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Motion – movement from one place to another

-movement in which an object changes its position

Position – the place where a person or object is located
Speed – how fast a person or object moves
-can be determined using different measurements over a period of time to determine how fast an
000000object is moving
Force – the push or pull to get an object to move
Friction – force that acts or another force to slow it down or cause it to stop
-force that will also affect the motion of an object
-the force that opposes the sliding motion between two touching surfaces
Frame of reference – can be created after a reference point is chosen relative to the position of an object
-can be used to prove something possibly moved
Velocity – includes how fast an object is in motion or its speed plus its direction
-the speed and direction of a moving object
Speed – can be determined using different measurements over a period of time to determine how fast
an object is moving
Acceleration – the force applied to an object changing its speed, direction, or both
-may increase or decrease the speed or velocity of an object
Deceleration- also a force applied to an object changing its speed, direction, or both
-type of acceleration that will decrease the speed or velocity of an object
Scalar Quality – quantities that only have magnitude
Ex: speed, distance, mass, length, energy
Vector Quality – quantities that have magnitude with direction
Ex: velocity, displacement, acceleration, force, friction, momentum
Distance – the measurement of ground covered all in all
Displacement – measure of starting point to end point

Horizontal and Vertical Motions of a Projectile

The law of acceleration – newtons second law of motion
-force = mass x acceleration
*The larger the force applied on an object, the larger its acceleration
Acceleration – is defined as the rate of change in velocity with time.
Uniform Acceleration – type of motion in which the velocity of an object changes an equal amount in
0000000000000000000every equal time period.
Uniformly Accelerated Motion (UAM) – the acceleration in constant, it does not change
-the one in which the acceleration of a body throughout the
0000000000000000000000000000000motion is uniform
-can be observed in either vertical or horizontal dimension

Free-fall – exhibit uniformly accelerated motion

-constant acceleration for all falling bodies, regardless of their mass & weight
Gravitational force/ Gravity – natural force that causes objects to fall towards the earth
Downwards – acceleration due to gravity is always directed in this direction
Projectile – an object undergoing projectile motion
Trajectory – the arc/curve-like motion path undergone by a projectile
-parabolic path taken by a projectile
Projectile motion – is a form of motion where an object moves in a curved path
-consists of horizontal and vertical motion working independently
2 Types of Projectile Motion
1.) Horizontally Launched Projectiles
2.) Angle Launched Projectiles

1.) Horizontally Launched Projectiles (x – component)

-neglects air resistance
-there is a constant horizontal velocity (Vx)
-horizontal acceleration is 0 (ax = 0)

2.) Vertical Motion (y – component)

-the force acting upon in this motion is the force of gravity
-vertical velocity is not constant (Vy)

Height – vertical distance from the projectile to the earth’s surface

Range – horizontal distance covered by the projectile
Vx – horizontal velocity responsible for the projectile to travel at a horizontal distance
Vy – vertical velocity responsible for the projectile to travel at a vertical distance

Projectile Motion Launched at an Angle

Projectile Motion – combination of horizontal motion with constant velocity and vertical motion with
constant acceleration
Angle – a numerical value in degrees expressing the orientation of a projectile to be thrown/projected
Maximum height – the maximum vertical distance from the earths a projectile can reach
Elastic collision – two objects that bumped into each other and went apart
Inelastic collision – two objects that bumped into each other and stuck together
*When a projectile rises the vertical velocity decreases because the direction gravity is opposite to the
projectile motion
*When the projectile reaches the maximum height is momentarily stops causing a vertical velocity equal
to zero
*When the projectile returns back to the ground the vertical velocity increases

Facts about Projectile launched at an Angle

1.) An object is projected from rest at an upwards angle θ
2.) Its initial velocity can be resolved into two components
3.) The horizontal velocity is constant due to gravity
4.) The amount of time the object takes to come to a stop at its highest point is the same amount of
time it takes to return to where it was launched from
5.) The initial velocity upwards will be the same magnitude (opposite in direction) as the final
velocity when it returns to its original height
45 degrees – angle that results in the greatest range
75 degrees – angle that results in the maximum height
*As the angle of launch increases the vertical displacement of the projectile will also increase

