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I. Context/Rationale

This study was taken up among grade two pupils. It focuses on the enhancement

of their reading comprehension through the use of one short story per day. The children

in grade two began to develop and use the reading skills that allowed them to get things

done, such as following instructions and to found out about topics that caught their

interest. Another point worth noting is that reading was one tool to get some information,

ideas, or values from a text. In addition, reading was used to acquire a literal or non-

literal meaning from some words or written texts by the reader that could convey or

shared with others. Experts Patel and Jain (2008) said that reading is an essential skill

that students need to learn, and it is also an important activity carried out in learning

English. It provides a sense of happiness and benefits for students who read correctly.

On the other hand, according to Breiseth (2016), comprehension is the purpose

of reading. It is the key to reading; this is a way to find ideas from reading content. The

most fundamental thing in reading is understanding the concepts explained in the text.

Utami (2013) stated that it is essential to teach reading comprehension to students

because it can help them gain information from the written text. As a result, reading

activities do not run properly, and reading goals will not be achieved if students cannot

understand the text. Therefore, reading skills are essential and an effective way of

learning English for middle school students.

Research has found that students face some reading comprehension obstacles,

making it difficult to catch the meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or book. This is a

problem faced in the classroom because students become confused and dependent on

the teacher's explanation. For instance, the researcher Roslina (2017) found out that
students had difficulty reading because of a lack of motivation, less tutoring (non-formal

education), and the material that is not close to students.

Research has found that students face some reading comprehension obstacles,

making it difficult to catch the meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or book. This is a

problem faced in the classroom because students become confused and dependent on

the teacher's explanation. For instance, the researcher Roslina (2017) found out that

students had difficulty reading because of a lack of motivation, less tutoring (non-formal

education), and the material that is not close to students.

Additionally, research by Choo, Y. B., & Zainuddin (2018) pointed out that

many students cannot answer questions and keep quiet; they do not dare to ask the

teacher. They lack English vocabulary, and they readily lose their focus when they did

not get the meaning or understand the text. This showed the difficulty in reading

because the student could not think imaginary, hard to understand, and the teacher's

teaching method.

One of the most important educational goals is to develop students’ reading

comprehension skills. Researchers observed that there are learners who are struggled

in Reading English rather than Filipino. Some Grade 2 pupils are poor in terms of

reading because of Pandemic that we experienced in the past years. They are the most

affected during the Pandemic because they are not experienced a face to face class in

school. During the pandemic some learners did not developed their reading habits

because some parents are busy in their works and household chores. So, the minds of

the learners become stagnant.

The researchers discussed to the Principal and Advisers of Poctoy, Baito

Elementary School about the conduct of Action Research entitled Enhancing Reading

Comprehension to the struggling learners. The principal approved to conduct Action

Research in their school. The adviser of grade 2 purposively chosen the learners that

struggled in oral reading and reading comprehension to be the participants of our

research. The goal is to enhanced the reading comprehension of struggling learners.

This research was a significant factor that helped them develop their reading

comprehension. Based on the research above, it was essential to use teaching

strategies to develop reading comprehension among students, specifically Grade Two

pupil. This research entitled "The Use of One Short Story per Day for the Development

of Reading Comprehension among Struggling Learners " had been the main focus of

the researchers as the intervention to help these learners who experienced obstacles in

reading comprehension. Using these literary pieces (short stories) as reading

comprehension materials will bring students many significant advantages. It will make

them improve their reading comprehension skills (Holden, 2003).

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study not only provides useful data for

them, but is more important for the following groups of people:

Students. The result of this study will enhanced the reading comprehension

of struggling learners in school. Provide learners with valuable information as a basis for

improving their learning skills and reading comprehension. This research will allow

students to better understand the importance of reading when participating in the

classes and activities provided, this may lead to better motivation and good study habits

and thereby increasing the level of reading comprehension.

Teachers. This study will be helpful for teachers as it will help them

understand and consider the importance of teaching their students comprehension skills

and improve academic performance. The teachers may adapt new strategies in

teaching and improving comprehension skills of their pupils.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide for future researchers in

conducting research. They can get new insights and ideas about reading

comprehension and academic achievement.

