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‘ Fenal, Seavien mde Trudy woe by qo end Wwbed He eg AE Chitin of tele The Kerala Service Rules-1 d Rules GENERAL SCOPE AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE The Kerala Service Rules are divided in to 3 parts. Part I Date of effect = 01-11-1959 Number of Rules - Rules 1 to 159 Subject - The General conditions, Pay, Increment, Leave, Joining Time, Foreign Service etc Applicability ~ All regular employees (All Full Time Officers) Part IT Date of effect = 01-11-1959 Number of Rules - Rules 1 to 116 Subject - Traveling allowance Applicability - All regular employees, Employment hands, Re-employed pensioners etc. Part 111 Date of effect = 01-11-1956 Number of Rules - Rules 1 to 151 Subject -Pensionary benefits | Applicability - All regular employees entered in to service before on 1-4-2013 Appendices & Forms in KSR There are 13 Appendices and 19 Forms in KSRs. Important Appendices ( Page No. 286 Volume I KSR) App.I = Model of Agreement App. - List of Head of Dept. App. lll - Rules relating to Charge of office App.IV__- Special pay & Compensatory Allowances App.IV A - Overtime Allowance App. VII - Casual Leave, Special Casual Leave and ‘Compensation Leave App. VII - Leave of officers appointed for limited period App.IX List of Hill Track App.X _- Pension commutation App. XII - Leave for Radiation Workers Te Reg te Wheto eauslebane Leve poses kena pabive Sevier tet Pont Senuice conitrons ot wut employs Stet WRbE te Seavice andes have bean quvemed byflis Ack: ean Derth Com creti enema {ony App. XI A - LWA for taking up Private Employment App.XIIB_- LWA for study purpose App.XIIC_ - LWA for joining spouse App. XII - Extra Ordinary Pension Importance Forms (Page No. 364 Volume I KSR) Form 1 - Service Book Form 2 - Application for Pension, DCRG & Family Pension Form 7 - Leave Account Form 8 - Indemnity Bond Form 13 - Application for Leave Form 14 - Overtime Register Form 15 - SPARK Form 19 — - Register of Casual Leave Important powers vests in Govt. (Rules 4 to 11) ¥ Power to make rules (Rule 9 Part I KSR) Power to modify rules (Rule 11 Part KSR) Power to dispense with or relax any rule (Rule 7 Part I KSR) Power to delegate powers to subordinate officers (Rule 9 Part I KSR) Power to regulate the terms and conditions of compensatory allowances (Rule 9 Part I KSR) Power to transfer an officer to Foreign Service (Rule 139 Part I KSR) Power to grant LWA exceeding 180 days at a time (Rule 64 & 88 Part I KSR) Power to grant LWA for study purpose (Appendix XII B) Power to grant advance increment for meritorious service (Rule 34 Part I KSR) Power to withholding or withdrawing of pension (Rule 3 Part III KSR) Power to re-employ a pensioner (Rule 91 Part III KSR) R088 K S844 4 How are the rules applying (Ruling to Rule 11) Y Pay & Allowances —_- Rules in force at the time of earning them. Y Leave ~ Rules at the time leave is applied for and granted. ¥ Pension ~ Rules at the time of resignation or discharge from service. Definitions (Rule 12) Important terms used in KSR’s are defined in this Rule 12. It contains sub Rules 1 037 34 fleleqaton & Qesed General conditions of service (Rule 13, Note 3 and 4) No persons may be appointed to Govt. service without producing a medical certificate of health. (Exceptions: Note - 3) SPARK (Rule 13 A) Service & Pay Roll Administrative Repository for Kerala is an Integrated, Personal, Payroll and Accounts Information System for the Govt. employees. Y Every employee is allotted a unique Permanent Employee Number (PEN) through the system. Y Form No. 15is filled up and submitted by the employees while reporting for duty on fresh appointment. Employment and Punctuality (Rule 14, Notel and 2) ‘The whole time of an officer is at the disposal of the govt. which pays him. Every officer must attend the office punctually. ¥ Thenormal office time is 10 AM to5 PM. Y Agrace time up to 10 minutes can be granted for attending office. Y The attendance will be closed 10 minutes after the commencement of the office. Y Attending office after the grace period of 10 minutes but within 1 hours is considered as late attendance For every 3 days late attendance without permission an officer will forfeit a days casual leave Y Noother kind of leave except casual leave shall be forfeited for the late attendance without permission. Y Disciplinary action may be taken against an officer for late attendance without permission if there is no casual leave to be forfeited. < Dies-non (Rule 14 A) ‘The period of unauthorized absence of an officer on account of participation in strike shall be treated as Dies-non. Dies-non means Non Duty. Y Dies- non was introduced in(1971, Deleted in 1988) Y Dies- non reintroduced in 2002 (w. e. f:10.1.2002) Dies -Non Period shall not be counted for: Probation, Earned leave, Pay & Allowances. Dies -Non Period shall be counted for: Increment, Promotion, Pension, Half-pay leave. Lien (Rule 12 (18) Lien means the right of an officer to hold a permanent post to which he has been appointed substantively General principles of Lien (Rule 15 to 20) General Provident Fund (Rule 22) ‘A Govt. employee should join GPF Scheme compulsory after one year. ¥ Monthly subscription to GPF should not less than 6% of the emoluments. Y Temporary advance from GPF can be sanctioned every 6 month. Y The minimum service required for Non Refundable Advance (NRA) from GPF is 10 Years., Y GPF advance calculation formulae - (3a-b)/4 Y Head of Account of GPF - 8009-01-101-99 State Life Insurance (Rule 22 A) Every person who enters Govt. Service and has not crossed the age of 50 years subscribes to a policy in SLI within one month (w. e. f: 16-12-2008) Rate of premium w. e. f: 1-7-2017 Actual Pay- up to 17,999 - Rs. 200 18,000 - 35,699 - Rs.300 35,700 - 55,349 - Rs,500 55,350 and above - Rs. 600 Group Insurance Scheme (Rule 22B) ‘An officer who enters in Govt. Service within one year compulsorily enroll as a member of Group Insurance Scheme. Rate of premium w. e. f:1-9-2016 Scale of pay - 16,500 - 35,700 - Rs.300 17,000 - 37,500 to 32,300~ 68,700 - Rs. 400 35,700 - 75,600. to 45,800 - 89,000 - Rs. 500 55,350 - 1,01,400 to 93,000 - 1,20,000 - Rs. 600 Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme was introduced in 2007. The scheme implement through Kerala State Life Insurance Dpt. Y Annual premium of GPAIS deducted from the salary for the month of November every year. The sum assured amount of GPAIS is Rs.10 Lakhs. Rate of premium w. e. f: 1-1-2017 Various Dpts. - Rs. 400, KSEB - Rs. 850, KSRTC - Rs. 550 Prior Service for Service Benefit (Rule 22 C) Pay Without Assuming duty (Rule 23 (a) Exception) Arrears of Pay (Rule 23 c,d) 5 Years Time Limit (Rule 24, 24 A) Servicetime,Departmental study centre, Typm, Blpm, Nta, Phone: 0471-2400401 / The Kerala Rules-1 D) vi en The rules in Part III KSR came into force with effect from: a. 01.11.1956 , 01.01.1956 ¢. 