Determining Whether Steam Turbines Are Properly Operated

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Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards



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Engineering Encyclopedia Steam Turbines
Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Section Page

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 2
OPERATIONAL SAFETY AND RELIABILITY ISSUES .................................................. 3
Water Induction......................................................................................................... 3
Turbine Damage from Water Induction................................................................ 4
Sources of Water and Preventive Procedures..................................................... 7
Steam Traps and High-Pressure Drain System................................................. 11
Thermal Effects and Preventive Procedures........................................................... 14
BASIS OF INITIAL CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR STARTUP .................................. 19
Valve Line-Ups........................................................................................................ 19
Lubrication System Status ...................................................................................... 21
Condenser, Hotwell, and Cooling Water Status on Condensing Turbines .............. 23
Control Air System Status....................................................................................... 23
Turning Gear Operation .......................................................................................... 24
Driven Machine Status............................................................................................ 24
BASIS OF SEQUENTIAL STEPS FOR TURBINE STARTUP...................................... 26
Pressurizing Piping ................................................................................................. 27
Backpressure Turbine Exhaust Warmup ................................................................ 28
Extraction Turbine Extraction Line Warmup............................................................ 28
Auxiliary Steam Startup .......................................................................................... 29
Turbine Warmup to Operating Speed ..................................................................... 29
Turbine Radial Shaft Vibration........................................................................... 30
Critical Speeds .................................................................................................. 31
Placing the Turbine on the Governor ...................................................................... 33
Placing a Backpressure Turbine Exhaust in Service............................................... 33
Placing an Extraction Line in Service...................................................................... 34
SHUTDOWN (ESD) ..................................................................................................... 37
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................. 38


Figure 1. Effect of Thermal Expansion on Rotor and Case Configurations ................. 15

Figure 2. Typical Steam Turbine Startup Map............................................................. 32

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Engineering Encyclopedia Steam Turbines
Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated


Proper operation of a steam turbine and steam turbine systems

is essential to turbine safety and reliability, the limitation of
process downtime, and the minimizing of unplanned
maintenance. Steam turbine operating procedures ensure that
turbine startup, operation and shutdown are properly performed.
Many aspects of safe and reliable steam turbine operation are
considered during the steam turbine and the steam turbine
support systems design stages. Once a turbine system is
installed, operating considerations must also be taken into
account. Depending on the turbine manufacturer, the
application of the turbine, and the system design, steam turbine
operating procedures will vary for both special-purpose and
general-purpose steam turbines. This module discusses the
procedures for operation of steam turbines. An understanding
of these procedures will help the Mechanical Engineer to
determine whether mechanical faults or malfunctions leading to
shutdowns of steam turbines are due to the failure of operators
to follow proper procedures.

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated


Regardless of the turbine design or application, the following are

two common causes of turbine damage:

• Water Induction

• Thermal Effects

Water Induction

Efficient, reliable operation of large steam turbines requires high

pressures and temperatures. To accommodate these
conditions, heavy metal sections are used in the early stages,
moderate clearances are used between rotating and stationary
parts, and long buckets are used in the later stages.

Water induction consists of the accidental introduction of water

into any part of a turbine. Such induction of water can lead to
water hammer and water impingement. The damage that these
conditions can cause to a turbine is discussed below.

Water hammer occurs when condensate or water in the steam

line is accelerated by steam flow and forms large water “slugs.”
A water slug cannot change direction as fast as the steam. As a
result, water slugs slam into piping components, such as elbows
and valves, with extreme force.

Water impingement is a result of small drops of water that are

accelerated by steam flow contacting steam piping components
and turbine blading. The small drops of water have the potential
of reaching the same velocity as the steam.

This section will discuss the following aspects of water


• Turbine Damage from Water Induction

• Sources of Water
• Operating Practices to Avoid Water Damage

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Engineering Encyclopedia Steam Turbines
Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Turbine Damage
from Water
The accidental introduction of water in any part of the turbine
can cause serious damage to the high pressure shells, the
rotors, the buckets, and the thrust bearing. Turbine damage
from water induction typically occurs from water hammer and
water impingement. Water hammer and water impingement on
turbine blading can potentially cause a catastrophic failure of
turbine blading, which can result in extensive turbine damage.

The force from a water slug during a water hammer condition

can cause piping component damage and, in extreme cases,
steam piping failure. If a water slug travels to a steam turbine,
the resultant force of the water slug on the turbine blading may
result in blade damage. Water slugs are particularly damaging
to turbine extraction lines and up-exhaust nozzle turbines.

Water impingement damage occurs when the small drops of

accelerated water strike the turbine components, which results
in pitting and erosion of metal components. Pitting and erosion
of turbine blading affects the aerodynamics of the blade, which
causes a decrease in turbine performance. Excessive pitting
and erosion of turbine blades may weaken the blade to the point
of failure during operation. Water impingement can also
damage turbine trip throttle valve seats and discs.

The extent of each type of turbine damage from water induction

depends upon the quantity of water induced, the point of entry,
the initial temperature of exposed metal parts, the turbine
speed, and the rate of the normal steam flow that can minimize
the cooling effect. Once water induction is initiated, the point of
entry and the initial temperature of exposed metal parts are
beyond the control of the operator. The other factors are often
operation-dependent and can be controlled to some extent by
the operator.

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Water induction can cause one or more of the following six

general categories of turbine damage:

• Thrust bearing failure

• Damaged buckets

• Thermal cracking

• Rub damage

• Permanent warping and distortion

• Secondary effects

Thrust Bearing Failure - Water carryover from a boiler or

steam generator will increase the thrust load on a turbine rotor
to the point at which the babbitt-lined thrust shoes or pads of the
thrust bearing may fail. The greater density of water, as
compared to steam, prevents the proper acceleration and
direction by the turbine nozzles. The relative velocity of the
water is backward against the buckets instead of through the
buckets, and a large pressure drop across the buckets
develops. The actual amount of thrust increase can be ten
times the normal amount of thrust.

Damaged Buckets - As the point of water entry moves

downstream from the turbine inlet, the length of the buckets in
the stage that is first encountered by the water increases, which
increases the likelihood of damaged or broken buckets due to
water impact. Final stage bucket damage in the form of
numerous cracked tie wires or covers and, in extreme cases,
broken buckets almost always results when a turbine running at
rated speed receives water.

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Thermal Cracking - Thermal cracking results from either

extremely high thermal stresses or from repeated thermal
stresses of lesser magnitude. In some cases, no noticeable
permanent damage is evident after water or cold steam has
been admitted to the turbine. However, if water admission is
repeated several times, cracks may develop. Water or cold
steam from any source can contact metal parts that are
normally at temperatures that are high enough to cause thermal
cracking. Cracks that develop in packing casings and in
packing regions of rotor surfaces may result from repeated
quenching by water or cold steam from the gland seal system.