II. Review of Related Literature

In 2018, the Department of Education (DepEd) participated in the Program for

International Student Assessment (PISA), a triennial international assessment for 15-

year-old students implemented by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD). PISA assesses students' reading, mathematics and science

skills. the Department of Education (DepEd) participated in the Program for International

Student Assessment (PISA), a triennial international assessment for 15-year-old

students implemented by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD). PISA assesses students' reading, mathematics and science

skills. Furthermore, it states that only 1 out of 5 Filipino students (19.4%) achieved at

least the minimum proficiency level (Level 2) in Overall Reading Proficiency. Summary

of PISA 2018 results read says that 'Reading proficiency have been shown to be

essential for a wide range of human activities, including: knowing the who, what, when,
where and why of an event; To communicate with others for the purpose of a specific


Reading is the foundation of most learning. Reading is a means of

communication, conveying information and ideas. It is a complex process involving

sensation, perception, understanding, application and integration. The process of

creating and extracting meaning from printed words and symbols (Estrema. & Estrema,

2018). Reading is the foundation of most learning. Learning to read, write, and count is

crucial to a student to be successful in school and later life (Ditona, & Rico, 2021).

III. Research Question

The study seeks to answers to the following questions:

1. What is the reading comprehension level of the students?

2. What intervention can be proposed to enhance the reading comprehension of
Grade 2 pupils?
3. Is there any improvement to the reading comprehension of pupils after the

IV. Scope and Limitation

The participants in this action research are the grade two pupils, and will be conducted

in Poctoy-Baito Elementary School. We will focus our observation on Grade 2 pupils

who were having difficulties in reading comprehension.

V. Methodology

Research Design

The researchers used PHILIRI as an intervention material in this study. The

researchers implied an oral reading to the learners from Grade 1 to Grade 6 for the

purpose of this approach is to create universal description of a phenomenon from its

several individual contexts. In this design, the researcher also used the non-

experimental and pre-test and post-test design.


The participants in this action research are the purposively selected learners from grade

1 to grades 6 of Poctoy Baito Elementary School.

Data Collection

In this research, the researcher used some instruments (pre-test and post-test) to

collect the data.


In order to examine the equivalence of the achievement in reading comprehension of

learners they were given the same pre-test material from PHIL-IRI. The aim of test is to

find out the students score before the intervention were given to the learners.


After given the treatment, the researcher give post-test to the learners. The test is

conducted to find out whether the use of one short story per day strategy effective to

enhance the student’s reading comprehension.

Ethical Issues

The Proposed Intervention

Plan for Data Analysis

The instrument for this study, "The Use of One Short Story per Day for the Enhancement

of Reading Comprehension Among Struggling Learners" would be pre-and post-test. The

researchers used paired t-tests. This statistical procedure measured two times, like pre-test and

post-test scores, with intervention administered.

After administering the post-test, the researchers collected the post-test to get scores and

compared the pre-test and post-test scores using the formula

total correct answer

Comprehension (C ) ×100=% of ReadingComprehension. The reading
total number of questions

comprehension of the participants was the percentage of the total correct answer the reading

comprehension of the participants was percentage of the total correct answer versus the total of


a paired t-test to determine how much the pupils had progressed. Then, at the end of the

day's intervention, the researchers would evaluate the results of the pre-test and post-test scores

after integrating the literary piece.

Pupils who received high quiz scores showed that they had improved. Conversely, pupils

who received lower exam scores indicated that they needed to develop. Moreover, the results
gathered from the pre-test and post-test using paired t-test method would also serve as the basis

for determining how effective and efficient the intervention had been toward the participants.

VI. Work Plan

VII. Cost Estimate


A. Supplies and Materials

1. Bond Paper 2 Ream 250 500

2. Pencil 1 Dozen 45 45
3. Colored paper 20 Pieces 1 20
4. Manila paper 4 Pieces 12 48
5. Marker 2 Pieces
45 90

B2. Rewards for student

1.Candies 4 pieces 60 240
2.Set of school supply in a pouch (1 7 pack set 80 80
pencil, 5 Coupon bond, 1 colored paper)

B3. Communication Expensess

1.Cellphone load, 3 pieces 50 375
B4. Services
1.Transportation Services 14 Days 30 2,260
B5. Printing
1.Printing Expensess 150 Pieces 5 750

B6. Photocopying
1.Photocopying Expenses
200 Pieces 2 400
B7. Others
5 1,000 Lot 1,000
TOTAL 5,763

VIII. Action Plan

To collect valid, reliable, and accurate data, this action plan was carefully constructed

and adhered to:

1. Pre-test - a four different set of short stories with 5-item test each material from PHIL-

IRI was utilized to determine the entry comprehension level of the students.

2. Implementation of the intervention

3. Post-test- a four different set of short stories with 5-item test each material from PHIL-

IRI was utilized to determine the entry comprehension level of the students.


1. Preliminary Activities

a. Song, activities, finger play

b. Word drill

 Flash cards, scrambled words, puzzles

2. Reading Proper

 Sounding

 Action

 Props

3. Comprehension

 Answer the Questionnaire from the story

4. Fixing skills

 Provide games connected to the story

5. Moral lesson of the story

 What is the moral lesson of the story.

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