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Manipulating images with python

Project report


Roll no: 1901002

Before you can develop predictive models for image data, you must learn how to load and

manipulate images and photographs.

The most popular and de facto standard library in Python for loading and working with image

data is Pillow. Pillow is an updated version of the Python Image Library, or PIL, and supports a

range of simple and sophisticated image manipulation functionality. It is also the basis for

simple image support in other Python libraries such as SciPy and Matplotlib.

In this report, you will discover how to load and manipulate image data using the Pillow

Python library.

This report is divided into six parts; they are:

1. How to Install Pillow

2. How to Load and Display Images
3. How to Convert Images to NumPy Arrays and Back
4. How to Save Images to File
5. How to Resize Images
6. How to Flip, Rotate, and Crop Images
How to Install Pillow
The Python Imaging Library, or PIL for short, is an open source library for loading and

manipulating images.

It was developed and made available more than 25 years ago and has become a de facto

standard API for working with images in Python. The library is now defunct and no longer

updated and does not support Python 3.

Pillow is a PIL library that supports Python 3 and is the preferred modern library for image

manipulation in Python. It is even required for simple image loading and saving in other Python

scientific libraries such as SciPy and Matplotlib.

The Pillow library is installed as a part of most SciPy installation.

If you manage the installation of Python software packages yourself for your workstation, you

can easily install Pillow using pip; for example:

1 sudo pip install Pillow

Pillow is built on top of the older PIL and you can confirm that the library was installed

correctly by printing the version number; for example:

1 # check Pillow version number

2 import PIL
3 print('Pillow Version:', PIL.__version__)

Running the example will print the version number for Pillow; your version number should be

the same or higher.

1 Pillow Version: 6.1.0

Now that your environment is set up, let’s look at how to load an image.

We need a test image to demonstrate some important features of using the Pillow library.

In this tutorial, we will use a photograph of the Sydney Opera House, taken by Ed Dunens and

made available on Flickr under a creative commons license, some rights reserved.
Images are typically in PNG or JPEG format and can be loaded directly using the open()

function on Image class. This returns an Image object that contains the pixel data for the

image as well as details about the image. The Image class is the main workhorse for the

Pillow library and provides a ton of properties about the image as well as functions that allow

you to manipulate the pixels and format of the image.

The ‘format‘ property on the image will report the image format (e.g. JPEG), the ‘ mode‘ will

report the pixel channel format (e.g. RGB or CMYK), and the ‘ size‘ will report the dimensions of

the image in pixels (e.g. 640×480).

The show() function will display the image using your operating systems default application.

The example below demonstrates how to load and show an image using the Image class in the

Pillow library.

1 # load and show an image with Pillow

2 from PIL import Image

3 # load the image

4 image ='opera_house.jpg')

5 # summarize some details about the image

6 print(image.format)

7 print(image.mode)

8 print(image.size)
9 # show the image


Running the example will first load the image, report the format, mode, and size, then show

the image on your desktop.



3 (640, 360)

Sydney Opera House Displayed Using the Default Image Preview Application

Now that you know how to load an image, let’s look at how you can access the pixel data of


How to Convert Images to NumPy Arrays and Back

Often in machine learning, we want to work with images as NumPy arrays of pixel data.

With Pillow installed, you can also use the Matplotlib library to load the image and display it

within a Matplotlib frame.

This can be achieved using the imread() function that loads the image an array of pixels

directly and the imshow() function that will display an array of pixels as an image.
The example below loads and displays the same image using Matplotlib that, in turn, will use

Pillow under the covers.

1 # load and display an image with Matplotlib

2 from matplotlib import image

3 from matplotlib import pyplot

4 # load image as pixel array

5 data = image.imread('opera_house.jpg')

6 # summarize shape of the pixel array

7 print(data.dtype)

8 print(data.shape)

9 # display the array of pixels as an image

10 pyplot.imshow(data)


Running the example first loads the image and then reports the data type of the array, in this

case, 8-bit unsigned integers, then reports the shape of the array, in this case, 360 pixels wide

by 640 pixels high and three channels for red, green, and blue.

1 uint8

2 (360, 640, 3)

Finally, the image is displayed using Matplotlib.

Sydney Opera House Displayed Using Matplotlib

The Matplotlib wrapper functions can be more effective than using Pillow directly.

