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Sources for performance task.

Source #1
This excerpt is from Stephen Curry: The Inspiring Story of One of Basketball's Sharpest
Shooters. It is about Stephen Curry’s time in college and his early career.

Stephen Curry: The Inspiring Story of One

of Basketball's Sharpest Shooters
by Clayton Geoffreys

The first game was played against Gonzaga. The team

was losing by as many as eleven points at the start of
the second half, but Curry put on a heroic performance
managing to score thirty points in the second half. This
gave the Wildcats their first win in an NCAA
tournament since 1969. Something similar happened in
the second round as well. Curry was limited to five
points in the first half against heavy favorites
Georgetown and his team was trailing by seventeen
points at one point. Curry managed to score twenty-five
points in the second half helping his team advance to
the next round. Georgetown was the second-seeded team
in the nation that year. The whole nation noticed
Curry’s talent as the Wildcats lost to the top-seeded
Kansas Jayhawks after winning another battle versus
third-seeded Wisconsin. Curry managed to break several records in the process including
most three-pointers in a season and joined an elite group of players to score more than
30 points in their first four games of an NCAA tournament. Stephen Curry made sure
that Davidson’s name would not be forgotten in the near future with his performances
over his three years there. Now Curry has transferred his work ethic attitude towards
the game and personal values into his NBA career. The future looks bright for Steph
Curry at the age of twenty-five as he has already left a significant legacy at Davidson
College and in the NBA as well. The holder of the record for total three-pointers made in
a regular season in the NBA and in the NCAA has a very optimistic future ahead of him.
Steph Curry is emerging as one of the greatest point guards of the modern era. It will be
exciting to see years from now how he will go down in the record books.

Excerpt from Stephen Curry: The Inspiring Story of One of Basketball's Sharpest Shooters
by Clayton Geoffreys. Copyright © 2014 by Clayton Geoffreys.

a creative classroom
Source #2
This quote is from Stephen Curry during his MVP acceptance speech. In his speech, he
talks about what this award means to him.

MVP Acceptance Speech

by Stephen Curry

“This hasn’t sunk in at all. I’m on cloud nine for sure. We’re in the middle of a playoff
run, and that’s that most important thing. But today’s a celebration for sure, and I want
to take the time to really appreciate what this means, and that’s why we’re here. So I’ll
try to explain how I feel the best I can just bear with me…”

“…Make sure you live in the moment and work (hard) every single day, and I hope I
inspire people all around the world to just be themselves, be humble, and be grateful for
all the blessings in your life. I’m truly honored to be your MVP this year. Thank you very

Quote from Stephen Curry’s 2014-2015 NBA MVP Acceptance Speech

Source #3
This blog post sums up Curry’s success and positive attitude after Golden State won the
2015 NBA finals.

Warriors Win!

Stephen Curry was seen by many as the underdog in the 2015 NBA finals. Despite all
the talk and comparison to Lebron James and his strong talent, Curry continued to work
his hardest. "It's all about winning," Curry said. "Stats really don't matter. I mean, guys
have great series and all that and people take notice and take their place in history with
those stats and all that stuff. But at the end of the day, it's all about winning and what
you can do to help your team get to that point." With this team attitude, Curry led the
Golden State Warriors to win the 2015 NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers 4-2,
proving to his audience that if you set your mind to something nothing can stand in your

Warriors Win Blog Post 2015 by A Creative Classroom

a creative classroom
Stephen Curry has had many successes in his basketball career so far. Provide two
pieces of evidence from different sources that support this claim. Explain how each
example supports the claim. Make sure to cite evidence identifying the source by title or

Stephen curry has had many successes in the NBA Because he won MPV for a whole year. The text states “ Stephan curry was
seen by many as the underdog in the 2015 NBA nals”By worriers win blog post. As you can see by my evidence, Stephan curry
didn’t care about what other people thought about him and went into the game with a good mindset. For example, “It's all about
winning," Curry said. "Stats really don't matter. I mean, guys have great series and all that and people take notice and take their
place in history with those stats and all that stu . But at the end of the day, it's all about winning and what you can do to help your
team get to that point”. The fact clearly indicates that nobody can be better that Stephan Curry at having the most positive mindset.


a creative classroom
Explain how the sources support the idea that Stephen Curry is a hard worker. Cite
evidence from at least two sources and identify the source by title or number.

