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World Development Sustainability 3 (2023) 100089

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Increasing the performance of village services with good governance and

Erna Handayani a, Askar Garad b,∗, Aman Suyadi c, Naelati Tubastuvi a
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
Faculty of Managerial and Financial Sciences, University of Sheba Region, Yemen
Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture and Fisheries, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Empowerment of rural communities in development is an extensive record of sustainable village development.
Good governance This study examines the relationship between village community participation, good governance, and positive
Service performance perceptions supporting village government performance. Taking the background of one of the developing cate-
People participation
gories of villages in Indonesia, this research empirically proves the influence of good governance, positive percep-
Village development
tions, participation, and performance of village government. The study was conducted using a survey method of
the heads of families of the village community and the required population. Data from the reduction process and
resistance test are analyzed using structural equation modeling with help of Smart-PLS. Research results show
a connection influence between good governance against the positif perception of public village with a p-value
of 0.000. The effect of good governance is evident in influencing the performance village government with a
p-value of 0.011. Whereas connection was not good direct governance against performance proven through per-
ception positive with a p-value of 0.049. Furthermore, the relationship between direct good governance against
participation of the public was not supported in the study, so the participation of public as the liaison between
good governance and performance village government. Influence good governance against participation was sup-
ported through the perception of positive public to village government. Studies show the importance formation
of a positive perception public village from trust to a village government. With thereby empowerment, public
villages could improve.

Introduction [6] explain the theory of organization from a practical perspective seen
from abilities and knowledge in decision-making, include village orga-
Based on Constitution Village number 6 of 2014, the focus of de- nizational government. The constitution demand village government to
velopment in Indonesia is to increase rural growth going to village in- implement good governance in managing the village funding and man-
dependence [2,25]. This role is supported by various assistance pro- aging the end of government support in a manner positive performance
grams funding special for the village with the large amount. In 2021, of village government [4]. Good governance improves the village com-
the Indonesian government disbursed village program assistance of IDR petence device [28] and later upgrades the performance of village gov-
72 trillion, with the allocation of IDR 37.08 trillion for solid programs ernment.
creation villages, IDR 29.16 trillion for helping live cash villages and To manage the village’s potency and develop funding, government
helping villages safe covid-19 of IDR 5.76 trillion [20]. Failure man- needed the capacity and rules to active whole elements of public vil-
agement of village funds are reported in various regions because lack lage. Empowerment public in form participation active public will sup-
of performance in village government s [37]. Commitment to the gov- port the achievement of village independent sustainable [36]. Wijaya
ernment for bringing the village from poverty and marginalization, et al., [41] conclude the critical role of the public participation in the
among others, with optimization potency of village. With this pro- village development. Wijaya’s research emphsized the role of women as
gram, this role was shared with the village government and all the village activist. Public participation through empowerment is suite sys-
chain. tematic and involves various action formal and informal components in
Organizational theory forms a framework as a guideline for con- the village [39], which is important in the development of the village.
structing of organizations to implement policies [31]. Cukier et al., Participation in society is also proven influential and significant to the

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E. Handayani), (A. Garad), (A. Suyadi).
Received 29 July 2022; Received in revised form 14 June 2023; Accepted 26 June 2023
2772-655X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
E. Handayani, A. Garad, A. Suyadi et al. World Development Sustainability 3 (2023) 100089

