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The Brain Made of Metal

● Artificial Intelligence / AI for short, is the ability of machines

to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence,
such as reasoning, thought, learning, decision making,
performing, and creating. ​
● But are AI actually intelligent? Due of the fact that we
programmed it to perform specific tasks, no. But despite
that, they're usually much better than us in a lot of fields
(such as science, math, chess, face recognition, etc.). For
example, AI is used to help surgeons improve detection
analysis for tumors, as well as certain cancers like skin
● So does that mean that AI could have a mind of its own?
According to Elon Musk, the CEO and founder of SpaceX,
and Tesla, "The issue--" he asserts, "is not that AI will
develop a will of its own and take over in some kind of
Science-Fiction Terminator-like scenario. Instead, I believe
that AI apps and gadgets could have a benign intent
stemming from the fact that it was created, programmed
and directed by us humans".​
● We will show you the current era's AI's technological
abilities: ​
● ChatGPT: Famous for its ability to chat with its user
like a normal person, create images, write poems and
songs, answer questions that usually require human
intelligence (e.g. ethics), etc. ​
● DALL•E: The group who made ChatGPT (OpenAI)
also created this, which is able to create a detailed
image by simply giving it a single prompt (like "An
elephant wearing a suit in a city")​

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