10.11.1959 d. 01.11.1959 5 2A new entrant in govt. service, who is below 50 years of age, shouldfeubseribe to a =~ policy in the official branch of the state life insurance, within a period of: > a. One year »b. Six months oy 3 ¢. Three months d. One month s $_3.The period of unauthorized absence of an officer for participation in a strike was declared & as ‘Dies-non’. For this period he is not eligible for: 5 a. Eamed Leave ’. Increment bs ~ ¢. Half pay leave 4. Half pay leave and increment ~ G 4,Rulel3A, Part I KSR deals with: £ a, SPARK b. Dies - non wy c. Casual leave 4. Special leave U gpesV” , spa) = (5iPhe title of an officer to hold substantively to a permanent post to which he has been S “appointed substantively is called. v a. Cadre ~ b. Personal Effects S . Duty eo d. Lien c y OMthe Lien acquired by an officer on. perma post on which another officer has a = suspended Lien is called: a a, Suspended Lien b. Permanent Lien ¢. Provisional Lien 4. Termination Lien é ‘LDies-non was re-introduced w. . f x a. 09/02/2002 b, 10/01/2002 ¢. 10/01/2001 4. 09/01/2001 8,If any doubt arises as to whethet the rules in KSR would apply to any person, the matter é will be decided by: 5? ” a. Finance Department b. Government Ne ©. Accountant General d. Head of the Department me? 9,The rules in Part I KSR came into force with effect from: a. 01.11.1956 b, 01.01.1956 ©. 10.11.1959 4. 01.11.1959 10.Who reserves the power to modify the Kerala Service Rules ? a. Kerala Government b. Governor ¢. Central Government d. President ta) 2d) BQ, Ha, SA, EC) Ab Sb, qd; 10a _LAvhich Rule of KSR (Part I) says that an officer may be required to subscribe to General Provident Fund ? a. Rule 19 b. Rule 23 c. Rule 28 d. Rule 22 Which of the following is true regarding Dies-Non? a. It will count for probation b. It will count for earned leave ¢. It will not count for any service benefits. 4d. Itwill count for increment and half pay leave roduction of medical certificate is necessary when: a. An officer in service other than the last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy of less than 3 months duration »b, An officer in the last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy less than 6 months duration c. A person is re-employed after for'forfeiture of past service 4. A retired officer re-employed immediately after retirement e government may, at their option suspend the lien of an officer holding substantively a permanent post while: a. Onleave b. Under suspension c. On foreign service 4. Under training 15,The lists of Heads of Departments are shown in: ‘A. The Pay Revision Order b. Appendix I of Part I KSR c. Appendix of Part!KSR —_d. None of the above 16/ Dies non means: a. Dies while in service b. Non duty allowance c. No work no pay 4d. None of these 1 §) poe 17Kerala Govt. make rules further to amend KSRs, in exercise of powers conferred by: a. The Constitution of India ». The Kerala Public Services Act we c. The Kerala Service Rules d. Manual of Office Procedure a (18. An officer can be said to be officiating in a post when he performs the duties of a post on which another officer hold a: a. Duty b. Leave ©. Promotion 4. Lien 19/Dies-non is deseribed in: a. Rule 14 KSR Part I b, Rule 14A KSR Part I ©. Rule 24 KSR Part I d. Rule 244 KSR Part I 20. Lien means the title of an officer to hold......... post. a. Temporary b, Officiating yelly ©. Substantially a permanent d. Subordinate 21/Non refundable advance (NRA) from GPF can be sanctioned after the completion of , ---- years of service. als b.10 e12 4.20 2 {dp WA, IBC MAC ISS, EC ,IMO) IZA, WO, doe, Bb 22. Te formula (33-b)4 is applied forthe calculation of which ofthe following ? a. Calculating HBA. , Calculating PTA. c. Temporary advance from GPF —_d, Calculating MCA 23. Which one item of expenditure is drawn from the head of account 8009-01-101-99 ? a. FBS b. HBA c. MCA, . GPF 2A. Forfeiture of a days casual leave will ordinary be the penalty for every... late attendance without permission. a. Two b. Five c. Three 4. Four .. days 25 Registrar of Co-operative Societies Commissioner of Rural Development Director of Panchayat Joint Secretary to Govt. > A Head of Dept. 2.Post in the same establishment (iThe additional post is subordinate to regular post - Special allowance shall not be admissible Eng: The District Collector > Revenue Divisional Officer Block Development Officer > Joint Block Development Officer (ii) The additional post is Equivalent/of same rank (a) Different jurisdiction area - Special allowance shall be admissible. Eng: Athiyannoor BDO > Parassala BDO Neyyattinkara Thahsildar -> Nedumangadu Thahsildar ” (b) Same office - Special allowance shall not be admissible Eng: Senior Superintendant > Senior Superintendant Section Officer > Section Officer (c) Same offic e responsibilities are indivisible and cannot be distril more than one officer - Special allowance shall be admissible. Eng: ADC (General) > ADC (Performance Audit) Deputy Director Animal Husbandry (veterinary) > Deputy Director ‘Animal Husbandry (Extension) Additional post superior to regular post - Special allowance shall be admissible. Eng: Asst. Registrar > Registrar Deputy Collector > The Collector Note: All India Service Officers, State Govt. Officers and Judicial Officers who are in the scale of pay of Secretary to Govt. (85,000 -1,17,600) and above shall not eligible for charge allowance. Serdeetine Departmental study centre, Typ, lpm, Nta. Phone: 04712400401 ane wn ‘The Kerala Service Rules-3 Model Questions COMBINATION OF APPOINTMENT 1/ The special allowance for holding full additional charge of another post will be given for a maximum period of: a. For the entire period b, One year c. Six months d. Three months 2./A junior Supdt. is. put in full additional charge of a senior Supdt. From 13.2016 to 15.3.2016. What will be the amount the Jr. Supdt. will get as special allowance, if the Senior Supdt. was drawing a basic pay of Rs.37,500 in the scale of pay of Rs.35,700-75,600 ? a. Rs.2,142 b, Rs.1,071 ¢. R.1428 d. Not admissible CAI junior Supdt. is put in full additional charge of a senior supdt. His charge allowance can be claimed: a. In the bill form for Gazetted officers, without authorization from Govt. Accountant General b. Only by authorization of Accountant General c. Only by authorization of Govt. d. As part of regular salary bill of non-gazetted officers without any authorization AA Senior Supat. in Collectorate, Thrissur is drawing a basic pay of Rs.42,500 is, put in full additional charge of a Deputy Collector drawing a basic pay of Rs.48,000 in the scale of pay of Rs.42,500 - 87,000 for one month. What is the amount of special allowance admissible to him ? a.Rs.2,550 b.1,275 c. Rs.1,700 d None of the above Me ‘An Inspector of Police in put in full additional charges of Deputy Supdt, of police for one month. He will be eligible for special allowance at the rate of: a. 4% of the minimum of iis scale of pay b. 4% of his basic pay c. 4% of the minimum of the scale of pay of the Dy. SP d. 4% of the basic pay drawn by the Dy. S.P 6frow many types of combination of appointments are there in Government rvice ? a.3 types b. 4 types ©. 