What Is Creative Writing

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What is creative writing? Can it be taught/learned?

What are the tools to analyse creative writing?

Creative writing is associated with the originality of thought and expression. Creative
writing, as the name implies, is a type of writing that deviates from the norms of regular,
professional, academic, or technical writing. Instead, it covers a variety of genres and forms
seen in both fiction and nonfiction writing, including storytelling, playwriting, poetry, prose,
journalism, and more. Though the term might be a little hazy, creative writing is generally
defined as any form of writing that is unique and self-expression. It could be said that
creative writing is the concentration on narrative craft, focusing on components such as
character development, narrative, and plot, infusing its framework with creativity,
innovation, and tale.

Writing creatively is a skill. It is the art and science of using words to produce a certain
impression on a reader. There are Ways To Do Things and Ways Not To Do Things in all
talents. Tolerances in creative writing are significantly looser than in engineering, for
example, because it is based on human psychology. If you build a bridge the wrong way, it
will collapse; if you write a novel the wrong way, it will also collapse. Yes, you can teach
someone to write, and you can teach them to write well. From the earliest hesitant steps of
messing around with words to masterpieces that tug at emotions like the strings of an
instrument, you can trace a learner's evolution of competence. But what you can't teach is the
urge to write. All the skills in the world will not help you if you don't want to use them.
Generally, the answer to the question of whether creative writing can be taught is both yes
and no. Creative writing courses may not be able to create a writer, but they can definitely
help identify writing skills; they can make students start off the course of writing and to
write better and faster than they would have otherwise.


 Originality: Originality refers to the quality of fresh or unique developed or invented
works, as opposed to copies, clones, forgeries, or derivative works. Original work is
one that has not been obtained from others, nor has it been copied from or based on
other people's work. It is a work with a distinct style and content.

 Intellectual leadership: Creative thinkers are able to create new and promising
theories or exciting trends which inspire others to follow; in essence starting a
movement, a school of thought or trend.
 Sensitivity to problems: The ability to identify problems that challenge others and
open up a new field of thought is a mark of creative thinking.

 Ingenuity: Ingenious solutions that are able to solve problems in a neat or surprising
way or reflect a new perspective of looking at the problem.

 Unusualness: Creative thinkers are able to see remote associations between ideas.
When word association tests are given, people in highly creative literary fields like
poets give a higher proportion of unique responses.

 Usefulness: Solutions or ideas that are also practical are considered more creative as
the creator is able to meet the constraints of the problem while at the same time
producing unusual and original solutions.

 Appropriateness: Fluency, flexibility and elaboration are the 3 aspects of

appropriateness. It tests how relevant ideas are generated in response to a question.
The responses should be detailed and vast.

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