success village tour in Panggungharjo [32] through the participation of Table 1

labor, money, goods, and ideas. Population Data of Sambirata Village, Cilongok Banyumas.
Participation is obtained from the individual’s positive perception of Amount Demographic Percentage statement
the organization (Eisenberger et al., 1986). Positive perceptions exam-
6028 Gender Male: 51%
ined in the implementation of higher education budgets were found to
Female: 49%
support the successful implementation of performance-based budgeting age Less than 15 years: 25%
[14]. It is interesting to examine how the positive perceptions of vil- 15–30 years: 23%
lage communities influence their participation in village development. 30–60 years: 37%
Over 60 years: 15%
Therefore, this research examines the direct and indirect relationship
Education Didn’t graduate from primary school: 33%
between participation, positive community perceptions, and good gov- Graduated Elementary School: 52%
ernance in improving village government performance. Graduate School Medium: 14%
University Graduate: 1%
Agriculture: 56%
Background research area
Work Government/Private Company’s Employee: 6%
Casual laborer: 36%
Several villages have great potential but need to be optimized. This Others: 2%
condition also occurs in Sambirata Village, Cilongok District, Banyu- Source: Sambirata Village Data.
mas Regency. This village, which has natural beauty and high potential
in agriculture and fisheries, is included in the developing village cate-
gory. Developing villages are measured by indicators of the availability accessibility/transportation, good public services, and good governance
of social, economic, and ecological resources, but they have yet to be [3,25]. Based on Law no. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, village devel-
managed optimally [7]. Sambirata Village is located on Mount Slamet, opment includes four aspects, namely: (1) basic needs, (2) essential ser-
southwest of Central Java, Indonesia. This village is located in the high- vices, (3) environment, and (4) village community empowerment ac-
lands with hilly soil conditions. Sambirata Village has a height of about tivities [3]. In the independent phase, the village has access to essen-
450 m above sea level. Rainfall in Sambirata Village ranges from 2000 tial services, adequate infrastructure, easy accessibility/transportation,
- 3000 mm with an average air temperature of 23 °C. The area of Sam- good public services, and good governance [3,25].
birata Village is 969.67 hectares (Ha.), in the form of forest land/state To realize the goal of developing an independent and sustainable
land (500 ha), plantation fields (236, 62 ha), and settlements (120 ha). village, public service performance from the village to government is
The following is a map of the village of Sambirata, Banyumas Regency, needed. The performance of the village is measured by the quality of
Central Java Province, Indonesia, as shown in Fig. 1 below: service in administering the village administration [29]. Village gov-
Sambirata village consists of two hamlets, five neighborhood associa- ernment performance can be measured by how they use public funds
tions, and 32 neighborhood associations (RT). Sambirata Village in 2019 and manage resources properly to improve the quality of public services
had 1765 households (KK) with a population of 6028 people consisting [27]. Urgent to measure the quality of service public to give several re-
of 2980 men and 3048 women. The livelihoods of most of the fami- pairs and notes to keep developing the performance service to the Public
lies in Sambirata Village work in the agricultural sector, which includes [5]. Judge (2021) underlines the primary aim of village government per-
food agriculture, coconut pressing, and animal husbandry. The follow- formance with fulfillment need public village related need base, aspect
ing is the demographic data for Sambirata Village, Cilongok Banyumas, security, free disease and corruption, strict together, freedom of opinion,
as shown in Table 1. and quality aspect other.

Literature review Village government performance

Village government performance and public services A village government is an organization to serve public villages. Re-
ferring to the theory of organization Miner [31], an organization village
Responding to the direction of development based on the Association must be managed well to reach the aim. Good governance of the public
of Nations in the sustainable development goals (SDGs), village develop- sector consists of several principles, among others, refers to Osborne and
ment is directed at an economic self-sufficiency program by paying at- Gaebler [35]. Good governance focuses on strategic vision, democracy,
tention to the social and environmental aspects of the village (United Na- justice, transparency, power responsiveness, supremacy law, participa-, 2021). Village development aims to realize sustainable village tion, equality, and accountability [30]. In Indonesia, good governance as
development in the Mandiri Village category. In the independent phase, the principles of organizational governance includes information open-
the village has access to essential services, adequate infrastructure, easy ness (transparency), accountability, responsibility/responsibility, inde-

