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Presented in Partial Fulfilment for tThe Requirements
tTo Obtain the S-1
Degree In English

Student Number: 170350102



Tittle : Mary’s Struggle in Facing the Unfair Treatment and

Challenges That She Had to Defend Her Throne in the

Movie Mary Queen by Josie Rourke (2018)



Name : Amanda Sasmita

Student Number : 170350102

Program : English

Approved by:

1. Sponsor committee

Major Sponsor Co-Sponsor

Mashuri,. S.S., M.Pd Drs. Tsardos Slapito

2. Agreement

President of Pertiwi University Vice President

Dr. Arif Nurgroho, B. Eng., M.Sc Dr. Sri Mulyani, S.E., M.M


Mary’s Struggle in Facing the Unfair Treatment and Challenges That She Had to
Defend Her Throne in the Movie Mary Queen by Josie Rourke (2018)




1. Board of Examiners

Chairman : Mashuri, S.S., M.Pd. ___________________

Date: 19 September 2022

First Examiner : Siti Isminarni, S.S., M.Pd. ___________________

Date: 16 September 2022

Co-Examiner : Drs. Tsardos Slapito ___________________

Date: 14 September 2022

2. Vice Chairman

Mashuri, S.S., M.Pd.

Wulansari.S.pd., M.Hum
Date: 19 September 2022


Name : Amanda Sasmita

Student Number : 170350102

Thesis Title : Mary’s Struggle in Facing the Unfair

Treatment and Challenges That She Had to Defend Her

Throne in the Movie Mary Queen by Josie Rourke (2018)







I hereby declare that this thesis has never been submitted, either in the same or in
different places. To the best of my knowledge, no other forms or ideas have been
written and published by others except those mentioned in this thesis in the

Jakarta, 19 September 2022

Amanda Sasmita


Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin, the writerresearches express herigh highest

gratituted to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health,
and mercy to complete this thesis.In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have
provided motivation, advice, support and event this thesis, a lot of people has
provided motivation, advice, support, and event remark that had helped the
researchedwriter. In this valuable change, the writerresearched aims to express her
gratitude and appreciations to all of them. First the researcher writer’s deepest
gratitude goes to her husband, parents, and her friends for the endless love, pray,
and support and tot. And her friend, Maesarah’s who helped me ther to finish this
The researched gratitude also goes to Mrs.Wulandari, .S.Ppd., M.Hum. to
as the director of head of English department of STBA Pertiwi and all of lecturers
in English Department for advice, motivation and use full knowledge. Her deepest
thanks goes to also to Mr. Mashuri, S.Ss,. M.Pd. and Mr. Drs. Tsardos Slapito for
their valuable advices and suggestions also foras well as all to staff of STBA
Pertiwi for helping the researcher writer in managing all formal needs during this
thesis arrangement.
Her sincere appreciation goes to her sibling,s Rumonalisa Siregar who has
to given her advice, kindness, and even critique to encouraged her to be a better
person and more patient and virtuous. Her thankfulness also goes to her friends in
English Department who cannot be mentioned here one by one. Finally, mMay
Allah bBlesses uUs. Amin

Jakarta, 19 September 2022

Amanda Sasmita


Amanda Sasmita : Mary’s Struggle In Facing The Unfair Treatment And

Challenges That She Had To Defend Her Throne On Mary
Queen Of Scots Movie By Josie Rourke (2018)

The researcher choices her thesis title and Mary Queen of Scots film as
main sources to be analysed because she is like history movies and results of
phenomena in Religion Discrimation community in English society in this film.
Based on the deconstructions issue, the writer formulated her researches
objectives into three, they are : (1) to discuss kind of unfair treatment that Mary
had to defend her throne; (2) to analyse kind of challenges did Mary have to
defend her throne; (3) to find out Mary struggle to face the unfair treatment and
challenges that she had to defend her throne, against to discrimination in the
film ? and to analyse this film, the researcher uses sociological, feminism, and
psychological approaches. The point of view from Some theories come Ritzer,
Marx. Plekhanov and others that have the sociological theories. This research is
descriptive quantitative showed (1) unfair treatment that Mary Queen to defend
her throne; (2) kind of challenge’s Mary Queen to defend her throne;(3) Mary
struggle her face unfair treatment and challenges to defend her throne. they are too
much discrimination and treat religion discrimination by community authority.
Subscribing to ideology, and culture perspective sociological.


Amanda Sasmita : Mary’s Struggle In Facing The Unfair Treatment And

Challenges That She Had To Defend Her Throne On Mary
Queen Of Scots Movie By Josie Rourke (2018)

Peneliti memilih judul skripsinya dan film Mary Queen of Scots sebagai
Sumber utama yang akan dianalisis adalah karena ia seperti film sejarah dan
akibat dari fenomena komunitas Diskriminasi Agama dalam masyarakat Inggris
dalam film ini. (1) membahas perlakuan tidak adil yang harus dilakukan Maria
dalam mempertahankan tahtanya; (2) menganalisis jenis tantangan yang harus
dihadapi Maria untuk mempertahankan tahtanya; (3) untuk mengetahui
perjuangan Maria melawan perlakuan tidak adil dan tantangan yang harus
dihadapinya untuk mempertahankan tahtanya, dari diskriminasi dalam film? dan
untuk menganalisis film ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis,
feminis, dan psikologis. Sudut pandang Beberapa teori datang Ritzer, Marx.
Plekhanov dan lain-lain yang memiliki teori sosiologis. Penelitian deskriptif
kuantitatif ini menunjukkan (1) perlakuan tidak adil yang dilakukan MaryQueen
untuk mempertahankan tahtanya; (2) jenis tantangan Mary Queen untuk
mempertahankan tahtanya; (3) Mary berjuang dengan perlakuan tidak adil dan
tantangan untuk mempertahankan tahtanya. Mereka banyak mendiskriminasi dan
memperlakukan diskriminasi agama oleh otoritas komunitas. Berdasarkan
ideologi, dan perspektif sosiologis budaya.


TITLE PAGE..........................................................................................................i
APPROVAL PAGE..............................................................................................iii
ADMISSION PAGE.............................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I : INTODUCTION...........................................................................1
A. Background of Study...................................................................................1
B. Problems Formulations................................................................................6
C. Objectives of Study......................................................................................6
D. The Definition of Key Terms.......................................................................7
E. Urgency of Study.........................................................................................8
F. Theoretical Ground......................................................................................9
G. Methods of Study.......................................................................................12
H. Systematization..........................................................................................14
CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................1
A. Sociological Approaches.............................................................................1
1. Religious Discrimination.......................................................................4
B. Feminism Approaches.................................................................................5
1. Liberal Feminism...................................................................................6
2. Marginalization......................................................................................8
C. Psychological Approach............................................................................11
1. Social Power........................................................................................12
2. Self-Defense Mechanism.....................................................................14
a. Denial.............................................................................................14
b. Repression......................................................................................15

c. Projection.......................................................................................15
3. Self-Acceptance Theory.......................................................................15
A. Unfair Religions Treatments Experienced By Mary Queen Of Scotch.....17
1. The Bad Perspective on Catholic.........................................................17
a. Rome Treated People to Hold the Religion by Force....................18
b. Catholic Priest Often Manipulates the Religion to Get Money.....20
2. Social Unfair Treatment.......................................................................22
a. Women Are Often Pushed to Get Married By Community...........22
b. Women Who Refuse the Arranged Marriage Will Be Labelled
as A Hooker...................................................................................23
B. Challenge To Defend Her Throne..............................................................25
1. Religion Leader Considered Mary Queen as Unproper Power for
Her Throne...........................................................................................25
2. The Efforts Done by Queen Elizabeth I To Make Marry Queen as
the Powerless Queen of Scotch............................................................27
3. The Jealousy the Mary Experienced from Her Brother.......................29
BRITISH AND SCOTTISH KINGDOMS........................................................32
A. Queen Mary of Scotland’s Struggles to Overcome Discrimination..........32
1. Denial...................................................................................................33
2. Repression............................................................................................36
3. Projection.............................................................................................40
B. Self-Acceptance.........................................................................................44
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS................................47
A. Conclusions................................................................................................47
B. Suggestions................................................................................................48

1. The summary of Mary Queen of Scotch......................................................53
2. Data from Mary Queen of Scots Film..........................................................54
3. The Biography Josie Rouke.........................................................................63
THE WRITER’S BIOGRAPHY........................................................................65



A. Background of Study

A literary work is a world of a word that is created by men of letters through

the medium of language (Damono, 1979: 69). Through the range of words, an

author creates” a new world” in his work. These new worlds might be created

through his deep thinking of the phenomenon around him. Those phenomena

might be the environment surrounding the author, both his human and natural


Human beings and his personality are the sources of ideas for an author to

deliver his work. It is a subject that is never empty when he digs deeply. On the

other hand, the reader might find the idea about human being and their personality

by digesting the literary work. It shows the close relationship between psychology

and literary work. Therefore, one way for analyzing a literary work is through a

psychological approach. Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in Theory of Literature

give their opinion about literature and its relation with real-life that is:

“Literature is a social institution, using as its medium language, a social creation

– But furthermore, literature „represents‟ „life‟; and „life‟ is, in large measure,
a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world
of the individual have also been objects of literary imitation. “ (Rene and Wellek,
1948: 94).
It means that life in literature can be a representation of real life, which exists

in a society that might be found by the author. By the creative process, the author

who cannot be separated from his society in his process of making literature will

make a new life by his language and his point of view about the phenomenon to

be a literary work.

This means that the life which exists in literature is taken from real life. It is

combined with the writer’s idea resulting in literature which has an aesthetic

meaning and it functions as a mirror of society because it might full of norm and

value of certain society. Furthermore, Henry Hudson states that “Literature is the

expression of what is being watched by people in daily life, what is contemplated

and felt about the interesting life, essentially is the expression through the

language” (Hardjana, 1981:10).

It gives us a clear explanation that people need many ways to express their

impressions about human experiences and life itself, one of these is a form of

literary work. It becomes an answer or way to show an area to discuss human

life’s experiences.

Drama is one kind of literary works which has a different genre from others. It

serves as an imitation of live more life fully in the world of literature. For, it has a

unique aspect such us the dialogue and actions of the characters. It means that the

characters and the dialogue among them in drama have a big role to make the

drama more interesting as stated in American Literature: “For many of us, the

interest of in literature is an outgrowth of our interest in people and their

personalities. Drama is particularly satisfying in this respect, for plays are

inevitably and immediately concerned with the human beings “(Hoeper, 1993:


It means that character in the literature is identical to the real person since it is

an imitation of life. Therefore, it has a psychological aspect that can be analyzed.

The psychological aspect of character in a literary work is so various. One of the

psychological topics which are very interesting to discuss is the neurotic

personality and its cause. In the field of psychology, neurosis is caused by many

factors. One of them is caused by the disturbances in the interpersonal

relationship of humans in his childhood. This disturbance is very responsive to the

later development of someone's personality, since its influence needs and the

strategies that are adopted to cope with those needs. It explains clearly in the

Dictionary of Behavioral Science as follows: “Each individual has two

fundamental needs: safety and satisfaction. The gratification of the satisfaction

needs without feelings of safety and acceptance produces basic anxiety, a basic

feeling which leads to the development of neurosis” (Wolman, 1973: 28).

The development of mass media has provided many benefits in various aspects

of human life, one of which is in the field of communication. With the

development of mass media, the boundaries between space and time are not an

obstacle in communicating. Communication conducted using mass media is called

mass communication. According to Effendy (2007), mass communication is

communication conducted through modern mass media aimed at the public, such

as newspapers, radio and television broadcasts, and films.

Evita (2007) said, that one of the functions of film seen from mass

communication is to socialize. The audience will adopt the values, messages, or

behaviors of a group presented through what is seen, and heard through the mass

media (Dominick 1983). It is not uncommon for movies to be used as a medium

to convey messages to people watching, both implicitly and explicitly. According

to McQuail (2011), Film belongs to the medium of mass communication because

movies can reach a large and fast number of people. The film explores issues such

as culture, politics, religion, and education. McQuail also argues that film is also

formed from a phenomenon that occurs around us, and that film also acts as a

shaper of mass culture.

The film depicts people's lives, raises existing social issues following social

reality, and delivers a message of communication projected through the screen.

Movies can depict past, present, and future events. This makes the film often used

as a medium of learning and informing the public through the message conveyed.

