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Measure how long it takes to fill roles

1 Time-to-Fill essential to innovation, product launch,

etc. Lengthy delays signal skill
(focus on critical roles) shortages or bottlenecks and help you
predict project slowdowns.

Track costs and correlate with new hire

2 Cost-per-Hire performance and retention. A bargain

hire who flames out quickly is
(beyond initial cost) ultimately more expensive. This
informs recruitment strategy

Performance, retention, and promotion

3 Quality of Hire rates are essential, but which matters

MOST? For sales roles, it might be
(defined by your needs) revenue generated; for customer
service, it might be satisfaction ratings.

Revenue per This is powerful where applicable, but

even qualitative versions are helpful—
Employee track output per employee post-
training or process improvement to
(or adapted version) justify your investment.
Look for dips in specific teams before
turnover spikes occur. Is it workload,
Engagement management change, or lack of
development? Allowing proactive
(as an early indicator) intervention, saving replacement costs.

Skills Analyze the strategic plan alongside

the skills of your current workforce. It
Inventory will expose critical gaps well before you
need to hire quickly, allowing for
(future-focused) upskilling or targeted recruitment.

Did the sales training boost

7 Training ROI conversions? Did the leadership

program improve manager retention?
(specific to goals) This links development dollars directly
to business objectives.

Are employees seeing growth paths or
all external hires? Low rates are a red
Promotion Rate flag for morale and limit your bench
strength, leading to costly panic hires.
(as a signal)
Diversity Are certain groups underrepresented

at higher levels? Is pay equity an issue?
Metrics Targeted data reveals where action is
needed, not just general statements of
(specific to disparities) intent.

Is it primarily new hires (fix

10 Turnover Rate onboarding!) or people at the 2-year

mark (lack of development?)? It
(by cause, not just overall) focuses on solutions to the root
problem, saving time and money.

See if it's clustered in certain teams or
Absenteeism after specific events (e.g., new software
rollout). It helps you understand if it's
(beyond the overall rate) burnout, poor tools, or a health issue.

Employee Strong referrals indicate a positive

brand. But track the performance of
Referral Rate referred hires, too—if they're duds, it
highlights a deeper cultural problem,
(Quality Matters, Too) not just a numbers game.

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