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Detailed lesson plan in Mathematics 1. Learning objectives ‘At the end of the lesson the student should be able to: a. Compare unit fraction; b. Use the relation symbol <,>, and = to compare unit fraction; and c. Appreciate the importance of comparing unit fraction in our daily lives. Il. Subject matter Topic: Comparing unit fraction Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Laptop, TV monitor, Model of fraction, and other instructional materials. References: Learners material Mathematics 2, pages 159-160. Wl, Procedure Teachers activity ‘Students activity ‘A. Daily Routine Prayer Please all stand and let us pray. Will you please lead the prayer? 2. Greetings Good morning Grade 2! Nice to see you too. 3. Classroom management Okay! Before you sit kindly arrange your chairs, pick up any mess under your chair and sit properly. 4, Checking of attendance Who is absent today grade 2? Okay very good! B. Review of past lesson ‘Ok now let us review our lesson yesterday. ‘What was our lesson yesterday all about? Correct! Now what does unit fraction means? Correct! Can you give an example of unit fraction? Janela? Good! Aya? Lord thank you for this day, please guide our class and give us wisdom to understand our lesson, in Jesus name AMEN! Good morning ma’am good morning classmate nice to see you! None ma’am! Ma’am our lesson yesterday was all about unit fraction. Ma’am the only numerator of unit fraction is one and the denominator is any positive number. Ma’am % Ma’am % Good! And last Ara? Okay! All examples that you gave are unit fraction. Seems like you really understand our lesson yesterday. . Motivation Ihave here 2 image of fraction, How will you write it as a fraction? Ok very good! You said that this is 1/3 and this is 1/5’ now on your paper, write which one is bigger fraction? The 1/3 or the 1/5? Ok pass your paper forward, later you will know if your answer is right. Now let us watch a video for you to have an idea about our lesson for today. Pay attention okay? So what was the video all about? Very good! The video shows comparing fraction. D. Lesson proper How do we compare faction? First, we use <> and = signs to compare fractions, this (<) sign is called less than and this one (>) is called greater than and last is this (=) sign is called equal sign. For example, | have here some pizzas cut in different pieces. Let me teach you how to identify the bigger and smaller unit fraction. For example I gave my one whole pizza to Ram, he ate 1 pc of it. Ma‘am 1/3 Ma’am 1/3 and 1/5 (writing an answer to paper) Yes, ma‘am. ‘Ok ma‘am. ‘Yes ma‘am. Ma‘am the video compared 2 fractions. ‘And the other pizza, | gave to Xian. Xian ate 1 pc of his pizza. Now, who do you think ate bigger pizza? Is it ram who it bigger or xian? Let's see. How do we write ram’s pizza in unit fraction? How about xian’s pizza? Ok very good! So imagine that this is Ram’s pizza (draw on the board) and this is Xian’s pizza (draw on the board) Which one shades bigger? Ok very good! So it means who ate bigger pizza? How about this... ‘Aya has 1 whole pizza which is cut into 4 pcs then she gave 1/4 to her teacher. ‘And Janela has also a1. whole pizza which is cut into 7 pcs, she gave 1/7 to her teacher. Who gave bigger pizza between Aya and Janela? How can you say that Aya gave biger pizza than Janlela? Exactly that is right! And how do we write this in unit fracton? Okay very good! always remember that the larger the denominator the smaller the value of the unit fraction. The smaller the denominator the larger the value of the unit fraction. Do you have any question class? ‘Ma’am Ram ate bigger pizza? Ma’am 1/6 Ma‘am 1/8 Ma’am Rams pizza. Ma’am it’s Ram who ate bigger pizza. Ma‘am Aya gave bigger pizza than Janella. Ma‘am because Aya’s pizza just cut into 10 while Janella’s cut into 11 so Aya has a big piece of each Pizza. None ma’am. E. Application Group yourselves into 3 groups. Group 1- Write the following relation symbol <> and = to compare the unit fraction. 8 pa 2 dv Q Group 2- Write The following into unit fraction. Group 3- Write the relation symbol <,> and = to compare the following unit fraction. 1 %_% 2. /8__3/7 3. 4/10__ 13 4. Y5__u7 5. F. Generalization ‘Ok! What is unit fraction? Correct! How can you identify the bigger and smaller unit fraction? ‘Ok very good! Seems like you really understood our lesson our lesson. Iv. Evaluation ‘Write the symbol <,> and = to compare unit fraction. a 1 % - a . » Q 4 ._@ Ma’am unit fraction has only one numerator and the denominator is only positive number. Ma‘am the smaller the denominator, the bigger the Unit fraction, the bigger the denominator the smaller the value of unit fraction. v. yeene Db % Assignment Draw the following and write the relation ‘Symbol <,> and = to compare the unit fraction. 1/3. Vs ys, a7 1/9. 1/8 4/s___1/10 1/6, 18

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