2 types .5 types 2597 se, ee 1A, Ad | BA, KE OA : cae en aggre abv ape hk 7. An officer was appointed to hold full additional charge of post X having a compensatory allowance of Rs.2000 on 1. 02. 2016. The full additional charge of post Y having a compensatory allowance of Rs.2500 was also given to him on 1, 02, 2016. The total compensatory allowance admissible to him is: a. Nil b. Rs.4500 cc, Rs.2000 d. Rs.2500 If an officer is appointed to discharge the current duties of another post in addition to his own, he will be eligible for a special allowance as a percentage of the minimum of the scale of pay of the additional post. This percentage shall not exceed : a. 6% b.3% 4% d. 2% g,/tre authority competent to make charge arrangements is: a. Head of office b, Head of Department c. Immediate superior officer d. Appointing authority 20 shen an NGO holds additional charge of a Gazetted post authorization from the Accountant General .......... necessary ? a. Is to be b. Is not c. Shall be +d. Must be Wan officer appointed to hold ......... of a post has to perform all the administrative, financial and statutory functions and duties of the post a. Temporary b, Officiating, c. Full Addl. Charge d. Discharge current duties 12An officer appointed to hold full additional charge of a post will be eligible for charge Allowance, if the period of additional charge exceeds: a. Three months. b. Two months c. 14 working days d. 14 days 13-An officer appointed to discharge the current duties of a post has to perform the following functions of that post. = a. All the administrative functions b, All the financial functions c. All the statutory functions d. Only the works of a routine nature n officer appointed to discharge the current duties of a post will be eligible for charge Allowance, if the period of additional charge exceeds. a. One month b. Two months c.30 working days d. 14 working days nA, 344, job, \Ne,\ac, (3d, Aa PS 15/The remuneration given to hold additional charge of a post is termed as: a. Charge Allowance b. Special Allowance c. Compensatory Allowance _d, Special pay {le)Ahhe Special Allowance for holding additional charge is reckonable to which of the following ? a. DA and HRA b, Pension and DCRG c. Compensatory Allowances d. No other benefit ( IZA Labour Commissioner holding charge of the post of Registrar of Co- operative Societies (posts not in the same office, establishment or line of promotion) will be eligible for Special Allowance for a maximum period of: a. Not admissible b. 1 month ¢.3 months _ d.6month * 18,A Head of office holding charge of a Senior Superintendent in his office is eligible for Special Allowance for a maximun} period of: a, 9 months b-6months c.3 months d. Not admissible 19/A Senior Superintendent holding charge of another Senior Superintendent in his office is eligible for Special Allowance for a maximum period of: a. 9 months b. 6 months - c.3 months d. Not admissible 20/the rate of charge allows --=------ of the minimum of the scale of pay of additional post for disc] of current duties w. e. f 01-02-2016. a.2% b.4% ©.3% d.6% BA Dy. Collector is put in full additional charge of Dist. Collector for one month. He is eligible for charge allowance: a. 3% of the scale of pay of additional post b, 4% of the minimum of the scale of pay of additional post c. 6% of the maximum of the scale of pay of additional post d. 4% of the maximum of the scale of pay of additional post perio period for which charge allowance for holding additional charge of another post can be paid is: a.3 months b.4 months c.6 months d.2 months Bren the additional charge of a post is subordinate to the regular post, special allowance shall be admissible? a, Correct b, Incorrect c. As per the discretion of the Head of Department d, Non of the above XN (bbs GA Ve) GA 4A Ade by AAA rot Be 2A India Service Officers, State Government Officers and Judicial Officers who are in the scale of pay of Secretary to Government and above shall be eligible for charge allowance for holding, additional charge of other posts. a, Admissible b. Not admissible c. As per the discretion of the Head of the Office d. Non of the above 25, An officer appointed to hold ‘ full additional charge’ of a post has to perform: a. Administrative functions and duties in respect of that post b. Financial functions and duties in respect of that post c. Statutory functions and duties in respect of that post d. All the above e Bee allowance of a non Gazetted officer for holding full additional charge of a Gazetted post will be drawn and paid by the Head of Office in the same manner as his regular pay and allowances are drawn: a, Correct b. Incorrect ) c. As per the discretion of the Head of Department d. Non of the above A Junior Superintendent in Dept. of Agriculture was put in additional charge of the post of Senior Superintendent of the same office for the period from 1.4.2016 to 30.6.2016. The treasury officer has passed the bill claiming charge allowance without insisting the authorization from the Accountant General. Comment. a. The action of the treasury officer is correct as per GD No 1 to Rule 53 Part [ KSRs b. The authorization from the Acc General is required for passing the claim c. The authorization from the Director of Agriculture is required for passing the claim d. The authorization from the Govt. is required for passing the claim 2d 3.d 4c 5.c 6a 7.d 8.d 9d 10.b Ic 12¢ 13.d 14.0 15.b 16.d 17.c 18.d 19.4 a 2b 22a 23.b 24.b 25.d 26a 2a ‘Servicetime, Departmental study centre, Tvpm, Bipm, Nta. Phone: 0471-2400401 1 Kerala Service Rules~ Noted Rules & Descriptions INCREMENT ~ (Rule 31-34) ‘The periodical rise in the rate of pay ona time scale of pay is called an increment. ‘The earning period of an increment is 12 months in the case of annual and 24 months in the case of biennial. ae a Increment Sane! g Authority a. Non Gazetted Officers" - Drawing & Disbursing Officer b. Gazetted Officers - Accountant General (A&E) c. Advance Increment - The Govt. Sanction of increment Ordinarily an increment