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Instrumentation & Name: Ma. Allaysa S.

De Jesus
Clinical Glassware Yr. & Sec.: MT 3D
Date Submitted: August 19,
Chemistry I Activity No. 1 2021

Instructions: Supply the information asked in the table below.

Function/Used in Clinical
I. Instruments Picture
Chemistry Laboratory
1. Beaker Useful as a reaction container or
to hold liquid or solid samples.
They are also commonly used as
a vessel to dilute concentrated
chemicals, catch products during
an experiment, or make buffers.
Lastly, it has a flat bottom and
straight sides and an opening as
wide as the base with a small
spout in
the lip.

2. Test tube A glass tube with an open

rounded end and it is used to
hold small samples. They are
usually used in qualitative and
comparison assessment.

3. Test tube rack It holds the test tubes which

contains the chemicals that are
being examined.

4. Volumetric flask Used to measure precise

volumes of liquid or to make
precise dilutions. This flask has
round lower portion, flat bottom
and a long thin neck. They are
used to bring a reagent to its
final volume.

5. Graduated cylinder Used for measurement of an

amount of liquid. They are long,
cylindrical tubes with an
octagonal or round base to hold
it upright. It has calibration
marks in its length that are used
to measure volume of liquids.

6. Pipettes Are used to dispense and/or
transfer quantities of liquids.
There are three types of pipettes
that are commonly used in the
laboratory, namely:Serological,
Volumetric, and Micro pipettes.
Serological pipettes are used for
transferring milliliter volumes of
liquid while Volumetric pipettes
are used to transfer a specific
measured amount of liquid
material from one container to
another. On the other hand, a
micropipette is used to
accurately and precisely transfer
volumes of liquid in
the microliter range.

7. Aspirator It is used to pump the remaining

fluids in a pipette to be a able to
transfer the exact volume of
liquid in another container.

8. Centrifuge It is typically used to separate

the serum or plasma from the
blood cells of blood samples. It
is also used in separation of
supernatant from the precipitates
in an analytic reaction.
Basically, it used for separation.

9. Centrifuge tube It can be either made of glass or

plastic used to hold liquid
mixtures which contains solid
particles to be able to separate in
the centrifuge

10. Water bath It is used for the incubation of

samples at a constant
temperature. They are also used
for warming of reagent,
substrates melting or cell
cultures in incubation for a
chemical reaction to occur.

11. Spectrophotometer It is for measuring the light
transmitted in a solution to be
able to identify the
concentration of a light
absorbing substance in a

12. Cuvette It can be either made from glass,

plastic or optical-grade quarts
used to contain samples for
spectroscopic analysis. In
addition, plastic cuvettes have
the advantage of being less
expensive and disposable and
are commonly used in fast
spectroscopic assays.

Questions for Research

1. Differentiate air displacement pipets from positive-displacement pipettes.
The air-displacement pipette would rely on a piston in creating a suction in drawing the
sample into a disposable tip that must be change after every used. The piston would not be in
contact with the liquid. In addition, this type of pipette is highly accurate for standard pipetting
applications. Although, atmospheric pressure and temperature, as well as the viscosity and specific
gravity of the solution, can affect the performance of air displacement pipettes. On the other hand,
positive-displacement pipette would operate by moving the piston in the tip or barrel of the
pipette, similar to a hypodermic syringe and the disposal of the tip is not required. Furthermore,
this type of pipette is based on direct contact of the piston with the liquid. The aspirated liquid
amount depends on the dimensions of the cylinder or capillary and the movement distance of the
piston. Lastly, in positive-displacement pipettes the tips contain both the cylinder/capillary and the

2. Explain the working principle of the spectrophotometer in your own words.

Spectrophotometer is an instrument used to be able to measure the concentration of an
analyte present in a solution by calculating the light transmitted. A light from the light source will
pass in the entrance slit to the monochromator which would isolate the light in a certain
wavelength in the spectrum for the analyte that is being calculated. The light then from the
monochromator would passed the exit slit then strike the cuvette where the sample is held. Some
light would be absorbed by the analytes and some would be transmitted and would be detected by
the photodetector which would convert the light to a current and would be read and shown in the

3. Differentiate the following glass wares used in the laboratory.

a. Borosilicate glass
b. Alumina-Silicate glass
c. Low Actinic glass
d. Corning Boron Free glass

114330000000012806 First, borosilicate glass is the most common type of volume measuring glassware. It is
2022-08-23 19:54:59 described with high degree of thermal resistance, low alkali content and is free from any
magnesium-lime-zinc elements, heave metals, arsenic and antimony. While an alumina-silicate
Points for improvement: Includeglass arethesix times stronger than the borosilicate glass and would outlast conventional glassware by
relationship of the light absorbance,
They also resists clouding and scratching better. On the other hand, low actinic glass is
transmittance and the concentration
high thermal of the
resistance kind of glass which is amber or red in color that is adjusted to allow
analyte of interest being tested in your
adequate visibility of the content but also give maximum protection to light-sensitive materials.
biological sample. The explanation
Also, theyof areBeer's
usually used to store control and reagents. Lastly, corning boron free glass is made
Law is lacking. up of silicon dioxide, calcium oxide, aluminium oxide and magnesium oxide. It has no fluorine,
sulfate or titania.

Bishop, M. L., Fody, E. P., Schoeff, L. E., (2018). Clinical Chemistry: Principles and
Procedures, Boston: Little Brown, 8th edition. Wolters Kluwer
McPherson, R. A., Pincus, M. R., (2017). Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by
Labaratory Methods, 23th edition. Elsevier Inc.

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