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My name is Monica Khalifah

My register number: 1814050054

My absence number is 12
I'm from a major: Tadris Bahasa Inggris-B
K.D 4.4 : 4 Menangkap makna undangan pribadi dan ucapan selamat (greeting card),
sangat pendek dan sederhana.

Okay today I will explain the material about greeting cards for
8th grade SMP / MTS
The method I use is audio lingual and the silent way, and the
skills I use are speaking, reading and writing.
First I will explain what a greeting card.

Greting cards are to express feelings or give attention to others.

Greeting cards are usually given an interesting picture or
Greeting cards can be:
1. Birthday card, contains a birthday greeting and is given to
someone who is having a birthday.
2. Thank you card, contains a thank you card.
3. Get well card, given to someone who is sick and contains
hope for a speedy recovery.
4. Congratulation card, given to congratulate someone for the
achievements they have achieved.
5. Holiday card, given to someone who is on vacation.
Greting cards adalah kartu ucapan untuk mengekspresikan perasaan atau memberi
perhatian kepada orang lain. Kartu ucapan biasanya diberi gambar atau tulisan
yang menarik.
Kartu ucapan dapat berupa:
1. Birthday card, berisi ucapan ulang tahun dan di berikan kepada seseorang yang
sedang berulang tahun.
2. Thank you card, berisi ucapan terima kasih.
3. Get well card, diberikan kepada seseorang yang sakit dan berisi harapan agar
lekas sembuh.
4. Congratulation card, diberikan untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada seseorang
atas prestasi yang telah di raihnya.
5. Holiday card, di berikan kepada seseorang yang sedang berlibur.

and also a greeting card aimed at expressing feelings or attention

to someone. We can say in various events, both happy and sad

Greeting cards are usually sent or given on special occasions,

such as birthdays, Eid al-Fitr, weddings, Christmas, and
Valentine's Day. Greeting cards are also often used for writing
humorous messages, friendship, love, sympathy, or just saying
thank you. Flowers, parcels, or gifts are also often accompanied
by a greeting card.
The function of the greeting card is to convey greetings, both
congratulations, condolences, and prayers in written form.
Fungsi dari greeting card adalah untuk menyampaikan ucapan,
baik ucapan selamat, ucapan duka, maupun doa dalam bentuk
When you want to make a greeting card using English it's good
to understand the meaning in the sentence before making it.

types of expressions that can describe a person's feelings

through greeting cards.
jenis ekspresi yang dapat menggambarkan perasaan seseorang
melalui kartu ucapan.

1. Wish
The function of the word wish in a greeting card is the same
as the word may, which is to express a hope.
Fungsi kata berharap dalam kartu ucapan sama dengan kata
mungkin, yaitu untuk mengekspresikan harapan.
In addition, the word wish as a noun means "hope". An
example is "Wish you all a very happy and fun filled New Year"
(have a good new year). Not a few people who use expressions
of feelings through writing using the word wish.

2. May
Literally, may has the meaning "may and may". However, in the
context of greeting cards, this word means "hopefully".
May Secara harfiah, yaitu memiliki arti "mungkin . Namun,
dalam konteks kartu ucapan, kata ini berarti "semoga".
The word may always be placed at the beginning of a sentence,
before the expectation is expressed. Examples include "May this
year brings you a lot of happiness and luck" (hopefully this year
will bring lots of happiness and good luck to you). This word is
also used by people who want to express their feelings through
greeting cards.

3. Mistake (KESALAHAN)
Mistake has the meaning of error. Usually we can find this word
in the Christian New Year greeting cards or Eid. Examples
include "learn from the mistakes to be a better person" which
means learning from a mistake to become a better person.
Biasanya kita dapat menemukan kata ini di kartu ucapan Idul
Fitri atau tahun baru kristen.
You can even use the error words to describe "Sorry Inner Birth
if There Is an Error That Has Been Made, Whether
Accidentally . Many words to express the contents of the heart
through greeting cards.

