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Branch Ogranak

Representative office Predstavništvo


What is a Branch of a Foreign Šta je ogranak stranog privrednog

Company? društva?
A branch of a foreign company is a Ogranak stranog privrednog društva je
separate organizational unit of a izdvojeni organizacioni deo stranog
foreign company in Serbia, through privrednog društva na teritoriji Republike
which the foreign company conducts Srbije preko koga društvo obavlja
its business, in accordance with the delatnost u skladu sa zakonom.
Speaking of running a business, the
Govoreći o obavljanju delatnosti,
prevailing business activity of a branch
pretežna delatnost ogranka može se
can differ from the parent company’s
razlikovati od pretežne delatnosti
prevailing business activity.
društva osnivača.
The bottom line is, you may choose
Shodno tome, možete slobodno da
freely whether you wish to register a
izaberete da li želite da registrujete istu
different or same prevailing business
pretežnu delatnost, kao i društvo osnivač
activity compared to the prevailing
ili različitu pretežnu delatnost kojom će
business activity of the parent
se ogranak baviti. [1] Takođe, možete da
company. [1] In addition, you may
izaberete koje lice će zastupati ogranak.
choose whom to appoint as the
Međutim, u skladu sa Zakonom o
branch representative. However,
privrednim društvima Republike Srbije,
under the Companies Act, the person
pretpostavka je da lice koje je
registered as a branch representative
registrovano kao zastupnik ogranka
is presumed to represent the parent
zastupa i društvo osnivača.
company, as well.
Unlike a parent company itself, a
Za razliku od društva osnivača, ogranak
Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
branch is not a legal entity, but rather nema status pravnog lica, već status
the parent company’s organizational organizacione jedinice društva osnivača
unit which acts in the name and on koja deluje u ime i za račun društva
behalf of the parent company. osnivača. Uz to, društvo osnivač upravlja
Moreover, the parent company is the poslovanjem ogranka.
one in charge of running the
management of the branch.
Što se odgovornosti za obaveze tiče,
Finally, the parent company’s liability
društvo osnivač je neograničeno
is unlimited in terms of obligations of
odgovorno za obaveze svog ogranka
its branch towards third parties,
prema trećim licima koje proisteknu iz
resulting from the branch’s business.
poslovanja ogranka. Navedeno je u
This is in line with the fact that the
skladu sa činjenicom da ogranak ne može
branch cannot have its own property,
imati svoju imovinu, već koristi imovinu
but rather uses the property of the
društva osnivača.
parent company.

Kako osnovati ogranak?

How to Establish a Branch?
Ogranak se osniva donošenjem odluke o
The branch is established via a
osnivanju ogranka, od strane skupštine
decision on the establishment of the
društva osnivača.
branch, enacted by the parent
company’s assembly.
Following that, the application for Zatim, potrebno je podneti registracionu
registration needs to be filed to the prijavu za osnivanje ogranka Agenciji za
Serbian Business Registers Agency, privredne registre Republike Srbije, koja
which then issues its decision on nakon toga donosi rešenje o registraciji
registration and registers the branch ogranka i registruje ga u Registru
in the Business Register. privrednih društava.

The parent company is not limited in Društvo osnivač nije ograničeno u

terms of the number of branches it pogledu broja ogranaka koje želi da
plans to register in Serbia, i.e., it can osnuje u Srbiji. Drugim rečima, može
establish one or several branches. osnovati jedan ili više ogranaka.

The Business Registers Agency is also

competent to register the changes of Agencija za privredne registre je
Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
registered information relating to the nadležna i za registraciju promena
branch, as well as to register its registrovanih podataka o ogranku, kao i
termination. za registraciju brisanja ogranka.
Bank Accounts
According to the Law on Foreign Bankovni računi
Exchange Operations, the foreign
U skladu sa Zakonom o deviznom
companies’ branches are residents
poslovanju, ogranci stranih privrednih
and they operate via their own
društava smatraju se rezidentima, te
resident bank accounts in Serbia.
posluju preko svojih rezidentnih
bankovnih računa u Srbiji.
In order to receive funds, a branch can Sa druge strane, da bi primio novčana
get bank loans and loans from its sredstva, ogranak može da dobije
parent company, with the repayment pozajmice i bankarske kredite od društva
period longer than one year. Those osnivača, pri čemu je rok otplate duži od
funds are used by depositing the godinu dana. Kao preduslov za korišćenje
amount of those loans into the tih sredstava, neophodno je da se iznos
branch’s bank account. pozajmice odnosno bankarskog kredita
deponuje na bankovni račun ogranka.