Movies have a variety of types, so film groupings are formed based on each of

them. Quoted from How to Do Media and Cultural Studies, the grouping of films

into genres is done to facilitate identification in the Hollywood film industry,

especially in terms of marketing (Stokes. 2007: p.90). These categories are

formed from various things, among others: from the period the film was formed,

the content of the film, the literary side (comedy, melodrama), and others.

According to Pratista (2008), historical epics are a genre of past period films

(historical) stories with royal settings, events, legends, or biblical stories with

unique costumes and attributes. The genre of historical epics and dramas, in

general, evolved into a biographical genre. Biographical films usually tell the

story of a real character who influences his life. The biographical film tells the

character's dramatic life journey and the struggles experienced by the famous


Mustaqim (2008: p. 85) describes feminism as an understanding that respects

women so that their rights and roles are maximized and equal, without

discrimination, marginalization, and subordination. This understanding arises

because of the inequality or inequality that often occurs in women. Quoted from

McQuail (2011: p. 131), that it is important to understand how the media portrays

gender because femininity and masculinity are the results of culture and ideology

derived from politics, economics, and society (Hermes, 2007). Women are seen as

inferior and have a lower position than men. Men are considered dominant, so

women must obey, and authority over them is limited by men.

Mary's film, Queen of Scots, is the film that is produced in 2018. It is an

adaptation of a biographical book about a Scottish queen named Mary. Mary

Stuart (Saoirse Roman) is the sister of Queen Elizabeth (Margot Robbie). Queen

Mary was a strong, courageous and ambitious person. Queen Elizabeth,

meanwhile, was a queen who chose not to marry and led Britain among male

powers. Although Mary is the main character in the film, Elizabeth has an equally

important role in the film. Mary and Elizabeth changed the stigma of women in

that period, where women usually always depended on men for the rest of their

lives and had a lower position. The film tells how Queen Mary and Queen

Elizabeth exercised power among patriarchal cultures and described their position

as women as leaders at the time.

The researcher was interested in researching Mary's film Queen of Scots

because she saw that it showed a different side of how ordinary women were

portrayed. The film is based on a biographical book set in the British Empire in

the 16th century. The researcher is also interested in discussing Mary's film

Queen of Scots as it takes the story of a real-life historical figure of the struggle of

women who had power in the age of patriarchy. In addition, the researcher is also

interested in researching gender issues that continue to be an issue that still occurs

today. The researcher wants to see how women's power representations from

Mary's film, Queen of Scots.

B. Problems Formulations

Based on the background of the study above, the researcher formulates the

problems as follows:

1. What kind of unfair treatment that Mary had to defend her throne?

2. What kind of challenges did Mary have to defend her throne?

3. How did Mary struggle to face the unfair treatment and challenges that she

had to defend her throne?

C. Objectives of Study

Based on the formulations of the problem above, the researcher formulates the

objectives of the study as follows:

1. To describe various ways of dropping Queen Mary’s status in this movie. The

researcher focuses on taking some of the theories from the movie. The researcher

will discuss feminism theory in the movie.

2. To describe how a queen maintains her throne in which the gender of a man is

higher than that of a woman.

3. To describe how a queen deals with being underestimated by men and the

environment in her own country. Here, the researcher will discuss in more depth

what decisions the queen will take to defend her throne which will be seized by

people from the inside and outside of the kingdom.

D. The Definition of Key Terms

To clarify the key terms used in this study, some definitions are put


1. struggle : Struggle in the oxford dictionary is struggling. In

this thesis, the writer wants to explain Mary's

struggle in achieving her goals. Where she tried

with all his ability to become the successor to the

queen of England.

2. Unfair treatment : is an act that harms certain parties, such as the

discrimination experienced by Queen Mary of

Scotland in leading Scotland.

3. challenges : According to the dictionary it means challenge, in

the film Queen Mary Scotland, the challenges


by Mary Scotland are coming from various

directions, from family, court environment and

challenges in facing the Scottish people.

4. Defend : To keep secure from danger or against attack. In


film Queen Mary of Scotland, defending means

defending herself in certain ways that Queen Mary

does in all attacks that are directed at her.

5. Throne : The official seat for a ruler to carry out both

ceremonial and state functions. In an abstract


the term throne can refer to both the monarchy and

the king himself and is also used in several

expressions such as "the power behind the throne.

Family and several groups of people want to seize

the throne of Queen Mary in Scotland because


think this queen is too careless.

6. Mary Queen of Scots : is a historical drama film that tells the biography


the Queen of Scotland, Mary Stuart. She is a queen

who defends her throne and claims her throne in

England and Released in 2018

7. Josie Rourke : is an English theatre and film director. She is a


President of the London Library and was the


director of the Donmar Warehouse theatre in

London from 2012 to 2019.

E. Urgency of Study

The results of this study are expected to be beneficial both theoretically and

practically elaborated in the following section.

1. Theoretically:

The researcher hopes that this thesis can be useful for the institution, the

readers, and herself once the thesis is complete. Through this study, it is expected

that the researcher can contribute thoughts and references to thinking as well as

become a foothold and reference for further research. The researcher also hopes

this study will be useful for all fields of study, especially the English major and its

department in describing how film represents the power of women.

2. Practically:

Hopefully, this thesis can be more than an additional reference for additional

collections from previous studies in STBA Pertiwi. The researcher also hopes that

this thesis can be displayed in the library to be able to help the next and upcoming

studies, and can be an inspiration for future learning of other students at STBA

Pertiwi. Last but not least, the researcher expects the thesis to be useful and

valuable for STBA Pertiwi with all possibilities. The researcher hopes this study

will be useful for the social environment so that people know that movies not only

serve to entertain, but also provide education, and persuasion. The researcher

hopes that with this study, the public will know about the representation of female

power in Mary, Queen of Scots

F. Theoretical Ground

In this paper, the researcher applies a feminist approach for basis analysis. In

the feminist approach, the researcher also describes self-defense mechanisms.

Feminist criticism is concerned with "how literature (and other cultural

productions) reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, and

psychological oppression of women" (Tyson 83). This school of theory looks at

how aspects of our culture are inherently patriarchal (male-dominated) and aims

to expose misogyny in writing about women, which can take explicit and implicit


This misogyny, Tyson reminds us, can extend into diverse areas of our culture:

"Perhaps the most chilling found in the world of modern medicine,

where drugs prescribed for both sexes often have been tested on male subjects

only" (85).

Feminist criticism is also concerned with less obvious forms of marginalization

such as the exclusion of women writers from the traditional literary canon:

"...unless the critical or historical point of view is feminist, there is a tendency to

underrepresent the contribution of women writers" (Tyson 84).

1. Though several different approaches exist in feminist criticism, there exist

some areas of commonality. This list is excerpted from Tyson (92):

1.1. Women are oppressed by patriarchy economically, politically,

socially, and psychologically; patriarchal ideology is the primary means by which

women are oppressed.

1.2. In every domain where patriarchy reigns, a woman is other: she is

marginalized, defined only by her difference from male norms and values.

1.3. All of Western (Anglo-European) civilization is deeply rooted in

patriarchal ideology, for example, in the Biblical portrayal of Eve as the

origin of sin and death in the world.

1.4. While biology determines our sex (male or female), culture

determines our gender (scales of masculine and feminine).

1.5. All feminist activity, including feminist theory and literary criticism,

has as its ultimate goal to change the world by promoting gender equality.

1.6. Gender issues play a part in every aspect of human production and

experience, including the production and experience of literature, whether

we are consciously aware of these issues or not.

2. Feminist criticism has, in many ways, followed what some theorists call the

three waves of feminism:

First Wave Feminism - late 1700s-early 1900's: writers like Mary

Wollstonecraft (A Vindication of the Rights of Women, 1792) highlight the

inequalities between the sexes. Activists like Susan B. Anthony and Victoria

Woodhull contribute to the women's suffrage movement, which leads to National

Universal Suffrage in 1920 with the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment.

Second Wave Feminism - early 1960s-late 1970s: building on more equal

working conditions necessary in America during World War II, movements such

as the National Organization for Women (NOW), formed in 1966, cohere feminist

political activism. Writers like Simone de Beauvoir (Le Deuxième Sexe, 1949)

and Elaine Showalter established the groundwork for the dissemination of

feminist theories dove-tailed with the American Civil Rights movement.

Third Wave Feminism - early 1990s-present: resisting the perceived

essentialist (over-generalized, oversimplified) ideologies and a white,

heterosexual, middle-class focus of second-wave feminism, third-wave feminism

borrows from post-structural and contemporary gender and race theories (see

below) to expand on marginalized populations' experiences. Writers like Alice

Walker work to "...reconcile it [feminism] with the concerns of the black

community...[and] the survival and wholeness of her people, men and women

both, and for the promotion of dialog and community as well as for the

valorization of women and all the varieties of work women perform" (Tyson 107).

G. Methods of Study

1. Type of the Study

The research methodology used in this study is the descriptive qualitative

method. Surahkmad says that descriptive methods include not only procedures of

data collecting and composing but also data analyzing and interpreting

(Surahkmad, 1994: 140). It means that the research does not only collect data and

compose the data to describe the main data but also analyses and interprets the

data so that the description will be more comprehensive. This research is dealing

with the content of a character being analyzed in the movie, not the number.

In this research, the researcher applies the feminist. The feminist approach will

help the researcher to cope with the structure of the work with its all devices, to

sum up, the main data. It is very helpful for the researcher to gain a complete

comprehension and understanding of the work, in the Mary Stuart. In this research

Feminist critic Theory of Tyson (92) is used as a means to analyses the movie, to

find out the main character’s effort in taking care of the problems she has.

Dealing with the explanation above, the step of the analysis can be started as

follows: first of all, is understanding the structure of the movie including the plot,

characters, setting, and theme to get a better comprehension of the movie. For

building the wholeness of the movie, each element cannot be separated. The

development plot which includes the exposition, rising action, climax, falling

action, and resolution or denouement will help us to find the main character and

its conflict. By using sociology as a means of analysis, it will help the researcher

to find out of how the main character’s relationship with others. Also, by knowing

her social interaction with others, her personality can be known.

2. Type of the Data and the Data Source

The data source of this research is divided into two groups, those are:

2.1. Primary Data Source

The primary data is taken from Josie Rourke’s film, Mary Queen of Scots

published by Antonia Fraser. It includes ideas, attitudes, and ways of thinking in

dialogue among the characters in the play.

2.2. Secondary Data Source

Taken from the theory of literature, criticism, encyclopedia, previous research,

other relevant information that supports the primary data.

3. Data Collection Techniques

Data are collected by attempting close watching to the play of Mary Stuart as

the Queen of Scots (the main data) and the other sources (as the supporting data).

From the understanding of the movie and those sources, data are collected related

to the object of analysis. The method of collecting data are:

3.1. Watching the movie several times for getting the data and information.

3.2. Identifying the data based on the topic.

3.3. Reading various related sources and theories.

3.4. Writing notes of the essentials part. The fifth is to classify the data into a

specific category.

3.5. Arranging and developing the selected data refers to the topic.

3.6. Conclude previous analyzes and formulate suggestions.

4. Data Analysis Techniques

The technique of analyzing data is managed into four interrelated steps as


4.1. Selecting the data and categorizing it following the need.

4.2. Combining the data with the Feminist Critic and Sociological in

literature, the theory of Tyson (92) and Davita (2005) used in the research.

4.3. Reducing the useless data to avoid some deviations.

4.4. Drawing conclusion based on the analyzed data.

H. Systematization

On this occasion, to help the readers understand the context more easily, the

researcher arranges it systematically as follows.

Chapter I is introduction, this chapter outlines the background of the

research conducted. The content of this chapter focuses on the feminism approach,

Queen of Scots. This chapter also explains the Background of the Study, Problem

Formulations, and Objectives of the Study, Definition of Key Terms, and Urgency

of the Study, Theoretical Grounds, Methods of Study, and Systematization.

Chapter II is Review of Literature; this chapter contains theories that

support the research that will be discussed in the research. These theories are mass

media theory, film theory, feminist theory, and sociological theory.

Chapter III is Method of Research, this chapter contains the methods used

by the researcher in this study, and how the data was obtained by her. The writer

analyzes the unfair treatment of Queen Mary who tries to defend her throne and

Queen Mary does everything possible to maintain her power.