may drawn as a matter of course unless it is ane withheld (Rule 31) 9 ¥ No formal sanction is necessary for drawing regular increment. °° But sanction of the authority is necessary in the following circumstances: 1 ¥ Increment accruing consequent on declaration of probation, 8” ¥ Whena withheld increment is restored. Y Where an efficiency bar is prescribed, to sanction the increment next above the bar. Y Broken periods of service reckoned for increment. Regular increment (G D 1 to Rule 31) An increment shall be granted on the first day of the months on which it falls due. (With effect from: 1.4.1974) Increment consequent on declaration of probation (G D 2 to Rule 31) Increment accruing consequent on declaration of probation shall be drawn only ww. e. f: the date of completion of probation. But subsequent increment shall be drawn on the first day of the month in which they fall due. Increment Register (Article 78 KFC) A Register of Increment should be maintained in every office by the Drawing officer in Form No.9A (K.E.C Vol. Il) Points to remember ¥ Anincrement may be withheld from an officer by the government or by any authority to whom the government may delegate this power under Rule 9 if his conduct has not been good or his work has not been satisfactory (Rule 31) Y ‘The benefit of an increment which falls due during periods of leave with allowances is admissible. Y An increment which falls due during a period under suspension will not be admissible. ¥ An officer shall not be eligible for an increment unless he has acquired the obligatory department test qualification prescribed to earn an increment. ¥ An officer shall not be eligible to his first increment until he subscribers to SLI & Gis. Periods count for increment ( Rule 33) Y All duties in a post on a time scale. Allleave with allowance LWA with Medical Certificate LWA without Medical Certificate for 60 days in continuation of Maternity Leave Training period treated as duty Service on Deputation Foreign Service Joining time Period of Dies-non Suspension period treated as duty Suspension period treated as Leave with Allowance Over stayel of leave treated as Half Pay Leave Over stayel of Joining time treated as Half Pay Leave Provisional service up to 30-09-1994 An officer thrown out of service for want of vacancy and reappointed after a break, his prior service count for increment. LWA for study purpose under Rule 91A subject to the following conditions: a) The period qualifying for increment shall be restricted to the normal period required for completion of the course b) Increment shall be granted only on production of the Diploma or Degree SSANSRAKRA RRA KKK S Periods do not count for increment Y Leave without Allowance without Medical Certificate Y Service in a lower post Suspension period treated as Suspension Suspension period treated as Leave without Allowance Period of Permanent barring of increment Overstayal of Leave treated as Leave without Allowance Overstayal of Joining time treated as Leave without Allowance LWA for private Employment as per App. XII A LWA for study purpose as per App. XII B LWA for joining spouse as per App. XILC Breaks period service for want of vacancy Advance Increment( Rule 34) | Poe motune vere), ‘The Govt. may grants an advance increment to both Gazette & Non-gazetted officer in consideration of their meritorious service. Good service entries, incentive awards and advance increment will be an ascending order in the matter of recognition of SSSR KK KKK meritorious service. Y Incentive awards in the nature of cash shall not be given to the gazetted officers. ¥ When on advance increment is granted to an officer his next increment is due on. normal increment date. Stagnation Increment An officer reach the maximum of the scale of pay and will not be eligible for any further increment in their scales will be allowed stagnation increment. 5 stagnation increment will be allowed within 6 years. ‘The first 4 are annual & 5 only as biennial. ¥ Stagnation increment for Part Time employees is limited to three, Ist 2 are annual 3rd only as biennial. V The rate of stagnation increment is equal to the last increment in the scale of pay concerned. Y The maximum pay with stagnation increment shall not excused 1,20,000_ w. e. f: 01.07.2014. ¥ Stagnation increment will be treated as Personal Pay and counted for DA, HRA, Pay Fixation and Pensionary benefit. Barring of Increment ‘A competent authority may be withholding the increment of an officer as a penalty, It is imposed on a Govt. servant only for good and sufficient reasons under the Kerala Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal ) Rules, 1960 Barring of increment can be of 2 types. 1.Temporary barring (without cumulative effect) ‘Temporary barring of increment means withholding of increment without cumulative effect. It shall not have the effect of postponing the future increments. Y Minimum period -3 months ¥ Maximum period -3 years 2.Permanent barring (with cumulative effect) Permanent barring of increment means withholding of increment with cumulative effect. It shall have the effect of postponing the future increments. ¥ Minimum period - 1 Years ¥ Maximum period - 3 Years Points to remember Y Barring of increment can be only in respect of an increment falling due after the date of issue of orders.(Prospective effect) Y An orders of barring of increment are applicable only in respect of the scale of pay of the post held by the officer at the time of issue of orders. Y Anorders of barring of increment has no effect on the Higher or Lower post to which the officer may be promoted or reverted Y Increment barred with or without cumulative effect shall not be reckoned for fixation of pay in higher post. ‘Servicetime,Departmental study centre, Typm, Blpm, Nta. Phone: 0471-2400401 The Kerala Service Rules: ‘Model Questions INCREMENT ‘The period of leave on L.W.A (without M.C) is. for increment: p A) Counted B) Not counted ©) Reckoned D) Considered 2A probationer whose probation is two years and increment is annual entered into service on 1.1.2010 and completed his probation on 20-1-2012. His first increment will be sanctioned on: A)L1.2011 B) 20.1.2012 ©)1.2.2012 D)1.1.2012 _3. Which of the following periods will count as duty for probation ? A) Leave without allowances B) Maternity Leave C) Holidays prefixing/ suffixing eligible leave D) Earned leave VJaathe date of increment of an officer is 1.1.2009. The officer was on leave without allowance for 85 days from 28.2.2009. He would get his next increment on: A) 13.2010 B) 11.2010 ©) 1.2.2010 D) 263.2010 ZA clerk joined service on 30 January 2013. If the increment is annual, from which of the following dates would the