Nevertheless, you can access the pixel data from a Pillow Image. Perhaps the simplest way is

to construct a NumPy array and pass in the Image object. The process can be reversed

converting a given array of pixel data into a Pillow Image object using

the Image.fromarray() function. This can be useful if image data is manipulated as a NumPy

array and you then want to save it later as a PNG or JPEG file.

The example below loads the photo as a Pillow Image object and converts it to a NumPy array,

then converts it back to an Image object again.

1 # load image and convert to and from NumPy array

2 from PIL import Image

3 from numpy import asarray

4 # load the image

5 image ='opera_house.jpg')

6 # convert image to numpy array

7 data = asarray(image)

8 # summarize shape

9 print(data.shape)

10 # create Pillow image

11 image2 = Image.fromarray(data)

12 # summarize image details

13 print(image2.format)

14 print(image2.mode)

15 print(image2.size)

Running the example first loads the photo as a Pillow image then converts it to a NumPy array

and reports the shape of the array. Finally, the array is converted back into a Pillow image and

the details are reported.

1 (360, 640, 3)



4 (640, 360)

Both approaches are effective for loading image data into NumPy arrays, although the

Matplotlib imread() function uses fewer lines of code than loading and converting a Pillow

Image object and may be preferred.

For example, you could easily load all images in a directory as a list as follows:

1 # load all images in a directory

2 from os import listdir

3 from matplotlib import image

4 # load all images in a directory

5 loaded_images = list()

6 for filename in listdir('images'):

7 # load image

8 img_data = image.imread('images/' + filename)

9 # store loaded image

10 loaded_images.append(img_data)

11 print('> loaded %s %s' % (filename, img_data.shape))

Now that we know how to load images as NumPy arrays, let’s look at how to save images to


How to Save Images to File

An image object can be saved by calling the save() function.

For example, the code listing below loads the photograph in JPEG format and saves it in PNG


1 # example of saving an image in another format

2 from PIL import Image

3 # load the image

4 image ='opera_house.jpg')

5 # save as PNG format

6'opera_house.png', format='PNG')

7 # load the image again and inspect the format

8 image2 ='opera_house.png')

9 print(image2.format)

Running the example loads the JPEG image, saves it in PNG format, then loads the newly

saved image again, and confirms that the format is indeed PNG.


Saving images is useful if you perform some data preparation on the image before modeling.

One example is converting color images (RGB channels) to grayscale (1 channel).

There are a number of ways to convert an image to grayscale, but Pillow provides

the convert() function and the mode ‘L‘ will convert an image to grayscale.
1 # example of saving a grayscale version of a loaded image

2 from PIL import Image

3 # load the image

4 image ='opera_house.jpg')

5 # convert the image to grayscale

6 gs_image = image.convert(mode='L')
7 # save in jpeg format


9 # load the image again and show it

10 image2 ='opera_house_grayscale.jpg')

11 # show the image


Running the example loads the photograph, converts it to grayscale, saves the image in a new

file, then loads it again and shows it to confirm that the photo is now grayscale instead of


Example of Grayscale Version of Photograph

How to Resize Images

It is important to be able to resize images before modeling.

Sometimes it is desirable to thumbnail all images to have the same width or height. This can

be achieved with Pillow using the thumbnail() function. The function takes a tuple with the
width and height and the image will be resized so that the width and height of the image are

equal or smaller than the specified shape.

For example, the test photograph we have been working with has the width and height of (640,

360). We can resize it to (100, 100), in which case the largest dimension, in this case, the

width, will be reduced to 100, and the height will be scaled in order to retain the aspect ratio

of the image.

The example below will load the photograph and create a smaller thumbnail with a width and

height of 100 pixels.

1 # create a thumbnail of an image

2 from PIL import Image

3 # load the image

4 image ='opera_house.jpg')

5 # report the size of the image

6 print(image.size)

7 # create a thumbnail and preserve aspect ratio

8 image.thumbnail((100,100))

9 # report the size of the thumbnail

10 print(image.size)

Running the example first loads the photograph and reports the width and height. The image is

then resized, in this case, the width is reduced to 100 pixels and the height is reduced to 56

pixels, maintaining the aspect ratio of the original image.

1 (640, 360)

2 (100, 56)

We may not want to preserve the aspect ratio, and instead, we may want to force the pixels

into a new shape.