Given that the Law on Accounting is
applicable to branches of foreign Budući da se Zakon o računovodstvu
companies, these entities are required primenjuje na ogranke stranih privrednih
to do bookkeeping, in accordance with društava, ogranci su dužni da vode
the provision of the Law. Furthermore, knjigovodstvo u skladu sa odredbama
branches of foreign companies must ovog zakona. Ogranci stranih privrednih
file annual financial reports to the društava moraju da podnose godišnje
Business Registers Agency. finansijske izveštaje Agenciji za privredne

u skladu sa zakonom o porezu na dobit,

in accordance with the law on profit
delom vezanim za porez po odbitku
tax, the part related to withholding
ogranak ima povoljnosti u odnosu na
tax, the branch has advantages

Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616

Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
compared to LTD DOO

Foreign Trade
A branch can carry out the activities of Međunarodni promet
import and export of goods and
Ogranak može da se bavi uvozom i
services, without limitations, in
izvozom robe i usluga, bez ograničenja, u
accordance with the Law on Foreign
skladu sa Zakonom o spoljnotrgovinskom
Trade Operations and the Law on
poslovanju i Zakonom o deviznom
Foreign Exchange Operations.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Porez na dodatu vrednost (PDV)
Finally, due to the applicability of the
Konačno, usled primene Zakona o porezu
norms of the Value Added Tax (VAT)
na dodatu vrednost (PDV) na ogranke
Law to branches of foreign companies,
stranih privrednih društava, ogranci su
branches are obliged to file the
obavezni da podnesu prijavu za
application for registration as VAT
registraciju PDV poreskog obveznika
taxpayers to the competent tax
nadležnom poreskom organu ukoliko je
authority, in case their turnover
njihov promet premašio iznos od
exceeded RSD 8.000.000 (dinars) in
8.000.000 RSD (dinara) u prethodnih 12
the previous 12 months.

What is a Representative Office?

Šta je predstavništvo strane firme?
A representative office is the parent
Predstavništvo stranog privrednog
company’s separate organizational
društva je njegov
Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
unit that can perform preliminary and izdvojeni organizacioni deo koji može
preparatory actions with the aim of obavljati prethodne i pripremne radnje u
concluding legal transactions for the cilju zaključenja pravnih poslova tog
parent company. The representative društva. Predstavništvo nema svojstvo
office is not a legal entity and is pravnog lica i može zaključivati samo
authorized to conclude legal pravne poslove u vezi svog tekućeg
transactions only in the course of its poslovanja.
current business operations.
Predstavništvo ne može generisati
Representative office can not generate prihode.

How to Establish a Representative

Kako se osniva predstavništvo?
Just like in the case of a branch, the
parent company is liable for Predstavništvo se osniva na osnovu
obligations towards third parties odluke nadležnog organa društva
which occur in the course of its osnivača.
representative office’s business.
A representative office is established Princip registracije ogranka i
by the decision of a parent company’s predstavništva stranog privrednog
competent authority. društva je veoma sličan. Naime,nakon
The process of registration of the usvajanja pomenute odluke, neophodno
branch office and representative office je registrovati predstavništvo kod
of the parent companies are quite Agencije za privredne registre putem
alike. Namely, following the podnošenja registracione prijave
enactment of this decision, the Agenciji, nakon čega Agencija donosi
representative office needs to be rešenje o registraciji predstavništva i
registered in the Business Registers registruje ga u Registru privrednih
Agency. This is done by filing an društava.
application for registration to the
Agency, after which the Agency issues
a Decision on registration of the
representative office and registers it in
the Business Register.
Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
Foreign Trade
Since the Company Law limits the Međunarodni promet
activities of a representative office to
Pošto Zakon svodi aktivnosti
those of a preliminary and preparatory
predstavništva na aktivnosti prethodnog
character for the parent company, a
i pripremnog karaktera u ime društva
representative office is thus restricted
osnivača, predstavništva su u tom smislu
in the process of trade of goods and
ograničena kada je reč o prometu robe i

