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Infuse your HR and Talent
Management with the agile
spirit of start-ups!
Startupify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agility, digital mindset and the breakthrough spirit of Start-ups !

Digital technology is disrupting business models, operational

processes and talent engagement, and fundamentally
transforming the way in which organisations operate.

In this context, a profoundly different HR function

incorporates design thinking and behavioral economics -
social, mobile, analytics, and cloud (SMAC) technologies - to
enhance employee experiences and increase the value they
bring to organisations.

STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

Expectations of HR and Talent Management are evolving

Many research studies have confirmed how important HR and Talent

Management functions are to the CEO and the Board of big organisations. It is
well accepted that a deliberate focus on the talent agenda actually contributes
to the sustained success of the organisation.

The HR and Talent Management functions have always been asked to align
and contribute to the strategy of the business. In recent years where change
is the only constant in the global marketplace, these functions are faced with a AGILE
new set of emergent demands to help their organisation remain competitive.

They are being asked to be more AGILE, USER-CENTRED, DIGITAL,


In summary, they are expected to be SIMPLE


as nimble in their operations as start- X



HR and


STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

The different roles of HR and Talent Management going forward

HR and Talent Management professionals Trusted advisor Delivery champion Experience designer
are being asked to play multiple roles to To be the trusted To carry on moving To pick up and use
meet the expectations of the changing advisor to business the needle on efficient design thinking at the
workforce and business leaders. Some leaders and managers, and effective delivery heart of everything
of these roles are evergreen, whereas helping them to, in turn, of core HR and Talent the HR and Talent
some are new and emerging. HR and better perform in their Management processes Management function
Talent Management functions need to own roles as stewards of and programmes to the does. There is a need
fully understand and embrace these new, the people agenda. employees. to be targeted in terms
emerging roles to make a bigger impact of core talent personas,
where it matters. and ensure a fantastic

Data scientist Organisation Engagement architect

A need to use analytics engineer To drive recommitment
to successfully predict To be skilled at designing of employees’ hearts
demand and supply and implementing agile and minds at a time of
of key skills within the organisation structures significant uncertainty
industry, particularly including team based through the use of
given high retirement solutions that are innovation and digital
rates. impactful and scalable. technologies.

Ecosystem curator Culture evangelist Digital pioneer

To be adept at curating To continue to carry the To understand and tap
both the internal and culture flag and partner into emerging digital
external ecosystem of with the leaders to technologies that
talent, especially as the articulate and make the can enable efficient
gig workforce becomes desired culture in the and effective delivery
a reality. organisation very real. of strategies and


STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

HR and Talent Management teams have an important choice

to make

Evidence-based End user-centred Programme adoption-focused Agile

Digital mindset Experimental Seamless user interface Integrated experience

Disjointed experience Siloed processes and Programme

Analog Program 'roll out' focused
Best Practices-oriented Slow
Complex to navigate

Which track are you on?

STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

STARTUP-ify your HR and Talent Management: Lab and sprint

How can you and your HR and Talent Management team think and operate like a nimble start-up?

STARTUP-ify your HR and Talent

Management: Lab and sprint approach
Led by the Deloitte Human Capital Consulting
team, this approach is designed to bring the

best of “start-up thinking”, using a powerful Rapid Discovery The STARTUP-ify Lab 45-60 Days The Activation Lab
combination of user orientation, agility, Experiments Sprint
design thinking and experimentation.
Current-state assessment Delivery of a 2 to 3 days STARTUP-ify lab Participants come back
This unique lab and sprint approach helps through a combination day highly experiential participants to conduct together for a 1 day
HR and Talent Management teams attack of leadership interviews and outcome focused experiments and user Activation lab session to
challenging problems in a fundamentally new and focus groups with STARTUP-ify lab session testing sessions focused consolidate lessons learnt
and provocative way, using methods such as employees across with HR and Talent on getting agile and rapid from the experiments
agile thinking, focus on end-user experience, functions and levels. Management and feedback. and prepare to launch
experimenting and rapid prototyping. business leaders. new/refreshed initiatives.

The result
By learning and experiencing how to apply •• Interviews and focus •• Launch of multiple •• Multiple user testing •• Kickstart new/refresher
“start-up like” concepts to quickly solve group key themes “experiments” labs initiatives

longstanding talent challenges, you will be •• High-level hypothesis of •• Refresh of the •• Socialisation with key •• A brand new approach
able to do in days what has previously taken the current state of HR organisation’s HR and business stakeholders to HR and Talent
weeks, even months. You will: and Talent Management Talent Management •• Practice of key Management
–– be able to disrupt linear and legacy thinking issues and framework agenda capabilities picked up
to reveal new possibilities and incite •• Must-win talent during the STARTUP-ify
productive action. “personas” lab
–– have completely different frames of •• Renewed HR and Talent
reference, refreshed initiatives, rejuvenated Management narrative
team energy and ultimately, a significant
higher Return of Investment (ROI).

STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

An experience like never before for HR

and Talent Management teams Day 2: Momentum
- How do we launch the experiments?
- How do we engage the right people?
- How do we create rapid adoption and activation?

