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Welcome to the guide for the new cleric subclass, the Travelers' Domain. In this document, we
will explore the fundamentals of this subclass and provide various options for players
interested in this concept. We'll discuss potential backgrounds, goals, and connections, and
suggest a few magic items that enhance the play style of the Travelers' Domain.

Table of Contents
Table of contents………………………….…………1
Character Creation……………………………..…..2
Divine Domain Features………………2
Backstory/Lore ……………………………4
Key Points ……………………….. 4
Examples …………………………..4
Potential Traits …………………5
Magical Items …………………………………………7

Character Creation
Just like any cleric, the source of their power comes from a belief in and worship of a greater
power, often taking the form of gods. In the case of the Travelers' Domain, these deities are
centered around the concept of travel. As the name implies, this subclass draws its strength
from deities associated with journeys, exploration, and the open road. Some prominent
examples of such deities include Shaundakul from the Forgotten Realms or The Traveler from

Divine Domain Features

Domain Spells
Each domain has a list of spells—its domain spells—that you gain at the cleric levels noted in
the domain description. Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it
doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

If you have a domain spell that doesn't appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a
cleric spell for you.

The Travelers' Domain draws its power from the very essence of movement and exploration.
The gods associated with this domain are the patrons of wanderers and adventurers, guiding
their followers through the vast tapestry of the world. They champion the exhilaration of a
path, the thrill of discovery, and the
interconnectedness of all places.
Level Spells

Bonus Proficiency
1st Long Strider, Message
At 1st level you gain Proficiency with Land
Vehicles and Survival .
3rd Find Steed, Enhance Ability

Guide the Way

5th Haste, Sending Also at 1st level, you bless your travels. As an
action, you present your holy symbol and
choose a number of creatures equal to your
7th Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement
Wisdom modifier (a minimum of one) within
30 feet of you. For 1 hour, those creatures
9th Teleportation Circle, Legend Lore have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks
to navigate, and they can't become lost
except by magical means. You may use this a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you regain all expended uses on a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Blessing of Safe Passage
Starting at 2nd level you can use your channel divinity to assist the maneuvering of an ally.

As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke the power of your deity. Select a willing
creature they receive a number of temporary hit points equal to 3 times your cleric level, on
their next turn they have an extra 30 feet of movement and do not provoke opportunity
attacks. The temporary hit point lasts one hour.

Starting at 6th level, your base movement speed increases by 5 feet. This bonus applies both to
your regular movement and to any additional movement granted by your abilities or spells.
Also, you gain resistance to e ects that attempt to knock you prone, such as spells, abilities, or
other combat maneuvers. You have advantage on saving throws to resist being knocked prone,
and you have advantage on any checks or saving throws to maintain your balance or avoid
being tripped.

Evasion of the Traveler

At 8th level, you gain the ability to deftly evade obstacles and dangers during your travels. You
can use your reaction to receive half damage from an attack from a visible attacker, or when
you would be subjected to an e ect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take
only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only
half damage if you fail.

Channel Divinity: Road’s Grace

Starting at the 17th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to invoke the Road's Grace. As an
action, you gain a traveler token you can use your bonus action to activate the token and gain
the benefits of *Dimension Door* After this e ect concludes roll a d8 on a 1 the token breaks
after use. The token disappears in a pu of smoke after 1 minute.

In the process of character creation, it can be hard to decide how your cleric turned to the faith.
To help this creative process in the following section there are several examples of potential
origins as well as a set of Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws that fit the theme of this subclass.

