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A Case Study On Mental Health And Well Being Among Filipino Youth: Impact Of Social

Media And Technological Advancements

In partial fulfillment of Philippine Popular Culture Subject

2nd Semester, Midterm
AY: 2023-2024

Zaid, Norodin M.
Degollado, Mariel T.

April 2024

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Philippine a country

renowned for its rich cultural diversity, tight-knit communities, and resilient people, is
going through a significant upheaval brought on by the rapid development of social
media and technology. The youth of the Philippines are navigating the intricacies of
identity, relationships, and well-being in an increasingly interconnected world while
standing at the crossroads of tradition and modernity amid this digital revolution. Young
people in the Philippines, who make up a sizable section of the population, are not only
digital natives but also actively involved in reshaping the digital environment. With social
media, smartphones, and other digital technology at their disposal, they are creating
new channels for interaction, expression, and communication. But there are drawbacks
to this digital absorption as well, especially in terms of mental health and wellbeing. We
the researcher aims to investigate the complex relationship that exists between social
media and technological improvements and mental health among young Filipino people.
It seeks to explore the subtleties of how these digital tools and platforms affect a range
of dimensions of teenage well-being, including social interactions, emotional resilience,
and body image in addition to self-esteem. Social networking sites like Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter have been incredibly popular in the Philippines in recent years,
providing young people with opportunities for connection, self-expression, and
belonging. But there are drawbacks as well, as seen by the rising worries about
cyberbullying, social comparison, and online harassment. Young Filipinos' mental health
may suffer as a result of the stress of maintaining a perfect online profile and FOMO,
which can cause worry, sadness, and feelings of inadequacy. Furthermore, the
widespread use of smartphones and other digital devices has made it harder to
distinguish between in-person and virtual connections, leading to a perpetual state of
connectedness that can interfere with offline relationships, disturb sleep habits, and

Therefore, The purpose of this case study is to investigate Filipino youth's lived
experiences, perspectives, and coping mechanisms with regard to their mental health
and well-being in the digital age. Through this case study, we hope to add to the
growing body of knowledge on the intersection of technology, social media, and mental
health in the Filipino context, ultimately informing policies and initiatives that prioritize
the well-being of the youth in the digital age. Through interviews, surveys, and
qualitative analyses, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges
faced by Filipino youth in navigating the digital landscape and identify potential
interventions to promote positive mental health outcomes.
Case description

Existing issues and problem:

• Fear of Missing Out

This study looks at the relationship between young Filipinos' use of social media and
their anxiety levels. Researchers quantify anxiety levels self-reportedly and evaluate the
frequency and duration of social media participation through a survey given to high
school pupils. Results show a link between increased anxiety symptoms and excessive
social media use, which leads to suggestions for encouraging beneficial digital

• Excessive Screen Time

Researchers look into how college students in the Philippines deal with smartphone
addiction in terms of sleep quality. Participants report their smartphone usage patterns
and sleep behaviors using standardized questionnaires and sleep diaries. The findings
highlight the need for treatments to cut down on screen time before bed and enhance
sleep hygiene since there is a negative correlation between smartphone addiction
scores and the quality of sleep.

•Distorted Perception of Reality

The effectiveness of online peer support groups in improving the mental health of young
Filipino people is investigated in this case study. Researchers investigate the perceived
advantages of peer support, including coping methods, empathy, and validation, by
means of interviews with members of virtual support networks. Using the strength of
peer connections in the digital sphere, the study's insights guide the creation of online
mental health interventions catered to the requirements of young Filipino people.

In-depth Body Analysis

Determining probable origins of mental health problems is essential to

comprehending and managing the intricate interactions that lead to these disorders.
Genetic predispositions are important because people who have a family history of
mental illness may inherit genes that make them more susceptible. Mental health
illnesses can also arise as a result of biological factors, such as anatomical
abnormalities in the brain or imbalances in neurotransmitters. Furthermore,
environmental stressors like abuse, trauma, or chronic stress combine with
psychological characteristics including coping strategies, cognitive processes, and
emotional regulation to shape a person's susceptibility to mental illness. Substance
misuse, traumatic experiences, social and cultural factors, and developmental stages all
have an additional negative effect on mental health. Preventive interventions, early
intervention techniques, and holistic approaches to enhancing mental health and well-
being are informed by the recognition of these complex causes.
Advantage and Disadvantage

