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Coupling Beam Behavior and

Design of Deep Beam by Non-Linear Approach

Behavior of R.C Element

Instructor: Dr. Musa Resheidat

Student: Mohammed Osama Yousef
University ID: 8080944

January, 2010
Table of Content
Coupled Core Wall System
Behavior of Coupling Beam
Finite Element Study
Deep Beam Non-Linear Approach
Design Criteria for Shear
Design Criteria for Flexure
Design Example

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 2

Coupled Core Wall System
What is a Coupled
Core Wall System?

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 3

Coupled Core Wall System
Uncoupled core wall system


Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 4

Coupled Core Wall System
Non-coupled core wall system

Fx Fx Individual wall piers

must resist lateral

L L Note: small moment

Ry Ry Ry Ry

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 5

Coupled Core Wall System
Coupled core wall system

Fx All wall piers

must resist lateral
Forces together.

L Note: larger moment

Ry Ry

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 6

Behavior of Coupling Beam

Overturning Moment

Ry Ry
The diagonal reinforcement allows the large shearing forces due to the
overturning moment to be resisted through tension and compression of the
coupling beam similar to the behavior of a deep beam

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 7

Behavior of Coupling Beam
Axial Axial
restraint restraint


In reality, the floor slab and stiffness of the wall piers limit the differential
displacement by enforcing additional boundary conditions.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 8

SAP2000 and Finite Element
SAP2000 is used for the modeling

 Consists of Nodes, Elements and Rigid Bodies

 Collection of all elements used in the model is referred to as the


 With greater mesh density, model accuracy increases along with

computational expense

Beam output was compared to the theoretical behavior of beam,


 Stress Distribution
 Capacity

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 9

Finite Element Model
Performed in the interest of balancing computational
accuracy and speed.
The mesh density is increased until the results are no
longer affected by the size of the mesh
3m 500mm

1.8 m

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 10

Finite Element Model
500mm x 1.8m x 3m Simply Supported R.C. beam.

3m 500mm

1.8 m

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 11

Finite Element Model
Stress Distribution: 125mm x 125mm Mesh

Compressive Stress

Tensile Stress

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 12

Finite Element Model
Stress Distribution: 50mm x 50mm Mesh

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 13

Finite Element Model
Stress Distribution: 25mm x 25mm Mesh

Ultimately a mesh size of 25mm x 25mm was chosen.

Accurate results without undue computational expense.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 14

Finite Element Model
Design Results:

Need 10 25as horizontal bars

 2.98  if16used  S  135mm
 2.98  if16used  S  135mm

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 15

Deep Beam
Non-Linear Approach
Deep beams are structural elements loaded as regular
beams but having large width to depth ratio and
shear span/depth ratio not exceeding 2 for
concentrated load and 4 for distributed loads where
Shear span is the clear span for distributed load.

Examples of this type of structural element:

1) Short span beams.
2) Some shear walls.
3) Floor slabs under horizontal load.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 16

Deep Beam
Non-Linear Approach
Because of the geometry of the deep beams, they
behave in a non-linear way as two dimensional

As a result plane section not necessary remain plane

after bending.

The result strain distribution no longer consider linear

and shear deformation become significant compare
to pure flexure.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 17

Deep Beam
Non-Linear Approach
The stress block become nonlinear even at the elastic

At the limit state, the compressive stress distribution

in the concrete would no longer follow the same
parabolic shape.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 18

Design Criteria for Shear
Deep beams have a higher nominal shear resistance
Vc than normal beams.

