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Rules of Article in English

Rule no 1

As a general rule, a common noun in the singular

number must take an indefinite article before it.

John killed a snake.

I saw a lion.
I like an apple.

Rule no 2

As a general rule, a common noun in the singular

number must take an indefinite article before it.

John killed a snake.

I saw a lion.
I like an apple.

Rules of Article in English
Rule no 3

'An' is also used before such abbreviations as are pronounced

With a vowel Bound.

An M.A; An LLB; An M.B.B.S; An S.D.O; etc.

Rule no 4

When a common noun in the singular is used to represent a

whole class.

The cow is a useful animal.

The dog is faithful.

Rules of Article in English
Rule no 5

Before the names of Gulfs, Rivers, Seas, Oceans, Ships, Bays,

Groups of Islands, Mountain ranges etc.

The Persian Gulf; The Ganges; The Red Sea; The Indian
Ocean; The Andaman Islands etc.

Rule no 6

Before the names of important buildings.

The Taj Mahal; The Red Fort; The Badshahi Mosque.

Rules of Article in English
Rule no 7

Before the name of Countries and States, if these names

describe the countries.

The U.S.A.; The U.S.S.R.; The U.N.O.; The U.A.R. etc.

Rule no 8

Before the names of scriptures (Holy books), Newspapers,

and Magazines.

The Quran; The Pakistan Times; The Mag; The News; The
Nation etc.

Rules of Article in English
Rule no 9

Before the names of Nationalities, Communities, Institutions,

Religious Groups, Political Parties etc.

The French, The Muslims, The Muslim League, The Hindus,


Rule no 10

Before a proper noun, if it is qualified by some adjective.

The immortal Shakespeare; The great Ceased etc.


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