This can be achieved using the resize() function that allows you to specify the width and

height in pixels and the image will be reduced or stretched to fit the new shape.

The example below demonstrates how to resize a new image and ignore the original aspect


1 # resize image and force a new shape

2 from PIL import Image

3 # load the image

4 image ='opera_house.jpg')

5 # report the size of the image

6 print(image.size)

7 # resize image and ignore original aspect ratio

8 img_resized = image.resize((200,200))

9 # report the size of the thumbnail

10 print(img_resized.size)

Running the example loads the image, reports the shape of the image, then resizes it to have a

width and height of 200 pixels.

1 (640, 360)

2 (200, 200)

The sized of the image is shown and we can see that the wide photograph has been

compressed into a square, although all of the features are still quite visible and obvious.

Standard resampling algorithms are used to invent or remove pixels when resizing, and you

can specify a technique, although default is a bicubic resampling algorithm that suits most

general applications.

Resized Photograph That Does Not Preserve the Original Aspect Ratio
How to Flip, Rotate, and Crop Images
Simple image manipulation can be used to create new versions of images that, in turn, can

provide a richer training dataset when modeling.

Generally, this is referred to as data augmentation and may involve creating flipped, rotated,

cropped, or other modified versions of the original images with the hope that the algorithm will

learn to extract the same features from the image data regardless of where they might


You may want to implement your own data augmentation schemes, in which case you need to

know how to perform basic manipulations of your image data.

Flip Image

An image can be flipped by calling the flip() function and passing in a method such

as FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT for a horizontal flip or FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM for a vertical flip. Other flips

are also available

The example below creates both horizontal and vertical flipped versions of the image.

1 # create flipped versions of an image

2 from PIL import Image

3 from matplotlib import pyplot

4 # load image

5 image ='opera_house.jpg')

6 # horizontal flip

7 hoz_flip = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

8 # vertical flip

9 ver_flip = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)

10 # plot all three images using matplotlib

11 pyplot.subplot(311)

12 pyplot.imshow(image)

13 pyplot.subplot(312)

14 pyplot.imshow(hoz_flip)

15 pyplot.subplot(313)

16 pyplot.imshow(ver_flip)

Running the example loads the photograph and creates horizontal and vertical flipped versions

of the photograph, then plots all three versions as subplots using Matplotlib.

You will note that the imshow() function can plot the Image object directly without having to

convert it to a NumPy array.

Plot of Original, Horizontal, and Vertical Flipped Versions of a Photograph

Rotate Image

An image can be rotated using the rotate() function and passing in the angle for the rotation.

The function offers additional control such as whether or not to expand the dimensions of the

image to fit the rotated pixel values (default is to clip to the same size), where to center the

rotation the image (default is the center), and the fill color for pixels outside of the image

(default is black).

The example below creates a few rotated versions of the image.

1 # create rotated versions of an image

2 from PIL import Image

3 from matplotlib import pyplot

4 # load image

5 image ='opera_house.jpg')

6 # plot original image

7 pyplot.subplot(311)

8 pyplot.imshow(image)

9 # rotate 45 degrees

10 pyplot.subplot(312)

11 pyplot.imshow(image.rotate(45))

12 # rotate 90 degrees

13 pyplot.subplot(313)

14 pyplot.imshow(image.rotate(90))


Running the example plots the original photograph, then a version of the photograph rotated

45 degrees, and another rotated 90 degrees.

You can see that in both rotations, the pixels are clipped to the original dimensions of the

image and that the empty pixels are filled with black color.
Plot of Original and Rotated Version of a Photograph

Cropped Image

An image can be cropped: that is, a piece can be cut out to create a new image, using

the crop() function.

The crop function takes a tuple argument that defines the two x/y coordinates of the box to

crop out of the image. For example, if the image is 2,000 by 2,000 pixels, we can clip out a 100

by 100 box in the middle of the image by defining a tuple with the top-left and bottom-right

points of (950, 950, 1050, 1050).

The example below demonstrates how to create a new image as a crop from a loaded image.

1 # example of cropping an image

2 from PIL import Image

3 # load image

4 image ='opera_house.jpg')

5 # create a cropped image

6 cropped = image.crop((100, 100, 200, 200))

7 # show cropped image


Running the example creates a cropped square image of 100 pixels starting at 100,100 and

extending down and left to 200,200. The cropped square is then displayed.

Example of a Cropped Version of a Photograph


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