Chapter IV is Data Analysis; this chapter describes the film's general

vision of the various ways queen Mary struggles to deal with unfair treatment and

the challenges she has to defend her throne which they seek to usurp from within

the family as well as from outside the castle.

Chapter V is Conclusions and Suggestions, this last chapter consists of the

conclusions of the entire study and the results of the research. Finally, the

researcher also provides advice related to this study.



In this chapter, the writer describes more about sociological approaches,

feminism approaches and psychological approaches. The writer uses some

approaches, sociological approach and writes theories of discrimination theory

and then for the feminism approach the writer discuss about theories feminism

liberal theory, and psychology approaches the writer writes power domination

theory and self defense mechanism theory.

The Mary Queen of Scots drama film related to sociological approaches,

feminism approaches and psychological approaches issues, to analyze and answer

her problem formulation in next chapter, writer must use fact data or theories.

from it the writer discusses and explains more deeply about these approaches and

theories above.

A. Sociological Approaches

Sociology is a scientific work that is studied scientifically to study humans

in public life. Sociology is a science that can answer various questions in society

that have been questioned so far and how humans survive in their respective

cultures. Sociology is said to be very closely related to human life socially, which

gradually changes revolutionarily from year to year.

George Ritzer as quoted in Drs. Wagiyo, M.S. (1975:24.) assumes that

sociology is a multiparadigm science. Paradigm itself is defined as a fundamental

image of the subject matter of a science. Paradigm is the broadest unit of

knowledge and serves to distinguish one community from another.

Ritzer (qtd. in Drs. Wagiyo, M.S.,1975:24) has found that there are three basic

paradigms in sociology, namely the paradigm of social facts, the paradigm of

social definition and the paradigm of social behavior. Within the framework of

social theory, the development of social solidarity is one of the main forces in the

formation of social order in society. It is analogous to the function of religion to

members of society to limit the reality of the world individually.

According to Marx (2019), humans must live slowly before thinking. How

they think and what they think are closely related depending on what they express

and on what and who they can live with.

According to Marx (2019), humans must live slowly before thinking. How

they think and what they think are closely related depending on what they express

and on what and who they can live with.

Plekhanov (1975:86) in his book On the Social Basis of Style believes that the

artistic style in literature from a primitive society to a modern society is

determined by the development of power in society itself. He further explains


in reality, the art of civilized peoples is no less under the away of necessity than

primitive art. The only difference is that in civilized peoples the direct dependence

of art on technology and mode of production disappears. I know, of course, that

this is a very big difference, but I also know that is determined by nothing else

than the development of the social productive forces, which leads to the division

of social Laboure among different classes. Far from refuting the materialist view

of history or art, it provides convincing evidence in its favors.

One area that sociological approaches discuss is discrimination theory. The

term discrimination comes from English: discriminate, and was first used in the

17th century. The root of the term comes from the Latin: discriminate. Since the

American civil war in the 18th century, the term discrimination has developed as

an English vocabulary to describe negative attitudes. when one believes that he or

she is discriminated against, one believes that he or she is being treated unfairly

based on social, religious, or group membership.

In social relations, social relations often arise in imbalances, beliefs, culture,

and religion, which sometimes lead to the emergence of discrimination. Haryanto

and Sujatmiko (2021: 4) in Dictionary of Sociology explains that discrimination is

an attitude that deliberately distinguishes between groups related to certain

interests. These differences usually occur based on religion, ethnicity, ethnicity,

and race. Discrimination is often carried out by the majority against minority


According to Theodor Son & Theodor Son (2009: 3), discrimination is

unequal treatment of individuals, or groups, based on something, usually

categorical, or distinctive attributes, such as based on race, ethnicity, religion, or

membership of social classes. The term is usually used to describe an act of the

dominant majority in relation to a weak minority so that it can be said that their

behavior is immoral and undemocratic. Meanwhile, Fulthoni (2009: 33), defines

discrimination as unfair and unequal treatment carried out to distinguish

individuals, or groups, based on something, usually categorical, or distinctive

attributes, such as based on race, ethnicity, religion, or membership of social

classes. Further, Sears, Freedman, and Peplau (1999) indicate that the notion of

discrimination is a behavior that shows rejection of individuals or groups solely

because of one’s membership in the group.

Discrimination begins with prejudice that makes a difference with the

people around them every day, prejudice is based on misunderstanding and

ignorance of certain groups. Prejudice is exacerbated by being labeled bad/stigma.

This bad stamp is usually based on various patterns of a person on the basis of his

group. Bad labels are usually learned by someone from social influences, such as

family and society, and discrimination occurs when stigma / bad stamp turns into


1. Religious Discrimination

Religious discrimination is an act that distinguishes, limits, and isolates a

religion in people’s lives. Discrimination against religion/belief occurs in the form

of separation between a recognized religion and a religion that is not recognized

by the majority religion, getting stigmatized as “athema”, “not some religion”,

“animism/dynamism”, even “communist”. As a result, the fulfillment of people’s

basic rights such as education, health, civil, and political cannot be


The problem is the emergence of a dichotomy between majority and

minority religion, global religion and local religion, primitive religion, and

modern religion. The existence of the majority religion has been the opponent of

the minority religion. The majority religion gets ease while the minority is always

positioned as an oppressed religion, marginalized, and judged as a narrow

religious space. Majority religions are positioned as targets of ‘enlightenment’

through h da’wah and other awareness-raising movements.

From the conclusion above. cases of religious discrimination have occurred

during the Pathriaki period to modern times today.

B. Feminism Approaches

Feminist literary criticism is one of the disciplines of literary criticism that

was born as a response to the widespread development of feminism throughout

the world. Moeliono, et al (1993: 241) states that feminism is a women’s

movement that demands full equality between men and women. equal rights in the

form of aspects of life, both in the political, economic, and socio-cultural fields

(qtd. in Djayanegara, 1995:16). if women are equal to men, it means that they

have the right to determine for themselves what men have so far. The emergence

of this movement began with the process of releasing women from their low

socioeconomic position and legal restrictions that limited their movements.

The polarization of men and women naturally has existed since the

creation of the two creatures in the world. At first, they were created to

complement each other. mythologically the created man and woman are Adam

and Eve, created in the Garden of Eden. It has been considered as the origin of the

dialogical structure as developed by Bakhtin (Jauss, 1985: 149:150). In regulating

society in religious life, especially revealed religion is revealed to humans who are

male. This is the beginning of the legitimacy of the first group of Adam’s groups

psychologically and sociologically placing men at the center. second legitimacy

for women, where women are declared to have no faith that is not strong so they

are forced to follow the will of Adam. During the development of the times on the

basis of biological weaknesses, women have always been inferior.

Etymologically, feminism comes from the word femme (woman), meaning

a single woman who struggles to fight for the rights of women as a social class. In

this relationship, it is necessary to distinguish between male and female

biologically. Feminist goals in balance, gender interrelation. Feminism is an

understanding that arises when women demand to get equal rights with men. This

term is first used in political debates in France in the late 19th century. Feminism

tries to eliminate the opposition between the weak groups which is considered

stronger. Furthermore, feminism rejects injustice as a result of patriarchal society,

rejecting history and philosophy as amale-centred discipline. This women’s

movement demands equal rights with men in the political, economic, and social

and cultural fields. In general, women’s physical condition is scientifically

weaker, but that’s not a reason to put women in a lower position.

Sarah Grimke1837 is a woman writing an article related to feminism. In

her article. She says, “We’re not asking for favors or trying to seize power certain.

What we really want is simple, that, they lift their legs off our bodies and let us

stand tall just like any other human being created by God.”

1. Liberal Feminism

Liberal feminism is a political thought that began as liberal thought.

Liberal feminism developed on a political basis. For liberals who think for welfare

will focus on economic freedom, religion, and civil liberties for the people,

according to the view of this group, based on differences will benefit the position

as long as it is profitable. Because of such a view, liberals will need government

intervention in order to realize what the liberals themselves want.

Liberal feminism is unequal opportunity to get justice. Feminism assumes

that there is basically no difference between women and men. According to

liberals, the overall right of the individual must be prioritized because it is the best

basis for each individual, as long as we do not take away the rights of others.

Priorities such as defending religious freedom are like choosing one’s own belief

without any coercion in choosing one’s belief. The same applies to rights that are

usually generalized as fundamental.

Liberal thought is thought committed to equality of opportunity given to

vote. The general goal of liberal feminism is to create a just society that cares

about the freedom of each individual, both men and women. Liberal feminist

thought in the 19th century about equal political rights and economic

opportunities, women are recognized rationally as having the right to full civil

liberties and economics like men, and society will also feel the benefits.

The feminist Bety Friedan, one of the founders of the National

Organization for Women, has urged explicitly as a feminist in the United States in

the 20th Century, to oppose sex discrimination in all social, political, economic,

and personal life. And in the field of legislation, Betty’s writing succeeded in

encouraging its issuance Equal Pay Right (1963) The basis of the struggle for

feminism is to demand equal opportunities and rights for women dan Equal Right

Act (1964).

every individual, including women, on the basis of the similarity of their

existence as rational beings. (Muslikhati, 2004:32). have the same rights as men

both in the economic and social fields.

2. Marginalization

Feminist themes consist of several, comprehensive bodies of work covering,

among others, gender, language issues; sex; popular culture; psychology;

literature and art; economics; health; education, and the labor market (Hughes,

1994). Feminism does not offer a set of strategies through which to improve the

material life of women, but critical analysis of the basics of society that uses

gender inequality to self-regulating (Crowley and Himmelweit, 1992). The theory

below is the meaning of this thesis is based on the feminist paradigm. It means

that no one particular feminist ideology has been adopted to provide this analysis

study, rather, elements of the plausible multiplicity of feminist marginal theory

are combined to provide varied explanations and values for each feminist


This exclusion of femininity in our language gives men a dominant group,

both behavioral and verbal, that makes women invisible. Thus, the oppression of

women and marginalized groups continues to this day.

This is the main advantage of this paper that women are marginalized and

marginalized by the dominant group, namely men, not only in male-dominated

professions but also in every element of society wherever women are. The

marginalization of women, in a holistic sense, refers to the way women are passed

down through culture to them or from their knowledge through their long history.

For the purposes of this thesis, it is very important that there is a clear

understanding of the term “marginalization” which refers to women. In a holistic

sense, rather than a specific work environment, marginalization is not limited to

women. It is recognized that. The feminist paradigm has identified and explored

the marginalization of women in society (Spender, 1983; Stanley & Wise, 1993;

Tong, 1989; Witz, 1992) and more particularly the greater marginalization, in

Australia, of women from non-English speaking backgrounds (Hughes, 1994).

Researchers, such as Spencer and Pod more (1987), have identified

marginalization as an important negative aspect of women’s work.

Marginalization is making or maintaining someone in powerlessness, in

limitations activities, and in making important decisions (Griffin, 2017).

Marginalization is a process that makes a group or individuals are prevented from

accessing important, economic, religion, and others (Halsey, 2015). From a social

point of view, marginalization that focuses on minorities in marginalized social

groups has several criteria based on ethnicity, religion, language, and others. (Lei

Gruber via Chand, et al., 2017: 18). According to Lei grubber, one of the

conditions for marginalized people is their social condition. And then will cause

injustice in social, economic, and political life.

Murniati (2004: 20) explains that marginalization means placing or

shifting to the periphery. Marginalization is a process of neglecting the rights that

should be obtained by marginalized parties. However, these rights are ignored for

various reasons for a purpose. In the film Mary Queen of Scots, it is very visible

that there is a marginalization in this film, namely when Queen Mary was

slandered by the British and a group of Protestants to carry out a civil war until

Queen Mary was finally eliminated from her kingdom, Queen Mary left without

bringing her child and was threatened with marriage.

Women receive unfair treatment, not only at work but also in their own

families, namely in the form of discrimination against male family members

against women (Fakih, 2008:15). As in Mary Queen of Scoots, she was

discriminated by being slandered by her own older brother for not being happy

with Mary being Queen and he as a boy did not get the throne.

Someone who is marginalized is not only based on the aspect of low income

but also on how much they participate in making decisions. Besides, by looking at

how much respect other people have for opinions and decisions in the community.

That is, marginalization is not only seen from the economic aspect because of

poverty alone but also in the respect, acknowledgment, and acceptance of society

for himself or his group (Jenson, 2000: 3).