Rub Damage - Water that is introduced from the main steam

and reheat lines can cause differential expansion between the
rotating and stationary parts of the turbine. Such expansion
results in axial and radial rubbing in reaction turbines where
shroud seals are used. Water that backs up from an extraction
line and cold reheat lines will cause contraction of the lower
turbine casing half. This contraction results in a humping effect
that can lift diaphragm packings against the rotor and cause
radial rubbing. Bowing of the rotor can occur when packing
rubs cause uneven heating on the rotor surface. The bowing of
the rotor further increases the effect of the uneven heating,
which increases the intensity of rubbing. Packings, spill strips,
and bucket covers are the most frequently damaged parts, but
permanently bowed rotors are not unusual.

Permanent Warping or Distortion - When hot components are

subjected to severe quenching from cooler steam or water,
permanent warping or distortion of metal parts may result.
Steam leaks in valve and shell joints may occur as a result of
the warpage. Diaphragms can become dished from contact
with water on one side. Bowed rotors can be caused by contact
with water on one side of a hot rotor when heavy rubbing that is
caused by distortions stalls the turning gear.

Secondary Effects - Water induction can cause other

secondary effects, such as axial rubbing after a thrust bearing
failure or after the damage to bearings, foundations, and oil
lines that results from the increase in vibration that accompanies
heavy rubbing or bucket damage.

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Sources of Water
and Preventive
Water hammer and water impingement occur when condensate
forms in steam piping during steam header warmup and from
water carryover from the steam system boiler or steam
generator. Water carryover in a steam system can be caused
by excessive water level in the steam generating system or from
boiler water foaming due to improper boiler chemical

Depending on the turbine design, water and condensate in the

steam system may come from the following sources:

• Extraction systems

• Boiler or steam generator and main steam leads

• Reheat spray attemperators

• Gland seal steam system

• Blowdown lines

• Side-exhaust condenser

• Turbine-driven feed pump exhaust

Extraction Systems - Extraction systems are the most frequent

source of water induction. There are many combinations of
equipment failure, operating error, and system design weakness
that can lead to serious consequences because of the presence
of water within a short distance from the extraction opening in a
turbine. Two potential sources of water induction from an
extraction system are leaking feedwater heater tubes and failure
or inadequacy of heater and extraction line drains. Leaking
feedwater tubes can allow feedwater to enter the extraction
steam line and back up into the turbine. Inadequacy of heater
and extraction line drains can cause extraction condensate to
back up into the turbine.

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Feedwater heater level control problems and induction of water

from leaking feedwater heater tubes are indicated by the
feedwater heater high-level alarms. When leaking feedwater
heater tubes or feedwater heater level control problems occur,
water detection is only a matter of responding to the high-level
alarm and identifying the source. Dependable high-level alarm
switches are essential because turbine damage can be
minimized or prevented if action is taken immediately when a
high level condition occurs. The installation of water detection
thermocouples in the turbine shell is considered the best means
of identifying the source of water to the turbine from the
feedwater heater.

Feedwater heater level controls regulate the flow of condensate

from the feedwater heater, which maintains a constant heater
level. The rate of condensate flow varies greatly over the full
load range of the plant, and it must change rapidly during
turbine startup, changes in turbine load, and turbine trips. The
level controls must not permit level surges in the heater that will
actuate the level alarms. As soon as possible after a new unit
begins operation, the level control system should be tuned and
modified, if necessary, to completely eliminate false alarms. If
frequent, false, high-level alarms are not corrected, operators
may stop paying attention to the high feedwater heater level

Boiler or Steam Generator and Main Steam Leads - The

main steam leads are the second most frequent source of water
or cold steam involved in water induction. The usual cause of
water from the steam system is a loss of steam temperature
control or boiler drum level control due to misoperation or
equipment malfunction.

Water carryover can be caused by a sudden, very large steam

load increase. A large steam load increase is typically a result
of a major system disturbance, such as a simultaneous starting
or shutting down of multiple steam loads. The turbine unit
should be tripped when unstable boiler operating conditions that
could result in water carryover or cold steam are encountered.
The practice of continuing to admit steam to a turbine when fires
have gone out in a boiler is particularly hazardous and is seldom

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Some once-through boilers produce water at full-rated boiler

pressure against the turbine stop valves during the boiler startup
cycle. Quenching of the stop valves, as well as water admission
from misoperation or leaking valves, can be serious problems
on these units. The feedwater heaters in many of these cycles
are pressurized during startup, which increases the possibility of
water entering the turbine from these sources. Careful
consideration should be given to the design and maintenance of
the controls and equipment for feedwater heaters and stop

On occasion, water has been introduced to a turbine through

inadequate draining of the main steam leads or the boiler
superheater. Draining water from the turbine stop valve before
seat drains will drain the valve body and a portion of the main
steam leads. The turbine stop valve drains are not sized to
drain the entire steam header from a boiler or steam generator
to a turbine. Additional steam lead drains must also be used to
adequately remove condensate.

Steam traps are not adequate for draining the main steam
leads, and they should only be used with a parallel operating
drain valve that can be opened for startup. Several cases of
severe turbine quenching are believed to have been caused by
moisture from the superheater or main steam leads. These
incidents occurred during hot startups that commenced a very
short time after tripping. Another source of large amounts of
condensate can occur when boiler fires are extinguished after a
turbine trip. Boiler startup procedures typically require that the
boiler is purged prior to igniting the fires. The boiler superheater
cools during the boiler purge, which causes condensation to
take place in the superheater tubes. The turbine is then
restarted before satisfactory drainage of condensate from the
superheater has occurred, and the water is carried into the
turbine by the steam flow.