Fig. 1. Map of Sambirata Village (

E. Handayani, A. Garad, A. Suyadi et al. World Development Sustainability 3 (2023) 100089

pendence, and fairness [21]. Law Number 14 of 2014 confirms that H6. Good Governance is significant to performance through the positive
village development management, including village financial manage- public village perception.
ment, must be carried out transparent, participatory, and disciplined
manner. H7. Good governance influences the performance of the village govern-
This study uses good governance indicators [21], which include prin- ment through perception and participation public village.
ciple transparency, accountability, and fairness. Transparency is the
openness of the village government to correct the public for obtaining Positive perception, participation and village government performance
proper, honest, and not discriminatory information about the mainte-
nance of village government with permanent notice provision regula- Public empowerment becomes urgent aspects in development vil-
tion legislation [1]. Transparency in the use of village finances is im- lages [3]. Empowering is to upgrade public villages’ capacity and ca-
plemented with village government openness in village development pability to exploit all potential and resources owned power. Priority
planning, use of funds for village works programs, and village govern- activity for empowerment of public village in Indonesia at the time is
ment accountability in the use of public finances. This mechanism can formation effort of economy of citizens/groups citizens, cooperatives,
involve the village community in planning the village budget and pub- institutions economy public village sustainable as possible upgrade in-
licly publishing reports on the use of village funds. come village and community. Economic business inhabitants focused
Good governance from the aspect of accountability is an essential on the formation and development product superior villages. The low
obligation for the village government to be accountable for carrying out public participation is still in developing stages [11,22]. Princes (2017)
its duties as a village organizer. Accountability in using village funds is reviewed the low participation public village of Sinsingon Barat, Indone-
implemented by using village funds according to programs agreed upon sia, in various expected shape to speed up the development village, in-
according to standards set by law. Finally, fairness is translated as fair- cluding 1) participation in the form of generous funding for the smooth
ness in services, the reach of village development, and the use of village running of the development program, 2) participation in idea, thought
funds without discriminating or prioritizing certain community sections for development village; and 3) participation in form energy/physical
[9]. Basri et al. [1] explain the principle of justice in research as fair (cooperation). The level of self-help participation became a culture of
treatment of village communities in terms of services and opportunities local Indonesian society that started thinning from time to time.
to maintain quality of life. Empowerment of public program for management of village funds
Good governance of good village government positively supports the that is going to village independent, must move active participation
performance of village government [4]. Good governance increases the from public village. In several studies, participation is built through pos-
competency of village officials [28], which then improves the perfor- itive individual perceptions [12,18,26]. Positive perception is built from
mance of the village government. Good governance with transparency, how individual public villages select, organize and interpret information
accountability and fairness concluded positive significance to the per- to create a complete description for the empowerment program village.
formance of villages government [1], however [19] also found another A new program will be supported positively if there is a perception
aspect necessary, namely the democratization of village government positive from an individual, and vice versa [17]. If support is positive,
by increasing the role of community participation in performance as empowering the public could be improved with the public participation
Yevmieshkina [42] and Basri et al., [1]. Good governance also affected in developing and implementing village programs. Public participation
positive perceptions [14], increasing community trust in village gover- in the study refers to Oakley [33] as involvement live society in a devel-
nance. Therefore, this study explores the critical role of good governance oped village that includes contribution thoughts, contributions, effort,
in village development with the following hypotheses: and contribution means. Therefore, this research formulated hypothesis
as follows:
H1. Good Governance has a significant effect on the participation of
public villages. H8. Participation in village’s society influential and significant to per-
formance of village government.
H2. Good Governance is significant to the positive public village per-
ception. H9. Positive perception of public village influential significant to public
village participation.
H3. Good Governance has a significant effect to the performance village
government. H10. Positive perception pf public village influential significant to per-
formance village government.
H4. Good Governance is significant to participation in public village
through positive perception. H11. Positive perception influential significant to the performance of
village government through participation village public.
H5. Good Governance is significant to the performance village govern-
ment through the participation public village. Following chart study as Fig. 2. Following this:

