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Part 1:
1. Could you tell me something about your family?
2. What do you like doing most with your family?

3. Do you prefer spending time with your friends or family?

4. Who are you close to in your family?
5. Is family important to you?

Nothing has a greater impact on our lives than our families. The family is the most powerful
unit of society, influencing and shaping every man

offer support with unconditional love/ whenever I am in trouble, they ready to help me
6. How are you getting well with your parents?

In order to understand my parents better, I spend time talking with them. Use this time to learn
about their different hobbies, opinions to connect with them on a deeper level. I also talk to
them about something at school that is bothering me, or something I am excited or scared
about. If my parents have opinions that I don’t agree with, I try to understand that this is OK,
remain respectful. In additon, although I am very occupied with my study, I still try to spend
time with my family as much as possible. A weekend or a small dinner is also a precious time to
maintain a good relationship.
7. Would you prefer to live in a small or large family?

I prefer to live in a small family. A small family will not have too many generations living
together and there will be no generation gap, so there will be no unnecessary arguments or
conflicts. The relationship between parent and their childs may be closer without demands of
other child on their parent attention, and the parent can raise their child well. Additionally, since
few people are living under one roof, there is more space for everyone. Consequently, small
families can have more comfortable lives. For example, children can have their own rooms, in
comparison to the ones who live in a big family.
Part 2: Describe a person in your family who you really admire
I think she brought up me and my siblings well. She taught me the basic values of life and she
put a great effort to teach me to distinguish the right from wrong.

She is a hard-working woman who has devoted her entire life to her family.

She took great care of me when I was ill and I can remember many sleepless nights she had
spent to look after me.

My mom has been the greatest influence on my life. She shapes and nurtures personality,
creates a setting for healthy lifestyle and contributes to my career orientation.

My mother has always been a good role model for me to follow. She’s industrious, patient and
understanding; she also has an optimistic outlook on life and seems to get along with

I closely resemble my mother in appearance and personality. We’re both …

could maintain a healthy work-life balance.

spend most of my time cooking, eating, watch

You should say:

 Who the person is

 What your first memories of this person were
 How often you see this person
 Explain why you admire this person
Part 3
1. In your country, who is the family leader?

I believe it’s flexible at the moment. In the past, the husband was normally the breadwinner
and the wife was usually the homemaker of a family. However, everything has changed and
these days, women have increasingly been participating in the labour market and contributing
to the family budget. . As a result, they now have a voice in their family as their husbands do.
That’s why both the husband and the wife can be the leader of a family. Before making a
decision, they have to discuss the issue together.

the responsibilities to make money, bring children up and do housework are shared between
2. How do grandparents educate their grandchildren?
3. In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years?

Everything is changing around us, and families are not an exception to this trend.

The traditional extended family model is replaced by nuclear family version. I mean, instead of
living with many generations under a roof, people build smaller homes with only parent and
their child.

having smaller families due to high cost of living

Apart from the size of the family, the traditional role of women in a family has also shifted from
taking care of household chores to working outside and contributing to the family budget.
4. Which are more important: family or friends?

You may need friends but you may not get them when you need them most in your ‘situations’.
But if you ask for help to your family members, they will be there always to help you, supports
without any conditions or benefits. But sometimes, in my personal experiences, I have seen
that many of my friends were with me for their benefits and when I could not serve them well,
they left me. So, in a deep sense, I prefer my family than my friends

Friends may come and go, but I know that my family will always be there for me, no matter
what happens in my life and no matter what decisions I take.
5. What do you think about single parent families?

It is generally believed that single parents would struggle more in raising their kids
6. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why/ why not?

Traditionally, the husband and the wife have had quite different roles, but the current day
situations has been changed, they should equally share the responsibilities and duties. The
husband should share roles and responsibilities with his wife and take care of household duties
while a wife should also support her husband when it comes to managing the expenses.

I think this change is rather positive. It is not necessary to sharply define each role. I reckon,
whatever role family members take, they should always move in the same direction and pursue
what is best for the family itself.

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