The Wagner Group and Yevgeny Prigozhin: Potential Russian Uses of Paramilitaries in Eurasia

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Potential Russian Uses of Paramilitaries in Eurasia

The authors note that there remains a high degree of Wagner Group in September 2022, but Wagner grew out
uncertainty about the failed Wagner mutiny, including of earlier Russian security outfits and existed before any
what motivated Prigozhin’s actions, the extent of direct evidence of Prigozhin’s first involvement with the
support he had within the Russian regular armed forces group in 2014. Prigozhin had no combat experience and
and government, the circumstances surrounding his was a convicted felon, revealed by court documents to
death, and the political developments that continue have served almost a decade in Soviet prisons for common
to unfold in the aftermath. This paper provides the street robberies and burglaries.10 His rise as a restaurateur,
authors’ best assessments of how the Kremlin may caterer, and ultimately military contractor was facilitated
use either remnants of the Wagner Group or other solely by his relationship to Putin and Putin’s networks,
similar organizations going forward, based on open- beginning when Putin was deputy mayor of St. Petersburg
source reporting at the time of writing. The authors in the early 1990s. This means that any future contractor
underscore, however, the high degree of uncertainty of a semi-state paramilitary group in Russia would almost
surrounding the paper’s judgments. certainly have to come from Putin’s network and operate
under close Kremlin protection.
The Wagner Group and In June 2023, after Prigozhin’s famed mutiny (dis-
Yevgeny Prigozhin cussed below in greater detail), Putin stated that
Wagner’s activities were fully financed by the Russian

he Wagner Group was a semi-state contracting Defense Ministry and state budget.11 Prigozhin claimed
mechanism used by the Russian armed forces for at that time that Wagner’s military activities in Africa
a wide variety of military and security projects.1 were financed out of the profits from his Russian military
It was always strongly connected to Russia’s military catering business, but there is no publicly available
forces and military intelligence agency (known as the evidence to support this claim.12 Instead, the evidence
Main Intelligence Directorate or GRU), and was likely indicates that when serving outside of Ukraine, Wagner
a GRU creation.2 Wagner’s first commander was former was funded by security and natural resource protection
GRU special forces officer Dmitry Utkin, who worked contracts from Russian-supported state ministries in
with the Russian state to deploy the group in eastern Syria, the United Arab Emirates, and Africa (in the case
Ukraine and Syria in 2014 and 2015, and who was of Libya, by the warlord Khalifa Haftar).13 It remains
also killed in the plane crash that killed Prigozhin in unclear what the balance was between Wagner’s ability
August 2023. Wagner’s primary training base, viewable to finance itself and its reliance on Russian state financial
in satellite images since 2015, was adjacent to that of support. Because its fighters were paid on temporary
the GRU’s Spetsnaz 10th Special Mission Brigade in contracts, Wagner was likely less expensive for the
Molkino, Krasnodar.3 (This base was reportedly closed in Russian state to use than regular uniformed forces, even
July 2023.4) Wagner’s deployments in Africa have used to the extent that it was supported by the Russian budget.
Russian military aircraft to transport troops and cargo
through Russia’s Khmeimim airbase in Syria.5 According The Wagner Group’s Uses and Evolution
to the UK Ministry of Defense, Wagner Group and The Wagner Group was an amorphous and adaptable
Russian military activities appeared to be “intertwined” entity, providing services designed to aid Russian state
in various operations, and in some areas Wagner forces foreign policy and security interests along a wide geo-
reinforced Russian military forces.6 These linkages graphic band that starts in Ukraine; traverses Syria,
prompted the U.S. Department of the Treasury to identify Libya, and Mali; and ends in sub-Saharan Africa (see
the Wagner Group as a “designated Russian Ministry of Table 1). While a single 2019 Reuters report stated that
Defense proxy force,” suggesting that the Wagner Group Wagner was also in Venezuela to provide security to
was fulfilling state requests and ultimately under the the Nicolás Maduro regime, a later investigation by a
Russian government’s direction.7 respected independent Russian journalist cast doubt on
While often called a private military corporation this, even while finding that various other Russian armed
(PMC), Wagner never registered as a legal corporate contractors had been on the ground there since 2017.14
entity in Russia.8 Its existence remained technically There has never been any publicly available evidence
illegal and even unconstitutional.9 This means that its that any commercial interests in Latin America are
functioning has been completely reliant on the pro- connected to Prigozhin, further casting doubt on the idea
tection of Vladimir Putin, in a country where the lines that the Wagner Group was there, given the intertwined
between state and private actors are often blurred. pattern of Russian security interests and Prigozhin’s
Prigozhin began calling himself the “founder” of the financial interests elsewhere in the world.