Boilers that are equipped with pendant tubes can be a special

problem in that they have many piping loops that can fill with
condensed water. Such pendant tubes must be carefully boiled
out to prevent slugs of water from being carried over into the

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Determining Whether Steam
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Instrumentation that is sensitive to temperature, pressure, or

density in the steam lines might detect passage of a slug of
water, but the system response would be too slow to protect the
turbine by tripping. Operators must rely upon indications of
drum level instability and rapidly decreasing temperature and
pressure that precede actual carryover for warnings of
impending water induction.
Reheat Spray Attemperators - Water induction can result from
misoperation or leaking valves when spray-water is injected into
the cold reheat line to control steam temperature at the outlet of
the reheater.
Water is injected through nozzles that spray into venturi mixing
tubes. With adequate water-to steam-pressure differential,
rapid atomization and evaporation occur, and only dry steam
enters the reheater.
Even a very small steam flow will carry the atomized spray into
the reheater. However, without steam flow, the spray will
condense. Depending on the pitch of the steam line, the
condensed spray can run back through the cold reheat lines into
the turbine, or it can accumulate in the reheater, with the
possibility of being blown into the turbine during startup. The
flow of spray water must be stopped when steam flow through
the reheater is interrupted. The usual practice is to use, in the
spray line, two valves that are positioned manually or
automatically by reheat temperature: a stop or blocking valve
and a motor- or a pneumatically operated control valve. The
stop and/or the blocking valves are closed by actuation of
closed-position switches on the turbine stop and control valves,
either directly or through sequential tripping of the boiler and
Gland Seal Steam System - Typically, admission of water or
cold steam from the gland seal system will not cause turbine
damage; however, turbine damage will occur from severe
thermal shocking due to the gland seal system. Gland seal
system thermal shock can cause a thermal bow in the rotor,
which will result in a high rotor unbalance with a corresponding
high vibration during startup. Thermal damage from water or
cold steam from the gland seal steam system typically occurs
with gland seal steam systems that use an auxiliary steam
source. The practice of placing the turbine on the turning gear
before commissioning the gland seal system will prevent gland
seal system thermal damage.

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Blowdown Lines - Some turbines are equipped with various

blowdown lines that exhaust steam to the condenser after a
turbine trip. Examples of these blowdown lines are the lines
from ventilator valves, shaft packing blowdown valves, and
combined valve equalizer valves. If vacuum is broken in the
condenser under certain conditions, there can be a backflow
through these lines into the turbine.
Side-Exhaust Condensers - Turbine drains and other lines that
discharge water to the side-exhaust condenser may discharge
water very close to turbine last stage wheels. When low turbine
exhaust flow conditions exist, steam circulates in the exhaust
annulus area. Precautions must be taken to prevent discharge
of water into an area in which the water could be carried back
into the turbine final stage buckets by the steam circulating in
the annulus area.
Turbine-Driven Feed Pump Exhaust - Some feed pump
turbines exhaust to the condenser when there is low load on the
main unit. At higher loads, the feed pump turbine operates as a
non-condensing turbine with the exhaust going to the low
pressure inlet of the main turbine unit. Component thermal
quenching and thrust bearing failures on the main turbine unit
may occur when feed pump turbine exhaust transfer occurs,
which indicates the presence of water in the feed pump turbine
exhaust piping. This example illustrates the potential for water
induction that exists in any station design in which valves are
opened to admit steam to an operating turbine.

Steam Traps and

Drain System
With the exception of design considerations, both water hammer
and water impingement can be minimized or eliminated through
proper operation of steam traps and through the use of a high
pressure drain system. Regardless of the type of turbine and
the turbine system configuration, the majority of the condensate
in the steam piping must be removed prior to admitting steam to
the turbine. In order to collect any condensed steam that
normally occurs in the process piping, steam traps are typically
installed in low points in the steam piping system and turbine
components, such as expansion loops and block valve bodies.
Most steam traps are designed to remove small amounts of
condensed steam from the steam piping and turbine

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Large quantities of condensate cannot be readily removed by

the normal operation of steam traps; therefore, large amounts of
condensate must be removed from the steam process piping
and turbine components before a steam turbine is started.
Condensate removal is typically performed by isolating the
downstream side of a steam trap and by opening a trap bypass
to drain large amounts of condensate out of the system.
Removal of condensate by bypassing the steam traps is
typically called “steam trap blowdown.” Steam trap blowdowns
should be performed until condensate-free steam issues from
the bypass line. Large amounts of condensate are typically
removed as the turbine steam header is warmed and is brought
to operating pressure. If a cold start is being performed, a large
amount of condensate will exist in the steam lines from the last
header operation, and additional condensate will form as the
steam warms the system components to operating temperature.
Steam traps should be blown down in sequence from the
pressure source down the steam header line to the turbine.
After a steam trap is blown down, the bypass valve is shut and
the downstream trap isolation valve is opened to place the trap
in service.

In some installations, the turbine trip throttle valve body and first
stage turbine drains are not equipped with a steam trap bypass
valve. Steam traps that do not use a bypass valve are designed
to handle large amounts of condensate, but the removal of the
condensate may take longer. Because of the time it takes for
the steam traps to remove large amounts of condensate, a slow
and controlled steam pressurization of the trip throttle valve and
the turbine first stage must be performed to prevent slugs of
condensate from damaging the turbine.

To prevent water hammer or impingement, steam traps, drip

legs, and other condensate removal systems or components are
designed to constantly remove any condensate from steam and
turbine piping. Although the proper precautions of removing
condensate from the steam header and the turbine are critical to
the safe and reliable operation of a steam turbine, the most
critical time that a steam turbine can be damaged from
condensate in the steam lines is during turbine operation.

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Constant surveillance of the steam process condensate removal

systems is necessary to ensure that the condensate is
continuously removed from the steam system. Surveillance of
condensate drainage systems can include thermal imaging,
audible inspection, and visual drainage checks, which verify that
the condensate removal systems are properly working. In
addition to removing condensate, condensate drainage systems
should minimize the amount of steam loss from the system in
order to prevent a decrease in the plant efficiency. Periodic
monitoring of the condensate removal systems can identify
problems that are associated with system condensate removal
and steam loss from the steam system.

During a turbine shutdown, steam trap bypass valves should be

cracked open after the applicable section of the steam header is
isolated. The steam trap bypass valves should be opened to
help in the removal of steam from the isolated header and to
prevent the formation of excessive condensate in the steam
supply lines. The removal of steam and condensate as a
section of steam header cools will minimize the chance of water
slug formation on the subsequent steam header startup, and it
will also minimize the rust and corrosion that can form where
condensate is allowed to accumulate in the steam system. Rust
and corrosion can weaken the pressure walls of piping, joints,
and turbine components. Rust and corrosion particles can also
become loose and block small steam passages in steam traps
and turbine control valve stems. Rust and corrosion particles
can travel through a steam system and damage turbine blading,
cause conductivity problems in the feed and condensate
systems, and accumulate in the steam-generating system.

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Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

Thermal Effects and Preventive Procedures

This section will discuss the thermal effects that can contribute
to turbine damage and the procedures that can minimize such
damage during turbine operation. The most damaging thermal
effects are thermal expansion and thermal bow.

When turbines are started from a cold condition, they are

subjected to expansive movements that are caused by the
temperature of the incoming steam. Because of the different
materials and mass of the turbine casing and rotor components,
a rapid temperature increase can cause damaging stresses and
undesirable thermal effects on the turbine casing and rotor
assembly. The following equation and Figure 1 help to illustrate
the point of thermal expansion. Both the rotor and casing
change dimensions by the following relationship:

∆L = Lin × (6.5 × 10 ) × ∆T


∆L = The change in material length in inches.