Murniati (2004: 21) also explains that the process of marginalization does not

only occur outside of women but also marginalization within women also affects

women. This is due to the distrust of women which makes them step aside from

the competition. In addition, because of the coercion of the patriarchal society

which has instilled a weak and gentle nature, it is like women themselves fortify

themselves from all these rules.

Marginalization has its own characteristics that are different for everyone who

feels it. The existence of oppression and injustice becomes the right model to

describe the marginalized, those who are identified and by whom they are

governed (Burton and Kagan, 2003: 317). This means that the marginalization of

women can not only be seen from poverty and dislocation, but more broadly it can

also be seen from the experiences of oppression and injustice experienced by

women, and it is necessary to investigate the source of the cause or origin of the


The cause of someone experiencing marginalization, apart from gender, is also

based on ethnic identity coming from small groups, because of economic roles

and sexual identity in small groups. This further strengthens the exploitation of

women in life in society. and perhaps most women will confront power, sexuality,

caste and religion.

C. Psychological Approach

Psychology in literature is the center of psychological activity related to

social life and cannot be separated from the community environment, both from

the character of the work itself and the author who created it. Even from the

readers themselves who relate to their social life.

Psychology is a science that studies human behavior in their daily lives,

the science being studied only emerged less than 100 years ago (MC. Dougall,

1908; Ross, 1908).

According to Endaswara (2011: 96), literary psychology is a literary study

that views work as a psychological activity. The author will use creativity, taste,

and work in his work. Literary works which are seen as psychological phenomena

will display psychological aspects through characters if by chance the text is in the

form of drama or prose.

According to Roekhan (qtd. In Endaswara, 2011: 97-98), literary

psychology will be supported by three approaches at once. The first is the textual

approach which examines the psychological aspects of characters in literary

works. The second is the receptive-pragmatic approach which examines the

psychological aspects of readers as connoisseurs of literary works that are formed

from the influence of the works they read, as well as the reception process of

readers in enjoying literary works. The third is the expressive approach which

examines the psychological aspects of the writer when carrying out the creative

process projected through his work, both the author as a person and as a

representative of the community.

According to Semi (1993: 76), psychological approach is an approach that

starts from the assumption that literary works always discuss events in human life.

To see and know humans more deeply and further requires psychology. So, it can

be concluded that psychology is an activity of the psyche that relates to life in the

surrounding community, it can be from the character, the author, or a reflection of

the behaviour of the reader. Here the author will use several theories to clarify the

discussion that will be used in this study.

1. Social Power

Power is a person’s ability to gain authority from individuals or groups

that can influence the behaviour of a person or group so that the behaviour is

affected in accordance with the desired/goal of someone who has the power.

Cartwright’s theory stimulated the development of French theory (1956) which

studied power in social systems.

The theory developed by French discusses the process of influencing and

influencing in groups, especially in arguing and changing group opinions through

its perspective. That pattern involves relationships within groups, namely power

relations or (power relations) between group members in communication patterns

and between group opinions called social power theory.

One source of ideological strength (traditional) is owned by traditional

leaders who control belief systems, moral values, and religious knowledge so that

they can carry out doctrinization and propaganda. According to Max Welber

(2011), power is an opportunity that is owned by a person or group with the aim

of fulfilling his wishes or desires in social relations even though he has to oppose

or face the will of others. Based on this understanding, power can be interpreted

as something scary because it has to force others to fulfil their wishes.

According to Bertrand Russell (2011), power is the result of desired

influence. It exists because there is an impulse or motivation for a human being to

gain or hold power. The urge is explicit/visible to leaders who want to be in power

and implicit/invisible to other people who are willing to follow the leader.

Bertrand classifies power into three types, namely traditional power, revolutionary

power, and power without consent. In this thesis, the writer focuses on traditional

power which includes (1) Power based on tradition, belief, or custom, (2) Its

scope includes religious power and royal power, (3) Religious power relates to

religious leaders, and (4) The power of the king is related to one’s position as a


Ramlan Surbakti (2017) states that power is an ability or strength

possessed by a person or group that is used to influence others through ways of

thinking and behaving in accordance with what is desired by the power holder.

The quality of power is determined by the quality of coercion, namely the

power in the form of violence that is applied, whether it can destroy or be just a

threat. This coercion is contrary to elections, diplomacy, propaganda, sanctions,

boycotts, and others because this method does not use violence to achieve political

goals. The cost of coercion is always used, the value of “cooperation” will be lost,

and a negative effect will only lead to a circle of violence (Chermerhon, 1987).

2. Self-Defense Mechanism

Ego defense is a system that manages the energy that comes from the other

two systems, the ego is often in an unpleasant state, to protect itself, a person uses

his ego from an unpleasant state which is called ego defense. One of the

characteristics of ego defense is to ignore the existing reality, for example, do not

assume something happens to an object when it really exists. Sarnoff (1960) says

this theory concerns attitudes based on ego defense mechanisms. According to

Sarnoff, its function is to defend the ego from threats from outside and from

within oneself.

a. Denial. Denial is one of the ego’s most primitive defense mechanisms, namely

by assuming things that exist to be non-existent. One example is the rejection

of the Jews who threatened the Nazi regime. Denial is an unpleasant ego

defense mechanism but still denies that things are fine, for example regarding

illness, finances, politics, infidelity, or position. Denial perpetrators usually do

that to reduce anxiety in themselves and try to stay calm in dealing with

everything (Vanden Boss, 2007).

b. Repression. When a person feels that a certain situation or conflict is out of his

control, he prefers to forget it or not admit it at all. An example of repression is

when you lose a person who is very close to you in the film Queen Mary, she is

willing to lose her only child and is taken care of by her stepbrother just for the

sake of her son becoming the successor in Scotland and still being able to claim

his heir to England.

c. Projection. To defend yourself from feelings, thoughts, or emotions that are

difficult for you to accept, a defense mechanism is instead transferred to other

people about their feelings but persists. In this Mary Queen film, Queen Mary

persists and chooses not to leave her husband who is gay and drunk even

though it hurts her but she still persists in order to claim her heir rights to


3. Self-Acceptance Theory

Self-acceptance is an individual's ability to accept one's own existence.

Self-acceptance can be interpreted as a view of seeing oneself as it is and

treating it well with pleasure and pride and continuing to progress.

According to Calhoun and Acocela (2013: 250) explains that self-

acceptance is related to a positive self-concept, which is with a positive self-

concept. A person can accept and understand facts that are so different from

himself. That self-acceptance is a positive attitude towards oneself and can

accept oneself in a calm state, and can accept one's emotional state (depression,

anger, anxiety, etc.) without disturbing others.




The Writer has explored many things that happened in the film Mary Queen of

Scotch including about discrimination and other challenges faced by Queen Mary

in ruling her people in Scotland. These kinds of unfair treatment and challenges

include discrimination against religion which is treated badly by local people who

want to overthrow it, etc. The writer wants to highlights all the difficulties Queen

Mary faced as Queen in Scotland.

A. Unfair Religions Treatments Experienced By Mary Queen Of Scotch

1. The Bad Perspective on Catholic.

This part discusses about a bad perspective toward Catholics through the

British people during the reign of Rome. There are several things that the Catholic

religion did in colonizing British society. In this film, the British people strongly

oppose the people who are Catholic because based on their bad experience about


In this dialog below in Mary Queen of Scots film, there is a religious leader

who opposes Queen Mary as Scottish leader because she is Catholic, namely John

Knox. He is a religious leader who adheres to the Protestant religion and is

respected by the Scottish people.

John Knox: this worse than plague and famine, this woman has a crown that
just pretending to worship to Christ, while actually, he is kneeling
before the pope. We are not following orders from Rome. We
reject them who tempt us with pleasure, refute those who adore
luxury, does not appreciate those who boast of their looks, he
prostitution for direct degradation wealth.
(Seq: 18:04 -18:40)

According to cognitive theory stated by Kerchand Crutchfield

(1948:54).factors influencingeecing the perception of state that the factors

contained in the perfection areneeds, moods, past experiences, and other

individual traits.

Based on cognitive theory and proof from explanation above, thatve, the

writer concludes the perception that arises because of several factors that can

affect the religious leader or John Knox, one of perception arose is the past

experience of John Knox himself, which it tells that he was a Roman Catholic ,

therefore he has the opinion that the teachings of the Catholic religion led by

Rome are about heretical which these teachings are only thirsty for luxury and

power, that is the reason why John Knox start to rebel and convert to


a. Rome Treated People to Hold the Religion by Force

When Rome came to power in England, many terrible things happened, such

as massacring hundreds of people by burning people at the stake. Forcing the

British people to embrace the Catholic religion, if they do not want to follow

Rome’ss catholic policies, they will be persecuted for their disobedience to

England. After the accident, religious leaders from several regions in western

Europe were Martin Luther in Germany, Zwingli in Switzerland, John Knox in

Scotland, and Calvin in France. Agreed to the Reform of the Church in England

by choosing Protestantism as the state religion.

In thus dialogue proof in below of Queen Mary the film tells about Queen

Mary’s policy which frees the Scottish people to choose their own religion

without any coercion.

Mary Queen : I’m sure that most people don’t like to put yourself in the shoes of
the French and the Catholics. But your queen is in discotheque
now as my beloved husband returns to God. I could have married
so many suitors, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden but I refused all of
them. Because I don’t want my marriage to have a political
element. I Don’t want to impose uncertainty on the fate of my
people. They are free to worship according to their choice, either
Catholic or Protestant. Pastor, don’t you look displeased with our
John Knox : Every territory ruled by an intolerant pope, madam. That’s slavery
Mary Queen : Stand up while I talk to you
John Knox : There is only 1 god therefore there is only one belief.
Mary Queen : Such rhetoric sparks a rebellion.
(Seq: 12:37:13.40)

According to Theodor Son and Theodor Son (2012:3), discrimination is an

unequal treatment of individuals, or groups, based on something, usually

categorical, or distinctive attributes, such as based on race, ethnicity, religion, or

membership of social classes. The term is usually used to describe an act of the

dominant majority in relation to a weak minority, so that it can be said that their

behaviour is immoral and undemocratic.

Based on discrimination theory and proof from explanation about that the

writer concludes the discrimination that occurred in the Mary Queen Of Scotch

film, namely the unfair treatment carried out by John Knox towards Queen Mary

of Scots because of his intolerant attitude and opposing the decision to Queen

Mary of Scots by inciting the Protestant people not to obey the policies Queen

Mary of Scots. The picture of religious discrimination occurs in minority

communities who follow to the Catholic religion, namely they have bad prejudice

against them.

b. Catholic Priest Often Manipulates the Religion to Get Money

The Roman Catholic Church is one of the oldest institutions in the world

which has played a very important role in the history of western civilization since

the 4th century.

In the 11th century there was a split due to disagreements in Catholic

teachings and there were also some deviations in it which became the main factor

in the rise of the Reformation.

In the 16th century, there was the rise of the Protestant Reformation in

Western Europe. The Protestant Reformation occurred due to the division

between the people of the Roman Catholic Church, this reform was led by Martin

Luther and continued by other Protestant reformers for 30 years. Martin lutfer

criticized the deviations committed by the catholic church. Here are some

deviations that occur1) The practice of buying and selling controversial letters that

get forgiveness of sins (indulgences) by Pope Leo X to finance the construction of

St. Peter’s basilica lavishly and filled with various high-class art items ; (2); (2)

Taxes that burden the community; (3) The number of church officials who

commit corruption; and (4) There are many high-ranking church officials who

carry out the politics of nepotism.

In thus of dialogue under Mary Queen of Scots, the film tells of Mary Queen

of Scots trying to change the view of her people that not all Catholics are like their

bad views. Through conversation Mary Queen of Scots tried to express that all are

the same, there is no difference or Catholics or Protestants will die in the same

state and go to the same heaven.

Mary Queen : Where are you from?

People : Highlands, madam. They are both from Inverness and I am from
Mary Queen : Catholic?
People : No, madam.
Mary Queen : And you? (ask other people)
People : He doesn’t speak Scottish, madam. Can only speak Gael.
Mary Queen : Tell him I thank him for his service.
People : He said, he felt proud to serve with his queen, even sacrificed
his life if he had to.
Mary Queen : If we die today, we will all go to the same heaven.
(Sq.: 52:33-53:18)

According Ramlan Surbakti (2017:45), power is an ability or strength

possessed by a person or group that is used to influence others through ways of

thinking and behaving in accordance with what is desired by the power holder.