The high pace STARTUP-ify Lab is structured into

six zones that help drive discussions and decisions. Prototype Day 2: Prototype
- How do we prototype the vital few?
These zones are physically carved out with the lab
premises and participants move from one zone to
another during the session. Each zone has specific
Day 2: Challenge
operating questions, experiential activities and - What are the vital few things that we
distinct outcomes. want to make a 10X impact on?

Day 1:
- What are the talent personas
in the organisation?
- Who are they and what are
they concerned about?
- What excites them?
Day 1: Quest
- What do we want to be
- What is our guiding
- What do we want to HR
- What do we want to
be world class in?
Day 1: Brand
- What will HR and Talent Management
in our organisation be known for?
- What will be our brand?

STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

Built on anchor concepts to motivate “start-up thinking”

Experiments – Innovators and start-ups prefer Hackathon – Non-traditional and sprint-like,

From the overall
to structure experiments as a way to answer a hackathon is an event where HR and Talent
narrative to the physical critical questions and gather key learnings Management participants co-design initiatives
venue of the lab, there is before they plunge into expensive design and or review effectiveness of existing products to
a lot that is distinct about launch efforts. create more “on-point” solutions in a constrained
the STARTUP-ify your HR amount of time.
and Talent Management: The STARTUP-ify lab and sprint approach uses
Lab and sprint approach. the construct of experiments where the HR and This approach to problem solving allows for cut-
Talent Management teams test out potential down time to develop and market HR and Talent
This approach is built solution designs with end users. Management offerings, and paves the way for
on anchor concepts rapid and smoother implementation.
Personas – As representations of end users of
developed from the
HR and Talent Management solutions, personas Digital mindset – Adopting a digital mindset
start-up ecosystem, and
are useful in helping to understand the specific means to adopt a set of behavioural and
incorporates methods in customer needs and desires to guide decisions attitudinal approaches that enable individuals
areas such as innovation, HR about HR and Talent Management processes and organisations to see the possibilities of the
design thinking and and policies. digital era, and to use its affordances to design
service design. workplaces that are more human-centered,
This helps HR and Talent Management purpose-driven and connected.
practitioners ground their thinking on the end
user, rather than on the features of what they
design and launch.

Rapid prototyping – This is a robust solution HR business model canvas – This is used to
model development and technique in which visualise how organisations create value. This
participants develop and test the not-yet-perfect concept is also used to articulate how HR and
product for actual launch to customers through Talent Management creates value, and for whom.
a fast, iterative testing cycle.
When Talent Management products are
reframed within this logic of product
development, it will become clear that the right
approach is one that is quick-reacting and

STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

Applicable across multiple contexts

STARTUP-ify your HR and Talent

New demand Overwhelmed by new and Management: Lab and sprint approach
emerging demands? is an experience that HR and Talent
Management teams can deploy across a
Changing Demanding number of different organisational and
business HR/Talent
and talent Management Sl
em ippi
environmental contexts.
context customers and users en plo ng
ga y
an gem ee
dr e
att isin nt
ion g

Annual HR and Refresh and

Talent reboot of
Management traditional ways
planning of doing things

Quest to
y of
al wa become more
Norm ings not agile/digital/
doing g results disruptive
yieldin HR and
with the status

STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

Key features of STARTUP-ify your HR and Talent Management:

Lab and sprint approach

User-centric design
Dynamic environment
Not only do we design the approach with the HR
We combine dynamic room configurations,
and Talent Management teams in mind, we also
interactive activities and visuals to create a
design the approach alongside you. We engage and
conducive space that encourages exploration and
weave in your voices before, during, and after the
stimulates perspectives.
lab session.

Drawing on data
Emphasis on action
Content is rooted in data, analysis and research
We harness the power of design thinking through
that we compile, develop and customise based on
activities that extract your knowledge and
your organisation's specific needs.
creativity to develop and test solutions quickly.

Expert facilitation
Experienced facilitators with expertise in Human
Capital, Digital and Innovation will lead in the
design and delivery of the approach. This multi-
disciplinary experience is vital for strong outcomes.

STARTUP-ify your HR | Infuse your HR and Talent Management with the agile spirit of start-ups!

Contact the Deloitte Southeast Asia Human Capital team

to STARTUP-ify your HR and Talent Management efforts:

Pushp Deep Gupta Rukhsana Pervez

Executive Director Senior Manager

Malaysia and Thailand

Mark Maclean
Southeast Asia
Human Capital Leader


Pushp Deep Gupta Adrian Ole Muhammad Adnan Akshat Joshi

Executive Director Director Director Senior Manager
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About Deloitte Southeast Asia

Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd – a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited comprising Deloitte practices
operating in Brunei, Cambodia, Guam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
and Vietnam – was established to deliver measurable value to the particular demands of increasingly intra-
regional and fast growing companies and enterprises.

Comprising 290 partners and over 7,400 professionals in 25 office locations, the subsidiaries and affiliates of
Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd combine their technical expertise and deep industry knowledge to deliver consistent
high quality services to companies in the region.

All services are provided through the individual country practices, their subsidiaries and affiliates which are
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This communication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its
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© 2017 Deloitte Consulting Pte. Ltd

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