Lin = The initial length of the material in inches.

6.5 × 10 = The coefficient of thermal expansion for steel
in inches/inch-ºF.

∆T = The change in the material temperature in ºF.

Because the rotor and the turbine casing are generally made of
similar material and because they are approximately of the
same length, both the rotor and the turbine casing will expand
approximately the same amount for a given change in
temperature; however, because the mass of the casing is
greater than the mass of the rotor, the rate of change in the
length of the rotor will be greater than the rate of change in the
length of the casing.

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Another aspect of thermal expansion is the direction of

expansion of the rotor and of the casing. Figure 1 shows some
basic configurations of steam turbine rotors and casings.
Typical turbine casings are anchored at one point, and a sliding
anchor or wobble plate is used at the opposite mounting
location to allow for thermal expansion. Similarly, most steam
turbine rotors are equipped with one thrust bearing that is
installed on one end of the turbine rotor (the end that receives
the active thrust direction). During turbine warming, the casing
will expand in the direction of the sliding (flexible) anchor, and
the rotor will expand in the direction away from the thrust
bearing. The rates at which thermal expansion of the rotor and
the casing occur becomes especially critical when the thrust
bearing is installed on the turbine end opposite of the casing
anchor. This arrangement causes the turbine rotating and
stationary components to expand toward each other.

Figure 1. Effect of Thermal Expansion on Rotor

and Case Configurations

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Rotor bow can be caused by the following conditions:

• When the top half and the bottom half of the rotor are at
different temperatures. The upper half of the rotor
assembly will expand faster than the lower half of the rotor

• When the rotor is expanding against a thrust bearing and a

driven machine that is immovable in the axial direction.

• When uneven temperatures occur in the steam seal area

and the rotor is stationary.

To prevent turbine damage from thermal effects (thermal

expansion and rotor bow), turbines should be carefully warmed
up to obtain uniform heating of the turbine parts. During the
warm-up period, the turbine should be carefully monitored for
rubbing, for oil flow and temperature, and for proper gland-
sealing steam pressure. Steam turbines operate with relatively
small radial clearances of gland and diaphragm packings. The
radial clearances can only be maintained at the approximate
design values by keeping the rotor straight. To prevent the rotor
from bowing, a uniform temperature must be maintained around
the circumference of the rotor. If a turbine is warmed up or
cooled down with the rotor stationary, uneven heating will result.
Uneven heating will cause temporary bowing of the turbine rotor
and, to some extent, distortion of the turbine casing. If a turbine
is started during a period of rotor bow or casing distortion,
rubbing and wear at the packings will occur. Under some
conditions, if the operation is allowed to continue, the bowing of
the rotor will be increased by the heat that is generated through
the rubbing contact.

In extreme cases of rotor bows, the distortion of the rotor may

cause contact between the rotor blades and the stationary
blades of the turbine, which results in critical blade damage.

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A uniform temperature is maintained around the circumference

of the rotor by keeping the rotors turning slowly during warming
or cooling of the turbine. One method of keeping the rotor
turning is through the use of a turning gear; another method is
by periodically allowing small amounts of steam into the turbine.
In some cases, the turning gear must be in operation for at least
eight hours prior to a cold turbine startup. During a turbine
shutdown, the turning gear must be engaged immediately after
the turbine stops spinning. The turning gear must remain in
operation until all turbine bearing lubricating oil outlet
temperatures are at least 80º to 90ºF or lower and until the
turbine casing temperature is below the manufacturer’s
specification for a turbine shutdown. The time needed to cool
down a turbine will vary greatly (anywhere from 2 to 40 hours),
and it depends on the turbine size, the casing and the rotor
materials, and the vendor specifications.

Uneven heating of the rotor may also occur from the gland
sealing steam system (if the turbine is equipped with externally
supplied gland seal steam). The turbine must be rotating any
time that steam is supplied to the turbine, including gland seal
steam. Stationary periods of more than a few minutes while any
steam is supplied to the turbine (usually three minutes are
allowed by most manufacturers) will cause uneven heating
along the length of the rotor, and it will result in rotor bowing.
Turbines that are not equipped with turning gears must
commence spinning operations as soon as gland sealing steam
is applied.

During a turbine warmup period on a condensing turbine, a

reduced condenser vacuum is typically maintained at 10 to 15
inches of mercury to provide for maximum heating of the turbine
rotor. After the initial turbine warmup at slow speeds, the
condenser vacuum is increased to the normal operating range.

In accordance with API Standard 611, single-stage general

purpose turbines are designed so that they do not require a
warmup period and so that they may be immediately started up
to full load; however, as API 611 advises, the manufacturer
should be consulted for any considerations that would apply to
such a startup.

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Turbines are Properly Operated

For turbines that are equipped with rotor position indicators,

thermal expansion of the turbine rotor can be checked while the
rotor is cold and again after the turbine is hot. Rotor position
indicators may be manual direct contact devices or electronic
axial position transducers. The cold rotor position should be
taken before the lubricating oil system is started. The cold rotor
position reading should be compared to the vendor specification
for cold rotor position prior to admitting steam to the turbine.
Hot rotor position should be compared to the normal readings
and the vendor specification for hot rotor position.

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Prestart checks and procedures are used to verify that a turbine

and its associated auxiliary systems are in the proper condition
to admit steam to the turbine.

Prior to starting any steam turbine, the following conditions must

be checked:

• Valve Line-Ups

• Lubrication System Status

• Condenser, Hotwell, and Cooling Water Status on

Condensing Turbines

• Control Air System Status

• Turing Gear Operation

• Driven Machine Status

This section will explain why these conditions must be checked

and why they must be suitable before a steam turbine is to be

Valve Line-Ups

A valve line-up is a verification of system valve positions, which

ensures that all turbine systems are ready for the turbine
startup. A prestart valve line-up should be performed because
the shutdown valve positions in a system may not be correct for
turbine startup or operation. Valve line-ups are also used to
verify that valves are in the proper position and maintenance
has been performed on the turbine systems. Turbine system
valve position depends on the type of steam turbine and the
status of the support and auxiliary systems. Generally, the
status of the valves in the following systems should be verified
by formal procedure:

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• Main Steam System

• Lubricating and Control Oil Systems

• Condensate System

• Auxiliary Steam System

• Control Air System

The high pressure drains of the main steam system should be

initially bypassed to drain any condensate from the lines, then
isolated until the steam header is pressurized. All main steam
block valves, root valves, and the associated bypass valves
should be checked shut to prevent inadvertent steam header
pressurization and turbine operation before the turbine is ready
for steam. The turbine trip throttle valve and the turbine steam
admission valve should be verified shut after the lubricating oil
system or, if equipped with a separate system, the control oil
system is started. Standard turbine operating procedures
require that the drains of the turbine trip throttle valve are left
open until steam is admitted to the turbine.