The Wagner Group took on a variety of roles. It working with former GRU representatives in CAR to
has often been used as a relatively unskilled infantry facilitate negotiations between government and rebel
force supporting regular uniformed Russian forces, for forces. His firms waged media and social media political
example in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and 2015, in Syria influence campaigns in Libya, Mali, CAR, and else-
starting in 2015, and as part of Russia’s full-scale war in where to bolster Russia’s reputation, to drive out French
Ukraine in 2022 and through May 2023. In Ukraine it security forces and businesses by playing on historical
worked directly with Russian uniformed forces in the anti-colonialism, and to further the prospects of partic-
2022 seizure of Bucha, including by torturing and killing ular local politicians.19
civilians.15 It also played crucial roles in securing the Prigozhin received state-supported mining and
Russian offensives in the winter and spring of 2023 in petroleum protection contracts in most countries where
Soledar and Bakhmut, largely because of the extraordi- the Wagner Group deployed outside of Ukraine, and
nary number of casualties it was willing to sacrifice in the the group has fought local rebels and other detractors
process—mostly Russian prisoners who were promised to maintain its control over those enterprises. Some of
amnesty for their service with Wagner. these businesses, particularly gold mines in Sudan and
CAR, likely turned a profit.20 Yet outside of Sudan, these
The Wagner Group was an businesses are small-scale compared with Russia’s major
natural resource conglomerates and often serve other
amorphous and adaptable geopolitical purposes for Russia.21 For example, oil and
entity, providing services gas interests in Syria associated with Prigozhin’s Evro
designed to aid Russian state Polis businesses and guarded by Wagner Group forces
were of relatively low value globally and seen by many
foreign policy and security
experts primarily as a mechanism for Russia to gain a
interests along a wide long-term foothold on Syrian territory.22 At least some of
geographic band. these Syrian facilities appear to have been a competitive
pawn between Iran and Russia, used by Moscow in an
The Wagner Group engaged in military training attempt to block Hezbollah pipeline and shipment links
and advising of local military forces virtually every- across the Syrian border to Lebanon.23 Despite many sen-
where it was deployed outside of Ukraine. Sometimes sationalist media claims and Prigozhin’s own statements
(including in eastern Ukraine in 2014–2015, and in the in summer 2023, there is no open-source evidence that
Central African Republic) Wagner Group members petroleum or mineral profits have substantially funded
acted as violent thugs, bullying recalcitrant leaders of Wagner’s other military activities. For example, the
local paramilitary groups or commercial enterprises to revenue from the Wagner Group’s United Arab Emirates
accept Russian dominance and torturing, raping, and gold sales may have been flown straight to Moscow to
killing many civilians in the process.16 In Libya in 2019, help the Russian state evade U.S.-led sanctions on its
the Wagner Group provided highly disciplined rooftop participation in the gold market.
snipers to help warlord Khalifa Haftar in his attempt to One of the original purposes for using the Wagner
seize the capital, Tripoli, and trained Haftar’s forces in Group was to give the Russian state plausible deniability
the use of sophisticated Pantsir S-1 air defense systems. for its foreign activities. In 2016, Russian investigative
It also hired former Syrian rebels to come to Libya as journalist Denis Korotkov published a photograph
supplementary infantry forces. In both the Central of Utkin and several of his colleagues receiving state
African Republic (CAR) and Mali, Wagner provided military medals from Putin in the Kremlin, as well as
palace guards for authoritarian leaders. Where it did convincing evidence that Wagner Group forces killed in
not succeed in establishing sufficient trust with key battle were buried with full military honors.24 Yet, the
officials or population groups, including in Madagascar Russian state continued to deny the Wagner Group’s
and Mozambique, it ultimately failed due to a lack of existence. The key example of this was in February
adequate local intelligence.17 It also failed in Haftar’s 2018, when the Wagner Group led an attack against
drive to capture Tripoli in the face of Turkish drone a gas facility on Kurdish territory in Deir el Zour,
strikes, with atrocities that included leaving behind Syria. Kurdish forces there were backed by the United
improvised explosive devices in the homes of civilians States, which used its military deconfliction line with
who had fled the fighting.18 Prigozhin also helped foreign the Russian command in Syria to attempt to forestall
leaders with non-military activities, for example by violence, after a series of what appeared to be Russian