Fig. 2. Research Frameworks (Source: Au-


E. Handayani, A. Garad, A. Suyadi et al. World Development Sustainability 3 (2023) 100089

Research methodology Table 2

Research Respondent Data.
Research methods
Number of Demographics Type and Percentage
The study used a survey method with questionnaires built from the
underlying theory. For the performance variable, we use indicators of Gender Male: 91%
Female: 9%
Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons [8]. The good governance variable uses
Education Did Not Finish Elementary School - Elementary
the KNKG governance principles approach [21]. The perception variable
School: 41%
adopts Kotler’s [23] theory from the aspect of sensory assessment of Graduate School Medium: 38%
seeing and feeling the usefulness of an object, while the participation University Graduate: 21%
variable refers to Oakley [33]. Agriculture: 62%
Work Government/Private Company’s Employee: 8%
Population and respondents Casual laborer: 23%
Others: 7%
The study was conducted in Sambirata Village, Cilongok District, Source: Author.
Banyumas Regency, Indonesia with a total of 1765 families. The study T-value>1.96 means that the results are significant and the hypothesis
used a sample of 310 households [24] to represent the research pop- can be accepted [[38] hin and Dwi Ratmono, 2021].
ulation. Data was collected directly at village community meetings at-
tended by researchers. Data collection was carried out over 3 (three) Results and discussion
months, namely June, July, and the end of August 2022.
Data analysis
After going through the tabulation and reduction process, 142 ready-
to-process data were obtained. Although the study did not meet the
Data processing uses a Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach
minimum population, it represented the demographics of the Sambirata
with the help of SmartPLS software. The data processing process is di-
population with the following map of respondents like Table 2.
vided into several steps: 1). Measurement Model with Confirmatory Fac-
tor Analysis (CFA), by looking at the loading factor value. This value is Test results and hypotheses
obtained from the convergent validity procedure, namely by correlating
the item score (componentscore) with the construct score [15]. In gen- Step 1: outer model
eral, the loading factor value is considered good if it is more than 0.70 The outer model results from the loading factor value obtained that
[13], but many researchers use a loading factor reference number above there are 6 question items that have a value below 0.6. Therefore, ac-
0.6 [16], as well as this study. After the validity test, a reliability test cording to the guidelines of Haryono [16] and Hair et al., [13], the
was conducted using Cronbach’s alpha value and composite reliability two items were excluded. Furthermore, the reliability test by looking
with a limit of 0.7 [16]. 2). Next, reviewing the Goodness of fit model at the average variance extract (AVE) value obtained above 0.5 for all
by looking at the R2 , Q2 and SMRS values in testing the SMARPLS variables, Cronbach’s alpha value for all variables was above 0.7 and
algorithm. This test is used to validate the overall model using Hair similarly for the composite reliability value. Therefore, data processing
et al., [13] and Haryono [16] references, namely 3 categories of R2 0.1 can be continued to the next stage, namely the goodness of fit test or
(weak), 0.25 (moderate) and 0.36 (strong). While the value of Q2 must model feasibility test. The following are the complete results of the outer
be greater than 0 and SMRS must be less than 0.10. 3) The third stage is model testing as shown in Table 3 below:
to test the significance of p-value and T-value through a bootstrap pro- Furthermore, the complete research structural model is presented in
cedure to decide the results of hypothesis testing. The p-value <0.05 and the Fig. 3:

Fig. 3. The Structural Model (Source: Author).

E. Handayani, A. Garad, A. Suyadi et al. World Development Sustainability 3 (2023) 100089

Table 3
Validity and Reliability Test.

