Set up the two printers with a network – assigned IP addresses (remember to edit batch file if required)

Press button – will action automation of the batch file to run the prn files and print to both printers at the same time.

Kit list:
Network switch
Epson Printer
Competitor printer
3 ethernet cables

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