Potential Russian Uses of Paramilitaries in Eurasia

military tests of U.S. readiness.25 Russian commanders grew more than 5,000 percent between 2019 and late
disavowed the 500 Wagner-led forces, who suffered 2022.29 In 2021, Prigozhin-linked firms produced three
heavy casualties from U.S. air and helicopter strikes in an action movies for both Russian and African audiences
hours-long battle. That marked the beginning of the end lauding the adventures of a Wagner-like group.30 By
of plausible deniability, as it led the Russian legislature, July 2022, after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion
the Duma, to discuss these events openly and Putin to of Ukraine, Wagner began openly recruiting on Russian
take a question about Wagner in his scripted December billboards.31 (These were taken down after Prigozhin’s
2018 press conference.26 Global investigative journalists mutiny.) Prigozhin continued to deny his affiliation
also began to focus intensively on Wagner activities. with the Wagner Group, taking legal action against
While Russia continued to deny its relationship to the those suggesting he was connected to it.32 However, in
Wagner Group, the international plausibility of these summer 2022, he was filmed recruiting prisoners to go
denials vanished.27 The one venue where international to the Ukrainian front in exchange for amnesty after six
deniability continued to matter was the United Nations, months of service. Such recruitment would have been
where Russia used its permanent seat on the U.N. impossible without the direct backing of the Kremlin.33
Security Council to impede the work of expert sanctions Wagner also began openly recruiting foreigners,
panels that tied Russia to illegal Wagner Group activities including Central Asian prisoners and labor migrants in
in CAR and Libya.28 Beyond those U.N. activities, denials Russia and through Serbian-language videos in Serbia.34
may have mattered most to the home audience in Russia, This undoubtedly undercut force readiness because
especially those in Putin’s base who received most of newly recruited Wagner Group forces were mostly
their news from state television. By maintaining distance inexperienced, with only a few weeks of training under
from Wagner Group activities and portraying them as their belts.35
private money-making operations, the Kremlin could Finally in December 2022, the group erected a
gain military victories, influence, and control in far-flung building in St. Petersburg displaying a huge “ChVK
countries in the Middle East and Africa, while ensuring Wagner” (PMC Wagner) logo. The building was claimed
most Russian citizens did not care about resulting to be various things including an administrative head-
Russian casualties. quarters, a think tank, and a high-tech innovation
Yet with time the Wagner Group became increasingly center.36 (Again, after the mutiny, these offices were
public about its activities, including its recruitment closed and the building logos removed.) In April 2023,
strategies. The PMC Wagner-Military Review group the Duma adopted a law that would grant veteran status
on Russia’s popular VKontakte social media site began to select personnel from private military corporations or
recruiting online in 2018, and the site’s membership other such organizations, including the Wagner Group.37


Location Dates Probable Purposes of Wagner Group Deployments

Eastern 2014–2015 ƒ Intimidated and committed violence against local Kremlin rivals and independent Cossacks
Ukraine ƒ Augmented combat infantry of Russian and Russian-backed local forces against national
ƒ Possibly participated in special forces seizure of Crimea (little evidence)
Syria 2015– ƒ Augmented combat infantry of Russian and Russian-backed national forces against rebels
present ƒ Seized oil and natural gas fields from rebels
ƒ Attempted (and failed) to seize natural gas installations from U.S.-backed, non-rebel Kurds
ƒ Guarded oil and natural gas fields in return for a cut of the profits
ƒ Recruited local former rebels to fight elsewhere on Moscow’s behalf (Libya)