Conservation of Momentum

Law of Conservation – in a closed and isolated system, the total momentum of the objects before and
after the collision are equal
Newtons 3rd Law of Motion – for every action, there is an equal yet opposite reaction
Mass – reflects the amount of matter an object contains
Weight – refers to the force gravity applies to an object
Collision – is an encounter between two objects resulting in exchange of impulse and momentum
Elastic Collision – one in which the total kinetic energy if the does not change and colliding objects
bounce after collision
Inelastic Collision – one in which the total kinetic energy of the system changes. Objects that stick
together after collision is said to be perfectly inelastic

Momentum and Impulse

Momentum – any moving object with a quantity of matter
-mass in motion
*When an object isn’t moving, it has 0 momentum since its velocity is 0
Impulse – change of momentum
Force – is needed to change the momentum of a body
*The force of impact is directly proportional to the momentum of the body and inversely
proportional to time of contact

Heat, Work and Energy

Temperature – is a measure of hotness or coldness of an object

Heat – energy transferred from one object to another due to a difference of temperature
between the two objects
-is the energy transferred from one body to another as a result of a temperature
Heating – is the process in which heat is transferred from one body to another as a result of a
temperature difference
*By doing work or by heating internal energy can be increased
Energy – needed to perform work.
James Prescott Joule – English Physicist who established that the various forms of energy are
basically the same and can be changed into another
-He investigated in the mechanical equivalent of heat
Joules experiment for determining the mechanical equivalent of heat energy
-an apparatus in the simplest form, which a weight was made to fall through a certain distance
as it drops the wires to which they were attached made one shaft and paddles turn. The friction
resulting from paddling warmed the water and raises its temperature almost all the work done
on the machine was transformed into heat
-using this device he found out that 4.194 J is equivalent to 1 calorie
Calorie – is a unit of energy that is equivalent to amount of energy needed to raise the
temperature of 1g of water by 1° C
Concept of conservation of energy – energy cannot be created nor destroyed
First Law of Thermodynamics – the change in internal energy of a system equals the difference
between the heat taken in by a system and the work done by the system
Second Law of Thermodynamics – heat will never of itself flow from a cold temperature to a hot
Internal Energy – the sum of the molecular kinetic energy, molecular potential energy, and
other kinds of molecular energy
Molecular Kinetic Energy – random motion of the molecules
Molecular potential Energy – forces that act between the atoms of a molecule and between the
∆ U =Q−W Q = W + ∆U
Q = amount of heat flowing into the system
W = the net work done by the system
∆ U = the change in the systems internal energy
*Heat flows from a hotter object to a cooler object when the two objects are placed in contact
Spontaneous – heat flows from higher temperature to a lower temperature.
-It does not require any external energy to occur.
Non-Spontaneous – heat flows lower temperature to higher temperature.
-It needs mechanical energy to occur
Heat pump – is a device that allows heat to transfer from a cold reservoir to a warmer one
Adiabatic process – is a process without gain or loss of heat

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

*All objects regardless of their state of motion (at rest or moving) possess a certain amount of
Law of Conservation of Energy – states that energy cannot be created or destroyed
-it can be transferred from object to object and changed into diff forms

Mechanical Energy – is energy acquired by objects upon which work is done

-this form of energy closely relates to the elementary definition of energy
0000000000000000which is the capacity to do work

2 kinds of Mechanical Energy:

1. Potential Energy – is energy possessed by objects at rest
a. Gravitational Potential Energy – is the energy possessed by an object because of its
location or position (example. Book in a table, Car on a cliff)
b. Elastic Potential Energy – is the energy stored in a stretched or compressed elastic
material such as spring (example. Handle of ping pong machine, stretched rubber
2. Kinetic Energy – is the energy possessed by an object virtue of its motion
(Example. Flowing stream, radiant energy, sound energy, electric energy)
*when an object is on the top at rest it has potential energy and when it starts to fall the
potential energy is converted to kinetic energy