Based on Social Power theory and proof above that the writer concludes the

social power that occurred in the Mary Queen of Scots The film depicts the power

depicted from the catholic religion where to gain power, the priest uses religious

pretexts such as dialogue, if we die today, we will all go to heaven. This sentence

states that if the queen marries and the people commit a sin, they can atone for the

sins of the priest by giving money to them, then their sins will be forgiven and

they can go to heaven. Therefore, this deviation is exploited by people who have

the power to get more money from the public with the excuse of religion.

2. Social Unfair Treatment

a. Women Are Often Pushed to Get Married By Community

This part discusses, the writer will discuss the injustice of women due to

patriarchal culture. Women who experience customary discrimination also lose

the right to choose a life partner, known as forced marriage, among others. This

justice of the right to choose a partner can trigger feelings of depression in women

and domestic violence because the partners do not love each other.

In this dialogue below of Queen Mary film, there is a person named

Bothwell, Bothwell is Queen Mary’s bodyguard who has been her bodyguard

from living in France to Scotland. In the end Bothwell forced Queen Mary to

marry him for reasons of Queen Mary’s safety.

Queen Mary : What brings you here?

Bothwell : Parliament will make a statement asking you to marry a Scottish
citizen given that you are currently a widow.
Queen Mary : It’s only been a day.
Bothwell : They meet tomorrow. This is your adviser’s suggestion that you
marry me.

Queen Mary : What have you done, killer!!
Bothwell : Did I not help you when your brother defected? did I not help
you? I’m loyal!
Queen Mary : I refuse.
Bothwell : Then I won’t help you anymore when they defect.
Queen Mary : I beg you.
Bothwell : Come in! undress your queen, she has agreed to marry me.
(Seq.: 1:32:23-1:33:50)
According to Fulthoni (2018:33), the definition of discrimination is unfair and

unequal treatment carried out to distinguish individuals, or groups, based on

something, usually categorical, or distinctive attributes, such as based on race,

ethnicity, religion, gender or membership of social classes.

Based on discrimination theory and proof that the writer concludes in the film

queen Mary Of Scotland, the unfair treatment that Mary experienced was ethnic

discrimination in which she was forced by the parliament to remarry a scot ich

one day after her husband’s death.

The forced marriage experienced by Queen Mary of Scotland because Queen

Mary is the Queen of Scotland who leads the Scottish people therefore, she must

marry the Scottish people. Based on these considerations, there are indications of

ethnic discrimination during the patriarchal period against forced marriages.

Actually, the unfair treatment discrimination in forced marriage in the realm

of Queen Mary has a very cruel one, namely wanting to overthrow Queen Mary

from her throne. By means of the advisory board marrying Mary to her husband’s

rival Bothwell, it aims to get the attention of the people so that the people accuse

Queen Mary of being her opponent and be seen as playing tricks.

b. Women Who Refuse the Arranged Marriage Will Be Labelled as A


In the patriarchal era, women who were married and then separated either

due to divorce or death will have the status of a widow, the public perception of

widow status is considered as a temptress or destroyer of other peoples’s

relationships or known as a prostitute. This perception usually occurs because the

widow is still young. Women who are widowed have a formidable emotional

challenge because women are often used as objects of greed by men.Queen Mary

is a queen who served in France because she married a French prince, but she only

served as queen for a year and a half because her husband died during the war.

Therefore, she became a young widow at the age of 18. Then she decided to return

home to Scotland, to rule the Scottish kingdom with her widow status. The return

of Queen Marry to Scotland made Queen Elizabeth I of England restless so she

sent an envoy to Scotland suggesting Queen Marry to marry a confidant of Queen

Elizabeth I, but Queen Mary refused and chose her life partner based on her

heart’s choice.

In this dialog below Queen of Scots film, dialogues rejecting a partner

based on politics.

Mary : I’m sure that most people don’t like to put yourself in the shoes of the
French and the Catholics. But your queen is in discotheque now as my
beloved husband returns to God. I could have married so many
suitors, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden but I refused all of them because I
don’t want my marriage to have a political element. I don’t want to
impose uncertainty on the fate of my people. They are free to worship

according to their choice, either Catholic or Protestant. Pastor, don’t
you look displeased with our tolerance?
(Sq: 12:42-13:48)

According to Sigmund Freud, (2011:48) a person in confronted with facts

are too uncomfortable to accept and reject, insisting instead that it does not hold

abundant evidence.

Based on theory self defense mechanism and proof that the writer

concludes in the film queen Mary of Scotland actually queen Mary is very against

marriage that smells of politics, such as dialogue” I could have married so many

suitors, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden but I refused all of them. Because I don’t

want my marriage to have a political element”., because she only wants to marry

based on love and does not want to make her people dependent on her husband

who will make decisions based on politics. Like Queen Elizabeth I, she had her

reasons not to marry. According to historians, Queen Elizabeth I was reluctant to

marry because of environmental factors and she witnessed the destruction of her

sisters, Mary I and King Philip II, who married politically. Therefore, Queen

Mary decided not to depend on the fate of her people because of political

decisions such as dialogue “Because I don’t want my marriage to have a political

element. I don’t want to impose uncertainty on the fate of my people.”

B. Challenge To Defend Her Throne

1. Religion Leader Considered Mary Queen as Unproper Power for Her


The early history of women’s discrimination during the party era until now

can still be seen between the relationship between men and women which still

looks lame. Where women are marginalized and even discriminated against

because of gender inequality, this greatly interferes with women’s freedoms and


Being a woman during the patriarchal era was a challenge, especially since

women were a minority in their country. Perceptions are still attached to women

who are under men in terms of politics, power, education, and others. This action

became an element of culture that permeated the local community. This culture is

what we call patriarchal culture until now. In the film Queen Mary Scotland,

many people challenge every thought and decision because they are considered

unwise and rash in making decisions, especially a religious leader named John

Knox. This can be proven in John Knox’s conversation at a council meeting held

by Queen Mary of Scots.

In this dialog below Mary Queen of Scots film, who stated that they

discriminated against women because they despised women

John Knox : if a pope deviates from God’s will there is no doubt that they can
be challenged and in your case like all women, their views are
blind, their strength is weakness, their advice is stupidity, their
judgment is madness. Should we obey both Catholics and
(Sq: 14:10-14:50)

According to Theodor Son and Theodor Son (2012:3), discrimination is an

unequal treatment of individuals, or groups, based on something, usually

categorical, or distinctive attributes, such as based on race, ethnicity, religion, or

membership of social classes. The term is usually used to describe an act of the

dominant majority in relation to a weak minority, so that it can be said that their

behavior is immoral and undemocratic

Based on theory discrimination and proof, the writer concludes in the film

Queen Mary of Scotland. This film depicts women as weak and unable to make

decisions, because during the party era women were only underestimated because

they were considered only able to take care of the house, give birth and take care

of children, could not lead let alone make decisions. This film is based on

dialogue spoken by John Knox, John Knox reveals that “like all women, their

views are blind, their strength is weakness, their advice is stupidity, their

judgment is madness”. Based on the dialogue, the words spoken by John Knox to

Queen Mary greatly degrade the image and dignity of women in the eyes of men.

2. The Efforts Done by Queen Elizabeth I To Make Marry Queen as the

Powerless Queen of Scotch

In the current era, discrimination against women has been abolished, but in

reality, there are still many acts of violence and discrimination against minorities.

There are still many minorities in the world who have not received justice in their

countries, even though until now there have been human rights regulations.

Marginal is usually a person’s rights to be obtained by marginalized groups, for

example power in politics, power on the throne.

Until now, the number of social conflicts that often occur all the time from

the patriarchal era until now, numbering more than one in various parts of the

world, this happens because of the overlapping roles and status of individuals in

the group. Social conflicts that occur include economic groups, racial groups,

ethnic groups, religious and belief groups, age groups, gender groups and so on.

In this dialog below Mary Queen of Scots film, In the film Queen Mary of

Scotland depicts the anxiety of Queen Elizabeth and the British people, because

Queen Elizabeth has no children and they are afraid that Queen Mary of Scotland

will continue her throne because Queen Mary of Scotland is Catholic, therefore

many things have been done by the British Councils which hinder the right to

claim rights over Queen Mary of Scotland’s throne in England.

Counsellor : You have no children or husband, and you are not near age
where it’s hard to get. You have to face reality, madam.
Even though it’s unpleasant, I’ve faced this truth.
Elizabeth I Queen : I understand if I can’t.
Counsellor : No answer and do I understand? no more than I
understand God.
Elizabeth I Queen : This is my choice. God wants a woman to be wife and a
Counsellor : So, you are against his will?
Elizabeth I Queen : No, I choose to be a man. And marriage is dangerous. The
man who might marry me, might be disappointed with
Counsellor : He will conspire.

Elizabeth I Queen : There is no prince’s income so great as to satisfy a man’s
endless ambition.
Counsellor : This I can understand.
Elizabeth I Queen : That’s why there’s something closest to me being a wife.
Counsellor : I will not mention your offer to Mr. Dudley. This world is
a cruel place. We as humans have to be wiser, don’t we?
Elizabeth I Queen : What should I do?
Counsellor : We have to have a civil war in Scotland.
Elizabeth I Queen : Do you want me to dethrone the sisterhood between the
Counsellor : Is it between civil war there or here.
Elizabeth I Queen : I don’t want to know anything about that
Counsellor : The arrangements will only be known to me.
(Sq.: 44:21-46:15)
According Griffin (2017:88) Marginalization is making or maintain someone

in powerlessness, in limitations activities, and in making important decisions.

Based on theory Marginalization and proof that the writer concludes in the

film queen Mary Of Scotland depicts in this film Queen Elizabeth I and the

British royal council feel uneasy about the presence of the return of Queen Mary

Scotland especially Queen Mary chose to marry a fellow Catholic and British

nobleman named the Stuart family. This will strengthen the claim to the throne in

England for Queen Mary. Queen Mary’s descendants as long as Elizabeth I do not

have children. With such a thing happening, Queen Elizabeth I and her counsellor

have the idea to create a civil war conspiracy in Scotland. This can be proven in

the dialogue “We have to have a civil war in Scotland”, the civil war suggested

by the counsellor aims to make Queen Mary of Scotland surrender or abdicate and

not to make Elizabeth I restless due to the arrival of Queen Mary of Scotland who

is persistent in claiming her rights as Queen in England who will succeed Queen

Elizabeth I.

3. The Jealousy the Mary Experienced from Her Brother

Women warriors are women who are aware of their existence in the face

of the world and understand what they are facing. The struggle this time in the

film Mary queen is the jealousy the Mary experienced from her brother. The

figure of Queen Mary who adheres to a liberal system because she has been in

France since childhood makes her a liberal woman regardless of gender, race,

religion, and others.

At first, Queen Mary’s brother was jealous because she felt that every

advice she gave was not considered by Queen Mary and Queen Mary, who had

been crowned queen since the age of 6 days since her birth. A little girl has been

crowned as queen while James as her brother only as an advisor is not crowned as

king. Starting out, James was annoyed that Queen Mary of Scotland did not listen

to any of her advice. Then he defected and tried to overthrow Queen Mary so that

James became king of Scotland.

In this dialog below Mary Queen of Scots film, it can be proved that queen

Marys brother. James’ plotting of slander and rebellion.

James : So, Mary’s power grew with her pregnancy? Your letter says
you have an offer. After Mary gave birth to her child. Your son
is of no use.
Darnley’s dad : Says a baby can’t give you forgiveness. It’s the right thing for
you to come back from exile. And it’s only right that my son
becomes king, and we can rule through di if we can weaken
Mary’s power.

(Sq.: 1:04:27-1:05:12)
According to Gadis Arivia (2003:99), they have the capacity to think and

act rationally, as well as women. The roots of oppression and backwardness in

women are caused by women’s own faults. Women must prepare themselves so

that they can compete in the world within the framework of “free competition”

and have an equal position with men.