4. Prosperity (kemakmuran)
Prosperity has the meaning of prosperity and prosperous which
means prosperous as an adjective. Examples include "Hope you
always get happiness, prosperity, and full of luck in this Goat
year". You can use the word to pray for a colleague, friend, or
relative when you want to give a greeting card. Make sure you
choose sentences and words that are good and meaningful. So
that those who received the greeting card felt extraordinary

5. Forgiveness (Pengampunan)
However, as a verb, forgive means to forgive. This expression is
most often found on Eid greeting cards. An example is "When a
mistaken turn forgiveness". These words are very fitting to be
used to express an apology when the holiday arrives. Not only
that, you can use it on other special days such as Christmas and
other celebrations.
Kata-kata ini sangat pas untuk digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
permintaan maaf ketika hari raya idul fitr tiba.

6. Treasure (harta)
Treasure means "treasure (treasure / object)" in the form of a
noun. An example is "May the good times and treasures of
present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Happy New
Year! " (have a pleasant time and gifts will be sweet memories
tomorrow. Happy New Year!). Well, these words are very
suitable given to those of you who celebrate Christmas and the
new year. Because Christmas is identical to giving the desired
Nah, kata-kata ini sangat cocok diberikan bagi Anda yang
merayakan Natal dan tahun baru. Karena Natal identik dengan
memberikan hadiah yang diinginkan.

Those are some expressions that can be given or expressed

through greeting cards. You can use one of these example

OK, now I will briefly explain a few examples of greeting cards;

beberapa contoh kartu ucapan;

1. Thank you Card
A greeting card sent to someone to express their gratitude

2. Birthday Card
A greeting card sent to someone who is celebrating a birthday

3. Congratulation Card
A greeting card sent to someone to congratulate a success or
success in both the academic and non academic fields.

4. New Year Card

A greeting card sent to someone who is celebrating the turn of
the new year.

5. Condolence Card
Greeting card sent to someone who contains condolences for the
death of a person or disaster.

Okay continue. I will explain

Generic Structure of Greeting Card

The general structure of this greeting card depends on the shape
of the card design, what is important in the greeting card are the
following elements.

1. Receiver
To whom is the greeting card addressed? write the recipient's
name if needed.
Kepada siapa kartu ucapan ditujukan? tulis nama penerima jika
2. Body
Usually this section contains interesting writing complete with
the following elements:
Quote: Quotations related to events.

Biasanya bagian ini berisi tulisan yang menarik lengkap dengan

unsur-unsur berikut:
Kutipan: Kutipan terkait acara.
3. Picture: Complete your greeting card with pictures to mak
e it interesting.
Gambar: Lengkapi kartu ucapan Anda dengan gambar agar
4. Expression: Use Congratulation Expression or Sympathy
Ekspresi: Gunakan Ekspresi Selamat atau Ekspresi Simpati.

5. Sender
Who sent the greeting card? write the sender's name if needed.
Siapa yang mengirim kartu ucapan? tulis nama pengirim jika

Okay, and then I'll give you a few examples of greeting cards

1.Birthday Card
To: Anton,
Wish you more happy the day. May God you with health.
Wealth and property in your life.
Happy birthday

Your friend

Terjemahan: Sayang Anton,

Semoga hari-harimu bahagia. Semoga Allah selalu memberikanmu kesehatan.
Kekayaan dan kemakmuran dalam hidup.
Selamat ulang tahun…

Teman mu


2. Congratulations Card
To Tia,
Congratulation on your success in the prince and princes competition. I hope you
do the best for the future.



Sayang Tia,
Selamat atas keberhasilan kamu dalam kompetisi prince and princes . Saya harap
kamu melakukan yang terbaik untuk masa depanmu.
Dear Bagus,
Congratulation on your appoinment as the Scout chairperson in your school. Do
your best. There are a lot of things that you can do to make our school better. God
bless you.


Sayang Bagus,
Selamat atas pengangkatan sebagai ketua Pramuka di sekolah Anda. Lakukan yang
terbaik. Ada banyak hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk membuat sekolah kami
lebih baik. Tuhan memberkati Anda.


3. Thank you Card

Dear Rusi,
I will say tankyou for your helping for my job. I fell grateful for your help.



Sayang Rusi,
Saya akan mengucapkan terima kasih untuk Anda yang telah membantu untuk
pekerjaan saya. Aku sangat berterima kasih atas bantuan Anda.

Alright, that's all my explanation today about greeting cards.

Thank you


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