General suggestions and key traits

A good background for a character with the Traveler's Domain should encapsulate the themes
of travel, guidance, and protection. Here's a summary of the key features that make a good
background for this subclass:
Connection to a Significant Journey: A Traveler's Domain cleric background should
involve a character's connection to a significant journey or the open road. This could be a
journey they undertook, witnessed, or were part of, or an event that had a profound impact on
their life.
Divine Intervention or Faith: The background should include a moment of divine
intervention, where the character called upon their deity, or their faith played a central role in
their journey. This could be a moment of protection, guidance, or a life-altering experience.
Dedication to Service: The character's background should explain why they dedicated
themselves to the service of the Traveler's Domain. This could be due to the inspiration they
received from their divine encounter, their mentor, or their own desire to help and guide
others on their journeys.
Alignment Flexibility: The Traveler's Domain is versatile and can accommodate
characters of various alignments. Whether good, neutral, or evil, the background should reflect
the character's alignment while emphasizing their connection to the themes of travel,
guidance, and protection.
A well-crafted background for the Traveler's Domain should intertwine the character's
past experiences, divine encounters, and dedication to the domain's tenets, making them a
beacon of hope and guidance for travelers on their own journeys. Below are some examples
that display all of the elements above in several of the most popular settings although these
can be slightly altered for any setting.

1. The Itinerant Merchant (Forgotten Realms): Eldric, a once-prosperous merchant, had it all -
wealth, comfort, and a life of luxury. During a perilous journey along the Sword Coast, his
caravan was beset by bandits. Eldric called upon Tymora, the goddess of luck and travel, for
protection. A band of travelers led by a cleric of Tymora came to his aid, driving away the
bandits and guiding him safely to Baldur's Gate. Touched by this divine intervention, Eldric
dedicated his life to the service of the Traveler's Domain, always under the watchful eye of
2. The Messenger of Peace (Ravnica): Lira grew up in the strife-torn streets of Ravnica,
witnessing the su ering and chaos caused by guild rivalries. After losing her family to one such
conflict, she sought refuge at the Selesnya Conclave. There, she met a wise Traveler’s Domain
cleric dedicated to Mat'Selesnya, the god of unity and travel. Lira embraced her newfound
faith, and she now traverses the city-plane, delivering messages of hope, negotiating peace
between the guilds, and guiding those seeking refuge, all in the name of the Traveler's Domain
and Mat'Selesnya.
3. The Lost Traveler (Eberron) : Kelan, a member of the nomadic Valenar elves, always
felt a deep connection to the open road. After a devastating natural disaster scattered his tribe,

he became lost and disoriented in the Mournland. Hungry and exhausted, he stumbled upon a
hidden shrine dedicated to the Traveler, the enigmatic god of change, luck, and travel. A
reclusive cleric of the Traveler took him in, teaching him the ways of guidance and protection.
Kelan felt a profound calling to serve the Traveler and now roams Khorvaire, helping travelers
in need and ensuring that no one else su ers the fate he once endured.

Potential Traits
If you are struggling with the creation of a background from scratch then here in the following
tables are di erent Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws for each aliment to help inspire the character
creation process. You
Alignment Ideals don’t have to lock
these traits down to
the aliment; mixing
Good Compassion: I strive to help those in need, o ering guidance and
protection to travelers on their journeys. these traits can make
more emotionally
Unity: I believe in the power of unity and camaraderie among and narratively
travelers, fostering connections and community.
complex characters.
For the Bonds make
Service: My purpose is to serve others, selflessly guiding them
toward safer paths and aiding those in distress. sure to communicate
with your dungeon
master to try and
Neutral 1. *Freedom:* I value the freedom and diversity of the open road, incorporate these
and I'm dedicated to ensuring that travelers can roam unhindered.
connections into the
2. *Adaptability:* I embrace change and the uncertainty of the
journey, learning to adapt to new circumstances.

3. *Balance:* I seek to maintain a balance between the various

forces and travelers I encounter.

Evil 1. *Ambition:* I see the road as a means to personal power and

wealth, and I will do whatever it takes to achieve my ambitions.

2. *Self-Preservation:* My primary concern is my own survival

and success, and I'll take advantage of others to achieve it.