Based on theory liberal feminism and proof that the writer concludes in the

film queen Mary Of Scotland, In the film Queen Mary, at first James sincerely

considers Queen Mary as his sister, even though he is a half-sister, but he is

annoyed that Queen Mary often does not listen to his advice and is often rash in

making decisions that trigger civil war and rebellion in Scotland. The dialogue

can be proven by the writer

James : You sloppy! I have worked very long and very hard, with too
much bloodshed, to secure peace in our land! Don’t let your
passion affect you!
Queen Mary : Watch your tone, sir! Don’t speak in a high tone in front of me.
James : If my advice has no value, then I have to withdraw from the
Queen Mary : If you feel you have to.
(Sq.: 43:21-43:50)
Based on the dialogue, because Queen Mary felt she could do everything

and rule over everything she ended up always taking careless decisions, which

eventually led to a civil war in her own country and it all comes from her own







Living is struggles. Everyone must always have a struggle in life with various

problems that everyone faces. There must always be a solution in dealing with

them, especially when there are quotes that say “no struggle is in vain” meaning in

every struggle there must be a result even with many obstacles in the face of the

struggle itself. Usually, the experience of the struggle will make those who

experience it become a better person in living their lives.

In the situation faced by queen Mary of Scotland, the main character in the

film Queen Mary of Scotland, is a ruling queen in Scotland who gets bad

treatment. In this chapter, the writer will discuss about queen Mary of Scotland.

She is discriminated against marginalization and the way she overcomes it to

achieve something she wants.

A. Queen Mary of Scotland’s Struggles to Overcome Discrimination

Queen Mary of Scotland did not lose the affection of some of her subjects just

because of the differences in her beliefs. Queen Mary of Scotland has a different

belief because since she was a toddler her mother had invited her to move to

France until she finally married a French Prince at a young age because at the time

France embraced the Roman Catholic religion. At that time the Roman Catholics

did a lot of deviant rules until the Protestant movement arose.

The personality of Queen Mary of Scotland was shaped by the royal circles in

France. The first is that there is a good thing, namely the Queen Mary of Scotland

has an ambitious nature and does not want to listen to the advice of others which

makes a boomerang for herself. On the other hand, the Scottish Queen Mary has a

liberal nature that makes some of her people like her policies. The writer

examines how Mary Queen of Scotland overcames discrimination in Scotland and

later became the Queen who succeeded in uniting England and Scotland even

though she did not feel it directly.

1. Denial

Everyone in life will inevitably face difficult situations and will experience

many problems. In that situation there are many ways and people’s responses to

deal with it, some persist with rejection. In the film Merry Queen, the first

character experiences resistance in fighting for her status in order to remain queen

in Scotland.

According (Vanden Boss 2007) Denial is the rejection of anything that makes

you feel vulnerable or threatens your sense of self-control such as personal

violence, financial problems or relationship conflicts.

Denial is the process of erasing negative self-concepts that you believe you

have but don’t want to deal with or face, whether subconsciously or consciously.

It entails “closing your eyes” to unfavorable self-perceptions about people, places,

or things that you find too painful to admit or deal.

Denial as a defense mechanism includes a refuse to discuss the matter, finding

ways to justify your behavior, blaming other people or outside forces for causing

problems, persist in a behavior despite negative consequences, loans to address

future problems and avoid trouble.

To support these cases the writer add dialog between Merry and John below:

Queen Mary : I can’t force the fate of my people, they are free to worship
according to their choice, Catholic / Protestant
John Knox : Any territory ruled by the pope is intolerant, madam. That’s
Queen Mary : Stand up while I talk to you.
John Knox : There is only 1 god because out there is only 1 belief.
Queen Mary : That kind of rhetoric fuels rebellion.
John Knox : If a prince deviates from the will of God, it is beyond doubt that
they are biased against. In your case it is like all women, their
vision is blind, their strength is weakness, their advice is
foolishness, their judgment is madness, should we obey both
Catholic’s and women?
Queen Mary : Then my people must obey you instead of me.
John Knox : May I have a seat, madam?
Queen Mary : No, you are welcome to leave this council and my court.
John Knox : My council is among the faithful students where I serve. This
court has nothing to do with us. I pray for your soul, madam.
James : I ask that you reconsider. He has the trust of the people.
Queen Mary : Am I not respecting her beliefs?
James : Right, but we have to act subtly. Loyalty doesn’t happen with
Queen Mary : Where is her subtlety? did he talk to the queen like that? Did he
oppose Elizabeth like that?
(Sq.: 12:38-15:40)

In Mary Queen and James’ dialogue above, when queen Mary says
“Where is the subtlety? does she speak to the queen like that? does she oppose
Elizabeth like that?” the denial and disappointment Queen Mary felt from
discrimination as a result of Queen Mary’s treatment by implying that she would

persist in the behavior despite of the negative consequences and refusing to
discuss the matter.
To support more detail these cases, the writer adds the second dialogue
between Queen Merry with James below.
James : For what? we will welcome the protestant queen. That’s why we
shouldn’t push him into Elizabeth’s hands. Show him love.
Queen Mary : You are very wise, brother. There is a time for wisdom and a time
for love but there is a time for strength!
(Sq.: 15:52-16:00)

The dialog above portrays disappointment and has made the Scottish

Queen Mary feels there are indications of religious discrimination against her. in

here she said “time for wisdom time for love and time for strength”, the word

“strength” is refer to her denial, which expresses her power and denial of her

brother suggestions about what she felt and thought to overcome her situation

even though she knows it will lead to riots in Scotland.

The writer also finds a third example of a denial in conversation by Queen

Mary of Scotland, where she wanted to be executed by Queen Elizabeth for her

actions in wanting to kill Queen Elizabeth for her throne. She still denies that she

is still considered victorious even though she has died and the next successor to

the throne is her son, Queen Mary, who leads the British and Scottish kingdoms.

Mary queen : James, my only son I pray that with your life, you will
succeed, given that I have failed, and for that, I will give
up your life. My end is my beginning. I will see you from
heaven when your leadership has been uniting the two
(Sq.: 1:55:43-1:56:11)

Queen Mary must have known that religious beliefs were very important

to gain sympathy and support from her people. However, Queen Mary felt that

she could put aside her religious differences (Roman Catholicism) and her

people’s religion (Protestantism) as an unimportant issue. As ruler Queen Mary

felt she could suppress this problem. This is a fatal mistake in her judgement call

which escalated a violent conflict with religious leaders. From dialogues and

Anna Freud’s theory, denial is rejecting reality or the truth of something that

happens in life, denial is a way to deal with emotional conflict, stress, painful

thoughts, and anxiety. A person who goes through a period of not being able to

admit a difficult situation, does not want to face the facts of a problem and

minimizes the consequences of the problem. From that, the writer concludes that

the Queen Mary of Scotland’s self-defence process to face religious

discrimination in Scotland is by strongly rejecting what John Knox said and

continuing to carry out the policy she wants, namely being free to worship

according to their respective Catholic and Protestant beliefs.

A poignant question that we should ask is if denial is positive, negative or amoral?

A successful entrepreneur in denial of his/her disadvantaged environment but

strives to achieve business success (Jeff Bezos), a mountaineer keen to guide and

help people conquer Mount Everest in denial of the fatal weather who died (Scott

Fischer). Denial can be both positive and negative.

2. Repression

When a person feels that a certain situation or conflict is in her control, she

prefers to forget about it or not admit it. Repression is an individual’s attempt to

rise from the mind, overcome frustrations, inner conflicts, nightmares, financial

crises and the like that cause anxiety by pressing them not to enter into

consciousness. According to Freud, the function of repression is the ego’s defence

mechanism, to suppress guilt and anxiety over something that has happened.

The energy of things that have been repressed is not enough if it is simply

removed, most people who repress things like that are channeled into an object or

change their behavior. Therefore, repression can lead to other ego defenses such

as displacement. In this case, we can use a defense mechanism called repression

for Queen Mary’s domestic life in the Scottish Queen Mary film, for example,

Queen Mary once said that her marriage did not want to be mixed into something

political. To discuss this case the writer, add the proof in below:

Queen Mary of Scotland: I’m sure most of you don’t like to equate yourself
with the French and the Catholics. But your Queen is in
Scotland now. When my beloved Francois returns to God, I
can marry so many suitors. Portugal, Denmark, Sweden. I
reject everything. Because I don’t want my marriage to have a
political element. I don’t want to impose uncertainty on the
fate of my people. They are free to worship according to their
choice, Catholic or Protestant.
(Sq.: 12:46- 13:45)

The dialogue above shows a firm attitude of the Scottish Queen Mary in

saying that her marriage does not want to have a political element, but the reality

changes after she feels hurt because on the first night of her marriage, her husband

was drunk, had an affair and slept with Queen Mary’s maidservant in other words,

her husband are same-sex couples. Queen Mary of Scotland felt angry when she

caught her husband sleeping with her maid, but queen Mary still had to accept her

husband because she felt ashamed of queen Elizabeth for her choice because she

had challenged Elizabeth and still married her husband , she is starting at that time

Queen Mary’s behaviour changed to be indifferent and involved her marriage to

political elements. The second evidence that the writer found is below:

Mary Queen of Scotch: if you’ve been wondering where your queen has been
these past few months, now no more secrets, the whispers
could end. Spring has produced fruit. My husband and I
want to thank you. With heaven’s blessing, we bring to
this world another Stuart descendant, heir to Scotland as
well as England.
Thomas Randolph : British heir?
Lord Maitland : She speaks for herself.

From dialogue above and according to Freud theory (qtd. in F.J, 2008: 39-
41), the Repression of merry queen show when she rises her mind to overcome
frustrations, inner conflict that she faced. According to Freud, the function of
repression is the ego’s defence mechanism, to suppress guilt and anxiety over
something that has happened.
In the dialogue, it is proven that there is repression, namely in the dialogue
which proves that at first Queen Mary, who refused a marriage that contained
politics, was eventually hurt by her husband who turned out to be a same-sex
lover. a child and can be the successor to the throne, “if you’ve been wondering
where your queen has been these past few months, now no more secrets, the
whispers could end. Spring has produced fruit. My husband and I want to thank
you. With heaven’s blessing, we bring to this world another Stuart descendant,
heir to Scotland as well as England”.
To support more detail this case, the writer also adds other proof that she
found in scene.
Advisor : You must abdicate, madam. when your son is old enough, he
will continue the kingdom. until that happens, my lord that will
Queen Mary : Brother!
James : I met Miss Seton, your son is currently downstairs us detention
in Hollyrooa.
Queen Mary : You made my son a prisoner.
James : Not a prisoner. He was under my leadership until he quite old.
Queen Mary : She has your name, James! Named for you!

James :
If you want him to be king someday, you have to abdicate.
Queen Mary :
I will not do that!
Advisor :
You must, madam! By force if you have to!
Queen Mary :
Then I will face the force!
Advisor :
People believe you are a traitor and a prostitute. Troops who can
match the whole nation who defected against the queen? They
prefer to behead your head instead of submitting to a prostitute.
I yourself who will stick your head on the tip of the spear.
James : He’s right, you can’t gather an army,
Queen Mary : You said so many times, I can’t do anything what I have done!
Advisor : Then we are done here. It’s beyond my control, I ask that you
Queen Mary : What I’m doing is trying to unite this land.
James : I know.
Queen Mary : To remove the crown against the will of God.
James : God will protect you. I will protect you as my relatives.
Queen Mary : I hope that if we are relatives. But we’re not anymore relatives.
(Sq.: 1:35:49-1:38:30)
The dialogue above describes the panic and disappointment that she

struggles have been in vain, especially the matter of continuing the throne through

the child she hoped for from a failed marriage. Even though Queen Mary knew

full well that her position was too weak to continue to hold on to Queen status but

due to her stubbornness she caused her position to be far more disadvantaged. His

advisers suggested that he abdicate so that his son could ascend the throne to

become king of two kingdoms (a position Queen Mary wanted) and for the safety

of her son, to be looked after by his older brother James but Queen Mari refused.

“What I’m doing is trying to unite this land”. From the repression theory

described above, it reveals a change in behaviour due to something painful in the

past. Here I describe that Queen Mary who was disappointed in her marriage and

ashamed of her trying to stay strong and accepting the disgrace became an

impetus for her ambition to become Queen of England through the presence of a

child who would be able to unite two kingdoms at once. So we can learn from it

that “everything in our life defends us, fight your struggle, achieve your goals, and

become better.”

From those dialogues above and according to Freud (qtd. in F.J, 2008: 39-

41). Repression is an individual’s attempt to rise from the mind, overcome

frustrations, inner conflicts, nightmares, financial crises and the like that cause

anxiety by pressing them not to enter into consciousness. According to Freud, the

function of repression is the ego’s defence mechanism, to suppress guilt and

anxiety over something that has happened.