Total Mechanical Energy - The sum of Potential and Kinetic energy

TE = PE + KE
PE = potential energy
KE = kinetic energy
Unit: joules

Gravitational Potential Energy:

GPE = mgh
M = mass
G = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2)
H = height

Kinetic Energy:
KE = ½ mv2
M = mass
V = velocity
Conservation of Mechanical Energy –the total mechanical energy of an isolated system remains
the same

Joule – is the unit to express internal energy

Heat Engine – is a device that changes thermal energy into mechanical work
Internal combustion engines – engines where combustion takes place inside the engine
External Combustion Engines – are engines where the fuel combustion takes place outside the
Thermal Pollution – can affect the weather and can be harmful to aquatic animals

Electricity and Magnetism

Kilowatt per hour – unit used in electrical consumption measured by electric companies for our
household consumption in our homes
Megawatt – power measured in power stations generating electricity
Hans Christian Oersted – a scientist who discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism
Transmission lines – commonly put up between transmissions substations which are regulated by the
National Power Corporation
220 v – standard AC voltage in the Philippines
A marble is thrown horizontally from a tabletop with a velocity of 1.50 m/s. The marble falls 0.70 m away
the table’s edge. Find the ff.
a.) How high is the table?
b.) What is the final velocity of the marble just before it hits the cup?

Given: Formula: Solution:

Vi – 1.50 m/s 2
Dy – ½ (ag) (t ) a)How high is the table?
Dx – 0.70 m
Ag – 9.8 m/s2 (constant) dx Dy - (9.8 m/ s2 )¿ ¿
T = vi 0.70 m
Dy - ? T=
1.50 m/s 2 2
Vf - ? (9.8 m/ s )(0.2209 s )
Dy -
Vf - -√(2)(a g )(d y ) T = 0.47 s 2
Solution 2: Dy –
b) What is the final velocity of the marble just before it hits the cup? Dy – 1.08 m
Vf - −√ (2)¿ ¿

Vf - −√ 21.168 m2 ¿ s2

Vf - −4.6 m/s (- )indicates downward direction

Sample Problem:
1.) An object is moving horizontally at 80 m/s on a cliff that is 50 m. high
a) Time of flight?
b) Displacement or range?

Given: Formula:
Y-Vertical X-Horizontal
Dy = Viyt + ½ (Ay) t2
Dy = -50 m Vx = 80 m/s
Ay = -9.8 m/s2 Dx = Dx = (Vx)(t)
Viy = 0m/s T=?

Solution: Dx = (Vx)(t)
Dy = Viyt + ½ (Ay) t
-50 m = ½ (Ay) t Dx = (80 m/s)(3.19s)
-50 m = (.5) (9.8 m/s2) t2
Dx = 255.2m
-50 m = -4.9 m/s2 t2
−50 m 2
2 =t
−4.9 m/s
10.20s2 = t2
3.19 = t

Sample Problem:
1.) A rock was dropped on top of the building and hits the ground after 5 seconds. What Is the
height of the building
Formula and Solution:
Dy = Viyt + ½ (Ay) t2
Viy = 0 m/s
Dy = (0 m/s)(5s) ½ (Ay) t2
Ay = -9.8 m/s2
Dy = (.5)(-9.8 m/s2)(5s)2
Dy = ?
Dy = (-4.9 m/s2)(25 s2)
Dy = 122.5 m

Sample Problem:
A baseball player leads off the game and hits along home run. The ball leaves the bat at an angles of 25
degrees with a velocity of 30 m/s.