Source three states “It's all about winning," Curry said. "Stats really don't matter. I mean, guys have great series and all that and people
take notice and take their place in history with those stats and all that stu . But at the end of the day, it's all about winning and what you
can do to help your team get to that point." With this team attitude, Curry led the Golden State Warriors to win the 2015 NBA Finals
against the Cleveland Cavaliers 4-2, proving to his audience that if you set your mind to something nothing can stand in your way”.

Source one states “The team was losing by as many as eleven points at the start of the second half, but Curry put on a heroic
performance managing to score thirty points in the second half. This gave the Wildcats their rst win in an NCAA tournament since


a creative classroom

Check the boxes that show the claim(s) that each source supports. Some sources may
have more than one box checked.

Source#1: Source#2: Source#3:

Book Excerpt Quote Blog Post
Stephen MVP Warriors
Curry: The Acceptance Win
Inspiring Speech
Stephen Curry
holds NCAA
success is due
to his hard
Stephen Curry
is a positive
role model.

a creative classroom
Stephen Curry Performance Task
Part 1 Answer Key

Key Elements:

1. Responses will vary but should include two of the following

sources, cited, and explained. Responses also need to discuss
specific examples of Curry’s success and explain how the sources
they cite support this claim.

Source#1 (Stephen Curry: The Inspiring Story )

- Curry put on a heroic performance managing to score thirty points in
the second half. This gave the Wildcats their first win in an NCAA
tournament since 1969.
-The holder of the record for total three-pointers made in a regular
season in the NBA and in the NCAA
Source#2 (MVP Acceptance Speech)
-I’m truly honored to be your MVP this year.
Source#3 (Warriors Win)
-With this team attitude, Curry led the Golden State Warriors to win the
2015 NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers 4-2, proving to his
audience that if you set your mind to something nothing can stand in
your way.

2. Responses will vary but should include at least two of the

following sources, cited, and explained. Responses also need to
explain using specific examples of how Curry is a hard worker.

Source#1 (Stephen Curry: The Inspiring Story )

-Now Curry has transferred his work ethic attitude towards the game and
personal values into his NBA career.
Source#2 (MVP Acceptance Speech)
-Make sure you live in the moment and work (hard) every single day, and
I hope I inspire people all around the world to just be themselves, be
humble, and be grateful for all the blessings in your life.
Source#3 (Warriors Win)
-Curry continued to work his hardest.
-With this team attitude, Curry led the Golden State Warriors to win the
2015 NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers 4-2, proving to his
audience that if you set your mind to something nothing can stand in
your way.

a creative classroom
Stephen Curry Performance Task
Part 1 Answer Key


Source#1: Source#2: Source#:

Book Excerpt Quote Blog Post
Stephen MVP Warriors
Curry: The Acceptance Win
Inspiring Speech
Stephen Curry
holds NCAA
success is due
to his hard
Stephen Curry
is a positive
role model.

a creative classroom
Smarter Balanced Question Breakdown

Stephen Curry
Performance Task Part 2

Common Core Standards Type of Question

I can produce
W.6.2, W.7.2, W.8.2 Extended
writing for a Write An Informative Text Response
range of W.6.4, W.7.4, W.8.4
purposes and Produce Clear and
Coherent Writing
W.6.8, W.7.8, W.8.8
Gather Information
RI.6.9, RI.7.9, RI.8.9
Draw Evidence
Name: Date: Class:

Student Directions

Stephen Curry Informative Performance Task

Part 2

Read the sources and take notes. Then plan, draft, revise, and edit your
writing. Please read your assignment below.

Your Assignment:

Now that you had time to research Stephen Curry the editor of the school
newspaper asked you to write an article on him. Your audience is students,
teachers, and parents.

Using more than one source develop a central idea. Once you have your
central idea, pick the most relevant information from more than one source
to support this idea. Then, write a multi-paragraph informative article.
Unless quoting directly from the sources, use your own words. Make sure
you reference title or number when quoting or paraphrasing from the

Remember to plan, write, revise, and edit your final draft.

