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This report entails to the detail of the construction of Eithad Towers. They are complex buildings

with five towers in Abu Dhabi. The towers were built with a cost of 2.5 billion Dirhams. In the

region where high standards of construction are known the Jumeriah at Eithad tower is known to

exceed all usual guest expectation. It sets a new bench mark in design, innovation and quality.

Eithad is a unique building built to be the emblematic of the city. This report explores in to the

process of building the specular building meant for it to iconic piece. The 9 knowledge areas of

the project management have been fully applied here. The most imperative ones time, cost,

quality and resource have been most essential handled to achieve the set objectives. Technology

has entered the field to improve the productivity level of the organizations as well as remove if

any error that may arise. The MS project allows to highlight those errors, creating flexibility to

allocate resources and ensuring that the project does not in any way exceed the limits or

constraints drawn. Failure for the project manager arise when he mismanages the given

resources. Therefore, it is important that the manager also plans for the unforeseen mishaps as

well as the expected ones. The project planning should have the margin to meet all these issues

so that nothing is mismanaged or disappointing. The project delivered in an effective manner

speak for themselves with the execution of the performance that has been done. The main project

was divided in to six stages. These six stages of the project have been discussed in depth along

with the challenges and budget constraints that the project manager had to undergo for the

completion of the project as per requirement of the project manager. The complexity of the

design and the extra mile that the organization had to go all have been made a part of this report.

The landform in Abu Dhabi is quite unique and so the construction managers have to keep in

mind the irregularity while drawing out the design and construction map. An Australian

company drew the design of the project. It was necessary for them to design a project that fulfill
the desire of the stakeholder while keeping in mind the practicality of the project idea. It is a

desert based company and building huge structure in the region is not easy although most are

large scale based structures.

Eithad Tower:

This project covers 500,000 square meters of space. The towers have the stories ranging from 53

to 77 stories with the capacity to park 3,200 cars at a time. The tower was designed to be divided

in to different categories of the customers. The upper, middle and lower class of the customer

who can afford a place within the towers. The Etihad tower is also home to art convention

Centre. It makes it a one of a kind place. Every detail was handpicked to achieve the perfection.

After several years of effort the design was approved in the year 2006. A precise control of the

system was infused to ensure that the comfort and ease is provided to the people living and

shopping in the area. Arabian Construction Cooperation is the company who was handed down

the project of completing it. As the tower are very high it was ensured that the firefighting

facility at every floor was made available. Additionally it was also ensured that the building had

central cooling system and proper exits in case of any kind of emergency that may be faced. The

Eithad towers were awarded with the new engineering award of Global Best project. The well-

constructed and planned building has looked out for all odd ends keeping the customer ease as

top priority. The report explore in to all the ways that the organization has applied to ensure that

it is worthy of the award. Multiple software can be used to aid the project management team. MS

project is one of the most preferred software that helps in developing the time line and attaching

the resources and other constraints for the snapshot view of the project. It is one of the very

beneficial and efficient way of doing the modern day projects. The most luxurious hotels of the

Abu Dhabi have the highest tourist attraction and even the natives. The luxuries within the hotel
are one of the kind. The spa are one of the most amazing experiences that one can have. It has

been stressed to ensure that not only hotel design is unique but also the architecture and the

luxury with the hotel are most spectacular. The hotel also offers the facility of gym and

swimming pools. It has conference rooms and private beaches for the customers. This

compliments the elegant construction of the hotel. The uniqueness in everything that it offers has

enabled the hotel sustain despite the tough competition that is being faced by other sky rise

buildings around the world. The hotel offers a variety of cuisines and a load of activities for the

customers that stay here. All these were preplanned by the stakeholders and while building the

luxurious hotel the design was created in a manner to accommodate all of the particular

accessories to its customers. The room for all the activities was required to be designed initially.

The huge number of stories have been solely created for the pupose.


Application of project management has started in all the walks of life. No project can be

completed without an organized approach. Especially a construction project requires the need of

a project manager and a project management team. From the time of designing the organizational

structure to the delivery of the organizational product it is necessary to control and monitor all

stages. It took a number of attempts before the design approval came along for the project. It

further took a lot more time to ensure that the design was perfectly constructible without any

kind of flaw. Somethings look amazing on paper but when practical construction is carried out

some things may not seem viable. Hence it is important to build and analyze a design that is

being constructed. The job of the project manager is to ensure that within the prescribed budget

and time the product is delivered without any hitches. At times cost are running high to meet the

designated time while at others the quality is being compromised to stay within the budget limit.
A good project manager plans, execute and deliver effectively with his astute sense of

experience. A project manager can perform well like in the given case if he is experienced. The

dealing with the masons or the other staff needs one to be well experienced and well versed in

the art.

Results/ Overview:

To conclude the discussion, project management is a step by step approach of organizing any

sort of project. Be it a simple or complex project, it requires planning and organized approach.

The primary challenge of the project management is to achieve all the goals within the given

constraints. A project is a temporary endeavor which has been constructed to deliver a set

objective. Other than the construction project, it can be applied for moving offices, getting a new

software setup or to the extent even planning the wedding. This versatility of the field has made

it attractive for many people to follow down with but also has helped it to be applied in many

areas. A project management application is seen in all walks of life making the journey easier

and more apt to meet the demands of the project and need of hour. Life has become busier and it

is necessary to adopt an organized approach to attain the designated results. It is exemplary field

with measurable results and SMART goals. Despite all the odds and high expectations of the

stakeholders, the company managed to fulfill all areas exceptionally. The project manager of the

project exhibits great skill by depicting his skills as a manager and organizer. He managed to

attain his goals as he organized the task in the orderly manner which is the key to achieving the

goals. Sheikh Suroor project department team played the excellent role of the monitoring and

control during the time of construction as well as the designing of the project. The again and

again analysis at every stage helped to remove any barrier that may be faced by the organization

during the building of the towers. The outclass look of the tower in no manner show that any
flaw occurred during the process of building the project. The project was built on solid clear

understanding between the stake holders and the workers. It is therefore matches all other

skyscrapers that are seen in Abu Dhabi. The quality of the output and satisfaction of the

stakeholders show that the job is well done by the project manager. A project manager’s job is

completed when he has managed to attain the set goals and satisfied his customer.

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