The critical section for calculating Vu is taken at

distance X from face of support, because the shear
plane in deep beams is steeper in inclination and
closer to the support.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 19

Design Criteria for Shear
For a uniform load:
X = 0.15 ln

For a concentrated load:

X = 0.5 a

In either case, X should not exceed d.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 20

Design Criteria for Shear
The shear force carried by the plain concrete Vc can
be taken as:
Mu Vud bwd 1
Vc  (3.5  2.5 )( fc'  120 w )  fc'bwd
Vud Mu 7 2
Where: 1  (3.5  2.5 )  2.5
This factor is a multiplier of the basic equation for Vc
in normal beams to account for the higher resistance
capacity of the deep beams.
If some minor cracking is not tolerated, designer can
use the following equation from ACI 318-08 code:

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 21

Design Criteria for Shear
The shear force carried by the concrete Vc is
calculated using Equation 11-3:
VC  fc 'bwd

The shear force carried by the concrete Vc when

couple beam is subjected to axial compression is
calculated using Equation 11-4:
Nu fc '
VC  (1  )( )bwd
14 Ag 6

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 22

Design Criteria for Shear
The shear force carried by the concrete, when couple
beam is subjected to axial tension, is calculated using
Equation 11-8:
0.3Nu fc '
VC  (1  )( )bwd
Ag 6
Given Vu and Vc, the required force to be carried by the
shear reinforcing Vs is calculated using Equation:
Vs   Vc

If Vs exceeds 5 f failure
bwd is reported per ACI

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 23

Design Criteria for Shear
The required vertical shear reinforcing
in area per unit length for coupling beams:
Av Vu  Vc

S fyd
The following additional checks:
L 8
1) When d Vs should be 12 fc'bwd

a failure condition is declared per section .

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 24

Design Criteria for Shear
L Vu
4  0.5 Vc
2) When d and
the minimum area of

vertical and horizontal shear reinforcement would
be: A b 50b
 0.75 f ' 
v  min c
fy fy
Ah  min  0
L Vu
4  0.5 Vc
3) When d and
the minimum area

of vertical and horizontal reinforcement is:
Av  min  Ah  min  0

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 25

Design Criteria for Shear
L Vu 5 fc'
4) When d  ,
should be
bwd otherwise
a failure condition is declared per section
11.8.4 .
and the minimum area of vertical and horizontal
A reinforcement would be:
v  min
 0.0025bw
Ah  min
 0.0015bw
Maximum Sv  or 300mm Whichevere is smaller
Maximum Sh  or 300mm Whichevere is smaller
Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 26
Design Criteria for Shear
5) For seismic region only, in addition to the
requirements of the previous shear reinforcement,
an area of diagonal shear reinforcement in coupling
beams is also required:
L 1
when d and
 4 Vu 
f ',Diagonal
bd c

reinforcement would be:

Avd 
2fy sin 
sin  
L^2  (0.8H)^2

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 27

Design Criteria for Flexure
The ACI code dose not specify a design procedure
but requires a rigorous nonlinear analysis for the
flexure analysis and design of deep beams.
The simplified provision presented next are based on
a recommendation of the Euro-International Concrete
Committee (CEB).
The figure shows a stress
distribution in a homogeneous
deep beam having span/depth
ratio = 1

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 28

Design Criteria for Flexure
It was experimentally observed that the moment
lever arm dose not change significantly after initial
cracking, since the nominal resisting moment is:
Mn = As fy jd
The reinforcement area is:
Mn fc ' bd
As   3  200
fyjd fy fy
The lever arm as recommended by (CEB):
jd  0.2(L  2h) for 1 2
jd  0.6L for 1

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 29

Design Criteria for Flexure
Where L is effective span measured center to center
of support or 1.15 clear span whichever is smaller.