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Name: Date: Class:
Stephen Curry Informative Performance Task

Planning Page

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Name: Date: Class:

Stephen Curry Informative Performance Task

Rough Draft
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Name: Date: Class:

Stephen Curry Informative Performance Task

Final Draft
a creative classroom
Stephen Curry Performance Task
Part 2 Rubric

These rubrics are also available free online by Smarter

Balanced Assessment Consortium

a creative classroom
Stephen Curry Performance Task
Part 2 Rubric

a creative classroom
Performance Task Writing Rubric (Grades 6-11)
Score 4 3 2 1 NS
The response has a clear and The response has an evident The response has an inconsistent The response has little or no Unintelligible
effective organizational structure, organizational structure and a organizational structure, and discernible organizational In a language
creating a sense of unity and sense of completeness, though flaws are evident. The response structure. The response may be other than
completeness. The response is there may be minor flaws and is somewhat sustained and may related to the topic but may English
fully sustained, and consistently some ideas may be loosely have a minor drift in focus: provide little or no focus: Off-topic
and purposefully focused: connected. The response is Copied text
adequately sustained and Off-purpose
generally focused:
controlling or main idea of a controlling or main idea of a controlling or main idea of a controlling or main idea may
topic is clearly topic is clear, and the focus topic may be somewhat be confusing or ambiguous;
communicated, and the focus is mostly maintained for the unclear, or the focus may be response may be too brief or
is strongly maintained for the purpose, audience, and task insufficiently sustained for the focus may drift from the

purpose, audience, and task the purpose, audience, and purpose, audience, or task
consistent use of a variety of adequate use of transitional inconsistent use of few or no transitional
transitional strategies to strategies with some variety transitional strategies and/or strategies are evident
clarify the relationships to clarify the relationships little variety
between and among ideas between and among ideas
effective introduction and adequate introduction and introduction or conclusion, if introduction and/or
conclusion conclusion present, may be weak conclusion may be missing
logical progression of ideas adequate progression of uneven progression of ideas frequent extraneous ideas
from beginning to end; strong ideas from beginning to end; from beginning to end; may be evident; ideas may
connections between and adequate connections and/or formulaic; be randomly ordered or have
among ideas with some between and among ideas inconsistent or unclear an unclear progression
syntactic variety connections between and
among ideas
Performance Task Writing Rubric (Grades 6-11)
Score 4 3 2 1 NS
The response provides thorough The response provides adequate The response provides uneven, The response provides minimal Unintelligible
and convincing support/evidence support/evidence for the cursory support/evidence for the support/evidence for the In a language
for the controlling idea and controlling idea and supporting controlling idea and supporting controlling idea and supporting other than
supporting idea(s) that includes idea(s) that includes the use of idea(s) that includes uneven or idea(s) that includes little or no English
the effective use of sources, facts, sources, facts, and details. The limited use of sources, facts, and use of sources, facts, and details. Off-topic
and details. The response clearly response adequately elaborates details. The response elaborates The response is vague, lacks Copied text
and effectively elaborates ideas, ideas, employing a mix of precise ideas unevenly, using simplistic clarity, or is confusing: Off-purpose
using precise language: and more general language: language:
comprehensive evidence adequate evidence from some evidence from sources evidence from the source

from sources is integrated; sources is integrated; some may be weakly integrated, material is minimal or
references are relevant and references may be general imprecise, or repetitive; irrelevant; references may be
specific references may be vague absent or incorrectly used
effective use of a variety of adequate use of some weak or uneven use of minimal, if any, use of
elaborative techniques* elaborative techniques* elaborative techniques*; elaborative techniques*
development may consist
primarily of source summary
vocabulary is clearly vocabulary is generally vocabulary use is uneven or vocabulary is limited or
appropriate for the audience appropriate for the audience somewhat ineffective for the ineffective for the audience
and purpose and purpose audience and purpose and purpose
effective, appropriate style generally appropriate style is inconsistent or weak attempt little or no evidence of
enhances content evident to create appropriate style appropriate style
*Elaborative techniques may include the use of personal experiences that support the controlling idea.
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