To conclude the situation above, the writer believes that when

experiencing painful things and adversity in life, someone will try to wake up

consciously. As humans, we need defences to stay alive in the face of difficult and

complicated situations, as humans we need the bitterness of life. We cannot

change things that have already happened, but we can predict what will happen in

the future. Usually anything when we are angry, disappointed, we will feel down,

but unconsciously, the subconscious mind will rise from adversity itself, in their

own way.

3. Projection

Humans are creatures that are very unique, among the many uniqueness,

there are also many differences in humans, maybe in the word humans can be

interpreted as humans who have the inherent nature of each human being. The

interesting side of humans is the side of self-defence or in other words how

humans defend themselves from something that he thinks is a threat both from

within and from outside oneself. Now from several methods of self-defence, there

are non-physical self-defence, namely defence that is not physically sourced, is

sourced from sound, for example, when an argument is being made but the

argument is broken in front of many people, he feels humiliated, so he will get

angry or accuse people. others in order to maintain its extension in front of the

crowd. One of these methods is projection theory.

The notion of projection is a self-defence mechanism for emotions that are

difficult to accept by oneself, so it can be said that this projection theory is a

person who does not want to accept his shortcomings and does not want to admit

his weaknesses.

To defend yourself from feelings, thoughts, or emotions that are difficult

for you to accept, let alone being humiliated in public because of his stupidity to

follow other people’s wishes or threats is very embarrassing. a defence

mechanism is instead transferred to other people about their feelings but persists.

In this Mary Queen film, Queen Mary persists and chooses not to leave her

husband who is gay and drunk even though it hurts her but she still persists in

order to claim her heir rights to England and Queen Mary blames her husband’s

aide for foolishly trusting the people who have been trying to overthrow her as

Queen of Scotland.

To analyse this case, the writer adds proof from scene.

Bothwell : You promised to make me king.

Advisor : If your partner abdicates the throne, then you should also step
down throne.
Bothwell : This is indeed your aim,
James : Events that occur against the will,

Bothwell : Liar! incident? yes. Events with your design It is not like that?
Talk fucker! Be manly and admit it your betrayal. Aren’t you
playing me?
Queen Mary : That’s all they can do since the Queen came here. Are you
stupid enough to believe them? Who is agree against you?
(Sq.: 01:35:44-01:36:53)

In Mary Queen, James, and Bothwell’s dialogue above, queen Mary says,

“That’s all they’ve been able to do since the Queen came here. Are you stupid

enough to believe them? Who agreed against you?” According to Healy, Bronner

& Brouer (2019: 3) the estimation is that the ego that appears in consciousness

becomes painful and makes the ego reprehensible. The projection that Queen

Mary makes for herself in the dialogue is for her fault to marry Bothwell based on

the threat Bothwell made to Queen Mary, Queen Mary thought that by marrying a

Scottish citizen, the Scottish people would stop rebelling, but things got even

more chaotic, the Scottish people accused she is a prostitute and a murderer. Why

is it called a whore? because after one day of her husband’s death, she

immediately married Bothwell while she was labeled a murderer because the

Scottish people thought that in order to marry Bothwell, she was willing to

commit a premeditated murder to her own husband, actually Queen Mary did that

at all and married Bothwell because she was threatened by Bothwell, in which

Bothwell was instigated by the Scottish court advisors with the aim of

overthrowing Queen Mary so that Queen Mary would step down from her throne.

To support more detail this case, the writer also adds other proof that she

found in second scene.

English advisor : England doesn’t think Mr Darnley is the right

husband for you, him and his father are British

people, mam. If my queen order them to return, they must
Queen Mary : She asked me to marry a British royal, and now he’s
blocking me.
English advisor : she hopes that you don’t marry royalty this one.
Queen Mary : tell your queen that I will do it anyway with or
without her blessing.
English advisor : madam, before you are rash, please consider
Queen Mary : I’ve had enough of my own people treating me as an
ordinary woman. I don’t want to be treated like that
by Elizabeth. I will be a woman different like him. I
will earn heir, unlike him who was barren.

Based on the scene, it depicts Queen Mary who is rash and stubborn in

choosing a husband to accompany her as the Queen of Discoes, even though she

has been transferred to Queen Elizabeth, who is Elizabeth’s confidant, but Queen

Mary rejects it outright and says rudely “Enough of my people. himself treats me

as an ordinary woman. I didn’t want to be treated like that by Elizabeth. I will be

a different woman like her. I will produce an heir, unlike him who is barren.” In

the dialogue, Queen Mary actually feels humiliated and humiliated by her own

people and Queen Elizabeth’s people because it seems as if her life is governed by

Elizabeth and cannot make her own choices, therefore she remains stubborn in her

choices and uses harsh words to insulted Elizabeth and called her a barren woman.

According to Healy, Bronner & Brouer (2019:3), projection is the ego that

appears in the consciousness of being painful and making the ego reprehensible.

In the dialogue, an advisor from England expressed Elizabeth’s opinion in front of

the Scottish nobles which made other nobles think that Queen Mary could not

make her own decisions or it could be called her life was arranged by Queen

Elizabeth, to cover up feelings of humiliation in public, Queen Mary said rudely

which should not be It’s good for a noble to say such impudent and rude manners

to insult the queen of another kingdom just to cover her embarrassment.

To conclude the situation above, the writer believes that when

experiencing that shame and humiliation make a person feel inferior and finally

spontaneously do something both physical and non-physical which makes the

person feel inferior in front of others because of his behaviour. As humans, we

need defences to stay alive but in their own way there are those who defend

themselves with positive situations but there are also negative situations. We

cannot change things that have already happened, but we can predict what will

happen in the future. Usually when we are angry, disappointed, we will feel down,

but unconsciously, the subconscious mind will rise from adversity itself, in their

own way.

B. Self-Acceptance

Not a few people are good at judging other people, but it‘s hard to find

weaknesses or shortcomings in themselves. Many also feel better than other

people‘s lives. In fact, every human being is given God‘s strength, but everyone

has weaknesses but many are not aware of these weaknesses. Admitting your

weaknesses is one of the keys to self-confidence. If you can accept your

shortcomings, your heart will be sincere. After that, when your heart is ready and

well organized, you can start to rise again.

Self-acceptance is an individual‘s ability to accept one‘s existence. Self-

acceptance can be interpreted as an attitude of seeing oneself as it is and treating it

well with pleasure and pride and continuing to strive for its progress.

According to Calhoun and Acocela (2013: 250), self-acceptance is related

to a positive self-concept, which is with a positive self-concept. A person can

accept and understand facts that are so different from himself. That self-

acceptance is a positive attitude toward oneself and can accept oneself in a calm

state, and can accept one‘s emotional state (depression, anger, anxiety, etc.)

without disturbing others. In the Scottish film Queen Mary, Queen Mary accepts

her situation when the court decides to convict her for her betrayal of Queen


To analyze this case, the writer adds proof from the scene.

Mary Queen : James, my only son I pray that with your life, you will
succeed, given that I have failed, and for that, I will give
up your life. My end is my beginning. I will see you from
heaven when your leadership has been uniting the two
(Qs.: 1:55:43-1:56:11)
In the dialogue above, when queen Mary says “James, my only son I pray

that with your life, you will succeed, given that I have failed, and for that, I will

give up your life. My end is my beginning. I will see you from heaven when your

leadership has been uniting the two kingdoms”. The dialogue above describes the

situation that Queen Mary of Scotland has accepted the reality of her situation and

hopes that her child will continue the sacrifices she made during her life until the

end of her life,

According to Calhoun and Acocela (2013: 250), self-acceptance is related

to a positive self-concept, which is with a positive self-concept. A person can

accept and understand facts that are so different from himself. That self-

acceptance is a positive attitude toward oneself and can accept oneself in a calm

state, and can accept one‘s emotional state (depression, anger, anxiety, etc.)

without disturbing others. In the dialogue Queen Mary looks depressed and tries

to calm herself through these words because at that time Queen Mary will be

beheaded where she already knows in the future, she cannot fight alone but fights

through her son James. He hopes that James can unite the two kingdoms, namely

England and Scotland, according to what he has been fighting for so far.

To conclude the situation above, the writer believes that self-acceptance is

a positive act for oneself to be able and willing to accept one‘s own

circumstances, both strengths, and weaknesses. Without self-acceptance, a person

will not be able to make any progress at all in his life. People who reject

themselves are usually unhappy and unable to form and maintain relationships

with others.



A. Conclusions

As a form of literary work, the writer conducts research using film as a

medium for analysis. In this study, the writer uses a historical drama entitled Mary

Queen of Scots. This film tells about the struggle of a Scottish queen to claim her

throne in England. So, this film refers to the sociological, feminism, and

psychological condition of the main character named Mary Queen in Scotland.

This film tells about the struggle of the Scottish queen who is faced with being

discriminated against, marginalized, and struggling to unite the two kingdoms of

Scotland and England.

After watching the Scottish film Mary Queen of Scots, the writer found

several problems that occur in Mary Queen to be analyzed. Those are the bad

treatment that Queen Mary of Scotland received and how does Queen Mary

struggle to overcome discrimination against religion, and marginalization. In

analyzing them, the writer chose three approaches, namely sociological, feminism,

and psychological with several theories of self-defense mechanism and theory of

self-acceptance, religion, marginalization, and discrimination theory.

Queen Mary of Scotland has the determination and dream to unite

Scotland and England and hopes to continue the throne of Queen Elizabeth

through blood relations passed down to her. However, Queen Mary was a Roman

Catholic, and it was very difficult to lead the way that the British and Scottish

people were mostly Protestant but Queen Mary did not give up on uniting the two

kingdoms despite the many rebellions under her leadership. But the end was when

Queen Mary died. James, son of Queen Mary, succeeded in realizing his mother's

wish to unite the two kingdoms of England and Scotland.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions in this film, the writer explains the problems and

struggles of the main character, as the writer concludes. The writer desires to

advise the next writer, researcher, or scholar who wishes to study the Mary Queen

of Scots video to first must watch it. For the next the writer can approach it from

many angles, for example through several explanations as an autobiography

writer, you must listen to the conversation at the beginning because in this film

you have to explore and learn a lot about history during the reign of Queen

Elizabeth in England.

So far, the students, especially the writer, are very interested in evaluating

this film because it is simple and there is a lot of information obtained outside of

this film so it can help in evaluating it. Although literature is not always based on

films. Lecturers also teach some literature such as poetry, music, and novels and

many can be explored.

The writer's goal was to choose the Queen Mary of Scotch film as the

subject of the thesis because the writer was interested in historical films,

especially in the Queen Mary film. After all, in Queen Mary’s struggle, the first

king to unite England and Scotland was Queen Mary’s son. The writer is also

interested in the character played by the main character, namely a queen who has

a strong determination, is optimistic, brave, and inspires women.

The writer believes “dreams always have two final results that are

influenced by your process, which is only wishful thinking or realized ideals” in

other words the struggle will not betray the results.


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Appendix I

The summary of Mary Queen of Scotch

The story of the film Mary Queen of Scots begins in 1561, when 19-year-

old Mary Stuart (Saoirse Ronan) has just lost her husband, Francis II.

She then returned to her home country, Scotland, to take back her throne

as queen. Mary is a Catholic Queen of Scotland.

A Protestant and leader of the Scottish Reformation, John Knox, viewed

Mary as a threat to royal Protestant supremacy. On her first day, Mary was forced

to expel John from the palace because he refused to show tolerance. In England,

Mary's cousin Elizabeth was known as the queen who refused to marry or have

children. Mary's return as Queen of Scots makes Elizabeth nervous because her

throne is threatened. Elizabeth plans to weaken her cousin's position by marrying

him off to an Englishman. He then convinces Robert, whom he secretly loves, to

marry Mary at first Mary refuses, but the news of smallpox attacking Elizabeth

makes her change her mind. Mary would marry Robert if Elizabeth recognized

him as her successor. Elizabeth certainly did not want to recognize Mary as her

successor, she was reluctant to let Robert go. In the end, Elizabeth sent Lord

Darnley with his son, Henry, to Scotland.

Then Queen Mary decided to marry Henry with the aim of having children

and being able to claim that Mary was Elizabeth's heir. But the rebellion came

continuously to overthrow Mary which was made by Elizabeth.