Given: Formula:
Vi – 30 m/s
θ- 25 degrees (Vi)( sinθ)
Dy = ¿ ¿ Dx = (Vi)(cosθ)(t) tT = (2)
G – 9.8 m/s2 (constant) g

Solution 1 : Solution 2:
a)What is the maximum height reached by the ball b)What is the horizontal displacement
dy = ¿ ¿ (range) of the ball?
(30 m/s )(sin 25 °)
160.754 m s
2 2 tT = (2)
dy = 9.8 m/s 2
19.6 m/s 12.678 m/s
tT = (2) 2
dy = 8.20 m 9.8 m/ s
tT = 2.59 s
Solution 3:

Dx = (30 m/s)(cos 25)(2.59 s)

Dx = 70.42 m

Sample Problem (momentum):

What is the momentum of a 22 kg grocery cart which travels at 1.2 m/s

Given: Formula: Solution:

M – 22 kg
V – 1.2 m/s P = mv P = (22 kg) (1.2 m/s)
P = 26.4 kg ∙ m/s

Sample Problem (force):

An offensive player passes a football of mass 0.42 kg with a velocity of 25.0 m/s due south. If the player
is in contact with the ball for 0.059 s, what is the magnitude of the average force he exerts?

Given: Formula: Solution:

M – 0.42 kg
V – 25.0 m/s, south Ft mv ( 0.42 kg ) (25.0 m/ s)
T – 0.050 s t
= t F=
0.050 s
mv 10.5 kg ∙ m/s
F= t F=
0.050 s
F = 210 kg∙ m/ s2

Sample Problem: (momentum)

Suppose that 2 cars with equal masses collide with each other. Car A travels faster than Car B. They both
stopped after collision
1. Which of the two cars has the greater change of velocity
Car A
2. Which car has the greater change in momentum?
Car A, because it travels faster than Car B therefore it has a greater velocity
3. Which car has the greater impulse
Car A because it has the greater change in momentum

*The object that experience a greater impulse is the one that has the greater change in momentum
Sample Problem:

Two ice skaters stand together. They “push off” and travel directly away from each other, the boy with a
velocity of 1.50 m/s. If the boy weighs 735 N and the girl, 490 N, what is the girl’s velocity after they push
off (Consider the ice to be frictionless)

Given: Formula: Solution ( get mass first)

Vboy = 1.50 m/s
Vgirl = ? w 735 N 490 N
M= Mboy = Mgirl =
Wboy = 735 N g 9.8 m/s
9.8 m/s

Wgirl = 490 N
Pfinal = Mboy = 75 kg Mgirl = 50 kg
-mboyvboy = mgirlvgirl
Updated Given:

Vboy = 1.50 m/s

Solution 2:
Vgirl = ?
Mboy = 75 kg -(75 kg)(1.50 m/s) = (50 kg) Vgirl
Mgirl = 50 kg
−112.5kg ∙ m/s (50 kg)Vgirl
(50 kg) (50 kg)
A 3000 kg truck moving with a velocity of 10 m/s hits a 1000 kg parked car. The impact causes the 1000
2.25 m/s = the
kg car to be set in motion at 15 m/s. Determine Vgirlvelocity of the truck immediately after the collision

Before Given: After Given:

M1 = 3000 kg m1 = 3000 kg
V1 = 10 m/s v1 = ?
M2 = 1000 kg m2 = 1000 kg
V2 = 0 m/s v2 = 15 kg

Determine the GPE (gravitational potential energy): For 10m height

Mass = 0.1 kg
A G = 9.8 m/s^2
H = 10 m

B GPE = mgh

TE = PE + KE

C Solution 1:
GPE = (0.1)(9.8)(10)
GPE = 9.8 J
Solution 2:
TE = 9.8 J + 0
TE = 9.8 J
For 8m height
Mass = 0.1 kg
G = 9.8 m/s2
H = 8m

Solution 1:
GPE = (0.1)(9.8)(8)
GPE = 7.84 J
Solution 2:
9.8 J = 7.84 J + KE
9.8 J - 7.84 J = KE
KE = 1.96 J

What is the efficiency of a gasoline engine that receives 192.75 J of energy from combustion and loose
125.25 J by heat to exhaust during one cycle?
Qc = 125.25 J
Qh = 192.75 J

125.25 J
=1- x 100
195.75 J
= 36%

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