Auxiliary steam systems include the turbine gland seal steam,

the gland seal exhaust, and the condenser steam jet air ejector
systems. A common practice is to line up the valves in the
gland seal steam system and the steam jet air ejector systems
to receive steam as soon as the steam is admitted to the turbine
system piping. This practice prevents air from being drawn into
the condenser through the turbine gland seals as the condenser
vacuum is established. If the auxiliary steam system is supplied
with steam from an alternate source, the steam should be
isolated from the turbine systems until the turbine is ready for
steam admission.

The valves for the exhaust header(s) on backpressure turbines

should be verified in the proper position or condition (such as
“open-permissive” on automatic control systems) for turbine
startup. Exhaust header drains should be placed on line to
drain condensate from the exhaust header.

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Lubrication System Status

The lubricating oil and control oil system should be operating

and within acceptable parameters before steam is admitted to
the turbine steam header to the turbine. Regardless of the
condition of the turbine steam valves, the assumption should be
made that all steam valves leak. The turbine steam admission
valve and the trip throttle valve may leak and allow small
amounts of steam into the turbine. Steam leakage into the
turbine may cause the turbine rotor to rotate, if only slightly. If
the lubricating and control oil system is not operating, a
possibility of bearing damage exists. In addition, the turbine
turning gear (if equipped) should be in operation prior to
admitting any steam into the turbine. The lubricating oil system
must be in operation before the turning gear is operated.

All oil system sumps should be checked to verify that an

adequate oil supply is available to start the oil system. To
prevent turbine bearing damage, many turbine manufacturers
recommend that oil samples be taken from the oil sumps and
analyzed for water, emulsion, and particulate before the oil
system is started.

The lubricating and control oil systems must be brought up to

the initial operating temperature prior to rotating the turbine rotor
by steam or by the turning gear. Most turbine manufacturers
recommend a minimum lubricating oil temperature of 80° to
90°F on the supply to the turbine bearings before the turbine is
rotated by steam or by the turning gear. If the oil temperature is
too low, there is a danger of shaft vibration due to oil whip as a
result of high oil viscosity. Typically, the lubrication and control
oil systems can be brought up to the minimum temperature by
the sump (reservoir) heaters and by operating the associated oil
pumps. If the oil system(s) are equipped with oil coolers, the
cooling water flow through the oil cooler should be minimized
but not isolated. A minimum cooling water flow through the oil
coolers will prevent a rapid increase in oil temperature when the
turbine is initially rotated with steam.

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If the control and/or lubricating oil system is equipped with

stand-by oil pumps, the auto-start function of the stand-by
pumps should be verified. All oil pumps should be started and
stopped to verify proper operation.

When the lubricating and/or the control oil system is operating at

the minimum temperature, the system oil pressures should be
verified in the operating band. If necessary, pressure regulators
should be adjusted to meet the oil pressure requirements of the
system. All oil filter differential pressures should be checked to
verify that the filters are not clogged. Some turbine control oil
systems are equipped with metal edge type filters on the control
oil supply to the turbine trip throttle valve. Some metal edge
type filters have a cleaning feature that requires the operator to
rotate a handle several times to clear any particulate from the
filter element.

Oil flow at the turbine bearings should be visually checked

through the flow sightglasses to verify that adequate flow exists.

The oil system should be checked for system leaks, and such
leaks should be corrected before the turbine system is started.
Oil puddles should be cleaned to remove any oil residue,
especially from any exposed turbine casing. A potential smoke
and fire hazard may exist if free-standing oil is allowed to
accumulate on exposed turbine casing components. The
turbine casing insulation should be inspected for oil saturation.
Any insulation pads, blocks, or lagging that contains any amount
oil should be removed and replaced with oil free insulation.

To verify proper operation, a system check of the control oil

system emergency shutdown system (ESD) must be performed
prior to turbine operation. The turbine trip system is reset, and
the trip valve is fully opened. The trip valve is manually tripped
while timing the trip speed. The valve should immediately close
(less than one second). If the valve fails to immediately close,
or if hesitant operation is observed, the valve must be repaired
before turbine operation can commence. In some turbine
installations, the turbine trip is performed again during the
turbine warmup when the turbine is initially rolled with steam.

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Condenser, Hotwell, and Cooling Water Status on Condensing


On condensing turbines, the condensate system should be

properly lined up to the associated feed system. The hotwell
should be filled with enough water to supply the feed system
during turbine warmup. Excess hotwell level should be drained
to prevent the condensate system from overloading the
feedwater and makeup system when the condensate pumps are
started. To prevent feedwater and boiler water contamination,
condensate water samples should be taken and analyzed to
verify that the water chemistry is within the required
specifications before the condensate pumps are started.

The condenser cooling water system should be started before

steam is admitted to the steam header root to the turbine.
Cooling water supply temperature must be verified in the
operating band. After the cooling water system is started, the
condenser hotwell level should be monitored for an increase in
level that would indicate a leak from the cooling water side to
the condensate side of the condenser. Condenser leaks
typically occur when the condenser is cool due to the
contraction of condenser tubes and tube sheet.

Control Air System Status

Some turbine systems use control air to operate pressure and

flow regulators, valve actuators, and turbine trip systems. The
control air system should be checked to ensure proper control
air system operation and response by checking for proper
system pressures, regulation, and air quality. Moisture and oil
separators should be blown down to remove any accumulated
moisture and/or oil. In control air systems that are equipped
with in-line oilers, which are required for some control air system
components, the oil level in the in-line oilers bowls should be
verified within the operating band.

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Turning Gear Operation

Turning gear operation should commence as soon as the

lubrication oil system parameters are within specifications.
Some turning gear units are interlocked with the lubrication
system to prevent inadvertent operation of the turning gear
without lube oil supplied to the turbine. Turning gear units can
be automatically or manually engaged or disengaged. For
manual turning gears, it may be necessary to jog the turning
gear motor in order to engage the gear drive. Automatic turning
gears will automatically disengage from the gear drive when
turbine speed reaches a preselected rpm. Turning gear
operation should continue as specified by the turbine

Driven Machine Status

The status of the driven machine must be checked to verify that

the machine is ready for startup. In the case of turbine-driven
generators, specific electrical tests must be performed on the
generator windings. Larger turbine generator units may use a
regulated supply of hydrogen to the generator casing to provide
cooling and moisture reduction, and to increase the generator
efficiency. Hydrogen systems must be checked for proper
operation and pressure before a turbine generator is started.