first increment be sanctioned: ‘A)30.1.2014 B) 1.22014 ©) 291.2014 D) 11.2014 1 officer joined duty on 17.2010. His probation is two years within a continuous period of 3 years, If his probation is declared w. e. f: 112.2012, second increment can be granted from: A) 172012 B) 30.6.2012 C) 112.2012 D) 1.12013 (QA Govt. servant on maternity leave from 1.1.2012 applied for leave without allowance (without medical certificate) till 27.8.2012, in continuation of maternity leave. She was drawing a basic pay of Rs.24,040 from 1.12.2011. What is the date of her next increment A)1.122012 B) 18.2013 ©) 1.2.2013 D) 278.2013 [oa Bb, HA SA ) 6O/ Ia @)A Clerk was on half pay leave from 15,6.2012 to 29.6.2012and on leave without allowances (without medical certificated) from 30.6.2012 to 31.7.2012, If he got an increment on 1.7.2011, what is the date of next increment ? A)L7.2012 B) 1.9.2012 C)2.8.2012 D) 1.8.2012 @An officer got an increment on 1.4.2011, He availed leave without allowances (without medical certificate) from 2.7.2011 to 14.7.2011 and from 14.9.2011 to 29.9.2011. Whatis the date of his next increment ? AyL4.2012 B) 15.2012 ©)1.6.2012 D) None of the above ‘A Govt. servant on first appointment is on probation for two years from 1.7.2011. He will not get his second increment. ‘A) Before subscribing to state life insurance scheme B) Before subscribing to group insurance scheme ©) Before he is confirmed in service D) Before he completes the period of probation. ‘41V.A probationer in ports dept. entered service on 25.7.2009 and completed two years Probation period on 10.9.2011. He will get his third increment on: > Ayi72012 B) 25.7.2012 ©) 30.9.2012 D) 1.10.2012 12.An assistant engineer in P.W.D. got an increment on 1.7.2011. He was on leave without allowance other than on medical certificate from 1.6.2012 to 25.6.2012. What is the date of his next increment ? A) 257.2012 B) 26.7.2012 17.2012 D) 18.2012 13What is the provision regarding counting of leave without allowances under Rule 91APart I, KSR, for increments ? A) It will not be counted for increments B) It will be counted for increments without any conditions ©) It will be counted for increments subject to certain conditions D) None of the above GA, 4a, Wd ay tee, [3— te following periods of service will not count for increments: A) Earned leave taken for more than one year continuously B) Half pay leave/ commuted leave for more than one year, without me certificate C) Leave without allowances, continuation of maternity leave. D) LWA without Medical Certificate for 90 days ‘out medical certificate for 45 days in U5efhe authority competent to grant Pre-mature/ Advance increment to an officer for meritorious service is: BAJromdnys A) The Accountant General B) The Govt. C) The Head of Dept D) None of the above 1g flr of the following type of leave will not count as qualifying for increment ? A) Earned Leave B) LWA on MC HPL D) LWA under App. XIL A. athe maximum number of stagnation increments w. e. £01,02.2011 is: A)3. BS oA D2 18) Mr. X is drawing a pay of Rs.20,000 in the scale of pay 19000-500-20000-550-22200-600- 25200-650-27800-700-29900-800-33900-900-37500-1000-42500-1100-43600 with effect from 01.10.2014. His one increment was barred without cumulative effect as per order dated 01.01.2015. What will be his pay as on 01.10.2016 if he continues in the same scale A) 21100 3) 20350 2 ©) 20000 D) None of the above r Ar . Rhee wr wal rae oye cor! a The barring of increment without cumulative effectican be for a maximum period of: = Ja.Thebarring of ‘tho ative effectican be fi period of: A) Lyear B) 3 yrs ta ty C) 6 months D)2yrs baht 7 €®) A Lower Division Clerk who joined service on 11.07.2006 was on probation for a period. of 2yrs. His first increment was sanctioned on 01.07.2007. When will his second increment become due if his probation is declared w. e. f: 11.07.2008 FN ? A) 01.07.2007 By11.07.2008 C) 01.08.2007 D)None of the above tad, Isb, ba, Vb, 8a, [Abpdok 21. The due date of increment of an LDC was 1.7.2014. He availed leave without allowance otherwise than on medical certificate from 25.6.2014 to 20.07.2014. His next increment is due on: A) 277.2014 B) 21.7.2014 172014 D) None of these 22. Two increments of an officer drawing a pay of Rs.10790 on 1.4.2007 in the pay scale of s,7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-12930 was barred with cumulative effect on 1.7.2007. His pay on 14.2012 A) Rs.11630 B) Rs.12190 ©) Rs.11350 D) Rs.11910 23. Two increment of an officer drawing. a pay of Rs.9,590 on 1.4.2007 in the scale in the scale ‘of Rs.7990-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-12930 was barred with C.E. with effect from 1.72007. His pay on 1.4.2012 is: A) Rs.10,550 B) Rs.10,310 © Rs.10,070 D) Rs.10,790 24. The increment of a storekeeper drawing a basic pay of Rs.18740/- from 1.4.10 in the scale of pay Rs.13210-930-13540-360-14980-400-16980-400-18740-500-21240-560-22360 was barred for 2 years without cumulative effect. His increment falls due on 1* April every year and the order stopping the increment barred was issued w. e. f:1.6.2010. Ifso, his basic pay on 1.4.13 is: A) Rs.19240/- B) Rs.19740/- ©) Rs.20240/- D) Rs.20740/- 25, An L. D Clerk who entered Govt. service on 1.1.2005 was thrown out of service for want of vacancy on 30.4.2005. He was reappointed against an arising vacancy on 1.6.2005. He will get his first increment on: A)L1.2006 B) 12.2006 ©) 1.6.2006 D) None of the above 26.An Assistant in Govt. Secretariat, Trivandrum was an maternity leave from1.4.2011 and she availed Leave Without Allowances without Medical Certificate for 60 days in continuation of Maternity Leave. Before entering on maternity leave she got an increment on 13.2011, What will be the date on which she will get the next increment ? A) 13.2012 B) 15.2012 ©)1.6.2012 D)1.11.2012 ANC Ada, ABb, AAG ATb, ha, 27. A high school assistant entered service on 1.6.2008. He completed his probation on 5.7.2010. He will get his second increment on A)5.7.2011 B) 17.2010 ©) 1.62010 D) 67.2010 28Whatis the date on which a High School Assistant who entered service on 1.6.2008 ~ and completed probation on 5.7.2010 will get his third increment ? A) 17.2011 B) 57.2011 6.72011 D) 1.6.2011 2apiFom the following which one isa non qualifying period for increment: A) Suspension period treated as duty B) Departmental in-service training period C) Commuted leave period D) LWA otherwise than on medical certificate YAn increment shall be granted from the-—-——- of the month in which it falls due.: A) Last B) Middle ©) First D) Second 31,Ah Assistant appointed in the Secretariat was thrown out of service and again reappointed after a break in the same post. Comment on