Sudan 2017– ƒ Guarded gold mines in return for a cut of the profits
present ƒ Partially refined and smuggled refined gold for sale to the United Arab Emirates
ƒ Trained national military forces
ƒ Advised national leaders on how to control protests violently
ƒ Augmented national forces with special forces
ƒ Intimidated and committed violent acts against protesters
ƒ Provided weapons to rebel forces
Central 2018– ƒ Transported embargoed weaponry into the country for the national government
African present ƒ Trained national military forces
Republic ƒ Guarded national leaders
ƒ Guarded diamond and gold mines in return for a cut of the profits
ƒ Seized diamond and gold mines from rebel forces
ƒ Reconstructed a collapsed artisanal gold mine (Ndassima) for industrial use
ƒ Partially refined and smuggled refined gold for sale to the United Arab Emirates
ƒ Established a pro-Russian cultural center
ƒ Provided media and social media disinformation against France
ƒ Provided transportation and other support for a (failed) peace effort between government
and rebel leaders
ƒ Augmented Russian-backed national forces with combat special forces against rebels
ƒ Tortured and murdered individuals and committed massacres of local groups not supporting
the Russian-backed government
ƒ Provided election and constitutional referendum support for the Russian-backed
Madagascar 2018 ƒ Guarded chromite mine in return for a cut of the profits (little evidence of success)
ƒ Provided media and social media disinformation against France
ƒ Provided election support for various national candidates (little evidence of success)
Libya 2018– ƒ Maintained weaponry and equipment for warlord Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National
present Army
ƒ Transported weaponry into the country for Russian-backed warlord forces
ƒ Augmented Russian-backed warlord forces with combat snipers and other specialists
ƒ Augmented Russian-backed warlord forces with combat infantry against Turkish-backed
ƒ Trained Russian-backed warlord forces in the use of specialized missile defense technology
ƒ Intimidated local civilians, including via placing post-combat improvised explosive devices
ƒ Augmented Russian-backed warlord forces with combat aviation
ƒ Provided election propaganda support for Russian-backed candidates
Mozambique 2019– ƒ Attempted (and failed) to augment Russian-backed national forces with combat
2020 counterterrorism
Mali 2021– ƒ Provided disinformation against France
present ƒ Trained national military forces
ƒ Guarded national leaders
ƒ Augmented national forces fighting rebels with combat special forces
ƒ Tortured and murdered individuals not supporting the Russian-backed national government
ƒ Committed massacres of ethnic groups (the Fulani) not supporting the Russian-backed
national government
ƒ Possibly guarded mines in return for a cut of the profits (no evidence of success yet)
Ukraine 2022– ƒ Augmented Russian invasion forces with combat infantry (using prisoners)
present ƒ Possibly augmented Russian invasion forces using combat aviation (little evidence)
ƒ Tortured and murdered individuals not supporting the Russian invasion forces

