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Topic 1: Diet
Question 1. What do you often have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?
At breakfast, I usually have simple food and so easy to make.
Example: Bread, fried egg, noodle,…
Lunch is different from breakfast, I have healthy and nutritious foods. Sometimes fish, sometimes beef,
pork with vegetable dishes. Because I have a lot of work in the afternoon.
At dinner, I often eat a lot of vegetable and fruits.
Question 2. Do you often eat processed foods?
- Yes, I do..because not all processed foods are unhealthy. Like whole-wheat bread, pasta, fortified
milk, canned beans, and frozen fruits and vegetables…
- No, I think you should not eat processed food at any time. It is harmful to your health, because many
things use to preserve it. Gradually it is harmful to our health, so you should eat fresh and daily cooked
food regularly.
Question 3. Do you like eating fast food?
- Yes, of course. Fast food like McDonalds and Pizza Hut are my favorite. This kind of food tastes
good and more importantly, it’s quick to have and I don’t need to cook. I know that some people think
fast food is unhealthy. But it’s a good option when you are running late and don’t have time to cook.
- To be honest, fast food has never been my cup of tea since they’re all too greasy and full of fat. I
prefer something healthier and more balanced like traditional Vietnamese foods.
- Well, I’d say I don’t either like it or hate it. What I mean is, I don’t hate it because sometimes I still
eat it with my friends when we hang out but it’s not good for my health, so I have to keep it under
Topic 2: Fashion
Question 1. Do you think fashion trends often come back?
Yes, I think so. For example, In the 1970s, bell-bottoms became famous globally, now they are back
and popular with young people
Question 2. Which do you prefer, practical clothes or fashionable ones?
- Clothes and fashions are not really important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are comfortable and
practical rather than fashionable.
- Well, I prefer casual clothes – simple and comfortable.
Question 3. Have your parents ever complained about your style?
- No, they haven’t because I always wear uniforms and casual clothes.
PART 2. SITUATION ( 1 point )
Topic 1: Diet
Suppose you are eating out with your friends this weekend. Which dish would you like to enjoy
1. Bún đậu mắm tôm
2. Beef fried rice
3. Cheese and sausage pasta
I would like to enjoy Bún đậu mắm tôm because the price is reasonable and full of ingredients such as

I wouldn’t choose Beef fried rice because….

Topic 2: Global warming

Imagine you were the president of your country. Which solution would you choose to help solve the
problem of global warming?
1. Switching to solar power
2. Prohibiting cars and motorbikes
3. Increasing tax on fuel
One of the biggest problems facing humans nowadays is global warming. The Earth is heating
up: warmer temperatures are causing changes in climate around the world. If I were the
president of my country, I would Switching to solar power because Solar energy brings us both
very more benefits. One of the biggest advantages is that it is a renewable energy source. Energy
can be produced as the sun lasts forever. Therefore, solar energy can really be called as a long-
term energy source. Furthermore, that is a non- energy source of pollutants such as zero carbon
dioxide or other gases in electricity generation. I wouldn’t Prohibiting cars and motorbikes,
Increasing tax on fuel because I feel it inconvinient and unsuitable for the economic conditions

Write a cause and effect essay about one of the following topics.
1. Obesity
2. Global warming

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