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9th Chemistry Total marks = 25

Q No # 1: Mark the correct answers of the following. (5×1=5)

1. The atomic number of Nitrogen is.
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
2. The thickness of gold leaf used in Rutherford’s experiment is.
(a) 0.004cm (b) 0.00004 cm (c) 0.4 cm (d) 0.0033 cm
3. According to Bohr’s atomic model, each shell has.
(a) Variable energy (b) fixed energy (c) no energy (d) none of these
4. How many sub-shell are there in atoms?
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d)
5. According to Rutherford, the atom should produce ____________ spectrum.
(a) Line (b) continuous (c) both (d) no spectrum
Q No # 2: Write short answers of the following questions. (5×2=10)
1. Write down the defects of Rutherford’s atomic model.
2. Define Bohr’s atomic model.
3. What is meant by electronic configuration?
4. Write down the electronic configuration of Aluminium.
5. Write down any two points of experiment of Rutherford’s experiment.
Q No # 3: Write detailed answers of the following questions. (6+4=10)
1. Write the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.
2. Write down any four results of Rutherford’s experiment.

10th Chemistry
Q No # 1: Mark the correct answers of the following. (5×1=5)
1. Forward reaction is.
(a) Left to right (b) right to left (c) to both sides (d) none
2. H2 and I2 combine to make.
(a) 2HI (b) 3HI (c) HI2 (d) 2HI2
3. Static equilibrium state is where the reaction _________.
(a) continue (b) stops (c) completes (d) does not start
4. In reversible reaction, the reaction ____________.
a. Complete (b) continuous (c) end (d) none of these
5. In Law of mass action, the value of ________ is found.
a. Kc (b) Kb (c) Rr (d) Rf
Q No # 2: Write short answers of the following questions. (5×2=10)
1. Define irreversible reaction.
2. What do you mean by dynamic equilibrium state?
3. Define law of mass action. Also write down its final equation.
4. Write down any two points of backward reaction.
5. When and who derived the law of mass action?
Q No # 3: Write detailed answers of the following questions. (2×5=10)
(a) Write a note macroscopic properties of dynamic equilibrium.
(b) Write down the difference between reversible and irreversible

10th Biology
Q No # 1: Mark the correct answers of the following. (5×1=5)
1.Cellular respiration is carried on _________ level.
(a) organ (b)cell (c) tissue (d) organ system
1. The pores present in the bark of plants for respiration are.
(a) Stomata (b) lenticels (c) nuclear pores (d) holes
2. ___________ covers the alveoli.
(a) Arteries (b) capillaries (c) veins (d) none
3. Length of trachea is ____________.
(a) 12mm (b) 12cm (c) 12dm (d) 12m
4. A muscular layer present under the lungs, helps in breathing is called ___________.
(a) Intestine (b) diaphragm (c) pancreas (d) gall bladder
Q No # 2: Write short answers of the following questions. (5×2=10)
1. Why breathing is not known as respiration?
2. What is the function of hair in nasal cavity?
3. Write down the function of c-shaped cartilages present in trachea.
4. Define lung.
5. How would you define larynx?
Q No # 3: Write detailed answers of the following questions. (6+4=10)
(a) Write a note on Air passage way in human.
(b) Describe the mechanism of gaseous exchange in plants in day and night time.

9th Biology
Q No # 1: Mark the correct answers of the following. (5×1=5)
1.Binomial nomenclature consists of _________ names.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d)5 a specie, the members are __________.
(a) different (b) same (c) mixed (d) none
3. Virus is classified in _________ kingdom.
(a) monera (b) plantae (c) animalia (d) none
4.Plant viruses have ________ in them.
(a) Only RNA (b) only DNA (c) both (d) none
5.Animal viruses have _________ in them.
(a) Only RNA (b) only DNA (c) either RNA or DNA (d) none

Q No # 2: Write short answers of the following questions. (5×2=10)

1. Write down any two rules of binomial nomenclature.
2. Define specie with an example.
3. Write the scientific names of “crow” and “human”.
4. What is meant by endangered specie?
5. What do you mean by deforestation?
Q No # 3: Write detailed answers of the following questions. (2×5=10)
(a) Write a note on the rules of binomial nomenclature.
(b) Describe the causes and effects of deforestation.

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