Depending on the driven load, some turbine units are equipped

with clutch mechanisms to disengage the turbine from the
driven load. The clutch mechanism allows the turbine to be
started and tested without load. If equipped with a clutch, the
clutch mechanism should be verified disconnected from the
driven load (disengaged).

Reduction gear units should be inspected for proper lubrication.

If the reduction gear unit uses a pressurized oil supply that is
separate from the turbine lubrication oil system, the system
should be started and warmed up. For reduction gear units that
have integral oil sumps, the oil level in the sumps should be
verified in the proper operating band to ensure an adequate
supply of oil is available to the system.

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Turbine-driven gas compressors, both centrifugal and positive

displacement, typically require that the compressor be started
without load. To prevent compressor startup under load, the
compressor controls must be verified in the proper position for
startup. If so equipped, lubricating oil systems should be started
to warm up the oil system.

Turbine-driven pumps should be checked for proper system

valve line-up for startup at low load. Turbine-driven pumps are
started at low load through the use of a minimum flow bypass or
a throttled discharge valve.

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This section will explain the basis for adherence to the

sequential steps that are followed when a steam turbine is
started up. A sequential startup will ensure that all startup steps
are performed and performed in the correct order. Failure to
follow a sequential startup can result in turbine damage from
water induction or turbine trips. This section will discuss the
basis for a sequential turbine startup, including the following

• Pressurizing piping

• Backpressure turbine exhaust warmup

• Extraction turbine extraction line warmup

• Auxiliary steam startup

• Turbine warmup to operating speed

• Placing the turbine on the governor

• Placing a backpressure turbine exhaust in service

• Placing an extraction line in service

Regardless of the turbine configuration or size, the operator

should notify the control room that the turbine startup is about to
commence prior to placing any portion of the steam header or
the turbine on line. Notifying the control room operator that a
steam load is being placed in service will allow the control room
operator to monitor and control the boiler or steam generator,
preventing any conditions that may cause water carryover, loss
of level control, flame out, or other steam generating process

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Pressurizing Piping

Before this startup procedure is performed, the main steam

header pressure and temperature must be at the operating
specifications for turbine startup.

Most turbine startups commence with pressurizing the main

steam line or steam header root to the turbine through use of a
bypass valve around the main blocking or root valve. Piping
pressurization should be performed in a slow, controlled, and
deliberate manner. As steam header pressure increases, the
associated high pressure drain steam traps should be blown
down and placed on service. An additional precaution for a
steam turbine that is equipped with a manual turning gear
should be taken prior to admitting steam to the header root at
the turbine trip throttle valve: the turning gear should be
disengaged from the turbine. Disengaging the manual turning
gear from the turbine will prevent damage to the turbine and the
turning gear in the event that steam is inadvertently admitted to
the turbine through steam valve seat leakage. Once the turbine
root header is pressurized, the turbine rotor assembly should be
checked for rotation. If the turbine rotor assembly is not
rotating, the turbine should be placed back on the turning gear.

As soon as normal operating pressure is reached in the steam

header, the main blocking or root valve can be opened;
subsequently, the associated bypass valve must be
repositioned shut. Sections of the main steam header are
sequentially pressurized, warmed, and placed in service up to
the turbine trip throttle valve.

Small backpressure steam turbines can be rolled with steam

without any warmup period. The turbine can be brought up to
speed and placed on the governor control. The turbine
overspeed trip function should be tested as discussed later in
this section.

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Backpressure Turbine Exhaust Warmup

Backpressure turbines typically require the exhaust headers to

be warmed up prior to turbine operation. This step can be
accomplished through use of steam backflow from the low
pressure steam header. Because steam will be admitted to the
turbine during the warmup, the turbine must be on the turning
gear (if equipped). Most backpressure turbines require a
controlled pressurization of the exhaust header (typically 10
psig/min) to control the turbine casing and rotor heat-up rate. A
backpressure turbine exhaust header is warmed by throttling the
exhaust header isolation valve or the exhaust header isolation
valve bypass to control the exhaust header pressurization rate.
When the exhaust pressure is at full pressure, the exhaust
header isolation valve is fully opened and the bypass valve (if
equipped) is repositioned shut.

Extraction Turbine Extraction Line Warmup

The extraction steam lines on an extraction turbine are typically

warmed by backflow from the applicable extraction header.
Because steam will be admitted to the turbine during warmup,
the turbine must be on the turning gear before warming the
extraction lines. Extraction steam headers are typically
equipped with power-assisted check valves to prevent backflow
through the turbine in the event of a turbine trip. The check
valve must be opened by disabling the check valve operation
through a switch position on the electro-pneumatic controller or
by a manual actuator. The extraction valve control is operated
to open the extraction valve to admit steam into the extraction
header. Some extraction valve installations are equipped with a
small bypass valve around the extraction valve. The bypass
valve is used for extraction header warmup.

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Auxiliary Steam Startup

If the auxiliary steam system is supplied from the turbine root

header, the turbine gland seal steam system should be placed
in service. For condensing turbines, the gland seal steam
system is placed in service first and followed by the steam jet air
ejector system. The gland seal steam system is placed in
service before condenser vacuum is initiated to prevent the
introduction of air and noncondensible gases from being drawn
into the condenser. As explained previously, distortion of the
rotor assembly due to uneven heating will occur if air is drawn
through the turbine gland seals. If the condenser is equipped
with an exhaust fan, the exhaust fan should be started after the
gland seal system is started. The turning gear must be in
operation or the turbine put on a slow roll to prevent rotor bow.

Condensing turbines typically require at least 10 inches Hg

vacuum in the condenser before steam is admitted to the
turbine. The minimum vacuum requirement prevents
overpressurizing the condenser when steam is first admitted to
the turbine.

Turbine Warmup to Operating Speed

The actions that are required for a turbine warmup to operating

speed will vary depending on whether the turbine startup
controls are manual or automatic. However, the basis of a
turbine warmup is the same, regardless of the type of turbine
controls used. If the turbine is equipped with a manual turning
gear, the turning gear motor must be stopped and disengaged
from the turbine. For automatic turning gears, the turning gear
will automatically disengage from the turbine when a specified
rpm is reached. The turning gear motor is turned off after the
turning gear has disengaged.

If equipped, the emergency shutdown system must be verified

as fault free, with the applicable controls bypassed for turbine

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Steam is initially admitted to the turbine by slowly opening the

trip throttle valve and observing the point of turbine “break
away.” The turbine break away is the point of steam pressure at
which the turbine rotor assembly initially starts to roll under
steam and/or the point at which the turbine speed disengages
from the automatic turning gear. The trip throttle valve should
be throttled to provide a constant slow roll. A constant slow roll
may require that steam be periodically admitted to the turbine
instead of a constant steam flow. The turbine should be slow
rolled as designated in the applicable turbine technical
documentation. Vibration should be monitored during the entire
startup sequence. Turbine exhaust temperature and condenser
or exhaust pressure should be closely monitored at all times
during the startup.

