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At the end of this section, the students should be able to:

identify William Nelson Joy’s arguements as to why the

future does not need us;
evaluate contemporary human experiences with science and
technology; and

formulate an essay that emphasizes the importance of

humankind in visualizing the future
The development of artfivial intelligence may make robots act or decide
like humans.
This possibility needs reflection regarding ethical considereations
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
concerning robots. intervention.
Automation, increasing sophistication of computers, and robots may be
threatening the usefulness of humans and threatening human
It is an actuated mechanism programmable in two
or more axes with a degree of autonomy, moving
within its environment, to perform intended tasks
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based
on current state and sensing without human
by Dylan Evans

Some countries are drawing ethical codes and legislation regarding human
abuse to robots and vice versa
Means development of emotional
ability to perform robotics
intended tasks based onwhich
currenallows robots
state and sensingto recognize
without human
human expressions of emotion and to engage in behavior that humas

readily perceive as emotional also contributes to the ethical dilemma

regarding robots and humans.
Almost every household contain television sets, mobile phones, and
There are hundreds of millions of mobile phone subscription, millions of
active Facebook accounts, and several hours of mobile phone and computer
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
The Philippines has currently one of the highest digital populations in the
world and is the fastest-growing application market in Southeast Asia.
These devices are used as platforms for advertisements, propaganda, and
advocacies for communication, for information dissemination, as
recreational activity and stress reliever, and as way to bond with family
1. What does it mean for humans to be replaced by
Machines could replace human workers in many job sectors, leading to
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
widespread unemployment andintervention.
economic disruption as traditional forms of
employment become obsolete.

The replacement of humans by machines raises profound ethical questions

Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
about the value of human life, the distribution of resources, and the role of
technology in shaping society.
2. Is the value of a human inversely proportional to that of a machine exhibiting
artificial intelligence?
One argument in favor of the value of a human being inversely proportional
to that
Means of a to
the ability machine
performexhibiting artificial
intended tasks based onintelligence could
curren state and be that
sensing human
without human
beings possess unique qualities such as consciousness, empathy, and

creativity that cannot be replicated by machines.

On the other hand, a counterpoint could be that as machines exhibiting

Means intelligence
the ability to performbecome increasingly
intended tasks capable,
based on curren statethey may outperform
and sensing without human
humans in various tasks, leadingintervention.
to a devaluation of human labor and skills
in certain domains.
3. How do we guard against mistakes committed by machines?
One way to guard against mistakes committed by machines is through
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
rigorous testing, regulation, intervention.
and oversight of artificial intelligence

However, a potential drawback of relying solely on testing and regulation is

Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
that it may not be sufficient to prevent all mistakes or errors committed by
4. a robot injures someone, is the designer to blame, or the user, or the
robot itself?
In the scenario where a robot injures someone, one argument could be that
Means designer of the intended
ability to perform robot bears some
tasks based responsibility
on curren for the
state and sensing incident.
without human
Designers are tasked with creating AI systems and robots that operate

safely and ethically.

However, placing sole blame on the designer overlooks other potential

factors that may have contributed to the accident. Users of AI systems also
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
play a crucial role in ensuring safe operation. If a user fails to follow proper
instructions or misuses the robot, they may share responsibility for any
resulting harm.
5. If robots can feel pain, should they be granted certain rights?
If robots were capable of feeling pain, some argue that they should be
Means certain
the ability rights
to perform to protect
intended their
tasks based well-being.
on curren state andGranting rights
sensing without to
sentient beings, including robots, could ensure that they are treated
ethically and with respect.

On the other hand, granting rights to robots capable of feeling pain raises
Means ethical
the ability and practical
to perform challenges.
intended tasks Determining
based on curren whether
state and sensing a robot
without human
genuinely experiences pain in aintervention.
subjective sense, akin to humans or other
sentient beings, may be difficult or even impossible.
6. If robots develop emotions, as some experts think they will, should they be
allowed to marry humans?
Allowing robots to marry could enhance social acceptance and integration,
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
fostering empathy and understanding intervention.between humans and sentient

However, there are significant ethical and practical considerations that

arise from the idea of allowing robots to marry humans. One concern is the
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
potential for exploitation or manipulation,
intervention. as robots may lack the same
level of autonomy, agency, and understanding of marriage and its
implications as humans.
7. Should robots be allowed to own property?
Allowing robots to own property could enable them to acquire and manage
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
resources necessary for theirintervention.
operation and maintenance, which could
ultimately benefit human users and stakeholders.

However, there are several ethical and practical concerns associated with
allowing robots to own property. One significant concern is the potential
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
for concentration of wealth and power in the hands of robot owners,
particularly if robots were to accumulate property and resources without
appropriate regulation or oversight.
8. If we see machines as increasingly human-like, will we come to see
ourselves as more machine like?
If we perceive machines as increasingly human-like, it may lead to a
Means acceptance
the ability ofintended
to perform human-machine
tasks basedintegration and
on curren state andaugmentation. This
sensing without human
could result in the development of technologies that enhance human

abilities and extend our capacities beyond biological limitations.

On the other hand, viewing ourselves as more machine-like could erode our
sense of identity, autonomy, and humanity. If we become overly reliant on
Means the ability to perform intended tasks based on curren state and sensing without human
technology to define and fulfill our needs, it may diminish our appreciation
for the unique aspects of human existence, such as creativity, emotion, and
parents argue that they make children lazy and unhealthy
people become alienated from other people because they are
fixated with these devices. Instead of connecting people, they
tend to seperate them
people whoe are unable to distinguish from what is right and
wrong are exposed to things which are not suitable for them.
awe begin to lose our way of concentration and
contemplation and we began to lose interest in reading
longish articles or books.
instead, we rely on the speed and ease of the internet.
William Nelson Joy, April 200

William Nelson Joy, an American computer scientist and chief scientist of Sun Microsystems,
wrote an article for wired magazine entitled why the future doesn’t need us?
Joy warned against the rapid rise of new technologies
He explained that 21st century technologies - genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR)
- are becoming very powerful that they can potentially bring about new classes accidents,
threats, and abuses.
He further warned that these dangers are even more pressing because they do not require
large facilities or even rare materials
knowledge alone will make them potentially harmful to humans
William Nelson Joy, April 200

He argued that robotic, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology pose much greater
threats that technological developments that have come before.
He cited the ability of nanobots to self-replicate, which could quickly get out of control
He also voiced out about the rapid increase of computer power
He was also concerned that computers will eventually become more intelligent that
humans, thus societies into dystopian visions, such as robot rebellions.
William Nelson Joy, April 200

Joy's article tackles the unpleasant and uncomfortable possibilities that a

senseless approach to scientific and technological advancements may bring.
It is very unavoidable to think of a future that will no longer need the human race.
It makes thinking of the roles and obligations of every stakeholder a necessary
component of scientific and technological advancement.
In this case, it is very necessary that the scientific community, governments, and
businesses engage in a discussion to determine the safeguards of humans against
the potential dangers of science and technology.

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