Potential Russian Uses of Paramilitaries in Eurasia

The June 2023 Mutiny Yet within hours Belarusian President Alexander
Prigozhin’s infighting with the Defense Ministry (MoD) Lukashenko appeared to have brokered a negotiated
started in 2017, when the Ministry began withholding settlement: Wagner would temporarily retreat to eastern
weapons and equipment from the Wagner Group. The Ukraine and then relocate to Belarus. Two days later
two sides waged a series of lawsuits over corruption in the Federal Security Service (FSB) said it was dropping
Prigozhin’s military cleaning contracts and the resulting its investigation of Prigozhin, yet authorities raided his
MoD nonpayment.38 The ministry’s disavowal of the office and home. Russian state television broadcasted
Wagner Group in the February 2018 battle with U.S. forces embarrassing images exposing the contents of his home
in Syria may also have been evidence of infighting, some- and office—including millions of dollars of cash and
thing Prigozhin himself later claimed.39 gold bars, an unidentified white powder, and several
Throughout late 2022 and accelerating in 2023, wigs and false passports—as commentators called him a
Prigozhin criticized Russia’s military leadership for its traitor and a criminal.44 Putin himself explicitly labeled
incompetence in fighting the war in Ukraine. As Prigozhin Prigozhin a traitor—the worst of all insults coming from
attempted to raise his political profile, The New York Putin—all but sealing Prigozhin’s eventual fate.
Times reported that Putin met with Prigozhin and Russian Despite this, his driver reportedly visited FSB head-
Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu on February 22, 2023, in quarters in St. Petersburg and recouped large amounts
an attempt to resolve the conflict.40 Meanwhile, Prigozhin of Prigozhin’s cash and guns.45 In mid-July, Putin was
claimed that the chief of the Aerospace Forces and former reported to have held negotiations in the Kremlin with
commander of Russian troops in both Syria and Ukraine, Prigozhin and top Wagner commanders, attempting to
Gen. Sergei Surovikin, was his go-between with the MoD. persuade them to be put under the oversight of Wagner
This mediation appeared to have failed, and Shoigu commander Andrei Troshev, instead of Prigozhin. They
took action against Wagner, ordering its forces to either refused. On July 19, Russian state television aired a
sign direct contracts with the MoD by July 1 or disband. murky video of what appeared to be Prigozhin and Utkin,
Prigozhin responded with outraged refusal. Then on the exhorting Wagner forces now located in Belarus to coop-
night of June 23–24, he led Wagner Group forces in eastern erate with their new hosts and prepare for further work
Ukraine on what he called a “march for justice” toward in Africa. Verified satellite images showed that by the
Moscow, demanding the ouster of Shoigu and Chief of end of July several thousand Wagner forces were located
the General Staff Valery Gerasimov.41 Prigozhin stated at a refurbished military base in Tsel, in the center of
that Putin’s public justifications for the Ukraine war—that Belarus, but with no heavy weaponry. They conducted
NATO enlargement threatened Russia, that Ukraine was exercises with Belarusian forces in Brest on the Polish
about to attack Russia with U.S. and NATO support, and border, raising Polish concerns about their intentions.
that Ukraine needed de-Nazification—were false, and that Meanwhile, Gen. Surovikin, the senior military officer
Putin had been deceived by the MoD. Prigozhin’s men Prigozhin called his MoD interlocutor, was detained in
occupied government buildings and Russia’s Southern early July and removed from his position in August.46
Military District headquarters in Rostov-on-Don, meeting The Russian state reportedly took away Prigozhin’s
no resistance. U.S. intelligence officials believe that the media holdings and evicted his companies from their
mutiny may have been supported by some uniformed new building in St. Petersburg.47 Yet, Prigozhin-linked
Russian officers.42 Telegram social media channels were still active in
A group of 5,000 Wagnerites drove their military Russia weeks after the mutiny, and it is unclear what
vehicles (including a few tanks) north on the M4 highway, will become of his Internet Research Agency (IRA).
making it to within 200 kilometers of Moscow. When (The IRA is the organization indicted by the U.S. Justice
Russian military helicopters and a fixed-wing command Department for its attempts to use social media to influ-
plane flew overhead (it is unclear if they launched strikes ence the 2016 presidential elections.) While some IRA
on Wagner forces), they were downed by Wagner fire, operators, identified as “trolls” by Western analysts, had
and 13 military pilots were killed. Putin appeared on an turned against Prigozhin, others had not.48
emergency television broadcast, warning that the situation For two months after the mutiny, Prigozhin appeared
was similar to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution pulling Russia to move freely in and out of Russia, using his private
out of World War I, and he said the leaders of the uprising airplane. In late July 2023, social media channels friendly
(without using Prigozhin’s name) had committed treason, to Prigozhin showed him in St. Petersburg meeting with
were engaged in a criminal and terrorist adventure, and African dignitaries on the sidelines of the Russia–Africa
would be brought to account.43 Summit, and offering in an audio clip to send Wagner