But in the end, Queen Mary died tragically, was beheaded for the murder

of Queen Elizabeth, and the throne after Elizabeth was taken by King James, the

son of Queen Mary, who succeeded without English and Scots objects.

Appendix 2
Data from Mary Queen of Scots Film

1. Unfair Religions Treatments

A. Unfair Religions Treatments Experience by The Bad Perspective Toward
John Knox : this is worse than plague and famine, this woman has a crown that
just pretending to worship to Christ, while actually he is kneeling
before the pope. We are not following orders from Rome. We

them who tempt us with pleasure, refute those who adore luxury,
does not appreciate those who boast of their looks, he prostitution
for direct degradation wealth.
(18:04 -18:40)

Another scene/dialogue which shows Mary Queen gets a bad perspective

from the public because she embraces the Roman Catholic religion and tries to

convince Scottish people to respect differences.

Mary Queen : I’m sure that most people don't like to put yourself in the shoes of
the French and the Catholics. But your queen is in discotheque now
as my beloved husband returns to God. I could have married so
suitors, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden but I refused all of them.
Because I don't want my marriage to have a political element. I
don't want to impose uncertainty on the fate of my people. They
free to worship according to their choice, either Catholic or
Protestant. Pastor, don't you look displeased with our tolerance?
John Knox : every territory ruled by an intolerant pope, madam. That's slavery
Mary Queen : stand up while I talk to you
John Knox : there is only 1 god therefore there is only one belief.
Mary Queen : such rhetoric sparks a rebellion.

Another scene is that the Scottish people are traumatized by the treatment

of the Roman Catholics who judged only the rich and had a lot of money to be

able to enter heaven by buying a ticket to heaven.

Mary Queen : where are you from?

People : Highlands, madam. They are both from Inverness and I am from
Mary Queen : Catholic?
People : no, madam.
Mary Queen : and you? (ask other people)
People : he doesn't speak Scottish, madam. Can only speak Gael.
Mary Queen : tell him I thank him for his service.
People : he said, he felt proud to serve with his queen, even sacrificed his
life if he had to.
Mary Queen : if we die today, we will all go to the same heaven.

Another scene social unfair treatment woman is often pushed to get

married by community

Queen Mary : What brings you here?

Bothwell : Parliament will make a statement asking you to marry a Scottish

citizen given that you are currently a widow.

Queen Mary : It's only been a day.

Bothwell : they meet tomorrow. This is your adviser's suggestion that you
marry me.

Queen Mary : what have you done, killer!!

Bothwell : Did I not help you when your brother defected? did I not help
you? I'm loyal!

Queen Mary : I refuse.

Bothwell : then I won't help you anymore when they defect.

Queen Mary : I beg you.

Bothwell : come in! undress your queen, she has agreed to marry me.

In this dialog below Mary Queen of Scots film, dialogues rejecting a

partner based on politics

Mary : I’m sure that most people don't like to put yourself in the shoes of the
French and the Catholics. But your queen is in discotheque now as my
beloved husband returns to God. I could have married so many suitors,
Portugal, Denmark, Sweden but I refused all of them. Because I don't want
my marriage to have a political element. I don't want to impose
uncertainty on the fate of my people. They are free to worship according to
their choice, either Catholic or Protestant. Pastor, don't you look
displeased with our tolerance?


A. Challenge to depend her throne by religion leader considered Mary

queen as unproper power for her throne

in this dialog below Mary Queen of Scots film, who stated that they discriminated

against women because they despised women

John Knox : if a pope deviates from God’s will there is no doubt that they can
be challenged and in your case like all women, their views are
their strength is weakness, their advice is stupidity, their judgment
is madness. Should we obey both Catholics and women?

B. The Efforts Done by Queen Elizabeth I To Make Marry Queen as The

Powerless Queen of Scotch.

In this dialogue proves the marginalization by Elizabeth through the

Scottish people.

Counsellor : you have no children or husband, and you are not near age
where it's hard to get. You have to face reality, madam.
Even though it's unpleasant, I've faced this truth.
Elizabeth I Queen : I understand if I can't.
Counsellor : no answer and do I understand? no more than I understand
Elizabeth I Queen : this is my choice. God wants a woman to be wife and a
Counsellor : so, you are against his will?
Elizabeth I Queen : no, I choose to be a man. And marriage is dangerous. The
man who might marry me, might be disappointed with
Counsellor : he will conspire.
Elizabeth I Queen : There is no prince's income so great as to satisfy a man's
endless ambition.
Counsellor : This I can understand.
Elizabeth I Queen : that's why there's something closest to me being a wife.
Counsellor : I will not mention your offer to Mr. Dudley. This world is
a cruel place. We as humans have to be wiser, don't we?
Elizabeth I Queen : what should I do?
Counsellor : We have to have a civil war in Scotland.
Elizabeth I Queen : do you want me to dethrone the sisterhood between the
Counsellor : is it between civil war there or here.

Elizabeth I Queen : I don't want to know anything about that
Counsellor : the arrangements will only be known to me.

C. The Jealousy the Mary Experienced from Her Brother

In this dialog below Mary Queen of Scots film, it can be proved that queen

Mary’s brother. James' plotting of slander and rebellion.

James : So, Mary's power grew with her pregnancy? Your letter says you
have an offer. After Mary gave birth to her child. Your son is of no
Darnley’s dad : says a baby can't give you forgiveness. It's the right thing for you
to come back from exile. And it's only right that my son becomes
king, and we can rule through di if we can weaken Mary's power.

Another dialog from Mary Queen of Scotch.

James : you sloppy! I have worked very long and very hard, with too
much bloodshed, to secure peace in our land! Don't let your
passion affect you!
Queen Mary : Watch your tone, sir! Don't speak in a high tone in front of me.
James : if my advice has no value, then I have to withdraw from the
Queen Mary : if you feel you have to.

3. Queen Mary of Scotland struggles to overcome discrimination.

To support these cases the writer, add dialog between merry and john

Queen Mary : I can't force the fate of my people, they are free to worship
according to their choice, Catholic / Protestant
John Knox : any territory ruled by the pope is intolerant, madam. That's
Queen Mary : Stand up while I talk to you.
John Knox : There is only 1 god because out there is only 1 belief.
Queen Mary : That kind of rhetoric fuels rebellion.
John Knox : If a prince deviates from the will of God, it is beyond doubt that
they are biased against. In your case it is like all women, their
vision is blind, their strength is weakness, their advice is
foolishness, their judgment is madness, should we obey both
Catholic’s and women?
Queen Mary : Then my people must obey you instead of me.
John Knox : may I have a seat, madam?
Queen Mary : No, you are welcome to leave this council and my court.
John Knox : my council is among the faithful students where I serve. This
has nothing to do with us. I pray for your soul, madam.
James : I ask that you reconsider. He has the trust of the people.
Queen Mary : Am I not respecting her beliefs?
James : right, but we have to act subtly. Loyalty doesn't happen with
Queen Mary : Where is her subtlety? did he talk to the queen like that? Did he
oppose Elizabeth like that?

Another dialog/scene
James : for what? we will welcome the protestant queen. That's why
we shouldn't push him into Elizabeth's hands. Show him love.
Queen Mary : You are very wise, brother. There is a time for wisdom and a
time for love but there is a time for strength!

Another scene about Denial
Mary queen : James, my only son I pray that with your life, you will

succeed, given that I have failed, and for that, I will give

up your life. My end is my beginning. I will see you from

heaven when your leadership has been uniting the two



B. Repression To discuss this case the writer, add the proof in below:

Queen Mary of Scotland: I'm sure most of you don't like to equate yourself
with the French and the Catholics. But your Queen
is in Scotland now. When my beloved Francois
returns to God, I can marry so many suitors.
Portugal, Denmark, Sweden. I reject everything.
Because I don't want my marriage to have a
political element. I don't want to impose uncertainty
on the fate of my people. They are free to worship
according to their choice, Catholic or Protestant.
(12:46- 13:45)
Another scene/dialog from the movie.

Mary Queen of Scotch: if you've been wondering where your queen has been
these past few months, now no more secrets, the
whispers could end. Spring has produced fruit. My
husband and I want to thank you. With heaven's
blessing, we bring to this world another Stuart
descendant, heir to Scotland as well as England.
Thomas Randolph : British heir?
Lord Maitland : she speaks for herself.

To support more detail this case, the writer also adds other proof that she
found in scene.
Advisor : you must abdicate, madam. when your son is old enough, he
will continue the kingdom. until that happens, my lord that
will represent.
Queen Mary : Brother!
James : I met Miss Seton; your son is currently downstairs us
detention in Hollyrooa.
Queen Mary : You made my son a prisoner.
James : not a prisoner. He was under my leadership until he quite old.
Queen Mary : She has your name, James! Named for you!
James : if you want him to be king someday, you have to abdicate.
Queen Mary : I will not do that!
Advisor : you must, madam! By force if you have to!
Queen Mary : then I will face the force!
Advisor : people believe you are a traitor and a prostitute. Troops who
can match the whole nation who defected against the queen?
They prefer to behead your head instead of submitting to a
prostitute. I yourself who will stick your head on the tip of
the spear.
James : he's right, you can't gather an army,
Queen Mary : You said so many times, I can't do anything what i have
Advisor : then we are done here. It's beyond my control, I ask that you
Queen Mary : What I'm doing is trying to unite this land.
James : I know.
Queen Mary : to remove the crown against the will of God.
James : God will protect you. I will protect you as my relatives.
Queen Mary : I hope that if we are relatives. But we're not anymore

C. Projection To analyze this case the writer, add proof from scene.

Bothwell : You promised to make me king.

Advisor : if your partner abdicates the throne, then you should also step
down throne.
Bothwell : this is indeed your aim,
James : events that occur against the will,
Bothwell : liar! incident? yes. Events with your design It is not like that?
talk fucker! be manly and admit it your betrayal. Aren't you
playing me?
Queen Mary : That's all they can do since the Queen came here. Are you
stupid enough to believe them? Who is agree against you?
To support more detail this case, the writer also adds other proof that she

found in second scene.

English advisor : England doesn't think Mr. Darnley is the right

husband for you, him and his father are British
people, mam. If my queen order them to return, they must
Queen Mary : She asked me to marry a British royal, and now he's
blocking me.
English advisor : she hopes that you don't marry royalty this one.
Queen Mary : tell your queen that I will do it anyway with or
without her blessing.
English advisor : madam, before you are rash, please consider
Queen Mary : I've had enough of my own people treating me as an
ordinary woman. I don't want to be treated like that
by Elizabeth. I will be a woman different like him. I
will earn heir, unlike him who was barren.

4. Self-Acceptance To analyze this case the writer, add proof from scene

Mary queen : James, my only son I pray that with your life, you will
succeed, given that I have failed, and for that, I will give
up your life. My end is my beginning. I will see you from
heaven when your leadership has been uniting the two


The Biography Josie Rouke

Josie Rourke (born 3 September 1976) is an English theatre and film

director. She is a Vice-President of the London Library and was the artistic

director of the Don mar Warehouse theatre in London from 2012 to 2019. She is

Artistic Director of Don mar Warehouse. She is the first woman to hold the role

and the first female theatre director to be appointed the artistic director of a major

London theatre. From the Don mar, The Weir transferred to the West End, The

Machine transferred from The Manchester International Festival to The Park

Avenue Armory in New York, Les Liaisons Dangereuses to Broadway and

Privacy was reconceived in a US version at The Public Theater with Daniel

Radcliffe playing the lead.

Rourke made her film debut with Working Title's Mary Queen of Scots.

The film stars Saoirse Ronan as Mary, Queen of Scots and Margot

Robbie as Elizabeth I. The film premiered 15 November 2018 at the AFI Fest and

was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Costume Design and Hairstyling.




Name : Amanda Sasmita

Place and date of birth : Jakarta. July 14th 1995

Gender : Female

Nationality : Indonesian

Religion : Islam

Hobbies : Traveling and singing


2017 – 2022 Faculty of English Literature, Pertiwi School of

Foreign Language, Jakarta

2014 -2015 Diploma I Secretary (Interstudi Jakarta)

2013-2014 Puspita Martha International Beauty School Jakarta

2010 – 2012 Senior High School, Yapimda I Jakarta

2007-2010 Junior High School, SMPN 35 Jakarta

2001-2007 Elementary School, SDN 03 Balekambang Jakarta


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