Student Name:: Nadar Jasmine Nallathambi 23: C.R.M: Mrs. Jia Makhija

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Student Name:

nadar jasmine nallathambi

Roll no: 23 Sub: c.r.m Lecturer in charge:

Mrs. Jia makhija

c.r.m assignment
Product strategy Product:

Body wash
Brand name:

Jazz silk
Company name:

Fair o wash .pvt. Ltd

Place: Nariman point

Index Topic

01 02 03 04

Introduction product Pricing Promotion


04 5-8 9-10 11-12

05 06

Distribution Conclusion

13 14

My product is a body wash which is a good substitute to soap, which cleanses the skin deeply, removes dead skin cells and leaves the skin healthy and glowing. My product is a unique product can be used for all the skin types. My product is made for all the gender and age groups. My product is categorized in different groups i.e. for men, women, and childrens and also in income basis. Body wash is made according to their skin types and their requirements and also available in different flavors. The flavors are different for both the groups. For high income groups:

For childrens: strawberry For mens: lemon, aloevera and neem peach. For womens: jasmine, milk cream, lemon, red rose and sandal For low income groups: For childrens: cream For mens: neem peach For womens: turmeric and sandal. All the fragrances are very soothing; rich and make you feel very cool. The body wash also keeps the germ free all day long.

Product strategy
QUALITY: The quality of the product is very good which also involves natural oil, glycerin. Each and every stage of production is done very carefully. The quality is maintained in each and every stage of production. A special total quality management team was formed to check out the quality of the product. All the ingredients regarding the product were imported from different different countries. Each and every ingredient was thoroughly checked. A sample test was taken after completion of the

product and it gave us 100% result, then only we released our product to the market. The product is very eco-friendly made up of 100% natural ingredients. It does not harm the skin can be used for all the types of skin. No harsh chemicals are used. The product can be saved for at least 17 months from the date of packaging. Our product is an authentic and certified product.

As my product is classified into low income and high income group. The quantity also differs for each group, because the low income group cannot afford for more quantity by paying high for the same. So the quantity is less for them and with a minimum charge. So they can afford it easily. As we are also targeting sub-urban areas it will be useful for them. For high income group 1 2 Quantity 250 ml 500ml

3 4

800 ml 1200 ml

High income people can afford in large quantity also, so the quantity starts with 250 ml which is very handy and can be taken any where and about 800 and 1200 ml it is for monthly usage. There are some people who purchase for monthly usage for them it is useful. If the customer buys in a large quantity for him/her it will be advantageous. For low income group 1 2 3 4 Quantity 100ml 200ml 300ml 500ml

For low income group the quantity is less because they cannot afford for more quantity in more price. As my aim is to deliver my goods to low income group also thats why I am offering my product in less quantity and in lower price. I am also making my product available in sachets as key marketing tools for penetrating in sub-urban areas markets.

I have learned that packing attracts the people more to buy the product even it is of less use. My products are having different flavors so the color of the packing will be according to the flavor of the product For e.g. the flavor for childrens is strawberry, then the outer layer packing will be of vibrant pink and white color. By this the flavors can be recognized easily and a picture of it will be printed on the front side. The size of the bottle is very attractive and can be used very easily. The outer layer of the packing is made up of recycled plastic. The packing is eco friendly and does not soil. At the back side of the packing all the information regarding manufacturing of the product is scripted, and at what level the ingredients are used are also given and also method of usage. I am giving more importance to packing to attract more and more customers.

Pricing strategy
There are many players in the market, who are seniors to me. I am giving more importance to urban as well as sub-urban areas. First of all I want to penetrate my product in the market and in the minds of the people so that people can afford it easily. As I am using penetration strategy so at first I will keep my product rate a bit low, so that the customers can buy it easily of all income groups. When the customers will be satisfied with my product completely and demand more and more, then slowly and gradually I will increase my product price. As my product is divided into low and high income group the prices also differs according to the quantity. So my pricing is inter-related with quantity. For low income group Quantity 100ml 200ml

price 25 45

300ml 500ml

65 100

As the quantity is increasing then to the price is at limited level so that even the customer wants to buy more he/she just has to spend a little. For high income group quantity price 250ml 500ml 800ml 70 120 200

1200ml 280

As the prices varies because the flavors are different as compared to the low income groups, and the quantity also so I have set the prices according to the usage, if the person purchase 4 bottles of 70 rupees then it will be loss to him for that he will spend 280 rupees, and if that person purchase 1200ml at rupees 280 then he is getting 200ml extra at the same cost. So the prices varies, mostly the high income group purchase at bulk quantity, so on thinking customers point of view and of organization point of view it is a profitable for me.

Promotional strategy
This is the only way by were we can reach to the people for the starting point. Promotion plays an important role in promoting a new product or else an existing product. To acquire customers and retain the customers, I have decided to promote my product in urban areas and after acquiring the urban areas I will concentrate on sub-urban areas to grab their attentions and to make them aware about my product. I have decided to take certain steps to promote my product they are as follows:

Put hoardings in all the important areas like railway stations, bus stops, near colleges etc. Advertisement in all the prime channels and on radio. Advertisement through home shop 18 and star cj alive with some discounts. Publishing on magazines, newspapers. Sending mails and messages. Distribution of posters and brochures in the prime time.

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. Exhibition of my product

8. I will promote my product in malls with the help of a leading celebrity. To promote my product, I will give offers, gift vouchers and some packages For the first 20 customers at any shop a gift voucher will be given of fashion yatra. First this strategy will be used for urban areas and then the same will be followed for sub-urban areas but in different way by giving some discounts and all and with the help of direct interaction with them. In this way I will promote my product and later on will find out some different strategy to promote. Almost a huge part of amount has been kept aside to promote our product.


Channel of distribution
Distribution plays an important role. Our product has to capture the minds of the people. At the starting point we have now 850 suppliers and a direct coverage of almost all the out lets of Maharashtra and goa and many other places of different countries. To meet the needs of the customer I have set up a distribution network to ensure availability of the product We are transferring the goods from the factory to the company warehouse and from their goods are sent to the distributors on a daily basis and from the distributors the stock goes to the market. We have also appointed sales man to take orders from retail outlet. Even the companys internal agency has been appointed to distribute the goods. I have also set up a boutique in the name of jazz silk in many urban areas and also 5 stores in foreign countries. In important areas like malls and all a separate section has been made for my product in which a sales girl is appointed who will explain the customers about the product.


To sell or market a product a lot of strategy has to be made. Every company has their own strategies to be followed. In this way only I have my own style of strategies to deal with my product. As a owner I know what are the things to be dealt with and how to promote my product and bring it to global level.


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