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Welcome to this Super Quick Guide

on Communicate with Confidence.

Are you anxious about your next big

Business Presentation or Corporate
Speaking? Do you always get
butterflies before you step on the
stage? Do you get those sweaty
palms, dry throat and the panic that
your mind has gone blank?

Don’t worry, here you’ll learn the

E4C Framework that will enable
you to deliver an awesome

This a Super Powerful Formula for

Communication, Public Speaking and
Presentation that Work Wonders
Every Time.

You just have to follow the

framework and the step-by-step
guidelines given in this document.
It’s that simple.
Barack Obama
Come on, Let’s start.
My inspiration as a
Sivakumar Palaniappan
Communicator, Speaker and Leader


With more than two decades of work
experience in some of the leading
multinational tech companies, Siva is
passionately into Org Development
and Leadership Mindsets Consulting.

Siva's expertise and

experience in both Line Departments
and Human Resources brings a
holistic combination of business
insights and human behaviour, that
instantly connects with the
managers and leaders.

Siva has helped companies

build a culture of leadership that
transforms their managers into
inspiring leaders. Siva is one of the
most sought-after Consultant,
Coach, Trainer, Motivator and
Speaker on Leadership, Mindset,
Change Management and People

Siva works with some of the

leading organisations in delivering
powerful leadership strategies,
building global mindsets in the
process of building inspiring leaders
for today and tomorrow.


E4C Formula


The further quantum physicists dive into the nature of
reality, the more evidence they are finding that everything
is energy at the most fundamental levels.

E for Energy
• One of the secrets of great speakers
is generating high-energy stage

• No matter what type of speech you

have to give, any style of message
will be more powerful with energy
behind it.

• Ensure that each person in your

audience is feeling as though you're
talking directly to him or her, no
matter how far away they are.

• The larger the group you’re speaking

to, typically the more energy you’ll
have to pump out.

• Start out by matching your

audience’s energy and then take it up
or down based on your speech.


Connect with Your Audience
The moment you connect with your audience they become your buddies.
They are more likely to pay attention and to cooperate with you. Once
connected, listeners will stay with you, as long as the body of your speech
doesn't fail to live up to their expectations.

• Use a hook or grabber as opening part of your speech that compels an

audience to sit up and pay attention.

• Numerous studies suggest that your words in the first 90 seconds

will determine if you will be able to hold your audience’s attention.

• When we speak, these 90 seconds are the key to capture our

audience's attention, establish credibility, orient them to our topic,
and motivate them to listen. Make the best use of those precious
opening seconds.

• You could start by telling a Captivating Story, asking a Rhetorical

Questions, Conflicting Statement, Compelling Statistics or any hook
that will keep your audience connected.

• You could even tell a fable, wisdom tale, historic event, or anecdote
that attracts your audience attention.

In order to
inspire your
listener, you
have to connect
with them.


Set the Context
Setting context is one of the key tasks
you need to do if you want your
listeners to understand and care about
your speech or presentation. It’s best to
set the context right from the start, so
people understand the focus and
significance of your key message.

• Make it contextual by telling a story

or an anecdote of great relevance to
the theme of your speech and to the

• You can tell them what is your

speech is going to be all about.

• You can tell them some of the key

takeaways they could expect from
your speech or presentation.

• Adapt your speech based on the

physical context of the setting like
space, seating arrangements, time of
the day etc.

• Be considerate about the emotional

state of your listeners as well.

The context or the theme you establish will serve as your anchor so that
you don’t get too far off while you prepare your speech.


Deliver your Content
Usually the core content of any speech is
present in the body of the speech or

• Build your content around one central

idea or theme, clearly defined,
supported by reason and evidence
structured with anecdotes, metaphors
and stories, articulated clearly and

• Humanise your talk or presentations

with your personal experiences, your
opinions and your expertise. Dry
speech with facts, statistics and
information will be boring without
human elements to it. Speak from the
heart, not just the head.

• Don’t pack too much of content into

one speech. Have just the right amount
of information. Not too many and not
too little.

• Find and stick to a narrative style that

will best engage your listeners.

• Stick to the primary purpose of your

speech or presentation. Refrain from
making it a sales pitch.


Call to Action
Your listeners might be thoroughly inspired by your message and
narrative, but if they leave without knowing what to do with your ideas,
your presentation will end up becoming ineffectual.

• Close your speech in way it gives your listeners few key actionable
steps they can act on after listening to you.

• Make an explicit appeal to take specific action following your speech.

Keep it precise and don’t give a long laundry list of things to do.

• Give your listeners a compelling reason why they should take the
desired action immediately.

• Craft your speech such that the concluding part is filled with action
words that explains what should be done clearly.

• Best calls to action are framed in the context of your listener’s needs,
fears, hopes, and desires.

If you don’t tell people

exactly what you want
them to do, you can
safely assume they
won’t do it.


Are you aspiring to be better at communicator?
Are you aspiring to grow your Business?
Are you aspiring to grow in your Career?
Do you want to become an Inspiring Leader?

Join us in our 5 Days Online Workshop – “SPEAKHOUR”

on Communication Mastery.

Give us 1 Hour every day, we will

transform you into a Super
Confident Communicator

Click This Link Below to Enrol into Our Next Batch Now


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