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Electron & proton both

have same charge

Electron (Negative
charge), ߚ

Proton (Positive
Charge) , ߙ

Neutron (have no
charge), ߛ

Positive ion : hLb GKwU an atom lose electron & Negative Ion : when an atom gains Electron. Avi
GB Electrostatic gvcvi †QvU GKK n‡jv Kzj¤^|

Current, Risestance, Voltage

Current : The rate of flow of charge. Gi GKK n‡jv Ampere. Z‡e GK Ampere GK Coulomb G mgvb|

‡Kvb gva¨‡g 2 wgwb‡U 3 A¨vw¤úqvi cÖevwnZ n‡j, PvR© Q = I ൈ t or, 3 ൈ 120s = 360 Coulomb

Voltage : Potential diference between two points. V = , W = energy & Q = charge

Resistance : Collisions between charge carriers and atoms pf materials. this unit is Ohm (Ωሻ


Ohm’s Law (V = I ൈ R)
Current +

Battery Resistor (Load) Potential

(Source) difference,V

Q : 0.1A & 220 Ω what’s voltag drop?

V = I ൈ R or, 0.1 ൈ 220 = 22v

Q : 18Ω, 12v battery, What’s current flow?

௏ ଵଶ
I= or, = 2.4A
ோ ଵ଼

Power & Energy :

Power is the rate at which energy is converted form one form to another form. It measure in

Power , P = watts, W = energy; t for time .GmKj wnmve memgq †m‡K‡Û KvD›U Kiv nq| Z‡e wnmve

myweav‡_© N›Uvq Kiv nq|

Energy, w = (P ൈ t) jule

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