whether his prior service can be counted for increment, A) Prior service can be counted for the purpose of increment B) Prior service cannot be counted for the purpose of increment ©) Only 50% of the period of the break will be counted for increment D) If the period of break exceeds 3 months, it will not be reckoned for increment \ 324f an officer is under suspension the benefit of an increment which falls due during the period under suspension: A) Will be admissible during suspension period B) Will not be admissible during suspension period, ) Shall be admissible during suspension period D) None of these ofthe authority competent to sanction the increment of Gazetted Officer is: A) The Government B) The Treasury Officer C) The Head of the Department D) The Accountant General. AM, Avd, Q4A BoE, BWA, SLb yp yvd bho is the sanctioning authority of increment to Non Gazetted Officers is: A) The Controlling Officer B) The Treasury Officer ©) The Head of the Department D) The Drawing and Disbursing Officer 85th respect of Stagnation Increment, the position w. e. f. 1.7.2014 is that, the maximum basic pay after such increments shall not exceed: A) R3.59840 B) Rs.81000 ) Rs.35700 D) Rs.120000 \36‘The rate of Stagnation Increment reckonable is: A) As decided by the Head of the Department B) As decided by the Controlling Officer C) The first stage of increment of the scale of pay concerned. D) The last stage of increment of the scale of pay concerned. 37-The date of increment of a Bacteriologist in Health Services Dept. is 1.10.2011. He availed leave without allowances other than on medical certificate for 30 days from 1.82012. What is the date on which he is eligible for the next increment ? A) 110.2012 B) 31.10.2012 Q Linz D) None of the above r (38. Which of the following period of absence from duty do not qualify for increment ? A) Dies-non B) Maternity Leave C) Suspension period regularized as LWA D) Period of Training 39. Which of the following leave is treated as duty for the purpose of probation ? Yv A) Maternity Leave B) Earned Leave C) Half Pay Leave D) LWA without MC ‘The normal date of increment of a govt. servant was: 1,7.2013 - He availed LWA not on medical certificate during 2.10.2013 to 28.10.2013 and on medical certificate during 5.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 - What is the date of his next increment ? x % A) 15.2014 B) 16.2014 nasa O)17.2014 D) None of these 36 and, asd 1 Sed, d?a,sreatanoe \ Sin increment sanction to an officer in advance in consideration of his meritorious service in the discharge of his duties and responsibilities is called: A) Stagnation Increment B) Advance Increment | pe ©) Personal Increment D) None of the above {3 Mich ofthe following isnot correct in respect of stagnation increment? A) Given to officers who have reached the maximum of their scales of pay B) The maximum pay with stagnation increment shall not go above Rs.1,20,000 ©) Givenat the rate of last increment drawn in the scale of pay ) First three stagnation increments are annual and the rest are biennial. 43, When advance increment is granted to an officer, next increment is due ? 7 A) On normal date B) After 12 months ©) After 6 months D) After 3 months 44.Where an efficiency bar is prescribed in a time-scale, the increment next above the bar shall not be given to an officer without the specific sanction of the authority empowered to withhold increments A) Correct B) Incorrect ©) As per the discretion of DDO D) None of the above 45,Af increment may be withheld from an officer by the government or by any authority to whom the government may delegate this power if; 29 n=> 56 A) His conduct has not been good B) His work has not been satisfactory ©) Both (A) and (8) D) None of the above dn ‘Stagnation Increment to Part-Time contingent employees is limited to: \ A)2 B)3 o4 Ds . \ A7An increment withheld (vith cumulative effect or without cumulative effect: A) Suffers no loss to the incumbent > B) Suffers loss either permanently or temporary ©) On expiry of the period of barring arrears will be paid > D) None of the above oy kL, MBA) Ha, ATED Abby ATDAT 48. A competent authority may be withholding the increment of an officer as a penalty is described in: A) Rule 31 Part [ KSRs B) GD 2 to Rule 31 Part I KSRs C) Rule 33 Part I KSRs D) None of the above | 49-Periodical increments means: di A) Notional Increments B) Premature Increment ) Stagnation Increment D) Annual increment 50.What is the provision regarding counting of leave without allowance under Rule 91APart I KSRs for increment. A) Itwill not be count for increment B) It will be count for increment without any condition C) It will be count for increment subject to certain condition D) None of the above Answer Key Lb 2. 3.b 4a 5d 6 7.a 8d 9a 10d Ia 12¢ 13¢ 14d 15.b 16.d 17.b 18.a 19.b 20.b 21.¢ 22.a 23.b 24 25.b 26.a 27d 28.d 29.d 30.c 3L.a 32b 33.d 34d 35.d 36.d 37.0 38.c 39.a 40.c 41.b 42.d 43.a 44.0 45.c 46.b 47.b 48.d 49.d 50.¢ Servicetime, Departmental study centre, Typm, Blpm, Nta, Phone: 0471-2400401 The Kerala Service Rules-5 Noted Rules & Description: Pay (Rule 25) Pay means the amount drawn monthly by an officer in a time scale of pay. The Pay of an officer shall not exceed the maximum of the scale of pay sanctioned for his post without the sanction of Govt. (Rule 25). Pay includes: 1. The Pay (Basic Pay) 2. Personal Pay 3. Special Pay 4, Any other emoluments defined as pay by Govt. 1, The Pay (Basic Pay) (Rule 12 (23) Basic pay means the pay drawn by an officer in a time scale of pay from time to time, It can be substantive pay or officiating pay. Substantive - An officer is appointed permanently to a permanent post is called Substantive, Y Pay drawn in an permanent posts called substantive pay. Y Loss of substantive pay is protected by personal pay. Officiating - An officer performs the duties of a post on which another officer holds a lien is called Officiating Y Pay drawn while officiating in a post is called officiating pay. ¥ Loss of officiating pay is not protected. 2. Personal Pay (Rule 12 (26) Personal Pay is an additional pay granted to an officer in the following, circumstances: a) To save an officer from loss of his substantive pay due to revision of pay. b) Special consideration based on personal merit. ¥ When pay increases, Personal pay correspondingly decreases. Y Personal Pay will not be considered as pay for fixation of pay. 3, Special Pay (Rule 12 (31) Special Pay is also an additional pay granted to an officer in consideration of the following factors. Itis classified in to 3. Class I(a) - In view of additional or higher responsibilities Eg: Special Pay granted to Secretary to Govt. Class I(b) - Specially arduous nature of work Eg: Allowance for handling cash, Allowance to drivers etc Class Il - Work in addition to normal duties Eg: Charge allowance Allowance to Teachers holding charge of NCC Allowance to peons for night watchman duty ete ¥ Special Pay will not be reduced when pay increases. Y Class I (a) Special Pay drawn continuously for a period of 3 years will count for fixation of pay on promotion to a higher post. Note: The Govt. re-classified Class I(b) and Class Il Special Pay as Special Allowance in 1997. W. e. f:1/3/1997 there is only one Special Pay is exist ie, Class I (a). This has been stopped by Govt. w. e. £ 1/7/2017 as per the Pay Revision order. 