to help coup leaders in Niger.49 Videos said to have Patriot, RSB Group, and Shchit (Shield now Redut
been filmed in both Belarus and Mali showed him [Redoubt]) companies.54 Redut is reported to have
encouraging Wagner forces to prepare for more Africa entered Ukraine at the start of Russia’s 2022 invasion,
deployments. Then, on August 23, 2023, two months after working as Shchit to guard oil, gas, and phos-
to the day after the mutiny, Prigozhin’s private plane, phate businesses associated with Russian oligarch
apparently carrying him, Utkin, and other Wagner Gennady Timchenko in war-torn Syria since 2018.55 The
Group officials, crashed on a flight between Moscow and now-renamed Redut remains in Syria as of mid-2023.56
St. Petersburg. There were reportedly no survivors. Timchenko has been a loyal Putin crony since the early
1990s in St. Petersburg, and he is much closer to Putin
Anticipating the Proliferation of Similar Groups personally than Prigozhin ever was; this may make Redut
Operating in Eurasia an especially attractive competitor for at least some
Prigozhin’s death following the failed mutiny he led Wagner Group activities in the future.57
raises questions about not just the Wagner Group’s
future, but also the Kremlin’s interest in working with Prigozhin’s death following
paramilitary and semi-state organizations more broadly, the failed mutiny he led raises
given the challenge that Wagner posed to Putin’s rule.
questions about not just the
As this paper posits, the Kremlin’s resource constraints
and lack of institutional bandwidth to support its foreign Wagner Group’s future, but also
policy objectives will likely mean that such groups the Kremlin’s interest in working
persist—and possibly proliferate—as a complementary with paramilitary and semi-state
instrument of the state.
It is important to remember that the Russian state
organizations more broadly,
has a long history of collaboration with informal forces, given the challenge that Wagner
dating back to Tsar Ivan the Terrible’s cooperation posed to Putin’s rule.
with Cossack groups in the 16th century and extending
through Stalin’s rule in the Soviet Union.50 The prolif- The proliferation of PMCs has already been under
eration of informal armed groups in Russia accelerated way since Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, with
after the fall of the Soviet Union, in part because of the media outlets reporting on the creation of several
Russian military’s downsizing—a dynamic that could be new paramilitary organizations in Russia. The United
repeated given the current degradation of the military Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence reported that Russian
in Ukraine. Privatization in Russia in the late 1980s and authorities might seek to encourage the formation of
early 1990s also led to the rise of standard security com- additional private military companies to replace the
panies guarding Russian facilities abroad rather than Wagner Group.58 Reports suggest that Putin has encour-
warfighting. For example, Antiterror Orel was founded aged Russian businessmen to finance volunteer forces;
in the 1990s to protect energy infrastructure and one such businessman is Igor Altushkin, who heads
conduct mine clearing operations in Iraq.51 The group, the Russian Copper Company and sponsors the Ural
which later became a loose confederation of firms in volunteer battalion operating in Ukraine.59 In June
Russia, was primarily composed of former members of 2022, Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov announced
the spetsnaz special forces and Directorate A, a special he was forming four new Akhmat battalions from his
forces unit in Russia’s FSB. Eventually (via an interme- own security forces to fight in Ukraine, and they were
diate group, Moran Security) Antiterror Orel personnel later reported to be cooperating on the front lines with
spawned the Wagner Group.52 The wars in Iraq and Wagner.60 In February 2023, the Russian state-owned
Afghanistan also led to opportunities for the forma- energy company Gazprom created a private military
tion of both formal and informal security companies in corporation with three units—Potok, Fakel, and Plamya—
Russia, including the creation of Lukom-A to protect with varying levels of ties to the Russian Ministry of
Lukoil’s investments in Iraq.53 Defense and to the already existing Redut PMC.61 In
As Russia’s own foreign wars and other military March 2023, Sergey Aksyonov, the head of Russia’s
adventures grew, the tasks of some of these groups occupation regime in Crimea, established PMC Convoy—
morphed to include more combat-oriented roles. By founded in affiliation with the Wagner Group and led
2010, there were an estimated 10 to 20 Russian PMCs by Konstantin Pikalov, the reputed liaison between
serving abroad, including the relatively well-known the Russian Defense Ministry and Prigozhin’s various