Variables/Indicators Outer Loading Outer Loading AVE b Composite Cronbach

Running1 a Running2 a Reliability c Alpha d

Performance [8] 0.77 0.906 0.861

Services for village apparatus and institutions have been carried out correctly and correctly (P1) 0 0.854 0.854
Village officials look for solutions to the general needs of the village community (P2) 0.447 rejected
The village apparatus has served the community according to their duties quickly (P3) 0.898 0.898
The village apparatus always accommodates the aspirations of the villagers (P4) 0.774 0.774
My village institution already has adequate resources for village development (P5) 0.882 0.882
Good Governance [21] 0.65 0949 0.940
The use of the village budget is communicated openly to the village community (GG1) 0.824 0.824
Activities carried out in the village are clearly informed to the village community (GG2) 0.686 0.686
Village community involved in village development planning (GG3) 0.810 0.810
Village community involved in monitoring village activities (GG4) 0.663 0.663
The use of village funds is managed properly (GG5) 0.883 0.883
Funds collected from the community are used for the benefit of the community (GG6) 0.817 0.817
Communities get information about village fund accountability (GG7) 0.868 0.868
Equitable distribution of village development has been carried out fairly (GG8) 0.876 0.876
Village development benefits all members of the community (GG9) 0.727 0.727
Distribution of funds through villages is done fairly (GG10) 0.887 0.878
Positive Perception [23] 0.809 0.955 0.941
I am the duty and function of village institutions in serving the community (Per1) 0.875 0.875
I know that village apparatus and institutions serve the community appropriately and correctly (Per2) 0.898 0.898
I see village apparatus and institutions serving the community quickly (Per3) 0.939 0.939
I see village apparatus and institutions being fair in serving the community (Per4) 0.894 0.894
I feel the benefits of village apparatus and institution services (Per5) 0.891 0.891
Participation [33] 0.709 0.924 0.894
I often give input, thoughts and opinions for the development of my village (PC1) 0.483 rejected
I often donate personal funds to support the development of my village (PC2) 0.076 rejected
I often contribute to the village program by working without pay (PC3) 0.493 rejected
I often donate personal facilities to support the development of my village (PC4) 0.119 rejected
Village institutions play a very good role in coordinating the community to participate in village 0.912 0. 912
development (PC5)
The community is involved as an important element in village development (PC6) 0.77 7 0.777
Communities carry out their functions well in village development (PC7) 0.933 0.933
The community is willing to play an active role in village development (PC8) 0.740 0.740
Village communities are always involved in village development activities (PC9) 0.145 rejected
The community has high motivation in supporting village development (PC10) 0.891 0.891
AVE: Extracted Average Variance.
Loading Factor is considered to meet, if the value is above 0.6.
AVE meets if the value is above 0.5.
Composite Reliability meets if the value is above 0.7.
Cronbach’s Alpha fulfills if the value is above 0.7.
Source: Author.

Second step: model fit test Third step: test results and hypotheses
The results of the model fit test meet the overall model validation, The significance test was carried out by bootstrapping procedure on
where the R2 value obtained is 0.863, the Q2 value for blindfolding smartpls to see the p-value and T-value. Reference values according to
output is 0.630> 0 and the SMRS value of the algorithm output is Hair et al., [13] and Harrison (2017) is the p value < 0.05 and the T
0.083<0.10. [13,16]. Thus, data processing can be continued to the value > 1.96 for significant conclusions.
third stage, namely hypothesis testing. The statistical test results data are presented in Table 5. below:
The following Table 4 shows the results of the R2 , Q2 and SRMS test

Table 4
R2 , Q2 and SRMR value.

Variable R2 Q2 SRMR

Good Governance, Village Government Performance, 0, 834 0.630 0.083

Positif Perception, People Village Participation

R2 : above 0.36 = strong category

Q2: meet
SRMS: fulfill
Source: Author.

E. Handayani, A. Garad, A. Suyadi et al. World Development Sustainability 3 (2023) 100089

Table 5
Result of T Value and P Value.

H Connection 𝛽 Standard Error T Statistics P-value Results

1 Good Governance ➔ Participation 0.115 0.130 0.904 0.366 Rejected

2 Good governance ➔ Positive Perception 0.894 0.028 32,146 0.000∗ Accepted
3 Good governance ➔ Performance 0.330 0.130 2539 0.011∗ Accepted
4 Good Governance ➔ Positive Perception ➔ participation 0.719 0.105 6928 0.000∗ Accepted
5 Good Governance ➔ Participation ➔ Performance 0.038 0.045 0.853 0.398 Rejected
6 Good Governance ➔ Positive Perception ➔ performance 0.263 0.121 2231 0.026∗ Accepted
7 Good Governance ➔ Positive Perception ➔ Participation ➔ Performance 0.266 0.111 1179 0.049∗ Accepted
8 Participation ➔ Performance 0.327 0.126 2656 0.008∗ Accepted
9 Positive Perception ➔ Participation 0.804 0.111 0.112 0.000∗ Accepted
10 Positive Perception ➔ Performance 0.298 0.174 1745 0.032∗ Accepted
11 Positive Perception ➔ Participation ➔ Performance 0.235 0.155 2181 0.030∗ Accepted

Source: Author.

p-value<0.05 and the T value >1.96=sig.

