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19 May 2023

Ref: Michael Kirby

To whom it may concern,

I have known Michael Kirby for over 10 years since he first became involved as a leader on some youth programmes I
ran for the Diocese of Limerick. I worked in that post for nearly 20 years and ran residential programmes and
pilgrimages for young people from across Limerick city and county. Michael was firstly involved as a leader on ANOIS;
a youth leadership programme with Transition Year students and as a participant and leader on the Lourdes Youth

As a leader on ANOIS, Michael ran workshops, led activities and facilitated discussions and games. It was evident
immediately that Michael is a natural teacher, kind, patient, approachable and down to earth. He gelled with the
other leaders and made learning fun for the students. Following on from ANOIS, Michael stayed connected with the
Diocese as a volunteer leader and became a member of the Lourdes Leadership Team.

He helped to plan and prepare pilgrimages, where 100 young people travelled to Lourdes as workers with assisted
pilgrims. These trips are exhausting and require a lot from the leaders, early mornings, late nights, supervision,
problem solving, logistics, dealing with young people who are homesick, emotional, and out of their depth at times.
Michael took it all in his stride, bringing a natural optimism and positivity to everything.

Unlike many leaders who naturally move on after college etc, Michael stayed connected to the Diocese as an active
leader for 10 years. Even at times when he was living outside of Ireland he kept his vetting up to date so that he could
help out when he was home. In terms of a character reference, I’m not sure that I could adequately sum him up in
one page. He is a proud Limerick man and a passionate rugby supporter. He loves the Irish language and history, is
very committed to local issues and he has always been a strong advocate of youth voice, engagement and

The most admirable quality he possesses though is his kind and caring nature. He is understanding and thoughtful
and puts so much energy and effort into everything he does. He is also extremely trustworthy and reliable. His loyalty
to the Diocesan youth ministry over the years came as a result of his own experience. He wanted young people to
feel valued, supported and connected. Community and a sense of belonging are values that he carries within him and
tries to impart to the young people he encounters. I believe he would be an excellent addition to any school staff, as
a teacher, as a mentor and as an advocate for young people. I have no hesitation in recommending him for this post.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Aoife Walsh – Youth and Community Engagement Worker, Jigsaw Limerick

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