Potential Russian Uses of Paramilitaries in Eurasia

operations in Africa.62 In 2020, Pikalov established a St. Despite the continued importance Russia places on
Petersburg-based security company, also called Convoy, Eurasia, however, its invasion of Ukraine has created
which provided surveillance for Wagner against a CNN (and in some cases amplified) challenges in maintaining
investigative team in CAR.63 In June 2023, Roskosmos, the its influence in some parts of the region. Some countries,
Russian space agency, also began recruiting its own militia including Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and the current gov-
to fight in Ukraine.64 ernment of Georgia, have drifted closer to the Kremlin
It seems, then, that Prigozhin and his Wagner Group since the invasion.66 Yet Russia’s relationships with other
created a model that other opportunistic Russian actors regional actors have been challenged by its invasion of
will seek to replicate. A stagnating Russian economy Ukraine. In the aftermath of its invasion of Ukraine, not
and fewer financial resources available to Russia’s elite only will Russia face a depleted military organization
are likely to increase the incentive to establish such and constrained economic resources as a result of the
groups, especially if these organizations can increase sanctions, but it must also contend with the following
opportunities to access new natural resources or other challenges, all of which Moscow could seek to offset
wealth-generating business opportunities. Moreover, through informal fighters and other Wagner-like groups.
after Wagner’s failed mutiny, the Kremlin may prefer
the presence of multiple, smaller semi-state organiza- Growing wariness about Russian intentions.
tions rather than one powerful Wagner-like entity, given
the threat that such a group presented to the Kremlin’s The invasion has introduced tension into key Russian rela-
control. In this way, the paramilitary space may reflect tionships, as some traditional allies (such as Kazakhstan)
what already seems to be under way in the broader polit- are concerned about Russia’s colonial intentions, while
ical system—a fragmentation of the system that is leaving other countries, especially Moldova, fear that they will
it less cohesive. Whatever ultimately happens to the become the next victim of Russia’s military aggres-
Wagner Group, there probably will be a proliferation of sion.67 In Central Asia, most governments have opted
new paramilitary and semi-state organizations that fill in not to openly support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but
for or around it. have also refrained from condemning Moscow for the
invasion. Similarly, some Central Asian leaders are
Russia’s Growing Challenges Could withdrawing from exercises of the Collective Security
Increase Incentives to Deploy Treaty Organization (CSTO), while also cracking down on
protests condemning Russia in their countries.68 Although
Paramilitaries in Eurasia
large swaths of Central Asian publics buy into Moscow’s
narrative of the war, Russia’s recruitment of Central

ooking forward, Russian semi-state security and Asian migrants and prisoners in Russia has tarnished
paramilitary organizations could play a larger role in public views of Russia. In the Balkans, for instance, even
Russia’s approach to Eurasia. One of Russia’s long- longtime Putin ally Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić
standing foreign policy objectives is to keep countries along has announced that Serbia would not stop ammunition
its periphery inside its self-proclaimed sphere of influence. shipments going to Ukraine.69 Belgrade also voted in favor
This goal has arguably increased in importance for Moscow of the March 2022 U.N. General Assembly Resolution
given the challenges from its invasion of Ukraine. Russia condemning Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Russia now faces
is likely to place importance on retaining the loyalty of its growing wariness about its intentions, and many coun-
neighbors and seek to mitigate any deteriorating percep- tries on its periphery are increasing their efforts to chart a
tions of Russian power and its global standing. Russia has course more independent from Moscow.
stepped up its efforts to integrate Belarus into Russian
structures, to undermine Moldova’s pro-Western orienta- Russia’s reduced attractiveness as a security provider and
tion, and to persuade its Georgian neighbor to lean toward economic partner.
Moscow. In Central Asia, meanwhile, there was a steady
stream of visits from Russian officials in the aftermath of Not only are the countries in the region more skep-
the invasion, and Putin held several in-person meetings and tical of their relations with Russia, but Russia’s war in
phone calls with his counterparts.65 In the Western Balkans, Ukraine has diminished the benefits of cooperation with
too, Moscow almost certainly continues to view strong Moscow.70 Many of Russia’s traditional partners, espe-
relations with the region as key to its broader efforts to push cially Tajikistan and Armenia, increasingly resent their
back against Western influence. dependence on a regional great power who will not come

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