Accounting and Reporting Obligations

The representative offices of the
Knjigovodstvo i obaveze izveštavanja
parent company’s which do not
perform business activities on the Predstavništva stranih pravnih lica koja
territory of Serbia are not legally ne obavljaju privrednu delatnost u Srbiji,
obliged to submit annual financial nisu zakonski obavezani da predaju
reports to the Business Registers redovne godišnje finansijske izveštaje
Agency. Also, since Representative Agenciji za privredne registre. Takođe, s
office does not generate revenue, obzirom da Predstavništvo ne ostvaruje
there is no obligation to submit prihod, ne postoji obaveza podnošenja
corporate income tax. poreza na dobit pravnih lica.

Non-Resident Bank Account of a

Parent Company Nerezidentni bankovni račun društva
Representative offices cannot open osnivača
their own bank accounts in Serbia. Predstavništva ne mogu da otvore
Instead, the non-resident bank sopstvene bankovne račune u Srbiji.
account of a parent company in Serbia Umesto toga, nerezidentni bankovni
is used for the operations of a račun društva osnivača u Srbiji se koristi
representative office. za poslovanje predstavništva.

Transactions to a Foreign Country and

Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616

Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
Vice Versa
Primarily, non-residents may transfer Transakcije ka inostranstvu i iz
the money from their bank accounts in inostranstva
a foreign country to their personal
Eventualne pošteškoće koje mogu nastati
bank accounts in Serbia.
prilikom transakcija iz Srbije ka
inostranstvu, i u obrnutom smeru, mogu
biti otklonjene „preventivno” i
Secondly, in order to transfer the
money from a non-resident bank
account to a foreign country, non- Preventivni način bi bio predviđanje
residents are firstly obliged to submit osnivačkim aktom koji poslovi ne
the certificate issued by a competent predstavljaju povredu dužnosti
tax authority, certifying that they have poštovanja zabrane konkurencije.
fulfilled their tax obligations arising
Ako već nije predviđeno osnivačkim
from that transfer.
aktom, isti efekat se može postići i
naknadnim dobijanjem odobrenja za
obavljanje poslova koji bi inače
predstavljali ovu povredu.
The legal entity in Serbia can be
established by any person – private or
legal person, regardless of citizenship. DOO predstavlja privredno društvo u
The possibility to open a company in kome su 1 ili više članova društva vlasnici
Serbia, is the same for everyone, udela u osnovnom kapitalu društva.
without any limitations or special
Pravno lice u Srbiji može osnovati svako
conditions regarding the country of
lice – fizičko ili pravno lice, bez obzira na
državljanstvo. Mogućnost otvaranja
firme u Srbiji je ista za sve, bez ikakvih
ograničenja ili posebnih uslova u pogledu
zemlje porekla.
How to Open a Company in Serbia?
Opening a company in Serbia is not
Kako otvoriti firmu u Srbiji?
simple but when the ownership
structure is non-complex, the process Otvaranje preduzeća u Srbiji nije
can be completed in just over 10 jednostavno, ali kada je vlasnička
Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
business days. For example, that struktura nekompleksna, proces se može
would be the case if the owner(s) is a završiti za nešto više od 10 radnih dana.
natural person, physically present in Na primer, to bi bio slučaj ako je
Serbia at the moment of notarization vlasnik(i) fizičko lice, fizički prisutno u
of the Founding Act. The more Srbiji u trenutku overe Osnivačkog akta.
complex cases, especially in case the Složeniji slučajevi, posebno u slučaju da
owner would be a foreign legal entity, je vlasnik strano pravno lice, ili fizičko lice
or a natural person who is not koje nije fizički prisutno u Srbiji, što
physically present in Serbia, which zahteva daljinsko osnivanje preduzeća,
requires remote company obično traje nešto duže.
establishment, usually takes a bit
Before you register your company,
there are other business decisions and Pre nego što registrujete svoju
steps that you must make such as: kompaniju, postoje druge poslovne
odluke i koraci koje morate da
preduzmete, kao što su:
Choosing an Adequate Legal Form
Making decisions regarding the
Odabir adekvatne pravne forme
ownership structure
Donošenje odluka u vezi sa vlasničkom
Choosing the Appropriate Business
Name for Your Company
Odabir odgovarajućeg poslovnog naziva
Choosing the Business Address
za vašu kompaniju
Choosing the prevailing business
Izbor poslovne adrese
activity of Your Company
Izbor preovlađujuće poslovne aktivnosti
Appointing the Managing Director of
Vaše kompanije
Your Company
Imenovanje generalnog direktora Vaše
Making decisions regarding the
amount of the share capital
Donošenje odluka o visini osnovnog
Choosing the bank, you wish to open a
Company’s business bank account
Odabirom banke, želite da otvorite
Choosing an accountant
poslovni bankovni račun Kompanije

Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616

Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
Drafting the Memorandum of Izbor računovođe
Association (MoA)
Izrada Memoranduma o osnivanju (MP)
Notarizing the Signature(s) of the
Overavanje potpisa(a) osnivača(a)
company founder(s) on the MoA
kompanije na MP

When all the documents and forms

Kada se kompletiraju svi dokumenti i
are finalized and submitted to the
obrasci i predaju Agenciji za privredne
Business Registers Agency, your
registre, vaše preduzeće će dobiti
company will get the final certificate
konačnu potvrdu o osnivanju i moći ćete
of incorporation and you will be able
da otvorite poslovni bankovni račun i
to open a business bank account and
počnete da obavljate svoju poslovnu
start performing your business
U osnovi, gore navedeni koraci se mogu
Basically, the above-mentioned steps
sažeti kao prikupljanje potrebne
can be summarized as collecting the
dokumentacije i izrada suštinskih akata
necessary documentation and drafting
kako biste mogli da pređete na sledeći
essential acts so that you can proceed
korak – registraciju preduzeća.
to the next step – company
Therefore, registration is only one of Dakle, registracija je samo jedan od
the steps in the process of establishing koraka u procesu osnivanja preduzeća.
a company.
Regardless of your business plans on Bez obzira na vaše poslovne planove
when to start operating or the aim of kada treba da počnete sa radom ili cilj
establishing a company, once the legal osnivanja preduzeća, nakon registracije
entity is registered the obligatory legal pravnog lica obavezujuće pravne norme
norms are applicable to every subject važe za svaki subjekt u Registru.
in the Register.
Therefore, in the first 15 days since
registering at the BRA, the entity must Stoga, u prvih 15 dana od registracije u
submit its first tax application, known APR, entitet mora da podnese svoju prvu
as the advanced tax application. poresku prijavu, poznatu kao unapredna
Besides the purpose of applying and poreska prijava. Pored svrhe prijave i
registracije novog subjekta kod poreskih
Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd
registering a new entity with the tax organa, poenta ove obaveze akontacije
authorities, the point of this advance je i da se subjektivno proceni
tax obligation is also to subjectively potencijalna dobit preduzeća u prvoj
evaluate the potential profit of the godini otpočinjanja poslovanja. Ova
company in the first year of starting a procena je faktor koji bi odredio poresku
business. This evaluation is the factor obavezu kompanije za tu godinu.
that would set the company’s tax
Štaviše, možete imati dodatne obaveze
obligation for that year.
ako se registrujete kao obveznik PDV-a.
Moreover, you might have additional
obligations if you register as a VAT
taxpayer. Imajući u vidu da nisu svi ili bi trebalo da
budu upoznati sa postupcima pred
Bearing in mind that not everybody is
poreskim organima, uvek se preporučuje
or should be knowledgeable in the
angažovanje računovodstvene kuće u
procedures before the tax authorities,
soliciting an accounting company in
Serbia is always recommended.

Bookkeeping Subjekti su dužni da vode knjigovodstvo,

Entities are required to do u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o
bookkeeping, in accordance with the računovodstvu. Pored toga, kompanije
provision of the Accounting Law. moraju da podnose godišnje finansijske
izveštaje Agenciji za privredne registre.
Furthermore,companies must file
U skladu sa zakonom o porezu na dobit,
annual financial reports to the
preduzeća su dužna da podnesu porez na
Business Registers Agency. dobit.
In accordance with the law on profit
tax, companies have to submit CIT.

Soul Finance doo PIB: 112775616

Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45V, 11000 Beograd, Matični broj: 21736872
Srbija Račun: 265-1100310079406-63 Raiffeisen Banka AD Beograd

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