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Lukas 8m

Someone says that gaming is bad, be cause people use waste a lot of time on it, but I think
gaming is a very good thing. Like Allison said, gaming can help oss to communicates with
other teenager and friend, for example in COVID-19, we have to stay in home, so we can
used the game as a tool to communicates and have fun withe our friend. But, sometimes
gaming is also a bad thing, we can use too many money on the videogame, it can hurt ours
health and mental health, such as eyes promblem, violent game can make oss be violent,
some time we can met someone in chat that sending bullying messeage too!
However if you control your time on the video game, then it is okay to play the video game.
Control the game, don`t let the game control you.


The internet

«The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that brought progress»
-Charles Kettering
The internet is a genius invention, but it´s not always a good thing, peoples are using the
internet to crime.

“I was 13 year old back then, it was a Monday, I woked up and opened my phone, then I saw
something that I can´t forget in my whole life, it was my nudes on Facebook.”
That is what 14 yaers old Kitty said to oss, from this case we can see that people can use the
internet to dissenate bad thing about other people, and we can not do something about it,
hackers can just hacking into your phone and get your information, including your privet
picture, your social media password, your money etc.

The internet can also help you, you can use it to find information, but some time you can find
fake informations.

I was on the buss and scrolling the screen, in a webside I saw a news about Norway is gonna
attack Iceland.

Okonami 34years old.

Lukas 8m

I this case we can see at we have fake news anywhere in the internet, sometimes it´s
obiviously fake, but sometime it seems like they are real, for example when it was the
COVID-19, someone thought everyone from Asia have the Corona virus, maybe you thinks
that peoples will not trust it. Unfortunately, there was a lot of people that trust it and start
attacking Chinese people. In fact, it always someone that trust fakenews. Social media is also
helping fake news to disseminate, furthermore if a big influence making fake news, people
gonna trust it.

«I was in my house and playing Brawl Stars, suddenly people started to cursed me at my
Facebook page, I doesn´t understand, then I saw people is saying I killed a women, but I didn

The social media can help oss to communicate, but in som cases you can also meeting bad
person on internet. Peoples who have a dirty heart can use internet to hurting other people.
«Jutise» people use internet to bullying other people, though they are the bad person that are
demon, but in most cases people is bullying the kind person, lot of people that was hurt of
internet can´t go over it, someone decied to kill them self, they «justice» people doesn´t take
any responsibility when they kill a human, they will continue on their «justices jounery».

Internet is a good thing, it like a white silk, but people making it dirty, and its will soon be

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