The tension reinforcement have to be placed in the

lower segment of beam height such that the segment
height is :
y = 0.25h – 0.05L < 0.2h

It should consist of small diameter bars well

anchored into the support.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 30

Design Criteria for Flexure
For continuous deep beams the only change in
design will be in adding additional reinforcement for
negative moment at the support
The reinforcement area is:
Mn 1 fc ' 1.4
As   bwd  bwd
fyjd 4 fy fy
The lever arm as recommended by (CEB):
jd  0.2(L  1.5h) for 1  2.5
jd  0.5L for 1

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 31

Design Criteria for Flexure
The distribution of negative flexural reinforcement in
continuous beams should be such that the steel area A s1
should be placed in the top 20% of the beam depth and
balance steel As2 at the next 60% of the beam depth.
The value of As1 and As2 would be as follows:

As1  0.5(  1) As
In cases of L/h ratio equal or close to 1, use nominal
As 2  As  As1
steel for As1 in top 20% of beam depth and provide the
total As in the next 60%of the depth.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 32

Design a simply supported beam for flexure and shear,
having clear span = 3m, which subjected to uniformly
distributed live load of 1200 kN/m, the height of the
beam is 1800mm and its thickness is 500mm, using:
fc’ = 28 MPa
fy = 414 MPa

ln 3000
  1.875  4
d 1600
hence treat as deep beam

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 33

l = 1.15ln = 3.45m
WD  1.8  .5  24  21.6 kN / m
Wu  1.2  21.6  1.6  1200  1945 kN / m
external factored moment
WuL^ 2 1945  3^ 2
Mu    2158 kN .m
8 8
L 3.45
2   1.92  1
h 1.8
jd  0.2(3.45  2 *1.8)  1.41m
2158  1000
As   4108mm ^ 2
0.9  1410  414
Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 34
Use 6 25as horizontal bars on each face
As = 4908 mm^2
The hieght over which As is to be distributed
above the lower beam face is
0.25h - 0.05l  0.25  1800 - 0.05  3450  277.5mm
spacing of flexural steel   92.5
use s  75mm

Use 1225will anchored into the support.

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 35

Design of shear reinforcement:
Assume d= 0.9h = 0.9 x 1800 = 1600mm
distance of critical section (x)
x  0.15ln  0.15  3000  450mm
1945  3
Vu   1945  0.45  2000kN
5 5
Vn   fc 'bwd  0.75 28  500  1600
6 6
 2645kN  2000kN ok

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 36

Mu at critical section
1945  3 1945  0.45^2
Mu   0.45   1100kN.m
2 2
Mu 1100
  0.34
Vud 2000  1600
(3.5  2.5 )  2.65  2.5
use 2.5
1 500  1600
Vc  2.5( 28  120  0.0067 )  2178kN
0.34 7
2178  28  500  1600  2116kN
Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 37
Assume 10mm bars for horizantal and verical
Av  Avh  2  79  158mm
Vu 2000
Vs   Vc   2116  550kN
 0.75
Assume S is equal for horizantal and verical
Then solve equation below for S :
 Av ln Avh ln 
Vs   (1  )  (11  )  fyd  S  179mm
 Sv d Sh d 
Use S  175mm

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 38

If no significant crack are tolerated
1 1
VC  fc 'bwd  28  500  1600  705kN
6 6
Vs   705  1961kN
For this 0 .75
condition the spacing S of shear reinforcement if
16 diameter bars used:
550 402
S  179( )( )  127mm
Now check1961 158 spacing:
for maximum
d 1600
Maximum S v  Maximum Sh 
Use S=100mm   320
5 5

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 39

Check for minimum steel:
L V 5 fc'
Since  4 and  bwd

d  6
Av  min  0.0025bwSv  0.0025  500  100  125mm^2
Ah  min  0.0015bwSh  0.0015  500  100  75mm^2
402  Av  min  Ah  min ok

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 40

Figure below shows an elevation and a cross section
for the beam reinforcement.
3m 500mm
Vertical shear steel Horizontal shear steel
1  16 @ 100 mm 1  16 @ 100 mm

1.8 m

Main flexural steel

6  25 each face

Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 41

Reinforced concrete, a fundamental
approach, Edward G.Nawy, 4th edition.

ACI 318-08 Code.

Euro-International Concrete Committee


Coupling Beam Behavior of R.C Element 42

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