4, Any other emoluments defined as pay by Govt.- Dearness Pay At present there is only one class of pay comes under this category is Dearness Pay. A portion of DA which has been merged into pay and retained as a special class is known as Dearness Pay Time Scale of Pay (Rule 12 (35) Time Scale of Pay means pay which rises from a minimum to maximum by periodical increments. Identical Time Scale (Rule 12 (35 a) Two time scales are said to be identical if the minimum, the maximum, the period of increment and the rate of increment of the times scales are identical (equal) Same Time Scale (Rule 12 (35 b ) A post is said to be on the same time scale as another post if: a)The two time scales are identical b)The two posts fall within a cadre ¢) The duties and responsibilities of the two posts are approximately same. Fixation of Pay Fixation of pay means fixing the pay of an officer in a new scale of pay. A new scale of pay becomes applicable in the following circumstances. 1)Promotion 2)Reversion 3)Pay Revision Promotion can be classified in to two group. Group -1. Promotion from a Lower Time Scale to Higher Time Scale (LTS - HTS). It includes: 1)Normal Promotion 2)New Appointment 3)By Transfer Appointment 4)Grade Promotion When an officer is Promoted/ Appointed from a Lower Time Scale to Higher ‘Time Scale, his pay will be fixed in the Higher Scale by applying any one of the following 3 Rules. Rule 28 Rule 28A Rule 37(a) Group -11 Promotion from a Higher Time Scale to Lower Time Scale/Identical Time Scale (HTS -LTS /ITS). It includes: 1)New Appointment 2)By Transfer Appointment When an officer is Transferred/ Appointed from a Higher to Lower Time/ Identical Time Scale of pay , his pay will be fixed in the new post by applying any one of the following 2 Rules. Rule 37(b) Note 1 below Rule 28 Group -1 Application of Rule 28 The Rule 28 is applicable to the following mode of Promotions/ Appointment: a) A substantive officer promoted/appointed to a substantive post (Sub - Sub) b) A substantive officer promoted/appointed to an officiating, post (Sub - Offi) ©) An officiating officer promoted/appointed to an officiating post (Offi - Offi) Note: If the questions is silent regarding the mode of promotion, it should be presumed that the promotion is to an officiating capacity. Fixation of Pay Under Rule 284 As per Rule 28A officers are eligible for two fixation of pay. 1) Initial Fixation - Pay will be fixed at the date of promotion. 2) Re-fixation ~ Pay will be fixed at the date of normal increment in the Lower Post. Note: Re-fixation of pay will not be admissible when promotion is to a substantive capacity. Modification of Rule 28A. The Govt. have modified the Rule 28A w. e. are the following: 1)The monetary limit for applying Rule 28A. has been changed from the minimum of the Lower Time Scale to the Higher Time Scale. 2)The benefit of Re-fixation of pay has been stopped. 3)An option facility has been introduced in lieu of Re-fixation, ‘There are two kinds of options: Option (a) - Pay will be fixed at the date of promotion. Option (b) -Pay will be fixed at the date of normal increment in the lower post. 26/3/2006. Important modification Rule 28A W. e. f: 1/2/2016 As per the Pay Revision Order 2014 the method of fixation of pay, which is in force prior to 26/3/2006 is restored w. e. f: 1/2/2016. The existing option facilities are withdrawn, Accordingly an officer is promoted to a Higher Time Scale, his Initial Pay shall be fixed at the time of promotion. A Re-fixation of pay will be allowed on the date of increment in the lower post. peo ‘Monetary Limit of Rule 284 ‘The applicability of Rule 28 is restricted by imposing certain monetary limit, as amended from time to time, At the time of promotion , the minimum of the Higher ‘Time Scale of Pay does not exceeds Rs.68,700/- w. e. f: 1/7/2014 (Prior this monetary limit is Rs.36,140/-) Steps in Fixation of Pay Under Rule 28 1) Find out the pay of the officer in Lower Time Scale on the date of fixation, 2) Add one Notional Increment to the above pay to get Notional Pay, 3) Fix pay in Higher Time Scale at the stage next above to the Notional Pay (Note in equal stage) Points to remember Y The Rule 28A will be applicable to the majority officers in the state service. Y Out of different Rules for fixation of pay, the Rule 28A is most advantageous in monetary benefits. The only one Rule which envisages Notional Increment & Re fixation of pay is Rule 28A Y Re-fixation of pay is not allowed when promotion is to a substantive capacity. Application of Rule 28 The Rule 28 will be applicable when a substantive officer is promoted /appointed substantively to a post (Sub. - Sub.) and the minimum of the Higher Time Scale of Pay exceeds Rs.68,700. (w. e. f: 1/7/2014) Pay in the Higher Time Scale will be fixed at the stage next above to the Pay in Lower Time Scale. Y Under this Rule only initial fixation is allowed, Y The benefit of Notional Increment and Re-Fixation of Pay are not admissible. Y Next increment will be granted on completion of one year from the date of Promotion. Application of Rule 37(a) ‘The Rule 37(a) will be applicable when a substantive/ an officiating officer is promoted/appointed to an officiating capacity (Sub. - Offi. or Offi. - Offi. ) and minimum of the Higher Time Scale of pay exceeds Rs.68,700. (w. e. f:1/7/2014) Pay in the Higher Time Scale will be fixed at the stage next above to the Pay in Lower Time Scale. Y Under this Rule Initial Fixation and Re-Fixation are allowed. ¥ The benefit of Notional Increment is not admissible. Grade Promotions Promotion based on length of Servi Service based higher grade promotion is given with reference to the length of qualifying service in the entry post. It is commonly known as Time bound Higher Grade Promotion / Non Cadre Promotion, Employees who remains in their entry post without promotion will be granted to higher grades on completion of a specified period of service. Period of service for TBHG Promotion 1% TBHG is given on completion of 8 years of service 2h TBHG is given on completion