Discussion perceptions are built from the statements of the manager and the vil-
lage government. Furthermore, community participation can be driven
Public organization governance must be more transparent, account- along with these activities.
able, responsible, and focused on a long growth period [34,40], includ- Participation of the public in the manner they live is more influenced
ing village government. Good governance supports the achievement of by the perception of positive individual Public to village government
the aim of developing a village, as theory organization Miners [31]. (𝛽=0.804). This translated into the perception of expediency, fairness,
Participation whole public village in the achievement of independence accuracy, and speed service perceived by each individual (hypothesis
village needs driven and good organized. Good governance creates a 9). So that the government’s performance of the village formed from a
public village trust meaning upgrade positive perception to the village participation society (hypothesis 8 is accepted) and from positive per-
government, so upgrade participation of public village for role active in ception then increased participation of public village (hypothesis 11 is
development village. The village community will have a high sense of accepted).
caring and belonging to the development of his village. Community participation is formed from positive perceptions (hy-
Studies give empirical proof that good governance in village govern- pothesis 2). Even though the village government has been managed in a
ment s is influential and significant to the perception of positive public good governance manner, it does not directly affect participation, thus
villages (𝛽=0.894), which means hypothesis 2 is accepted. Good gov- requiring mediation of the positive perceptions of the village commu-
ernance is proven in the study. It also supports the enhancement per- nity on the implementation of good governance (hypothesis 4). This
formance of village government s in a manner significant (𝛽=0.330) as finding is interesting because communication and outreach are essen-
hypothesis 3, but no proven support in a manner live participation pub- tial for village communities. Good governance performance needs to be
lic village. With this, hypothesis 1 is rejected. ‘Good governance shapes communicated to form a positive perception of the village community.
people’s perceptions of village community governance and improves The relationship between the village community and the village gov-
trust. Information on implementing good management must reach the ernment must continue to develop this positive perception, which can
village community through written reports or other information. Most be through village meetings involving the village community, village
of the village community needs to learn precisely how village funds government open houses, and regular outreach to the community with
are managed, how much, and what they are used for; some don’t even village activities both in writing and orally.
care about this. They must receive information that village funds are Positive perception of public village is a significant watch to grow
correctly handled by village officials, both in writing and conveyed in participation active society. This result supports a study by Liu et al.
village meetings. Furthermore, this forms a positive perception of the [26] on connection perception and participation. Connection third vari-
village community towards running the village government. able shaper performance of village government in a manner whole
In another party, through the positive perception of the village com- formed of government good governance village through positive per-
munity toward village governance, good governance is found to have ception and so on influence participation of public village (P-11).
an influential positive significance on participation (𝛽=0.719) and per- Good governance is shown with transparency of village government
formance (𝛽=0.263). Analysis of results prove that hypotheses 4 and 6 on the implementation process of village government, including the
are accepted. preparation of work programs using village funds. Next, the village gov-
Participation is not solely formed by good governance. This study ernment manages funds in an accountable and accountable manner. The
finds the role formation is not significant, and so is the role of medi- third element is fairness which is shown by service fairness without dis-
ation participation on performance. With thereby, hypothesis 5 is re- criminating against certain groups or parties. This element of justice is
jected. Good governance forms a perception of a positive village public also reflected in the preparation of work programs [10]. The develop-
to a village government. Perception positive the upgrade participation ment of the village of Sambirata starts from the planning stage and a
and so on upgrade performance village government (𝛽=0.049). Based on work program that is jointly arranged in a gradual meeting mechanism
the results, relationship between 4 variables above shows that hypoth- that listens to the community’s aspirations through the village consul-
esis 7 is accepted. In this study, the authors found that the community tative body and community elements. The village government listens
was willing to participate in the village programs and build a village to- to input from community elements, including religious leaders, farmer
gether without any strings attached because they understood the goals groups, youth groups, and women driving village activities. Access to the
they wanted to achieve together. In addition, they believe that the vil- implementation of village fund management does not reach the stage of
lage program is appropriately designed and implemented along with circulating reports on the use of funds to the community, but the vil-
good governance, for example, in the village-owned enterprise develop- lage provides open access to interested communities. Requests for data
ment program that involves community participation. Program activi- are well served at the village secretariat. This study’s results support Bu-
ties and reports on implementing activities must be presented clearly in diati et al. [4] and Maranda et al. [28], where good governance supports
village meetings involving the community. Positive understanding and improving village government performance.

E. Handayani, A. Garad, A. Suyadi et al. World Development Sustainability 3 (2023) 100089

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