Access to mental health support services has expanded, which is one benefit
of social media and technological improvements on mental health and well-being
among young Filipinos. Even in distant locations where traditional mental health
treatments may be lacking, young Filipinos can readily interact with counselors,
therapists, and support groups through internet platforms. This accessibility makes it
possible for young people to easily and discreetly seek out resources, advice, and
assistance for dealing with mental health issues, thereby enhancing their general well-
The frequency of cyberbullying and online harassment is one major drawback
of social media and technology innovations' effects on the mental health and well-being
of Filipino youth. Social media platforms give people a place to participate in negative
activities such publishing offensive remarks or photographs, distributing false
information, and cyberbullying. This may have detrimental effects on the mental health
of the impacted kids, including elevated anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as
feelings of loneliness. In addition to having a negative impact on self-esteem and
interpersonal connections over time, cyberbullying and online harassment can also
lower the general well-being of young Filipino people.

Impacts on Society

The impacts of social media and mechanical breakthroughs on the mental

wellbeing and well-being of youthful Filipinos have a swell impact on society as a entire.
As the number of youth mental wellbeing clutters rises, weight is put on healthcare
frameworks, causing a deficiency of assets and lengthier hold up times for
administrations. When mental wellbeing issues impede scholarly accomplishment and
labor association, financial efficiency decreases. The disgrace related with mental
sickness can harm connections and social cohesion inside communities, making it more
troublesome for individuals to coordinated into back frameworks. Besides, untreated
mental wellbeing issues increment the hazard of self-harm and engagement in unsafe
exercises, raising concerns approximately open security. By the by, in spite of these
deterrents, there's a rising understanding of the need of authoritative changes and
promotion campaigns that provide Filipino youth mental wellbeing back to begin with
need in arrange to advance a more comprehensive and versatile society.
Impacts On Filipino culture

The impact of social media and technology breakthroughs on the mental

health and well-being of young Filipino people is deeply ingrained in Filipino society.
The digital era both challenges and reinforces traditional notions of close-knit family ties
and social support structures. Young Filipinos can express themselves and interact with
peers on social media platforms, but they also face new pressures and worries about
their appearance and social acceptance. Social media's widespread use might
exacerbate prevailing cultural standards regarding achievement and success, making
Filipino young feel more inadequate and prone to comparison. Furthermore, the
availability of mental health information on internet platforms helps to gradually change
how Filipino communities view getting assistance and de-stigmatize mental illness. In
order to promote a culture of resilience, empathy, and support for the well-being of
young people, it is becoming more and more important to balance traditional values with
the realities of mental health issues in the digital era as Filipino society continues to
change in reaction to technological breakthroughs.

Intervention Plan

Raising mindfulness, bringing down disgrace, and making a difference those in require
inside the community are the most objectives of mental health. The objective is to form
secure and private spaces where individuals may share their encounters, get back, and
learn adapting instruments through instructive campaigns, mental wellbeing to begin
with help preparing, the arrangement of back bunches, and peer counseling programs.
In expansion to making strides openness, socially competent mental wellbeing
medications catered to community prerequisites will ensure that patients get care that's
fitting for their dialect. The plan's key components incorporate emergency intercession
administrations, progressing program appraisal, and community outreach activities.
These are all planning to raise mindfulness of mental wellbeing issues and create a
strong and compassionate community.

In conclusion, Social Media and technology improvements have a significant

and varied effect on the mental health and general wellbeing of young Filipino people.
These digital platforms provide chances for communication, self-expression, and
information access, but they also bring special hazards and obstacles. Filipino
teenagers encounter numerous obstacles when navigating the digital world, ranging
from the demands of upholding an idealized online identity to the frequency of
cyberbullying and online abuse. Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, there remains
hope for improvement. We can enable young Filipinos to prioritize their mental health
and well-being and navigate the digital world responsibly by increasing awareness,
boosting digital literacy, and creating supportive networks. A healthier and more resilient
generation of Filipino youth can only be fostered by government agencies, educational
institutions, healthcare providers, and community organizations working together to
address the complex interactions between social media, technology, and mental health.

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