After the period of slow roll is completed, the turbine should be

ramped up to operating speed in small increments. Turbine
technical documentation may designate specific steam chest
pressure increments and the time at each increment. For
example, a turbine manufacturer may specify a 50 psig
incremental rise in steam chest pressure for ten minutes at each
pressure increment. The time at each increment may be shorter
if the turbine is already warmed or hot.

During the warmup to operating speed, radial shaft vibration is

measured at specific rpms and specific procedures are followed
to bring the rotor assembly safely through its critical speed.

Turbine Radial
Shaft Vibration
As the turbine speed is increased, amplitudes of radial shaft
vibration should be less than 2.5 mils (60 mm) peak to peak.
Turbine vibration in excess of the specification can generally be
attributed to any one or a combination of the following:

• Water in the turbine

• Bearing failure

• Bent or broken blading

• Unbalance due to broken blades or missing blades

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• Rubbing of blading labyrinth packing or oil seal rings

• Bowed rotor

• Excessive differential expansion between the rotor and the


• Loss of coupling flexibility between the turbine and the

driven machine

• Misalignment between the turbine and the driven machine

If a rumbling sound is heard from the turbine when the vibration

occurs, the vibration is probably caused by water or foreign
material in the turbine.

There should be no unusual noises from the turbine and no

system alarms. If turbine vibration greater than 2.5 mils (60
mm) peak-to-peak is detected, the turbine speed should
immediately be lowered until the vibration is at a safe level.
There can be many causes of vibration during the turbine
startup, including rotor thermal bow or water induction.
Lowering the turbine speed until the vibration is at a safe level
allows for the straightening of the rotor or removing water
without damaging vibration. The turbine should be maintained
at the rotational speed at which the safe vibration level was
measured until the vibration level falls. The turbine speed
should be increased if the vibration level begins to fall. A
lowering vibration level is an indication that a temporary thermal
bow has been eliminated. If the high vibration level does not
lower, the turbine should be inspected.

Critical Speeds
Critical speed is defined as a rotational speed that corresponds
to the natural vibration frequency of a rotor system. If the rotor
system natural vibration frequency is continuously excited by a
rotational speed that equals this frequency, radial shaft vibration
will be resonant: that is, its amplitude will be amplified. Such
amplification can place dangerous stresses on the rotor
assembly and can cause contact between rotating parts and
stationary parts. Such contact can cause catastrophic damage.

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The critical speed of both the turbine and the driven machine(s)
must be taken into consideration. As the turbine approaches
within 10% of the critical speed (of either the turbine or the
driven machine), the incremental turbine warmup should be
stopped and the turbine speed should be rapidly and
deliberately accelerated above the critical speed range. Rapid
acceleration through the critical speed range reduces the time
that the turbine or the driven machine is operating at the critical
speed and reduces the time that the rotor system is vibrating
with resonance. Also, as the rotor speed increases above the
critical speed, a “settling effect” will reduce shaft vibration.

The critical speed range of the turbine may be different from the
critical speed of the driven component. Also, the critical speeds
of the turbine and of the driven component may not be
consecutive or overlap. Additionally, there may be more than
one critical speed for a rotor assembly. Typically, the second
critical speed is 2.5 to 4 times the first critical speed. During a
turbine startup, it may be necessary to pass through two critical
speeds for the turbine, the driven component, or both. Figure 2
shows a typical steam turbine startup map that demonstrates a
turbine driven compressor startup speed through the critical
speed range.

Figure 2. Typical Steam Turbine Startup Map

Once past the critical speed range, the turbine incremental

warmup should be continued.

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Placing the Turbine on the Governor

When the turbine speed reaches the governor minimum speed

setpoint, speed control of the turbine is transferred to the
governor control system. Further opening of the trip throttle
valve will not result in an increase in turbine speed. Depending
on the turbine load, the throttle valves will close or throttle close
to maintain the governor speed setpoint.

In the case of a constant-speed turbine, the governor control

setpoint is adjusted to the desired speed. For variable-speed
governor control systems, the control setpoint is determined by
a controller (typically from the driven machine process
variables), and control must be transferred from manual to
automatic control.

Placing a Backpressure Turbine Exhaust in Service

A backpressure turbine exhaust system is typically placed in

service when steam flow through the turbine reaches a specific
minimum flow rate. If the exhaust header pressure is within the
operating range setpoint of the exhaust header pressure
controller, steam flow through the turbine will not change when
the pressure controller is placed in automatic. If the exhaust
header pressure is outside the operating range setpoint of the
exhaust header pressure controller, the steam flow rate through
the turbine will change when the pressure controller is placed in
service. To prevent an excessive heat-up rate of the turbine,
the turbine should be completely warmed up before placing the
exhaust header pressure controller in service when the exhaust
header pressure is outside the operating range setpoint.

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Placing an Extraction Line in Service

Prior to placing an extraction line in service, the extraction line

manual isolation valve (if equipped) should be verified as being
fully open. The extraction flow or pressure controller (if
equipped) setpoint should be adjusted to the minimum value.
The manual control on the extraction header check valve
(forced open for the extraction header warm up) should be
released to allow the proper operation of the check valve. The
extraction header controller can be shifted to automatic control
after the appropriate checks have been performed, and the
pressure setpoint can be adjusted to the desired setpoint. For
manual extraction control, the extraction valve(s) may be
opened after the checks have been performed. Extraction
header flow or pressure and temperature should be monitored
to ensure proper operation of the system.

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This section will explain the basis for the sequential steps that
are followed during a steam turbine shutdown. Before a normal
turbine shutdown can begin, the following preshutdown checks
must be performed to verify that the driven load has been
unloaded and is ready for shutdown:

• In the case of a turbine generator, the generator output

breaker must be verified open and the generator field
excitation must be verified off.

• For turbine-driven gas compressors, the compressor

should be verified as unloaded, and the surge control
system should be verified as being in manual.

• For turbine-driven pumps, the pumps should be verified on

minimum flow bypass (if provided).

If any of the above conditions are not verified, the operator

should notify the Supervising Operator or the Foreman and
should then wait for instructions. In no case should an operator
proceed with a normal shutdown unless the conditions for
preshutdown checks have been verified as suitable.