of 15 years of service 3 TBHG is given on completion of 22 years of service 4 ‘TBHG is given on completion of 27 years of service Note: In education Dpt. for HSA’s 1* grade promotion shall be granted on completion of 7 years of qualifying service. Scale of Pay Range for TBHG Promotion Scale of pay Rs.16,500 - 35,700 to 19,000 - 43,600 - 4Grades Scale of pay Rs.20.000 - 45.800 to 26,500- 56,700 - 3Grades Scale of pay Rs.27,800 - 59,400 to 40,500- 85,000 - 2Grades Scale of pay Rs.42,500 - 87,000 to55,350- 101400 - 1 Grades Scale of pay Rs.60,900 - 103,600 to 93,000 - 1, 20,000 -No Grades Fixation of Pay Pay will be fixed by applying relevant Rules same as on regular promotions from a Lower Time Scale to Higher Time Scale. Y The existing option facility for fixation of pay is withdrawn w: e: f: 01/02/2016. Y The fixation of pay shall be done on the due date of promotion itself. Y No re-fixation of pay is allowed. Y The next increment will be allowed on the normal date of increment in the Lower Post. ‘Time Bound Higher Grade to PTC Employees In the view of Time Bound Higher Grade, PTC Employees will be allowed one additional increment each on completion of qualifying service of 8,15,22 and 27 years. Note:-The additional increment granted on completion of qualifying service will not affect the normal increment dates. The maximum number of increment admissible shall be limited to 1,2,3 and 4 respectively on completion of 8,15,22 and 27 years Group -II Promotion from a Higher Lime Scale of pay to Lower Time Scale/ Identical Time Scale. I. Rule 37(b) The Rule 37 (b) is applied for Officiating promotion / Appointment to a Lower ‘Time Scale of pay / Identical Time Scale of pay. a) New Appointment When an officer is appointed to a lower officiating post by P S C through direct recruitment, his pay will be fixed at the minimum of the new post. He has no protection for pay drawn in the higher time scale w. b) By Transfer Appointment When an officer is appointed to a lower officiating post as through by transfer, his pay will be fixed at the same stage of pay drawn in Higher Time Scale. ©) Appointment to an Identical Time Scale When an officer is appointed to an Identical Time Scale of Pay through direct recruitment/ Inter Department Transfer, his pay will be fixed at the same stage of pay drawn in the previous post. 2. Note 1 below R.28 Note 1 below R 28 is applied for substantive promotion / Appointment to a Lower Time Scale of pay /Identical Time Scale of pay . Here principles for fixation of pay are same as on Rule 37(b). 11.5,2005. Other Rules to remember Rule30 Y Promotion from TBHG to a regular post carrying the same scale of pay Y When a scale of pay of a post is provisionally revised Y When the post of an officer is upgraded. Rule 35 Y Reversion froma higher grade/ post to a lower grade/ post asa penalty Rule 37A YA promotion /appointment is given later found as erroneous Ruling 1 to 37 (Next below Rule) ¥ Promotion given to an officer working in an Ex-cadre post Rule 100 Part III KSRs ¥ Fixation of pay ofa re-employed pensioner Servicetime, Departmental study centre, Tvpm, Blpm, Nta. Phone: 0471-2400401 ah Rules-! ‘Model Questions v a ae FIXATION OF PAY 2 » of J the pay to which an officer is entitled on account of a post to which he has been i appointed substantively ? a. Substantive pay b. Presumptive pay . Basic pay ¢. None of the above 2A n additional pay granted to an Officer to save him from loss of substantive pa pay-due to a revision of pay is called: a. Special Pay b. Presumptive Pay c. Personal Pay d. Substantive Pay _3-Personal pay’ does not include, additional pay granted to an officer e a. to save him from loss of substantive pay due to pay fixation on promotion b. in lieu of higher time scale of pay . to save him for loss of substantive pay due to pay revision ordered by Govt. . d. in exceptional circumstances on other personal consideration. fay does not include: Aros) a. Personal pay b. Special pay Bringer c. Presumptive pay d. Basic pay 5, The special pay which will count for purpose of pay on promotion to a higher post is : a. Special pay ina tenure post b. Special pay on deputation c. Special pay in lieu of higher time scale drawn continuously for 3 years d. Special pay for arduous nature of work 6. When special pay is granted in liet of a higher time-scale of pay such special pay will count for purposes for fixation of pay on promotion to a higher post provided the officer was drawing it continuously for a minimum period of : a. Three years on the date of promotion b. Two years on the date of promotion c. One year on the date of promotion o d. None of the above » ‘ we 7. Special Pay in a tenure post or special pay draw on deputation: a. Will not be considered for fixation of pay wv b. Will be considered for fixation of pay c. As per the discretion of the DDO d, None of the above 8. A post is said to be on the same time-scale as another post on a time-scale : a. The two time-scales are identical b. The posts fall within a cadre or a class in a cadre, such cadre or class having been created in order to fill all post. c. Both (A) and (B) d. None of the above 9. A scale of pay is reckoned as higher time-scale: a. According to the higher maximum b, If the maximum is the same, according to the higher minimum ¢. If the maximum and the minimum are the same according to the rate of increment d. All of the above. fm scales are said to be identical if : a. Minimum of the scale is identical b. Maximum of the scale is identical . Rate if increment is same d. Minimum, maximum, period of increment and rate of increment are identical ‘As contained in 10" Pay Revision order effective from 1.7.2014, the number of revised scales is: a5 b.26 om 4.27 12/As per the revised scales of pay effective from 1.7.2014, maximum of the highest scale of pay is: a. Rs.1,08,000 b. Rs.93,000 cc. Rs.1,20,000 d. No limit 13,fhe minimum pay in the highest scale of pay revised w. ef. 01.07.2014 is Rs.: a. Rs. 35,700 . Rs.1,20,000 c. Rs.93,000 d. Rs.89,000 w 14, Out of the different Rules for fixation of pay on promotion, which among the following will be applicable to the majority officers in service ? a. Rule 37 (b) b. Rule 37 (a) c. Rule 28 d. Rule 28 A «15 Out of the different Rule for fixation of pay on promotion, which among the following is the most advantageous in monetary terms ? a. Rule 37 (b) b. Rule 37 (a) c. Rule 28 d. Rule 28 A «16/ When an officer is promoted/appointed to a post on a Higher Time Scale of pay, the rule applicable for fixation of pay is : a, Rule 28A b. Rule 28 c. Rule 37(a) <.@),(b)or (c) as applicable to the situation HO, RAVOA NA Nac, Be JAA, \

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