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Physics (osjective Type) erp Marist 12 Tienes 15 Minutes e379 GrcSs . Lddeareiilin Amitai nanan Lantdaimdbocwabangte oe cape wba trie msire-eviLD y CB Arata " NOTE: Write answers to the questions on otjeciive answer stent provided. Four possible answers A,8,C 8 D 10 wath questic ‘are given. Which answer-you consider correct, fil he corres ponding circle A,6,C or D given in front of each question with Marke (F pan lak on the snawor shook. provised. 4.4, The teas eaunt of malar rod is: GPL APE 1.1 @ imm (8} 0.1mm (6) 001mm (0) 0.001m 2. The motion of pendulum af clock Is: ett iel IN 2 14) Linear motion eA @ Vivratory mation wisest . (G) Rotsiory mation eintizu (0) Random motion uivples ~ ‘3, Tha formula used (0 find centrifugal force is mete Rite 3 te) @ 2 ae 0) av? ww a ie oo ° - 4, Spring ualanee is used to measure, eiouhAte A (A) Mass: ut (8) Temperate fie ees (0) Tine fe ws PEGE ag OMPSLIL ‘5. Find the magnitude of force if its: me ‘Components are :Fxe4N, and Fys3 FeANaIryEaN eal ou @ < 9 (c) oN (a) 7 7 6. Value of 9 on Mars is: AS ety 6 © O17 6 (C) 8.87 (@) 1.62 7. Abody of mass 2hg has K.E=25). lis speed is: abide -g DES PLE f2 2 (A) 60ms* (8) 125m (C) 25s" Om - 8. The-value of almasphoric pressure-al seo favel is neatly: Pestiypinyet 8 — (a 110300 {8) tostoora @ r01200ea (0) s00930Pa 8. In Einstiens mass enorgy relation G represents: ~eViabcrtomtantredt 9 (A) Speed of Sound Levliut @ Speed otto Lely {C) Speed ofelection 2ley/i {0} Speed of earth tefuty ~10. Tha formuia of Lalent neat of fuson is: grit 10 @4e-"7 (6) 40=CHf (e) 40= ny i sQ=ngy 14. Neat capadily of 6kg of waler having specific heal equal edna Maniihseg 11 fo A200JKg"'K'"is: eee (ay Suk" @ 21000" (6) BaovK {0} o.00110K" 12. The Sunil of thermal conductivity is: eg HASNLE SIP 12 14) kai! (8) kg"? ew (0) wm? ~ 22POB ATE Physics (objective Type) rt . “Marksy 12 ‘Timer 15 Minutes 421613) i = Canali eng tmrngl Esme, vercpehye knibeyhtndiphi til angiacd mfeA Mle vou WED | CB ARE NOTE: Write anawore to the quentions on abjective enower sheet provided. Four possible ansrars AB,C 8 D lo each question ‘me piven. Which answer you consider eorert, fl the corrypancing cicia A\B.C 07 D given in font af e9ch question win Maker OF REN Jak on Ihe anewer sheet provided. 4.4. Tha number of base units in Stic: gait! 31 ws: (6 oe” m9 5 2. Tha'uni of velocity is: ths 2 a ms @as’ ems? (0) m?.s* 3, Tha formula of Newton's secana law of mation is: eebeiightyatie tlt a Q rm 1) pot ©) pa (B) Fata? a m1 4, Tris formula of centipetat acceleration is: etre P4UESE A Mask ©.-5 Ge a8 S, Thounitoftorvois: = - aenigtte gum (8) Net (6) Nm? (0) Nm? 1B. The formula of masa af earth is: . “EPA. 8 Oy, -88 By REN 00) a gh ae aM, me oe. Joule Is equal to: etd 7 @ teinin 48) wats: {C) tJs1N.1n (Dy * 8. Mass-anergy equation Is: ech 8 Eee? | | (a) Esme? (©) Esme @) Ee - @ © 8, “Thetinil of density is; : HN 1A) Kem (8) Kom" (6) Kgen? @ Kam? 40. The Formula of pectic heat is elie 10 40 to) po 42 (6) ea A Qar (0) pe tet, eer - ar mn 20 . 41. The Boling point of lend Is: eM @ isc: (ey 1757" (e) 1752°C () 1753°C "41 “The major source of heal Enargy is: ea hts Az @ su or (C) Eorth 3 {0} Cloud it * 1A) Moon

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