Regardless of the turbine configuration or size, the outside

operator should notify the control room operator that the turbine
shutdown is about to commence prior to taking any portion of
the steam header or the turbine off line. Notifying the control
room operator that a steam load is being removed from service
will allow him to monitor and control the boiler or steam
generator, preventing any conditions that may cause a loss of
level control, flame out, or other steam generating process

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The turbine speed is then reduced to the minimum speed

allowed by governor control. For extraction turbines, the loads
serviced by the extraction steam header must be taken off
service if the only source of steam supply is the operating
turbine. The extraction pressure controller must be taken out of
service by raising the setpoint of the bypass pressure reducing
station and lowering the setpoint of the extraction controller to
the minimum pressure value, then switching the extraction
controller off.

There are several methods used to shut off steam to a turbine

based on the vendor technical documentation. One method
manually trips the turbine to close the trip throttle valve. The
turbine is allowed to coast to a stop and is then immediately
placed on the turning gear because steam is still being supplied
by the gland seal steam system. Another method requires a
controlled reduction in turbine speed with the manual trip throttle
valve or the starting device if the turbine is not equipped with a
manual throttle valve. Some turbine manufacturers require that
the turbine be maintained at a slow roll speed for a specified
period of time before placing the turbine on the turning gear.
The slow roll allows for a controlled rotor system cooldown.

After a condensing turbine is placed on the turning gear,

condenser vacuum is broken by isolating the steam supply to
the steam jet air ejectors or by turning off the condenser
exhauster fan. To prevent uneven cooling of the rotor,
condenser vacuum should be broken before the steam supply to
the gland seal steam system is isolated. After condenser
vacuum has been broken, the steam supply to the gland seal
steam system or the steam header root valve can be isolated.

After steam is fully isolated from any turbine, all turbine drains
must be opened. Opening the turbine drains allows condensate
from the condensing steam to leave the turbine chambers.
Opening the turbine drains also prevents a vacuum from
condensing steam from forming in isolated turbine chambers.

The turbine lubricating oil system should be cooled to the

minimum operating value prior to the shutdown of the lubrication
and control oil systems.

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The emergency shutdown procedure (ESD) should only be used

in the event that a turbine trips due to any ESD shutdown
actuation or by manual signal. The actions taken in event of an
ESD trip will vary depending on the cause of the trip, the turbine
type, and the control system used by the turbine. An immediate
action that must be taken on any turbine trip is to acknowledge
the turbine operating parameters, alarms, and the first-out
indicators (if equipped) that may provide the information
necessary to identify the cause of the trip. The operator must
check that the turbine trip is complete by verifying that the trip
throttle valve fully tripped. The trip throttle valve can be verified
as closed by visual inspection or by monitoring the turbine first
stage steam pressure. The trip throttle valve position should be
checked to ensure that a full turbine shutdown has occurred. If
necessary, the turbine should be manually tripped if the
automatic shutdown function has not fully initiated. The
lubricating oil pressure and temperature to the turbine bearings
must be checked to verify that the turbine bearings are receiving
an adequate oil supply for the turbine coastdown. If the turbine
trip was initiated by a lubricating oil problem, the standby oil
system should be operating or started. The driven unit should
be unloaded or disengaged from the turbine.

The turbine and driven unit(s) should be inspected for

indications of damage. If the ESD trip was not related to the
turbine train or if there was no immediate damage to the turbine,
then the turbine should be slow rolled with steam while
monitoring the turbine vibration and noise. The slow roll may
give an indication of potential internal turbine damage. If the
cause of the turbine trip cannot be readily identified, the turbine
should be placed on the turning gear (if used) and the turbine
should be shut down through use of the normal shutdown
procedure. The turbine is shut down until the cause of the trip
can be identified and corrected. If the cause of the trip is
identified and corrected, the turbine can be restarted through
use of the warm turbine startup procedure designated in the
vendor technical documentation.

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automatic extraction A steam turbine with the capacity to extract steam.

turbine The pressure or flow rate of the extracted steam is
controlled by a valve gear at the inlet to the LP
section of the turbine and the main valve (hp) gear.
(Steam turbines can be furnished with automatic
extraction and admission capability.)

backpressure turbine A steam turbine that exhausts at a pressure that is

equal to or greater than atmospheric pressure. Also
known as a non-condensing steam turbine.

extraction factor The ratio of the increase in throttle flow over the
increase in flow that is required for zero extraction,
for a given turbine and set of steam conditions.

feedwater heater A steam-to-water heat exchanger that heats the

boiler feedwater with steam that is extracted from a
steam turbine.

first-out indicator An indicating instrument or display that identifies

the first event to cause a trip or shutdown.

frequency The number of cycles that a periodic variation

completes in a given period. Sometimes stated in
cycles per minute (cpm) or cycles per second (cps,
Hertz, Hz). For vibration, frequency is also
expressed as a multiple (1×, 2×) of shaft rotative

induction turbine A steam turbine with the capacity to admit steam at

two or more pressures. Commonly called an
automatic-admission turbine.

mechanical-drive steam A turbine that is used to drive devices other than

turbine electric generators, such as pumps or
compressors. Generally designed to operate over a
wide speed range.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 38

Engineering Encyclopedia Steam Turbines
Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

rotor A turbine rotor consists of the rotating elements of a

steam turbine the shaft, the blade disks, and the
blades. The rotor transmits the rotating mechanical
energy from the turbine blades to the load.

seal A seal is a device or material that prevents

excessive leakage of fluids (gases or liquids) by
creating and/or maintaining a fluid-pressure
differential across the gap that exists between two
relatively movable and/or separable components of
a fluid system.

shaft A shaft is a machined forging that supports the

blades and transmits the useful work of the turbine
to the driven load.

slow roll A slow rotation, typically 300 to 600 revolutions per


steam chest The steam chest section of a turbine is the steam

inlet to the turbine. The steam chest houses the
control valves, receives the supplied steam, and
directs the steam to the first-stage nozzle

turning gear Turning gears are a motor and gear arrangement

that is used to slowly rotate the turbine rotor
(usually less than 60 rpm) to ensure that the rotor is
evenly heated or cooled.

vibration Motion in which an object undergoes periodically

occurring displacement. Vibration is measured in
terms of its variables of displacement (mils),
velocity (in/sec), and acceleration (g’s). For
rotating machinery, vibration is assessed in terms
of frequency, peak-to-peak amplitudes of
displacement, and either root mean square (RMS)
values or zero-to-peak values for velocity or

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 39

Engineering Encyclopedia Steam Turbines
Determining Whether Steam
Turbines are Properly Operated

water hammer A destructive force generated by a sudden increase

in water pressure due to the instantaneous
conversion of momentum to pressure. Water
hammer occurs when a slug of moving water in a
pipe strikes an immovable object, such as a pipe
bend or turbine steam chest. Water hammer is
indicated by a loud banging condition in the steam
pipe or turbine.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 40

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