3. *Dominance:* I believe that the strong should rule the weak,

and I'll use my abilities to establish dominance over travelers and

Alignment Bonds Flaws

Good Mentor's Legacy: My bond is to the legacy of the I can be overly trusting, sometimes to the
Lightfoot Domain cleric who once saved me, detriment of my own safety.
guiding me safely and inspiring my devotion.
My willingness to help others may lead me to
Fellow Travelers: I am bonded to a group of neglect my own needs and well-being.
fellow travelers I've met on my journeys, and
we share a commitment to aiding those in need. My compassion can be exploited by those
with less noble intentions.
Family of Faith: My bond is to my family, who
instilled in me a deep belief in the god of roads
and the importance of helping others.

Neutral Wandering Companions: My bond is to the I can be overly self-reliant, believing that I
companions I've encountered on my journey, must carry the burden alone.
forming lasting connections with diverse
travelers from all walks of life. My pursuit of balance can lead to
indecisiveness in critical situations.
The Road Itself: I am bonded to the very roads
and paths I've traveled, feeling a deep I might become detached from the needs and
connection to the endless journey itself. desires of others, prioritizing the journey
over personal connections.
Mystical Connection: My bond is to a mystical
entity or guardian spirit that has guided me
along my path, shaping my beliefs in the
Traveler's Domain.

Evil Powerful Allies: My bond is to those who have I am ruthless in my pursuit of personal gain,
granted me power and influence, helping me willing to sacrifice the well-being of others
rise to dominance through sinister means. for my benefit.

Cunning Rivals: I am bonded to cunning rivals My manipulative nature can lead to strained
and co-conspirators who share my malevolent relationships and mistrust from others.
goals of personal gain and control.
My ambition sometimes blinds me to the
Dark Patron: My bond is to a malevolent patron, value of cooperation and shared experiences
the source of my power, who expects me to on the road.
further my own interests through ruthless

Magical Items
This section has a few magical items designed to fit with the Travelers’ Domain subclass. This
includes a set of what I call Resonant Items; these are magical items that give a limited e ect
when equipped without attunement but unlock a reliable expansion to player options when
attuned. When you see the description the e ects gained simply by equipping the item will be
labeled as Passive e ects while the ones locked behind attunement will be labeled as Active
e ects..

flame takes 2d6 fire damage, when a creature

Ram Emblem moves into or within the area, it takes 2d6 fire
damage for every 5 feet it travels.
Wondrous Item, Uncommon, Resonant
Active E ect (Requires Attunement):
Passive E ect: You can use the Disengage action as a
While wearing the Ram Emblem, you bonus action, triggering a small explosion with
can expend half of your movement speed to a 10-foot radius. All creatures except you must
lower incoming damage. You can use this ability make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw taking 4d6
a number of times per short rest equal to your fire damage on a failure and half as much on a
proficiency bonus. When you activate this successful save.
ability, you take on the spirit of the charging
ram, reducing the damage taken from the next
source of damage by half. This can be done a
number of times per day equal to your
proficiency bonus. Tale Spinner’s Mantel
Wondrous Item, Uncommon, Resonant
Active E ect (Requires Attunement):
If you move at least 20 feet in a straight Passive E ect:
line and make a melee attack on your turn, you You can cast the "Fast Friends" spell
can add 1d6 damage to the damage dealt. once per day without expending a spell slot. If
Additionally, the target of your attack must you do not have a spellcasting DC then the DC is
make a Strength saving throw, with a DC equal 13+ your charisma modifier.
to half of the distance you traveled, or be
knocked prone. Active E ect (Requires Attunement):
Once per long rest, when attuned to the
Tales pinner's Mantle, you can perform the
Boots of Flame Stride "Epic Recollection." As you recount a legendary
or heroic tale from your cloak's embroidery, it
Wondrous Item, Rare, Resonant springs to life around you. The environment,
creatures, and objects within a 30-foot radius
Passive E ect: temporarily transform to reflect the essence of
A number of times per long rest equal to the story. Creatures from within are considered
your Dexterity modifier, you can leave behind a to have partial cover from attacks originating
blazing trail as you move, covering a 5-foot from outside the radius.
radius. Any creature that starts its turn in the

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